
function Get-ESXNetworking {
       Get ESXi Networking Details.
       Will get Physical Adapters, Virtual Switches, and Port Groups
       All this can be gathered for a vSphere Cluster, Datacenter or individual ESXi host
       File Name : Get-ESXNetworking.ps1
       Author : Edgar Sanchez - @edmsanchez13
       Contributor : Ariel Sanchez - @arielsanchezmor
       Version : 2.4.6
       No inputs required
       CSV file
       Excel file
     .PARAMETER VMhost
       The name(s) of the vSphere ESXi Host(s)
       Get-ESXNetworking -VMhost devvm001.lab.local
     .PARAMETER Cluster
       The name(s) of the vSphere Cluster(s)
       Get-ESXNetworking -Cluster production
     .PARAMETER Datacenter
       The name(s) of the vSphere Virtual DataCenter(s)
       Get-ESXNetworking -Datacenter vDC001
       Switch to export all data to CSV file. File is saved to the current user directory from where the script was executed. Use -folderPath parameter to specify a alternate location
       Get-ESXNetworking -Cluster production -ExportCSV
     .PARAMETER ExportExcel
       Switch to export all data to Excel file (No need to have Excel Installed). This relies on ImportExcel Module to be installed.
       ImportExcel Module can be installed directly from the PowerShell Gallery. See for more information
       File is saved to the current user directory from where the script was executed. Use -folderPath parameter to specify a alternate location
       Get-ESXNetworking -Cluster production -ExportExcel
     .PARAMETER PhysicalAdapters
       Switch to get Physical Adapter details including uplinks to vswitch and CDP/LLDP Information
       This is default option that will get processed if no switch parameter is provided.
       Get-ESXNetworking -Cluster production -PhysicalAdapters
     .PARAMETER VMkernelAdapters
       Switch to get VMkernel Adapter details including Enabled services
       Get-ESXNetworking -Cluster production -VMkernelAdapters
     .PARAMETER VirtualSwitches
       Switch to get Virtual switches details including port groups.
       Get-ESXNetworking -Cluster production -VirtualSwitches
     .PARAMETER folderPath
       Specificies an alternate folder path of where the exported file should be saved.
       Get-ESXNetworking -Cluster production -ExportExcel -folderPath C:\temp
     .PARAMETER PassThru
       Returns the object to console
       Get-ESXNetworking -VMhost devvm001.lab.local -PassThru

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            ParameterSetName = "VMhost")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            ParameterSetName = "Cluster")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,
            ParameterSetName = "DataCenter")]
    $PhysicalAdapterCollection = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
    $VMkernelAdapterCollection = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
    $VirtualSwitchesCollection = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
    $skipCollection = @()
    $vHostList = @()
    $date = Get-Date -format s
    $date = $date -replace ":", "-"
    $outputFile = "Networking" + $date

    $stopWatch = [system.diagnostics.stopwatch]::startNew()
      Query PowerCLI and vDocumentation versions if
      running Verbose

    if ($VerbosePreference -eq "continue") {
        Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tPowerCLI Version:")
        Get-Module -Name VMware.* | Select-Object -Property Name, Version | Format-Table -AutoSize
        Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tvDocumentation Version:")
        Get-Module -Name vDocumentation | Select-Object -Property Name, Version | Format-Table -AutoSize
    } #END if

      Check for an active connection to a VIServer

    Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tValidate connection to a vSphere server")
    if ($Global:DefaultViServers.Count -gt 0) {
        Write-Host "`tConnected to $Global:DefaultViServers" -ForegroundColor Green
    else {
        Write-Error -Message "You must be connected to a vSphere server before running this Cmdlet."
    } #END if/else

