
        Module to manag4 various storage functions within vSphere. May require PowerCLI

function Get-NFSVolumeHostInfo
            [PowerCLI] Display the location (UUID) of a datastore on the given host, or all datastores on the given host
            Display the location (UUID) of a datastore on the given host, or all datastores on the given host
        .PARAMETER VMHost
            Name of the VMHost to look on
        .PARAMETER Datastore
            Name of Datastore to find



    $ds = get-view (get-view (Get-VMHost $VMHost).ID).ConfigManager.StorageSystem
        $temp = ($ds.FileSystemVolumeInfo.MountInfo | Where {$_.Volume.Type -match "NFS" -and $Datastores -ccontains $_.Volume.Name} | Select `
            @{N="Name";E={($_ | Select -ExpandProperty Volume | Select Name).Name}}, `
            @{N="RemoteHost";E={($_ | Select -ExpandProperty Volume | Select RemoteHost).RemoteHost}}, `
            @{N="RemotePath";E={($_ | Select -ExpandProperty Volume | Select RemotePath).RemotePath}}, `
            @{N="LocalPath";E={($_ | Select -ExpandProperty MountInfo | Select Path).Path -replace "/vmfs/volumes/",""}})
        $temp = ($ds.FileSystemVolumeInfo.MountInfo | Where {$_.Volume.Type -match "NFS"} | Select `
            @{N="Name";E={($_ | Select -ExpandProperty Volume | Select Name).Name}}, `
            @{N="RemoteHost";E={($_ | Select -ExpandProperty Volume | Select RemoteHost).RemoteHost}}, `
            @{N="RemotePath";E={($_ | Select -ExpandProperty Volume | Select RemotePath).RemotePath}}, `
            @{N="LocalPath";E={($_ | Select -ExpandProperty MountInfo | Select Path).Path -replace "/vmfs/volumes/",""}})

    return $temp

function Get-DoubleMountedNFS
            [PowerCLI] Get's all the NFS Datastores that are mounted to more than one cluster
            Get's all the NFS Datastores that are mounted to more than one cluster and returns the name and the clusters it is mounted to. This runs on all connected vCenters unless you specify a Datacenter
        .PARAMETER Datacenter
            Name of Datacenter you want to restrict your search to

        HelpMessage="Get's all the NFS Datastores that are mounted to more than one cluster")]
        $myArray= Get-Datacenter $Datacenter | get-datastore | Where {$_.Type -match "NFS" -and $_.Name -notmatch "swp" -and $_.Name -notmatch "guestOsMedia"} | Select Name, Datacenter | sort Name
        $myArray=get-datastore | Where {$_.Type -match "NFS" -and $_.Name -notmatch "swp" -and $_.Name -notmatch "guestOsMedia"} | Select Name, Datacenter | sort Name

    $myArray | %{$ht[$_.Name] += 1}
    $ht.Keys | Where {$ht["$_"] -gt 1} | % {write-host "Datastore $_ is mounted to more than one cluster"}
    $matches = $ht.Keys | Where {$ht["$_"] -gt 1}

    $outObj = foreach($obj in ($myArray | Where {$matches -contains $_.Name} | group -Property Name))
        $tmpObj = ""
        foreach($item in $obj.Group)
            if($tmpObj.Length -gt 0)
                $tmpObj = "$($tmpObj),$($item.Datacenter)"
                $tmpObj = $item.Datacenter
        New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            Datastore = $obj.Name
            Datacenters = $tmpObj

    return $outObj

function Start-SequentialSvMotion
        [PowerCLI]Perform sequential Storage vMotion on a list of VMs
        Perform sequential Storage vMotion on a list of VMs
           List of VM's to move
    .PARAMETER DestinationDatastore
           Name of the datastore to move the VM(s) to
    .PARAMETER IsCluster
            Is the DestinationDatastore a Storage DRS Cluster
    .PARAMETER NumOfSeqTasks
            Amount of simultanious Storage vMotions to perform sequentially
    .PARAMETER NumSecWait
            Number of seconds to wait between checks, minimum of 10 seconds
            Start-SequentialSVMotion.ps1 -VMs "myVM1","MyVM2" -DestinationDatastore datastore
            Start-SequentialSvMotion -VMs (Get-Cluster MyCluster | Get-VM) -DestinationDatastore MyDatastore
            Start-SequentialSvMotion -VMs "myVM" -DestinationDatastore MyDatastoreCluster -IsCluster:$True
            Start-SequentialSvMotion -VMs "myVM" -DestinationDatastore MyDatastore -NumOfSeqTasks 5

    param (
        HelpMessage="List of VM's to move")]

        HelpMessage="Name of the datastore to move the VM(s) to")]

        HelpMessage="Is the DestinationDatastore a Storage DRS Cluster")]

        HelpMessage="Amount of simultanious Storage vMotions to perform sequentially")]

