
    Git Clone extended input
    Extends the input for git clone.

    By default, if --progress is not found, it will be added to any git clone.
    git clone https://github.com/MDN/content.git # This is a big repo. Progress bars will be very welcome.
    # If we don't check things out, cloning is faster.
    git clone https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell -NoCheckout
    # (of course, that's because we're not copying files, just history)
    # We can also clone more quickly by only picking a certain number of commits
    git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode.git -Depth 1
    # (of course, this will make the history lie to you,
    # by saying everything was changed whenever anything was changed)

[ValidatePattern('^git clone')]
# If set, will not check out files from the respository.

# Employ a sparse-checkout.
# Only files in the toplevel directory will be present by default.
# Sparse checkout can be configured with git sparse-checkout.

# Create a shallow clone with a history truncated to the specified number of commits

# Create a shallow clone with a history after the specified time.

# One or more filters

# If set, will clone nothing.
# This means not checking out, filtering everything from the tree, and using sparse checkout

# If we're cloning nothing, it means:
if ($Nothing) {
    $NoCheckout = $true # * No checking out
    $Sparse = $true # * Sparse checkouts only
    $filter = "tree:0" # * Pick nothing from the tree
    $Depth = 1 # * With a depth of 1

if ($Depth) {

if ($NoCheckout) {'--no-checkout'}

if ($Sparse) {'--sparse'}

if ($Since) {"--shallow-since=$($Since.ToString('o'))"}

if ($filter) {
    foreach ($gitFilter in $filter) {

if ($gitArgument -notcontains '--progress') {