      Gather host list based on Parameter set used

    Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tGather host list")
    if ($VMhost) {
        Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tExecuting Cmdlet using VMhost parameter set")
        Write-Output "`tGathering host list..."
        foreach ($invidualHost in $VMhost) {
            $tempList = Get-VMHost -Name $invidualHost.Trim() -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if ($tempList) {
                $vHostList += $tempList
            else {
                Write-Warning -Message "`tESXi host $invidualHost was not found in $Global:DefaultViServers"
            } #END if/else
        } #END foreach
    } #END if
    if ($Cluster) {
        Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tExecuting Cmdlet using Cluster parameter set")
        Write-Output ("`tGathering host list from the following Cluster(s): " + (@($Cluster) -join ','))
        foreach ($vClusterName in $Cluster) {
            $tempList = Get-Cluster -Name $vClusterName.Trim() -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Get-VMHost 
            if ($tempList) {
                $vHostList += $tempList
            else {
                Write-Warning -Message "`tCluster with name $vClusterName was not found in $Global:DefaultViServers"
            } #END if/else
        } #END foreach
    } #END if
    if ($DataCenter) {
        Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tExecuting Cmdlet using Datacenter parameter set")
        Write-Output ("`tGathering host list from the following DataCenter(s): " + (@($DataCenter) -join ','))
        foreach ($vDCname in $DataCenter) {
            $tempList = Get-Datacenter -Name $vDCname.Trim() -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Get-VMHost 
            if ($tempList) {
                $vHostList += $tempList
            else {
                Write-Warning -Message "`tDatacenter with name $vDCname was not found in $Global:DefaultViServers"
            } #END if/else
        } #END foreach
    } #END if
    $tempList = $null

      Validate export switches,
      folder path and dependencies

    Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tValidate export switches and folder path")
    if ($ExportCSV -or $ExportExcel) {
        $currentLocation = (Get-Location).Path
        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($folderPath)) {
            Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`t-folderPath parameter is Null or Empty")
            Write-Warning -Message "`tFolder Path (-folderPath) was not specified for saving exported data. The current location: '$currentLocation' will be used"
            $outputFile = $currentLocation + "\" + $outputFile
        else {
            if (Test-Path $folderPath) {
                Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`t'$folderPath' path found")
                $lastCharsOfFolderPath = $folderPath.Substring($folderPath.Length - 1)
                if ($lastCharsOfFolderPath -eq "\" -or $lastCharsOfFolderPath -eq "/") {
                    $outputFile = $folderPath + $outputFile
                else {
                    $outputFile = $folderPath + "\" + $outputFile
                } #END if/else
                Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`t$outputFile")
            else {
                Write-Warning -Message "`t'$folderPath' path not found. The current location: '$currentLocation' will be used instead"
                $outputFile = $currentLocation + "\" + $outputFile
            } #END if/else
        } #END if/else
    } #END if
    if ($ExportExcel) {
        if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name ImportExcel) {
            Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tImportExcel Module available")
        else {
            Write-Warning -Message "`tImportExcel Module missing. Will export data to CSV file instead"
            Write-Warning -Message "`tImportExcel Module can be installed directly from the PowerShell Gallery"
            Write-Warning -Message "`tSee for more information"
            $ExportExcel = $false
            $ExportCSV = $true
        } #END if/else
    } #END if
      Validate that a Cmdlet switch was used. Options are
      -PhysicalAdapters, -VMkernelAdapters, -VirtualSwitches.
      By default all are executed unless one is specified.

    Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tValidate Cmdlet switches")
    if ($PhysicalAdapters -or $VMkernelAdapters -or $VirtualSwitches) {
        Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tA Cmdlet switch was specified")
    else {
        Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tA Cmdlet switch was not specified")
        Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tWill execute all (-PhysicalAdapters, -VMkernelAdapters, -VirtualSwitches)")
        $PhysicalAdapters = $true
        $VMkernelAdapters = $true
        $VirtualSwitches = $true
    } #END if/else
      Main code execution

    $vHostList = $vHostList | Sort-Object -Property Name
    foreach ($esxiHost in $vHostList) {
          Skip if ESXi host is not in a Connected
          or Maintenance ConnectionState

        Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`t$esxiHost Connection State: " + $esxiHost.ConnectionState)
        if ($esxiHost.ConnectionState -eq "Connected" -or $esxiHost.ConnectionState -eq "Maintenance") {
              Do nothing - ESXi host is reachable

        else {
              Use a custom object to keep track of skipped
              hosts and continue to the next foreach loop