        HelpMessage="Number of seconds to wait between checks, minimum of 10 seconds")]


    if($NumSecWait -lt 10)
        $NumSecWait = 10


        if((get-datastorecluster $DestinationDatastore | get-datastore | select -first 1).Type -eq "NFS")
        if((get-datastore $DestinationDatastore).Type -eq "NFS")

    $jobs = New-Object -typeName System.Collections.Arraylist
    $sFormat = "Thick"

        $sFormat = "Thin"

    foreach ( $vm in $VMs)
        $runCount = (get-task | Where {$_.Name -eq "RelocateVM_Task" -or $_.name -eq "ApplyStorageDrsRecommendation_Task"} | Where State -eq "Running").Count

        while($runCount -ge $NumOfSeqTasks)
            write-host "$($runCount) of $($NumOfSeqTasks) Active Jobs, limit reached. Waiting..."
            sleep $NumSecWait
            $runCount = (get-task | Where {$_.Name -eq "RelocateVM_Task" -or $_.name -eq "ApplyStorageDrsRecommendation_Task"} | Where State -eq "Running").Count

        if($runCount -lt $NumOfSeqTasks)
            write-host "Starting relocation of $($vm)"
            $j=Get-vm $vm | Move-VM -Datastore $DestinationDatastore -DiskStorageFormat $sFormat -Confirm:$false -RunAsync -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        sleep $NumSecWait

    $resultObj=foreach($job in $jobs)
        $job = get-task | where Id -eq $job.Id
        if($job.State -ne "Running")
            New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    return $resultObj

function Remove-DataStoreFromDataCenter
        [PowerCLI]Unmounts a specified Datastore from an entire Datacenter
        Unmounts a specified Datastore from an entire Datacenter
        Remove-DataStoreFromDataCenter -DataCenterName "dc1" -DatastoreName ds1
    .PARAMETER DataCenterName
        The name of the Datacenter you want to work with
    .PARAMETER DatastoreName
        Name of the Datastore you want to unmount

        HelpMessage="Name of the Datastore you want to unmount")]

        HelpMessage="The name of the Datacenter you want to work with")]

    foreach ($vmHost in (Get-Datacenter $DataCenterName | Get-VMHost))
        $dataStore = $vmhost | Get-Datastore $DatastoreName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            $dataStore | Remove-Datastore -VMHost $vmhost -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function Get-VMperNFSDatastore
        [PowerCLI]Retrieves a count of the number of VMs on a Datastore
        Retrieves a count of the number of VMs on a Datastore in an ordered list sutable for parsing our CSV output. This
        runs against the currently connected vCenter(s) or just a single DataCenter (Must be connected first) and will only run against NFS volumes for VM's
        Get-VMperNFSDatastore -OutputFile C:\Temp\MyFile.csv
        Get-VMperNFSDatastore -OutputFile C:\Temp\MyFile.csv -DataCenter mydatacenter
    .PARAMETER DataCenter
    .PARAMETER OutputFile



        $oPut=Get-Datacenter $DataCenter | Get-Datastore | Where {$_.Type -eq "NFS"} | Select Name,@{N="NumVM";E={@($_ | Get-VM).Count}} | Sort NumVM,Name
        $oPut=Get-Datastore | Where {$_.Type -eq "NFS"} | Select Datacenter,Name,@{N="NumVM";E={@($_ | Get-VM).Count}} | Sort Datacenter,NumVM,Name

        $oPut | Export-Csv -Path $OutputFile -NoTypeInformation
        $oPut | Format-Table

function Add-NFSDataStoreToDataCenter
        [PowerCLI]Mounts an NFS store on each host in a given DataCenter
        Mounts an NFS store on each host in a given DataCenter
        Add-NFSDataStoreFromDataCenter -DataCenterName "dc1" -DataStoreName "ds1" -NFSHost -NFSRemoteVolume "/vol/ds1"
        Add-NFSDataStoreFromDataCenter -DataCenterName "dc1" -DataStoreName "ds1" -NFSHost -NFSRemoteVolume "/vol/ds1" -ReadOnly
    .PARAMETER Cluster
        The name of the Cluster you need information for
    .PARAMETER DatastoreName
        Name of the Datastore in which you want to add
        Name/IP of the remote NFS host
    .PARAMETER NFSRemoteVolume
        Volume export on remote host
    .PARAMETER ReadOnlyVolume
        Switch parameter to decide of the volume should be Readonly or Read/Write. Default is Read/Write

        HelpMessage="Name of the Datastore in which you want to add")]

        HelpMessage="The name of the Cluster you need information for")]

        HelpMessage="Name/IP of the remote NFS host")]

        HelpMessage="Volume export on remote host")]

