
    git config list extension
    Parses the output of git config --list int a PowerShell object.
    git config --list
    git config --global --list
    git config --list --local
    git config --list --show-origin

[Management.Automation.Cmdlet("Out","Git")]         # It extends Out-Git
[ValidatePattern('^[\S]{0,}git config[\s\S]{1,}--list')]

begin {
    $configLines = @()

process {
    $configLines += "$gitOut"

end {
    $configEntries = [Ordered]@{}

    # Only lines containing an = are considered configuration entries
    foreach ($configLine in $configLines -match '=') {
        # Split the line into key and value
        $key, $value = $configLine -split '=', 2
        # If the key starts with file:, replace spaces with ? and convert to URI
        if ($key -match '^file:') {
            $key = $key -replace '\s', '?' -as [uri]
        # If there are no entries, set the value
        if (-not $configEntries[$key]) {
            $configEntries[$key] = $value
        } else {
            # If there are multiple entries, convert to array
            $configEntries[$key] = @($configEntries[$key]) + $value

    # If there were any entries,
    if ($configEntries.Count) {
        # create a custom object
        $configObject = [PSCustomObject]$configEntries
        # decorate it as a 'git.config.list' object
        # and output it.
    } else {
        # If there were no entries, output the original lines