
    git branch extension
    Outputs git branch as objects (unless, -m, -c, -column, -format, or -show-current are passed)
    git branch # Get a list of branches
    git branch | # Get all branches
        Where-Object -Not IsCurrentBranch | # where it is not the current branch
        Where-Object BranchName -NotIn 'main', 'master' | # and the name is not either main or master
        git branch -d # then attempt to delete the branch.

[Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Out","Git")]           # It's an extension for Out-Git
[ValidatePattern("^git branch",Options='IgnoreCase')] # when the pattern is "git branch"
[OutputType('git.branch', 'git.branch.deleted','git.branch.detail')]

begin {
    If any of these parameters are used, we will skip processing.

    $SkipIf = 'm', 'c', 'column','format', 'show-current' -join '|'
    if ($gitCommand -match "\s-{1,2}(?>$SkipIf)")      { continue }
    $allBranches = @()
process {
    # If -d or -delete was passed
    if ($gitCommand -match '\s-(?>d|-delete)') {
        # and we have a confirmation of the branch being deleted
        if ("$gitout" -match '^Deleted branch (?<BranchName>\S+) \(was (?<BranchHash>[0-9a-f]+)\)') {
            # Output a 'git.branch.deleted' object
                PSTypeName = 'git.branch.deleted'
                DeletedBranchName = $Matches.BranchName
                BranchHash = $Matches.BranchHash
                GitRoot = $GitRoot
        } elseif (-not ("$gitout" -replace '\s')) { # Otherwise, if there was content on the line
            $gitout # output it.

    # Current branches will start with an asterisk. Convert this to a boolean.
    $IsCurrentBranch = ("$gitOut" -match '^\*\s' -as [bool])

    # If the -verbose flag was passed, we have more information in a more predictable fashion.
    if ($gitCommand -match '\s-(?:v|-verbose)'){
        # The branch name and hash are each separated by spaces. Everything else is a commit message.
        $branchName, $branchHash, $lastCommitMessage = "$gitOut" -replace '^[\*\s]+' -split '\s+' -ne ''
        # All this to this of all branches (we will sort them at the end).
        $allBranches += [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{
            PSTypeName       = 'git.branch.detail'
            BranchName       = $branchName
            BranchHash       = $branchHash
            CommitMessage    = $lastCommitMessage -join ' '
            IsCurrentBranch  = $IsCurrentBranch
            GitRoot          = $GitRoot
    } else {
        # If verbose wasn't passed, the branchname is any whitepsace.
        # If remotes were passed, then they may start with origin. We can replace this.
        $branchName      = "$gitOut" -replace '^[\s\*]+' -replace '^origin/'

        # Add the output to the list of all branches
        $allBranches += [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{
            PSTypeName       = 'git.branch'
            BranchName       = $branchName
            IsCurrentBranch  = $IsCurrentBranch
            GitRoot          = $GitRoot
    # If the user passed their own --sort parameter,
    if ($gitCommand -match '\s--sort') {
        $allBranches[-1]    # don't sort for them and output the branch,
        $allBranches = @()  # and reset the list of all branches.

end {
    # If no --sort was passed,
    $allBranches |
        Sort-Object @{ # then put the current branch first
            BranchName # and sort the rest alphabetically.