
    Get current vCloud Director connection. Show Menu (used ps-menu) for two or more connections.
    Get current vCloud Director connection. Show Menu (used ps-menu) for two or more connections.
    $connection = Get-Connection
    Cmdlet return object with vCloud Director connection from $global:DefaultCIServers array or show error with proposal to connect

function Get-Connection {
    switch ($global:DefaultCIServers.Count) {        
        0 { throw "You are not currently connected to any servers. Please connect first using a Connect-CIServer cmdlet."; $null; break }
        1 { $global:DefaultCIServers[0]; break }
        Default {
            Write-Host "Select vCloud Director Connection" -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Red
            Menu $global:DefaultCIServers

    Executes a request to the REST API vCloud Director endpoint and return xml object
    Executes a request to the REST API vCloud Director endpoint and return xml object. Supports Get, Post, Put and Delete methods.
    $adminObj = Invoke-vCloudRequest -Href "https://vcloud.fqdn/api/admin" -Method Get
    $vAppObj = Invoke-vCloudRequest -Href "https://vcloud.fqdn/api/vApp/vapp-1" -Method Get
    $vAppObj.VApp.Description = "add description"
    Invoke-vCloudRequest -Href "https://vcloud.fqdn/api/vApp/vapp-1" -Method Put -ContentType "application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml" -Body $vAppObj
    This example demonstrate update vApp process.
    Cmdlet return XML Object

function Invoke-vCloudRequest {
    #region Params
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string]$Version = '35.0',
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("Get", "Post", "Put", "Delete")]
    $connection = Get-Connection

    if ($connection -ne $null -and $connection.IsConnected) {
        $webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
        $webclient.Headers.Add("x-vcloud-authorization", $connection.SessionSecret)
        $webclient.Headers.Add("Accept", "application/*+xml;version=$Version")
        $webclient.Headers.Add("Accept-Language: en")
        if ($ContentType) {
            $webclient.Headers.Add("Content-Type", $ContentType)
        else {
            $webclient.Headers.Add("Content-Type", 'application/xml')
        if ($method -ne "Get") {
            if ($Body -and $Body.gettype() -eq [string]) {
                [byte[]]$byteArray = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($Body)
            elseif ($Body -and $Body.gettype() -eq [xml]) {
                [byte[]]$byteArray = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($Body.OuterXml)
            else {
                throw "Body parameter has wrong type. Use [string] or [xml] types"
        switch ($Method) {
            "Get" {
                try {
                    [xml]$xmlResponse = $webclient.DownloadString([uri]::EscapeUriString($Href))
                catch {
                    throw "An error occured attempting to make HTTP GET against $Href"
                return $xmlResponse
            "Post" {
                try {
                    $UploadData = $webclient.UploadData($Href, "POST", $bytearray)
                catch {
                    throw "An error occured attempting to make HTTP POST against $Href"
            "Put" {
                try {
                    $UploadData = $webclient.UploadData($Href, "PUT", $bytearray)
                catch {
                    throw "An error occured attempting to make HTTP PUT against $Href"

            "Delete" {
                try {
                    $UploadData = $webclient.UploadData($Href, "DELETE", $bytearray)
                catch {
                    throw "An error occured attempting to make HTTP DELETE against $Href"


    Find objects in vCloud Database using Query Service
    Find objects in vCloud Database using Query Service
    Find-vCloudObject -Format records -QueryType adminOrgVdcStorageProfile -Filter "name==my storage policy name"
    Query Filter Expressions:
    == | attribute==value | Matches. The example evaluates to true if attribute has a value that matches value in a case-sensitive comparison. Note Asterisk (*) characters that appear anywhere in value are treated as wildcards that match any character string. When value includes wildcards, the comparison with attribute becomes case-insensitive.
    != | attribute!=value | Does not match. The example evaluates to true if attribute has a value that does not match value in a case-sensitive comparison. Wildcard characters are not allowed.
    ; | attribute1==value1;attribute2!=value2 | Logical AND. The example evaluates to true only if attribute1 has a value that matches value1 and attribute2 has a value that does not match value2 in a case-sensitive comparison.
    , | attribute1==value1,attribute2==value2 | Logical OR. The example evaluates to true if attribute1 has a value that matches value1 or attribute2 has a value that matches value2 in a case-sensitive comparison.
    =gt= | attribute=gt=value | Greater than. The example evaluates to true if attribute has a value that is greater than value. Both attribute and value must be of type int, long, or dateTime.
    =lt= | attribute=lt=value | Less than. The example evaluates to true if attribute has a value that is less than value. Both attribute and value must be of type int, long, or dateTime.
    =ge= | attribute=ge=value | Greater than or equal to. The example evaluates to true if attribute has a value that is greater than or equal to value. Both attribute and value must be of type int, long, or dateTime.
    =le= | attribute=le=value | Less than or equal to. The example evaluates to true if attribute has a value that is less than or equal to value. Both attribute and value must be of type int, long, or dateTime.
    Cmdlet return XML Object

