
Function Connect-vROpsRASession{
            Connect to vROps Rest API Session.
            Connect to vROps Operations Manager server Rest API Session.
        .PARAMETER OMServer
            FQDN or IP address of server to connect to.
        .PARAMETER Credentials
            Credentials of an account that has access.
        .PARAMETER AuthSource
            This is the authoritative source.
        .PARAMETER UseUntrustedSSLCertificates
            Use this if you have untrusted certificates in your environment.
            $AuthToken = Connect-vROpsRASession -OMServer -Credentials $OMCreds
            $AuthToken = Connect-vROpsRASession -OMServer -Credentials $OMCreds -UseUntrustedSSLCertificates
            $AuthToken = Connect-vROpsRASession -OMServer -Credentials $OMCreds -AuthSource "CentralIndustrial"
            Function will return an authentication token that will be used as an Auth token in other functions
            Author: Lars Panzerbjørn
            Creation Date: 2019.11.21
            Purpose/Change: Initial script development








            IF ($UseTLS12){
                [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
            $PSItem | Get-ErrorInfo

            IF ($UseUntrustedSSLCertificates){
                #Allow untrusted SSL Certs
add-type @"
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy {
    public bool CheckValidationResult(
        ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,
        WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {
        return true;

[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy
            $PSItem | Get-ErrorInfo
        #Creating the body for the payload that will be used
        $JsonContentType = 'application/json'
        IF ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "UserNamePwd"){
            Write-Verbose "ParameterSetName UsernamePwd"
            $Body = @{
                username = $UserName
                password = $Password
        IF ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Credentials"){
            Write-Verbose "ParameterSetName is Credentials"
            $Body = @{
                username = $Credentials.UserName;
                password = $Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().Password
        IF (!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Authsource))){
            $Body.authSource = $Authsource
        ## Construct url
        $Uri = "https://$OMserver/suite-api/api/auth/token/acquire"
        Write-Verbose "Uri is $($Uri)"
        $Headers = @{accept=$JsonContentType}
        $Body = $Body | ConvertTo-Json
        $AuthResponseSplat = @{
            Method = "Post"
            Uri = $Uri
            Body = $Body
            ContentType = $JsonContentType
            $AuthResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @AuthResponseSplat -Headers $Headers -ErrorAction STOP
        Catch [System.Net.WebException]{
            IF (($PSItem|Get-ErrorInfo).Exception -eq "Unable to connect to the remote server"){
                Write-Warning "You are unable to connect to the remote server."
                Write-warning "$(($PSItem|Get-ErrorInfo).Exception)"
                Write-warning "$(($PSItem|Get-ErrorInfo).Testing)"
                Return "$(($PSItem|Get-ErrorInfo).Exception)"
            ELSEIF (($PSItem|Get-ErrorInfo).Exception -eq 'The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.'){
                Write-Warning "You are unauthorised to connect to the remote server."
                Write-warning "$(($PSItem|Get-ErrorInfo).Exception)"
                Write-warning "$(($PSItem|Get-ErrorInfo).Testing)"
                Return "$(($PSItem|Get-ErrorInfo).Exception)"
                Write-Warning "You are not allowing untrusted SSL certs. Good, you shouldn't. Please try again using the -UseUntrustedSSLCertificates switch.`n Or even better, fix your certs ;-`)"
                Write-warning "$(($PSItem|Get-ErrorInfo).Exception)"
                Write-warning "$(($PSItem|Get-ErrorInfo).Testing)"
                Return "$(($PSItem|Get-ErrorInfo).Exception)"
        Catch [System.NullReferenceException]{
            Write-Warning "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
            Write-warning "$(($PSItem|Get-ErrorInfo).Exception)"
            Write-warning "$(($PSItem|Get-ErrorInfo).Testing)"
            Return "$(($PSItem|Get-ErrorInfo).Exception)"
            Write-Warning "Something Happened"
            Write-warning "$(($PSItem|Get-ErrorInfo).Exception)"
            Write-warning "$(($PSItem|Get-ErrorInfo).Testing)"
            Return "$(($PSItem|Get-ErrorInfo).Exception)"
        Return $AuthResponse