            $skipCollection += [pscustomobject]@{
                'Hostname'         = $esxiHost.Name
                'Connection State' = $esxiHost.ConnectionState
            } #END [PSCustomObject]
        } #END if/else
        $vmhostView = $esxiHost | Get-View
        $esxcli = Get-EsxCli -VMHost $esxiHost -V2
          Get physical adapter details

        if ($PhysicalAdapters) {
            Write-Output "`tGathering physical adapter details from $esxiHost ..."
            $vmnics = $esxiHost | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -Physical | Select-Object -Property Name, Mac, Mtu
            foreach ($nic in $vmnics) {
                Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tGet device details for: " + $nic.Name)
                $pciList = $esxcli.hardware.pci.list.Invoke() | Where-Object {$_.VMKernelName -eq $nic.Name}
                $nicList = $ | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $nic.Name}
                  Get uplink vSwitch, check standard
                  vSwitch first then Distributed.

                if ($vSwitch = $ | Where-Object {$_.uplinks -contains $nic.Name}) {
                    Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tUplinks to vswitch: " + $vSwitch.Name)
                else {
                    $vSwitch = $ | Where-Object {$_.uplinks -contains $nic.Name}
                    Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tUplinks to vswitch: " + $vSwitch.Name)
                } #END if/else
                  Get Device Discovery Protocol CDP/LLDP

                Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tGet Device Discovery Protocol for: " + $nic.Name)
                $networkSystem = $vmhostView.Configmanager.Networksystem
                $networkView = Get-View -Id $networkSystem
                $networkViewInfo = $networkView.QueryNetworkHint($nic.Name)
                if ($null -ne $networkViewInfo.connectedswitchport) {
                    Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tDevice Discovery Protocol: CDP")
                    $ddp = "CDP"
                    $ddpExtended = $networkViewInfo.connectedswitchport
                    $ddpDevID = $ddpExtended.DevId
                    $ddpDevIP = $ddpExtended.Address
                    $ddpDevPortId = $ddpExtended.PortId
                else {
                    Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tCDP not found")
                    if ($null -ne $networkViewInfo.lldpinfo) {
                        Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tDevice Discovery Protocol: LLDP")
                        $ddp = "LLDP"
                        $ddpDevID = $networkViewInfo.lldpinfo.Parameter | Where-Object {$_.Key -eq "System Name"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value  
                        $ddpDevIP = $networkViewInfo.lldpinfo.Parameter | Where-Object {$_.Key -eq "Management Address"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value  
                        $ddpDevPortId = $networkViewInfo.lldpinfo.Portid
                    else {
                        Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tLLDP not found")
                        $ddp = $null
                        $ddpDevID = $null
                        $ddpDevIP = $null
                        $ddpDevPortId = $null
                    } #END if/else
                } #END if/else
                  Use a custom object to store
                  collected data

                $output = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    'Hostname'           = $esxiHost.Name
                    'Name'               = $nic.Name
                    'Slot Description'   = $pciList.SlotDescription
                    'Device'             = $nicList.Description
                    'Duplex'             = $nicList.Duplex
                    'Link'               = $nicList.Link
                    'MAC'                = $nic.Mac
                    'MTU'                = $nicList.MTU
                    'Speed'              = $nicList.Speed
                    'vSwitch'            = $vSwitch.Name
                    'vSwitch MTU'        = $vSwitch.MTU
                    'Discovery Protocol' = $ddp
                    'Device ID'          = $ddpDevID
                    'Device IP'          = $ddpDevIP
                    'Port'               = $ddpDevPortId
                } #END [PSCustomObject]
            } #END foreach
        } #END if
          Get VMkernel adapter details

        if ($VMkernelAdapters) {
            Write-Output "`tGathering VMkernel adapter details from $esxiHost ..."
            $vmnics = $esxiHost | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMKernel
            foreach ($nic in $vmnics) {
                Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tGathering details for: " + $nic.Name)
                  Get VMkernel adapter enabled services

                $enabledServices = @()
                if ($nic.VMotionEnabled) {
                    $enabledServices += "vMotion"
                } #END if
                if ($nic.FaultToleranceLoggingEnabled) {
                    $enabledServices += "Fault Tolerance logging"
                } #END if
                if ($nic.ManagementTrafficEnabled) {
                    $enabledServices += "Management"
                } #END if
                if ($nic.VsanTrafficEnabled) {
                    $enabledServices += "vSAN"
                } #END if
                  Get VMkernel adapter associated vSwitch, PortGroup Teaming Policy
                  and vSwitch MTU using Active adapter associated with the VMKernel Port.
                  Test against both Standard and Distributed Switch.