function Find-vCloudObject {
    #region Params
        [ValidateSet("references", "records", "idrecords")]
        [string]$Format = "references",
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("aclRule", "adminAllocatedExternalAddress", "adminApiDefinition", "adminCatalog", "adminCatalogItem", "adminDisk", "adminEvent", "adminFileDescriptor", "adminGroup", "adminMedia", "adminOrgNetwork", "adminOrgVdc", "adminOrgVdcStorageProfile", "adminRole", "adminService", "adminShadowVM", "adminTask", "adminUser", "adminVApp", "adminVAppNetwork", "adminVAppTemplate", "adminVM", "adminVMDiskRelation", "apiDefinition", "apiFilter", "blockingTask", "cell", "condition", "datastore", "datastoreProviderVdcRelation", "dvSwitch", "edgeGateway", "event", "externalLocalization", "externalNetwork", "fileDescriptor", "fromCloudTunnel", "host", "networkPool", "organization", "orgVdcNetwork", "orgVdcResourcePoolRelation", "portgroup", "providerVdc", "providerVdcResourcePoolRelation", "providerVdcStorageProfile", "resourceClass", "resourceClassAction", "resourcePool", "resourcePoolVmList", "right", "role", "service", "serviceLink", "serviceResource", "strandedItem", "strandedUser", "task", "toCloudTunnel", "vAppOrgNetworkRelation", "vAppOrgVdcNetworkRelation", "vchsEdgeGateway", "vchsOrgVdcNetwork", "virtualCenter", "vmGroups", "vmGroupVms")]
        [string]$PageSize = "25"
    $connection = Get-Connection

    if ($connection -ne $null -and $connection.IsConnected) {
        Invoke-vCloudRequest -Href "$($connection.ServiceUri)query?type=$QueryType&pageSize=$PageSize&format=$Format&filter=$Filter" -Method Get


    Removing vApp Network from running vApp. (You can not do this action when running vApp from the UI.)
    Removing vApp Network from running vApp. (You can not do this action when running vApp from the UI.)
    Remove-vAppNetwork -OrgVdv "My Org Vdc" -vAppName "My vApp" -NeworkName "My network"
    Return XML Object with update vApp task object (May be used for request task status)

function Remove-vAppNetwork {
    #region Params
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    $OrgVdcLink = Find-vCloudObject -QueryType adminOrgVdc -Filter "name==$OrgVdc"

    switch ($ {
        "0" { throw ("`"$OrgVdc`" not exists"); Break }
        "1" {
            $OrgVdcDef = Invoke-vCloudRequest -Method Get -Href $OrgVdcLink.AdminVdcReferences.AdminVdcReference.href

            if (($OrgVdcDef.AdminVdc.ResourceEntities.ResourceEntity | Where-Object { $ -eq $vAppName -and $_.type -eq 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml' }) -ne $null) {
                $vAppDef = Invoke-vCloudRequest -Href ($OrgVdcDef.AdminVdc.ResourceEntities.ResourceEntity | Where-Object { $ -eq $vAppName -and $_.type -eq 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.vApp+xml' }).href -Method Get

                $question = "Delete `'$NetworkName`' from `'$vAppName`'?"
                $message = 'Are you sure you want to proceed?'

                $choices = New-Object Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription]
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList 'Yes'))
                $choices.Add((New-Object Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription -ArgumentList '&No'))

                if (($vAppDef.VApp.NetworkConfigSection.NetworkConfig | Where-Object { $_.networkName -eq $NetworkName }) -ne $null) {
                    $networkConfigSection = Invoke-vCloudRequest -Method Get -Href $vAppDef.vapp.NetworkConfigSection.href
                    $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($message, $question, $choices, 1)

                    if ($decision -eq 0) {
                        if ($networkConfigSection.NetworkConfigSection.NetworkConfig -is [array]) {
                            $i = 0

                            for ($i; $i -le $networkConfigSection.NetworkConfigSection.NetworkConfig.Count - 1; $i++) {
                                if ($networkConfigSection.NetworkConfigSection.NetworkConfig[$i].networkName -eq $NetworkName) {

                            Invoke-vCloudRequest -Method Put -Href $networkConfigSection.NetworkConfigSection.href -ContentType $networkConfigSection.NetworkConfigSection.type -Body $networkConfigSection

                        else {
                            if ($networkConfigSection.NetworkConfigSection.NetworkConfig.networkName -eq $NetworkName) {

                            Invoke-vCloudRequest -Method Put -Href $networkConfigSection.NetworkConfigSection.href -ContentType $networkConfigSection.NetworkConfigSection.type -Body $networkConfigSection

                else {
                    throw "`"$NetworkName`" not found in `"$vAppName`""

            else {

                throw "`"$vAppName`" not found in `"$OrgVdc`""

        default { throw "WTF??!" }

    } #switch

function Show-DatastoreThreasholds {

    $connection = Get-Connection

    $datastores = Invoke-vCloudRequest -Href "$($connection.ServiceUri)admin/extension/datastores" -Method Get

    $out = @()
    $i = 1
    foreach ($datastore in $datastores.DatastoreReferences.Reference) {
        $percent = [math]::Round($i / [int]$datastores.DatastoreReferences.Reference.Count * 100, 0)
        Write-Progress -Activity "Get info about $($datastore.Name)" -PercentComplete $percent
        $ds = Invoke-vCloudRequest -Href $datastore.href -Method Get
        $obj = New-Object PSCustomObject -Property ([ordered]@{
                'Name'              = $datastore.Name;
                'ThresholdYellowGb' = $ds.Datastore.ThresholdYellowGb;
                'ThresholdRedGb'    = $ds.Datastore.ThresholdRedGb;
                'vCenterServer'     = $
        $out += $obj

    return $out

function Get-OrgNameById {
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $connection = Get-Connection  

    $connection.ExtensionData.OrganizationReferences.OrganizationReference | Where-Object { $_.Href -like "*$Id*" } | Select -ExpandProperty Name

Export-ModuleMember -Function "Find-*", "Invoke-*", "Remove-*", "Show-*", "Get-*"