
        VMware Update MAnager (VUM) Specific Functions
        PowerCLI specific functions will have "[PowerCLI]" at the beginning of the Synopsis

function Export-PatchBaseline
        [PowerCLI]Exports a PatchBaseline from the currently connected vCenter to an XML file for offline transport.
        Exports a PatchBaseline to an XML file for offline transport. Useful when moving Baselines between 5.1 and 5.5 VUM instances
    .PARAMETER DestinationFile
        The file (full path) you wish to store the export
    .PARAMETER BaselineName
        The name of the PatchBaseline you want to Export
        Export-PatchBaseline -BaselineName "My Approved Patches" -DestinationFile \\someshare\somefolder\myFile.xml


# if($Host.Version -ne "2.0")
# {
# Invoke-Command -Credential $vCenterCredentials -ScriptBlock { Powershell.exe -Version 2 -noexit -command "Connect-VIServer $($global:DefaultVIServer.Name);Export-PatchBaseline '$($DestinationFile)' '$($BaselineName)'" }
# }

    Get-PatchBaseline -Name $BaselineName | Export-Clixml -Path $DestinationFile

function Import-PatchBaseline
        [PowerCLI]Imports a PatchBaseline to the currently connected vCenter from an XML file.
        Imports a PatchBaseline to the currently connected vCenter from an XML file. Useful when moving Baselines between 5.1 and 5.5 VUM instances
    .PARAMETER SourceFile
        The file (full path) you wish to restore the export
        Import-PatchBaseline -SourceFile \\someshare\somefolder\myFile.xml
        Author: Jody Whitlock
        Date: August 26, 2014
        LastModified: August 26, 2014

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [switch]$extension = $false


    $patchBaselineDest = Import-Clixml -Path $SourceFile
    $patches = $patchBaselineDest.CurrentPatches | % {Get-Patch -SearchPhrase $_.IdByVendor}
    $baseline = Get-PatchBaseline -Name $patchBaselineDest.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    If ($baseline)
        $baseline | Set-PatchBaseline -IncludePatch $patches
        New-PatchBaseline -Name $patchBaselineDest.Name -Static -TargetType Host -IncludePatch $patches -Extension:$extension

function Push-PatchBaseline
        [PowerCLI]Pushes a PatchBaseline from one vCenter to another.
        Easily allows for migration of a PatchBaseline from one vCenter to another. For instance, migrating a PatchBaseline from a
        Test/Lab vCenter into a Production vCenter
    .PARAMETER SourcevCenter
        The vCenter you wish to copy the PatchBaseline from
    .PARAMETER DestinationvCenter
        The vCenter you wish to copy the PatchBaseline to
    .PARAMETER BaselineName
        The name of the PatchBaseline you want to copy
        Push-PatchBaseline -SourcevCenter TestvCenter -DestinationvCenter ProdvCenter -BaselineName "My Approved Patches"



    Connect-vCenter -vCenter $SourcevCenter -ErrorAction Stop
    $patchBaselineSource = Get-PatchBaseline -Name $BaselineName

    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $SourcevCenter -Confirm:$false

    Connect-vCenter -vCenter $DestinationvCenter -ErrorAction Stop

    $results = @()
    foreach ($patch in $patchBaselineSource.CurrentPatches)
        $results += Get-Patch -Server $DestinationvCenter -SearchPhrase $patch.IdByVendor

    if(!(Get-PatchBaseline -Name $BaselineName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue))
        if ($patchBaselineSource.BaselineContentType -eq "Static")
            $patchBaselineDest = New-PatchBaseline -Static -Name $patchBaselineSource.Name -Description $patchBaselineSource.Description -IncludePatch $results -TargetType Host
            $patchBaselineDest = New-PatchBaseline -Dynamic -Name $patchBaselineSource.Name -Description $patchBaselineSource.Description -IncludePatch $results -TargetType Host

        $folder = Get-Inventory -Name IPN
        Attach-Baseline -Baseline $patchBaselineDest -Entity $folder
        $patchBaselineDest = Get-PatchBaseline $BaselineName
        $patchBaselineDest | Set-PatchBaseline -IncludePatch $results -Description $patchBaselineSource.Description

    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $DestinationvCenter -Confirm:$false

function Push-PatchApprovals
        [PowerCLI]Pushes Patches from a Testing Baseline into an Approved Baseline on the same vCenter
        Easily allows for migration of patches from a Testing Baseline to an Approved Baseline on the same vCenter
    .PARAMETER vCenter
        The vCenter you wish to operate on
    .PARAMETER TestBaselineName
        The name of the Test PatchBaseline you want to copy
    .PARAMETER ApprovedBaselineName
        The name of the Approved PatchBaseline you want to copy
        Push-PatchBaseline -vCenter TestvCenter -TestBaselineName "My Test Patches" -ApprovedBaselineName "My Approved Patches"



    Connect-vCenter -vCenter $vCenter

    $patchBaselineSource=Get-PatchBaseline -Name $TestBaselineName

    $results = @()
    foreach ($patch in $patchBaselineSource.CurrentPatches)
        $results += Get-Patch -SearchPhrase $patch.IdByVendor

    if(!(Get-PatchBaseline -Name $ApprovedBaselineName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue))
        if ($patchBaselineSource.BaselineContentType -eq "Static")
            $patchBaselineDest = New-PatchBaseline -Static -Name $ApprovedBaselineName -Description "Approved Patches as of $(Get-Date)" -IncludePatch $results -TargetType Host
            $patchBaselineDest = New-PatchBaseline -Dynamic -Name $ApprovedBaselineName -Description "Approved Patches as of $(Get-Date)" -IncludePatch $results -TargetType Host

        $folder = Get-Inventory -Name IPN
        Attach-Baseline -Baseline $patchBaselineDest -Entity $folder
        We have an existing Baseline, so when we call the Set-PatchBaseline it will not append so we need to read in
        the current patches as well as the new patches then set the baseline to the combined set.

        $patchBaselineDest = Get-PatchBaseline $ApprovedBaselineName
        foreach($patch in $patchBaselineDest.CurrentPatches)
            $results += Get-Patch -SearchPhrase $patch.IdByVendor
        $patchBaselineDest | Set-PatchBaseline -IncludePatch $results -Description "Approved Patches as of $(Get-Date)"

    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCenter -Confirm:$false