                $interfaceList = $ | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $nic.Name}
                if ($interfaceList.VDSName -eq "N/A") {
                    Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tStandard vSwitch: " + $interfaceList.Portset)
                    Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tGet PortGroup details for: " + $nic.PortGroupName)
                    $portGroup = Get-VirtualPortGroup -VMhost $esxiHost -Name $nic.PortGroupName -Standard -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                    $portGroupTeam = $portGroup | Get-NicTeamingPolicy
                    $portVLanId = $portGroup | Select-Object -ExpandProperty VLanId
                    $vSwitch = ${vswitchname = $interfaceList.Portset})
                    $vSwitchName = $interfaceList.Portset
                    $activeAdapters = (@($PortGroupTeam.ActiveNic) -join ',')
                    $standbyAdapters = (@($PortGroupTeam.StandbyNic) -join ',')
                    $unusedAdapters = (@($PortGroupTeam.UnusedNic) -join ',')
                else {
                    if ($interfaceList.VDSUUID) {
                        Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tDistributed vSwitch: " + $interfaceList.VDSName)
                        Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tGet PortGroup details for: " + $nic.PortGroupName)
                        $portGroup = Get-VDPortgroup -Name $nic.PortGroupName -VDSwitch $interfaceList.Portset -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
                        $portGroupTeam = $portGroup | Get-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy
                        $portVLanId = $portGroup.VlanConfiguration.VlanId
                        $vSwitch = ${vdsname = $interfaceList.VDSName})
                        $vSwitchName = $interfaceList.VDSName
                        $activeAdapters = (@($PortGroupTeam.ActiveUplinkPort) -join ',')
                        $standbyAdapters = (@($PortGroupTeam.StandbyUplinkPort) -join ',')
                        $unusedAdapters = (@($PortGroupTeam.UnusedUplinkPort) -join ',')
                    else {
                        $vSwitch = $ | Where-Object {$_.VDSID -eq $interfaceList.VDSName}
                        Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`t3rd Party Distributed vSwitch: " + $vSwitch.Name)
                        $portVLanId = $null
                        $vSwitchName = $vSwitch.Name
                        $activeAdapters = $null
                        $standbyAdapters = $null
                        $unusedAdapters = $null
                    } #END if/else
                } #END if/else
                  Get TCP/IP Stack details

                Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tGet VMkernel TCP/IP Stack details...")
                $netStackInstance = $vmhostView.Config.Network.NetStackInstance | Where-Object {$_.key -eq $interfaceList.NetstackInstance}
                $vmkGateway = $netStackInstance.IpRouteConfig.DefaultGateway
                $dnsAddress = $netStackInstance.DnsConfig.Address
                  Use a custom object to store
                  collected data

                $output = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    'Hostname'         = $esxiHost.Name
                    'Name'             = $nic.Name
                    'MAC'              = $nic.Mac
                    'MTU'              = $nic.MTU
                    'IP'               = $nic.IP
                    'Subnet Mask'      = $nic.SubnetMask
                    'TCP/IP Stack'     = $interfaceList.NetstackInstance
                    'Default Gateway'  = $vmkGateway
                    'DNS'              = (@($dnsAddress) -join ',')
                    'PortGroup Name'   = $nic.PortGroupName
                    'VLAN ID'          = $portVLanId
                    'Enabled Services' = (@($enabledServices) -join ',')
                    'vSwitch'          = $vSwitchName
                    'vSwitch MTU'      = $vSwitch.MTU
                    'Active adapters'  = $activeAdapters
                    'Standby adapters' = $standbyAdapters
                    'Unused adapters'  = $unusedAdapters
                } #END [PSCustomObject]
            } #END foreach
        } #END if
          Get virtual vSwitches details

        if ($VirtualSwitches) {
            Write-Output "`tGathering virtual vSwitches details from $esxiHost ..."
              Get standard switch details