        HelpMessage="Switch parameter to decide of the volume should be Readonly or Read/Write. Default is Read/Write")]

    foreach ($vmHost in (Get-Cluster $Cluster | Get-VMHost))
        $dataStore = $vmhost | Get-Datastore $DatastoreName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            $vmHost | New-Datastore -Nfs -NfsHost $NFSHost -Path $NFSRemoteVolume.TrimStart("\") -ReadOnly:$ReadOnlyVolume -Name $DatastoreName

function Get-FibreWWN
        [PowerCLI]Gathers and formats the WWN ports for the FibreChannel HBA's of all hosts in a given datacenter
        Gathers and formats the WWN ports for the FibreChannel HBA's of all hosts in a given datacenter
        Get-FibreWWN -DataCenterName "dc1"
    .PARAMETER Cluster
        The name of the Cluster you need information for

        HelpMessage="Name of the Cluster that contains the host you wish to act on")]

    $list = Get-Cluster $Cluster | Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostHBA -Type FibreChannel | Select VMHost,Device,@{N="WWN";E={"{0:X}"-f$_.PortWorldWideName}} | Sort VMhost,Device

    #Go through each row and put : between every 2 digits
    foreach ($item in $list)
        $item.wwn = (&{for ($i=0;$i-lt$item.wwn.length;$i+=2)
            }}) -join':'

    return $list

function Get-NFSVMK
            [PowerCLI]Gets the list of the VMKernel IP addresses for the NFS networks for each host
            Gets the list of the VMKernel IP addresses for the NFS networks for each host
        .PARAMETER VMHosts
            Comma-delimeted list of hosts
            get-nfsvmk -vmhosts "myhost.somewehre.com"


    $objResults=foreach($vmhost in $vmhosts)
        $tmpObj = Get-VMHost $vmhost
        if($tmpObj.Version -match "5.5")
            $tmpIP = $tmpObj | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMKernel | where {$_.VMotionEnabled -eq $false -and $_.FaultToleranceLoggingEnabled -eq $false -and $_.ManagementTrafficEnabled -eq $false} | select IP
            $tmpIP = $tmpObj | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VMKernel | where {$_.VMotionEnabled -eq $false -and $_.FaultToleranceLoggingEnabled -eq $false -and $_.ManagementTrafficEnabled -eq $false} | select IP

        new-object PSObject -Property @{

    return $objResults


function Get-ThinProvisionedVM
        [PowerCLI]Gathers all VMs that has a Thin Provisioned VMDK
        Gathers all VMs that has a Thin Provisioned VMDK


        $VMs = Get-VM

    $outObj = foreach ($vm in $VMs)
        $view = Get-View $vm

        if ($view.config.hardware.Device.Backing.ThinProvisioned -eq $true)
            foreach($device in ($view.Config.Hardware.Device | where {($_.GetType()).Name -eq "VirtualDisk"}))
                New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                    Name = $vm.Name
                    Provisioned = [math]::round($vm.ProvisionedSpaceGB , 2)
                    Total = [math]::round(($device | Measure-Object CapacityInKB -Sum).sum/1048576 , 2)
                    Used = [math]::round($vm.UsedSpaceGB , 2)
                    VMDKs = $device.Backing.Filename | Out-String
                    VMDKSize = $device.CapacityinKB/1048576 | out-string
                    Thin = $device.Backing.ThinProvisioned | Out-String
    return $outObj

function Attach-SANDatastore
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    if ($datacenter)
        $vmHosts = get-datacenter $datacenter | Get-VMHost
        $vmHosts = Get-VMHost
    foreach ($vmhost in $vmHosts)
            #Re-attach to the host
        $detachedLuns = $vmhost | Get-VMHostHba -Type FibreChannel | Get-ScsiLun | Where {$_.ExtensionData.OperationalState -eq "off"}
        $storSys = get-view $vmhost.ExtensionData.ConfigManager.StorageSystem

        foreach ($detachedLun in $detachedLuns)

            #Now mount it to the host
            $vmhost = Get-VMHost $vmhost.Name

        $lunsNeedingMounting = $vmhost | Get-Datastore | Where State -eq "Unavailable"
        foreach ($lunNeedingMounting in $lunsNeedingMounting)

function Detach-SANDatastore
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

    foreach($ds in $Datastore)
        $hostviewDSDiskName = $ds.ExtensionData.Info.vmfs.extent[0].Diskname
            $attachedHosts = $ds.ExtensionData.host
            foreach($VMHost in $attachedHosts)
                $dataCenterObj = get-vmhost -Id ("HostSystem-$($VMHost.key.value)") | Get-Datacenter

                [bool]$Proceed = $true

                    if($dataCenterObj.Name -ne $Datacenter)
                        $Proceed = $false

                    $hostView = Get-View $vmHost.Key
                    $StorageSys = Get-View $hostView.ConfigManager.StorageSystem
                    $devices = $StorageSys.StorageDeviceInfo.ScsiLun

                    foreach($device in $devices)
                        if ($device.canonicalName -eq $hostviewDSDiskName)
                            Write-Verbose "Unmounting LUN $($Device.canonicalName) from host $($hostview.Name)..."


                            $LunUUID = $Device.Uuid
                            Write-Verbose "Detaching LUN $($Device.canonicalName) from host $($hostview.Name)..."