
function Get-VMSpeculativeExecution {
       Get VM compliance on VMSA-2018-0004 Security Advisory
       Will validate VM for VMware Security Advisory VMSA-2018-0004 Compliance (
       File Name : Get-VMSpeculativeExecution.ps1
       Author : Edgar Sanchez - @edmsanchez13
       Contributor : Ariel Sanchez - @arielsanchezmor
       Version : 2.4.3
       Specifies the virtual machine(s) which you want to validate compliance on.
       C:\PS> Get-VM -Server $VCServer | Get-VMSpeculativeExecution
       Retrieves the compliance status on Spectre of all virtual machines which run in the $VCServer vCenter Server.
       C:\PS> Get-VM -Name "labvm001" | Get-VMSpeculativeExecution
       Name : labvm001
       Power State : PoweredOn
       Hardware Version : v10
       ESXi Host : labhost010
       ESXi CPUID Features : IBPB,IBRS,STIBP
       VM CPUID Features : STIBP,IBRS,IBPB
       SafeFromSpectre : True
       C:\PS> Get-VM -Location "MyClusterName" | Get-VMSpeculativeExecution
       Retrieves the compliance status on Spectre of all virtual machines which run in the "MyClusterName" cluster.
       C:\PS> Get-VMHost "MyESXiHostName" | Get-VM | Get-VMSpeculativeExecution
       Retrieves the compliance status on Spectre of all virtual machines which run on the "MyESXiHostName" ESXi host.
      C:\PS> Get-VMHost "MyESXiHostName" | Get-VM | Get-VMSpeculativeExecution | Export-Excel "VMValidation.xlsx" -WorkSheetname "VMresults"
       Retrieves the compliance status on Spectre of all virtual machines which run on the "MyESXiHostName" ESXi host and exports to Excel
       This advanced function assumes that you are connected to at least one vCenter Server system.

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipeLine = $true,
            ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName = $True,
            Position = 0)]
        [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.Inventory.VirtualMachine[]] $VM
      Main code execution

    Process {
        $vmCollection = @()
        $hostCpuidCollection = @()
        $hostList = $vm | Select-Object -ExpandProperty VMhost -Unique
        foreach ($esxhost in $hostList) {
            $hostCpuidCollection += [PSCustomObject]@{
                'Name'              = $esxhost.Name
                'FeatureCapability' = $esxhost.ExtensionData.Config.FeatureCapability
            } #END [PSCustomObject]
        } #END foreach

        foreach ($oneVM in $VM) {
            $vmhost = $vm.VMHost
            if ($vmhost.Parent.EVCMode) {
                $clusEvcMode = $vmhost.Parent.EVCMode
            else {
                $clusEvcMode = "Disabled"
            } #END if/else
            $hostCpuPcid = $false
            $hostMcuCpuid = $null
            $vmMcuCpuid = $null
            $vmCpuPcid = $null
            $powerOnEvent = $null
            $hardwareVersion = ($oneVM.Version.ToString()).Split('v')[1]
            $hostFeatureCapability = $hostCpuidCollection | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $oneVM.VMHost.Name} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FeatureCapability
            $hostCpuid = $hostFeatureCapability | Where-Object {$_.FeatureName -eq "cpuid.IBRS" -and $_.Value -eq "1" -or $_.Featurename -eq "cpuid.IBPB" -and $_.Value -eq "1" -or $_.Featurename -eq "cpuid.STIBP" -and $_.Value -eq "1"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FeatureName
            $hostInvPcid = $hostFeatureCapability | Where-Object {$_.FeatureName -eq "cpuid.INVPCID" -and $_.Value -eq "1"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FeatureName
            $hostPcid = $hostFeatureCapability | Where-Object {$_.Featurename -eq "cpuid.PCID" -and $_.Value -eq "1"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FeatureName
            $vmFeatureRequirement = $oneVM.ExtensionData.Runtime.FeatureRequirement
            $vmCpuid = $vmFeatureRequirement | Where-Object {$_.FeatureName -eq "cpuid.IBRS" -or $_.Featurename -eq "cpuid.IBPB" -or $_.Featurename -eq "cpuid.STIBP"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FeatureName
            $vmPcid = $vmFeatureRequirement | Where-Object {$_.FeatureName -eq "cpuid.INVPCID" -or $_.Featurename -eq "cpuid.PCID"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FeatureName
            if ($oneVM.Guest.OSFullName) {
                $vmGuestOs = $oneVM.Guest.OSFullName
            else {
                $vmGuestOs = $oneVM.ExtensionData.Config.GuestFullName
            } #END if
            if ($hostInvPcid -and $hostPcid) {
                $hostCpuPcid = $true
            } #End if

