
function Remove-VNVDTrafficRule {
<# .Description
    Remove a Traffic Rule from the given Traffic Ruleset of a vDPortgroup traffic filter policy
    Operating with the understanding/observation that there is only ever one (1) Config.DefaultPortConfig.FilterPolicy.FilterConfig per vDPortgroup (and, so, one subsequent TrafficRuleset, since a FilterConfig has one TrafficRuleset), even though the .FilterConfig property is of type VMware.Vim.DvsFilterConfig[] (an array)
    This is based on testing to try to make a vDPortgroup with more than one FilterConfig, and only ever having a maximum of one
    Get-VDSwitch -Name myVDSw0 | Get-VDPortGroup -Name myVDPG0 | Get-VNVDTrafficRuleSet | Get-VNVDTrafficRule -Name test* | Remove-VNVDTrafficRule
    Get the TrafficRules named like "test*" from the TrafficRuleSet for the given vDPortGroup and delete them
    Null. Removes rule(s) as directed, returning nothing upon success

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact="High")]
    param (
        ## The traffic ruleset rule(s) to remove from the traffic filter policy of associated virtual distributed portgroup
        [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ParameterSetName="ByTrafficRule")][VNVDTrafficRule[]]$TrafficRule
    ) ## end param

    begin {
        ## arraylist to hold all of the TrafficRules to be removed (in one swell foop, since each upate/reconfig of the vDPortgroup results in new keys for the rule objects)
        $arrlVNVDTrafficRulesToRemove = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList
    } ## end begin

    process {
        ## put each TrafficRule into the arraylist for later action (one reconfig per vDPortgroup)
        $TrafficRule | Foreach-Object {$arrlVNVDTrafficRulesToRemove.Add($_) | Out-Null}
    } ## end process

    end {
        ## Group the TrafficRules by vDPortgroup (by grouping by MoRef per vCenter), then reconfig each vDPortgroup to remove the given Rule(s) for that vDPortgroup's sole TrafficRuleset all at once
        $arrlVNVDTrafficRulesToRemove | Group-Object -Property @{e={$_.VDPortgroupView.MoRef}}, @{e={$_.VDPortgroupView.Client.ServiceUrl}} | Foreach-Object {
            $oThisPSGroupInfoOfTrafficRules = $_
            # The vDPortgroup with these TrafficRules (used in logging/reporting)
            $oVDPG_TheseRules = $oThisPSGroupInfoOfTrafficRules.Group[0].VDPortgroupView
            # The VNVDTrafficRuleSet for these TrafficRules, to be used to remove the given TrafficRule(s)
            $oVNVDTrafficRuleset_TheseRules = $oThisPSGroupInfoOfTrafficRules.Group[0].VNVDTrafficRuleSet
            ## the VMware.Vim.DvsTrafficRule objects to remove from the given TrafficRuleset
            $arrDvsTrafficRulesToRemove = $oThisPSGroupInfoOfTrafficRules.Group.TrafficRule

            $strMsgForShouldProcess_Target = "Traffic ruleset '{0}' on vDPortgroup '{1}'" -f $oVNVDTrafficRuleset_TheseRules.TrafficRuleset.Key, $oVDPG_TheseRules.Name
            $intNumDvsTrafficRulesToRemove = ($arrDvsTrafficRulesToRemove | Measure-Object).Count
            $strMsgForShouldProcess_Action = "Remove {0} traffic rule{1} (of name{1} '{2}')" -f $intNumDvsTrafficRulesToRemove, $(if ($intNumDvsTrafficRulesToRemove -ne 1) {"s"}), ($arrDvsTrafficRulesToRemove.Description -join ", ")
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($strMsgForShouldProcess_Target, $strMsgForShouldProcess_Action)) {
                try {
                    ## use the helper function to remove this TrafficRule from the TrafficRuleSet Rules array; the "Remove" RuleOperation returns nothing of the helper function
                    Set-VNVDTrafficRuleset_helper -TrafficRuleSet $oVNVDTrafficRuleset_TheseRules -TrafficRule $arrDvsTrafficRulesToRemove -RuleOperation Remove
                } ## end try
                catch {Throw $_}
            } ## end if
        } ## end foreach-object
    } ## end end
} ## end fn