            $StdvSwitch = Get-VirtualSwitch -VMHost $esxiHost -Standard
            foreach ($vSwitch in $StdvSwitch) {
                Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tStandard vSwitch: " + $vSwitch.Name)
                  Get PortGroup details,
                  Security Policy, and Teaming Policy

                if ($portGroups = $vSwitch | Get-VirtualPortGroup) { 
                    foreach ($port in $portGroups) {
                        Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tGet Port Group details for: " + $port.Name)
                        $portGroupTeam = $port | Get-NicTeamingPolicy
                        $portGroupSecurity = $port | Get-SecurityPolicy
                        $portGroupPolicy = @()
                        if ($portGroupSecurity.AllowPromiscuous) {
                            $portGroupPolicy += "Accept"
                        else {
                            $portGroupPolicy += "Reject"
                        } #END if/else
                        if ($portGroupSecurity.MacChanges) {
                            $portGroupPolicy += "Accept"
                        else {
                            $portGroupPolicy += "Reject"
                        } #END if/else
                        if ($portGroupSecurity.ForgedTransmits) {
                            $portGroupPolicy += "Accept"
                        else {
                            $portGroupPolicy += "Reject"
                        } #END if/else
                          Use a custom object to store
                          collected data

                        $output = [PSCustomObject]@{
                            'Hostname'                                        = $esxiHost.Name
                            'Type'                                            = "Standard"
                            'Version'                                         = $null
                            'Name'                                            = $vSwitch.Name
                            'Uplink/ConnectedAdapters'                        = (@($vSwitch.Nic) -join ',')
                            'PortGroup'                                       = $port.Name
                            'VLAN ID'                                         = $port.VLanId
                            'Active adapters'                                 = (@($PortGroupTeam.ActiveNic) -join ',')
                            'Standby adapters'                                = (@($PortGroupTeam.StandbyNic) -join ',')
                            'Unused adapters'                                 = (@($PortGroupTeam.UnusedNic) -join ',')
                            'Security Promiscuous/MacChanges/ForgedTransmits' = (@($portGroupPolicy) -join '/')                        
                        } #END [PSCustomObject]
                    } #END foreach
                else {
                      Use a custom object to store
                      collected data

                    $output = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        'Hostname'                                        = $esxiHost.Name
                        'Type'                                            = "Standard"
                        'Version'                                         = $null
                        'Name'                                            = $vSwitch.Name
                        'Uplink/ConnectedAdapters'                        = (@($vSwitch.Nic) -join ',')
                        'PortGroup'                                       = $null
                        'VLAN ID'                                         = $null
                        'Active adapters'                                 = $null
                        'Standby adapters'                                = $null
                        'Unused adapters'                                 = $null
                        'Security Promiscuous/MacChanges/ForgedTransmits' = $null
                    } #END [PSCustomObject]
                } #END if/else
            } #END foreach
              Get distributed vSwitch details

            $dVSwitch = Get-VDSwitch -VMHost $esxiHost
            foreach ($vSwitch in $dVSwitch) {
                if ($vSwitch.Vendor -match "VMware") {
                    Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tDistributed vSwitch: " + $vSwitch.Name)
                      Get PortGroup details,
                      Security Policy, and Teaming Policy

                    $portGroups = $vSwitch | Get-VDPortgroup
                    $vSwitchUplink = @()
                    if ($portGroups) {
                          Get distributed switch Uplinks

                        $vSwitchUplink = $vSwitch | Get-VDPort -Uplink
                        $uplinkConnected = @()
                        foreach ($uplink in $vSwitchUplink) {
                            $uplinkConnected += $uplink.Name + "," + $uplink.ConnectedEntity
                        } #END foreach
                        foreach ($port in $portGroups | Where-Object {!$_.IsUplink}) {
                            Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tGet Port Group details for: " + $port.Name)
                            $portGroupTeam = $port | Get-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy
                            $portGroupSecurity = $port | Get-VDSecurityPolicy
                            $portGroupPolicy = @()
                            if ($portGroupSecurity.AllowPromiscuous) {
                                $portGroupPolicy += "Accept"
                            else {
                                $portGroupPolicy += "Reject"
                            } #END if/else
                            if ($portGroupSecurity.MacChanges) {
                                $portGroupPolicy += "Accept"
                            else {
                                $portGroupPolicy += "Reject"
                            } #END if/else
                            if ($portGroupSecurity.ForgedTransmits) {
                                $portGroupPolicy += "Accept"
                            else {
                                $portGroupPolicy += "Reject"
                            } #END if/else
                              Use a custom object to store
                              collected data