                  Validate VM Hardware

            Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tValidating VM Hardware")
            if ([int]$hardwareVersion -ge "9" -and $vm.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn") {
                if ($hostCpuid) {
                    if ($vmCpuid) {
                        $spectreStatus = "Supported/Enabled"
                    else {
                        $spectreStatus = "Supported/Disabled"
                    } #END if/else
                else {
                    $spectreStatus = "NotSupported/Disabled"
                } #END if/else
                if ($hostCpuPcid) {
                    if ([int]$hardwareVersion -ge "11") {
                        if ($vmPcid.Count -eq "2") {
                            $pcidStatus = "Supported/Enabled"
                        else {
                            $pcidStatus = "Supported/Disabled"
                        } #END if/else
                    else {
                        $pcidStatus = "Supported/Upgrade VM Hardware"
                    } #END if/else
                else {
                    $pcidStatus = "NotSupported/NA"
                } #END if/else
                $powerOnEvents = $vm | Get-VIEvent -MaxSamples ([int]::MaxValue) -Types Info | Where-Object {$_ -is [VMware.Vim.VmPoweredOnEvent]}
                if ($powerOnEvents) {
                    $sortedEvents = Sort-Object -InputObject $powerOnEvents -Property CreatedTime -Descending
                    $powerOnEvent = ($sortedEvents | Select-Object -First 1).CreatedTime
                } #END if
            else {
                if ([int]$hardwareVersion -ge "9" -and $vm.PowerState -eq "PoweredOff") {
                    $spectreStatus = "UnknownSinceOff"
                    $pcidStatus = "UnknownSinceOff"
                else {
                    $spectreStatus = "Supported/Upgrade VM Hardware"
                    if ($hostCpuPcid) {
                        $pcidStatus = "Supported/Upgrade VM Hardware"
                    else {
                        $pcidStatus = "NotSupported/NA"
                    } #END if
                } #END if/else
            } #END if/else
            if ($hostCpuid) {
                $hostMcuCpuid = (@($hostCpuid.split('.') | Where-Object {$_ -ne "cpuid"}) -join ',')
            } #END if/else
            if ($vmCpuid) {
                $vmMcuCpuid = (@($vmCpuid.split('.') | Where-Object {$_ -ne "cpuid"}) -join ',')
            } #END if/else
            if ($vmPcid) {
                $vmCpuPcid = (@($vmPcid.split('.') | Where-Object {$_ -ne "cpuid"}) -join ',')
            } #END if/else

              Use a custom object to store
              collected data

            $info = New-Object PSObject
            $info | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'Name' -Value $oneVM.Name
            $info | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'Power state' -Value $oneVM.PowerState
            $info | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'VM Guest OS' -Value $vmGuestOs
            $info | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'ESXi Host' -Value $vmhost.Name
            $info | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'Cluster EVC mode' -Value $clusEvcMode
            $info | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'Hardware version' -Value $oneVM.Version
            $info | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'ESXi MCU CPUID' -Value $hostMcuCPuid
            $info | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'ESXi PCID/INVPCID' -Value $hostCpuPcid
            $info | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'VM MCU CPUID' -Value $vmMcuCpuid
            $info | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'VM PCID/INVPCID' -Value $vmCpuPcid
            $info | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'Last PoweredOn' -Value $powerOnEvent
            $info | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'Hypervisor-Assisted Guest mitigation' -Value $spectreStatus
            $info | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'PCID optimization' -Value $pcidStatus

            $vmCollection += $info        
        } #END foreach
    } #END process
} #END function