
    ModuleVersion    = ''
    RootModule       = 'ugit.psm1'
    FormatsToProcess = 'ugit.format.ps1xml'
    TypesToProcess   = 'ugit.types.ps1xml'
    Guid             = '32323806-1d4a-485b-a64b-c502b0468847'
    Author           = 'James Brundage'
    Copyright        = '2022 Start-Automating'    
    CompanyName      = 'Start-Automating'
    Description      = 'ugit: Updated Git.

A powerful PowerShell wrapper for git that lets you extend git, automate multiple repos, and use the object pipeline.'

PrivateData   = @{
    PSData    = @{
        Tags       = 'PowerShell', 'git'
        ProjectURI = ''
        LicenseURI = ''
        ReleaseNotes = @'
* Fixing git status duplicate message (#49)
## 0.1.9:
* Support for eventing (#42)
* Autogeneration of docs (#43)
* Autogeneration of formatting (#44)
* Fixing git status formatting (#45)

## 0.1.8:
* Adding Support for git checkout (#38)
* Use-Git: Avoiding unwanted confirmation ( Fixing #39 )

## 0.1.7:
* Use-Git: -Verbose no longer infers --verbose (#10)
* Out-Git: Support for extension caching (#35)
* Out-Git: Using -ErrorAction Ignore when -Verbose is not passed (#36)
* Get-UGitExtension: Updating Piecemeal Version [0.2.1]. (Re #32 #36)

## 0.1.6
* Adding support / formatting for git pull (#26)
* Out-Git: Extension Improvements (#33)

## 0.1.5
* Adding git.log .Checkout() and Revert() (#27, #28)
* Fixing formatting for git diff (#25)
* Out-Git: Adding History (#30)
* Use-Git: SupportsShouldProcess (#29)
## 0.1.4
* Adding git.log.reset() (#20)
* Adding git clone extension (#17)
* Use-Git: Running certain git commands when there is no repo (currently clone and init)
* Use-Git: Support for progress bars (#18). Warning when repo not found (#21)
* git branch extension: Adding example
* Highlighting branch name (fixing #19)
## 0.1.3
* Updating git.log extension: Adding .Merged (#16)
* Updating git push extension: Support for first push (#14)
* Adding .output to automatic typenames (Fixing #11)
* Adding .ToString to git.branch and git.branch.detail (#9)
* Updating git branch extension: Fixing --delete behavior (#13)
* Use-Git: Support for -d/-D/-v/-V (#12). -Verbose implies --verbose (#10)
## 0.1.2
* Support for git push (#7)
* Adding .Amend/.UpdateMessage to (#6)
## 0.1.1
* Support for git commit (#4)
## 0.1
* Initial Release of ugit