                            $output = [PSCustomObject]@{
                                'Hostname'                                        = $esxiHost.Name
                                'Type'                                            = "Distributed"
                                'Version'                                         = $vSwitch.Version
                                'Name'                                            = $vSwitch.Name
                                'Uplink/ConnectedAdapters'                        = (@($uplinkConnected) -join '/')
                                'PortGroup'                                       = $port.Name
                                'VLAN ID'                                         = $port.VlanConfiguration.VlanId
                                'Active adapters'                                 = (@($PortGroupTeam.ActiveUplinkPort) -join ',')
                                'Standby adapters'                                = (@($PortGroupTeam.StandbyUplinkPort) -join ',')
                                'Unused adapters'                                 = (@($PortGroupTeam.UnusedUplinkPort) -join ',')
                                'Security Promiscuous/MacChanges/ForgedTransmits' = (@($portGroupPolicy) -join '/')
                            } #END [PSCustomObject]
                        } #END foreach
                    else {
                          Use a custom object to store
                          collected data

                        $output = [PSCustomObject]@{
                            'Hostname'                                        = $esxiHost.Name
                            'Type'                                            = "Distributed"
                            'Version'                                         = $vSwitch.Version
                            'Name'                                            = $vSwitch.Name
                            'Uplink/ConnectedAdapters'                        = (@($uplinkConnected) -join '/')
                            'PortGroup'                                       = $port.Name
                            'VLAN ID'                                         = $port.VlanConfiguration.VlanId
                            'Active adapters'                                 = (@($PortGroupTeam.ActiveUplinkPort) -join ',')
                            'Standby adapters'                                = (@($PortGroupTeam.StandbyUplinkPort) -join ',')
                            'Unused adapters'                                 = (@($PortGroupTeam.UnusedUplinkPort) -join ',')
                            'Security Promiscuous/MacChanges/ForgedTransmits' = (@($portGroupPolicy) -join '/')
                        } #END [PSCustomObject]
                    } #END if/else
                else {
                    Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`t3rd Party distributed vSwitch: " + $vSwitch.Name)
                    $ThirdPartyVirtualSwitchesCollection = @()
                    $vSwitchView = $vSwitch | Get-View
                    $vSwitchUplink = $ | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $vSwitch.Name}
                    $portGroups = $vSwitch | Get-VDPortgroup | Where-Object {$_.IsUplink -eq $false} | Select-Object -Property Name

                      Use a custom object to store
                      collected data

                    $ThirdPartyVirtualSwitchesCollection += [PSCustomObject]@{
                        'Hostname'   = $esxiHost.Name
                        'Type'       = "Distributed"
                        'Version'    = $vSwitch.Version
                        'Build'      = $vSwitchView.Summary.ProductInfo.Build
                        'Name'       = $vSwitch.Name
                        'Vendor'     = $vSwitchView.Summary.ProductInfo.Vendor
                        'Model'      = $vSwitchView.Summary.ProductInfo.Name
                        'Bundle ID'  = $vSwitchView.Summary.ProductInfo.BundleId
                        'Bundle URL' = $vSwitchView.Summary.ProductInfo.BundleUrl
                        'MTU'        = $vSwitchUplink.MTU
                        'Uplinks'    = (@($vSwitchUplink.uplinks) -join ',')
                        'PortGroups' = (@($portGroups.Name) -join ',')
                    } #END [PSCustomObject]
                } #END if/else
            } #END foreach
        } #END if
    } #END foreach
    Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tMain code execution completed")
    Write-Verbose -Message  ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tScript Duration: " + $stopWatch.Elapsed.Duration())
      Display skipped hosts and their connection status

    If ($skipCollection) {
        Write-Warning -Message "`tCheck Connection State or Host name "
        Write-Warning -Message "`tSkipped hosts: "
        $skipCollection | Format-Table -AutoSize
    } #END if
      Validate output arrays

    if ($PhysicalAdapterCollection -or $VMkernelAdapterCollection -or $VirtualSwitchesCollection -or $ThirdPartyVirtualSwitchesCollection) {
        Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tInformation gathered")
    else {
        Write-Verbose -Message ((Get-Date -Format G) + "`tNo information gathered")
    } #END if/else
      Output to screen
      Export data to CSV, Excel

    if ($PhysicalAdapterCollection) {
        Write-Host "`n" "ESXi Physical Adapters:" -ForegroundColor Green
        if ($ExportCSV) {
            $PhysicalAdapterCollection | Export-Csv ($outputFile + "PhysicalAdapters.csv") -NoTypeInformation
            Write-Host "`tData exported to" ($outputFile + "PhysicalAdapters.csv") "file" -ForegroundColor Green
        elseif ($ExportExcel) {
            $PhysicalAdapterCollection | Export-Excel ($outputFile + ".xlsx") -WorkSheetname Physical_Adapters -NoNumberConversion * -AutoSize -BoldTopRow
            Write-Host "`tData exported to" ($outputFile + ".xlsx") "file" -ForegroundColor Green
        elseif ($PassThru) {
        else {
            $PhysicalAdapterCollection | Format-List
        }#END if/else
    } #END if
    if ($VMkernelAdapterCollection) {
        Write-Host "`n" "ESXi VMkernel Adapters:" -ForegroundColor Green
        if ($ExportCSV) {
            $VMkernelAdapterCollection | Export-Csv ($outputFile + "VMkernelAdapters.csv") -NoTypeInformation
            Write-Host "`tData exported to" ($outputFile + "VMkernelAdapters.csv") "file" -ForegroundColor Green
        elseif ($ExportExcel) {
            $VMkernelAdapterCollection | Export-Excel ($outputFile + ".xlsx") -WorkSheetname VMkernel_Adapters -NoNumberConversion * -AutoSize -BoldTopRow
            Write-Host "`tData exported to" ($outputFile + ".xlsx") "file" -ForegroundColor Green
        elseif ($PassThru) {
        else {
            $VMkernelAdapterCollection | Format-List
        } #END if/else
    } #END if
    if ($VirtualSwitchesCollection) {
        Write-Host "`n" "ESXi Virtual Switches:" -ForegroundColor Green
        if ($ExportCSV) {
            $VirtualSwitchesCollection | Export-Csv ($outputFile + "VirtualSwitches.csv") -Force -NoTypeInformation
            Write-Host "`tData exported to" ($outputFile + "VirtualSwitches.csv") "file" -ForegroundColor Green
        elseif ($ExportExcel) {
            $VirtualSwitchesCollection | Export-Excel ($outputFile + ".xlsx") -WorkSheetname Virtual_Switches -NoNumberConversion * -AutoSize -BoldTopRow
            Write-Host "`tData exported to" ($outputFile + ".xlsx") "file" -ForegroundColor Green
        elseif ($PassThru) {
        else {
            $VirtualSwitchesCollection | Format-List
        } #END if/else
    } #END if
    if ($ThirdPartyVirtualSwitchesCollection) {
        Write-Host "`n" "ESXi 3rd party Virtual Switches:" -ForegroundColor Green
        if ($ExportCSV) {
            $ThirdPartyVirtualSwitchesCollection | Export-Csv ($outputFile + "3rdPartyvSwitches.csv") -Force -NoTypeInformation
            Write-Host "`tData exported to" ($outputFile + "3rdPartyvSwitches.csv") "file" -ForegroundColor Green
        elseif ($ExportExcel) {
            $ThirdPartyVirtualSwitchesCollection | Export-Excel ($outputFile + ".xlsx") -WorkSheetname 3rdParty_vSwitches -NoNumberConversion * -BoldTopRow
            Write-Host "`tData exported to" ($outputFile + ".xlsx") "file" -ForegroundColor Green
        elseif ($PassThru) {
        else {
            $ThirdPartyVirtualSwitchesCollection | Format-List
        } #END if/else
    } #END if
} #END function