
function Push-vLIMessage {
    Created by: Markus Kraus
    Twitter: @VMarkus_K
    Private Blog: mycloudrevolution.com
    2016.08 ver 1.0 Base Release
    External Code Sources:
    Tested Against Environment:
    vRealize Log Inisght Version: 3.6
    PowerShell Version: 4.0, 5.0
    OS Version: Windows 8.1, Server 2012 R2
    Keywords: VMware, vRealize, Log Insight
    Push Messages to VMware vRealize Log Inisght.
    Push Messages to VMware vRealize Log Inisght.
    Push-vLIMessage -vLIServer "loginsight.lan.local -vLIAgentID "12862842-5A6D-679C-0E38-0E2BE888BB28" -Text "My Test"
    Push-vLIMessage -vLIServer "loginsight.lan.local -vLIAgentID "12862842-5A6D-679C-0E38-0E2BE888BB28" -Text "My Test" -Hostname MyTEST -FieldName myTest -FieldContent myTest
    .PARAMETER vLIServer
    Specify the vLI FQDN
    Specify the vLI Agent ID
    Specify the Event Text
    .PARAMETER Hostname
    Specify the Hostanme displayed in vLI
    .PARAMETER FieldName
    Specify the a Optinal Field Name for vLI
    .PARAMETER FieldContent
    Specify the a Optinal FieldContent for the Field in -FieldName for vLI
    If FielName is missing and FielContent is given, it will be ignored
#Requires PS -Version 2.0

    param (
    [string]$Hostname = $env:computername,
    [string]$FieldContent = ""

  $Field_vLI = [ordered]@{
                    name = "PS_vLIMessage"
                    content = "true"
  $Field_HostName = [ordered]@{
                    name = "hostname"
                    content = $Hostname
  $Fields = @($Field_vLI, $Field_HostName)
    if ($FieldName) {
        $Field_Custom = [ordered]@{
                name = $FieldName
                content = $FieldContent
        $Fields += @($Field_Custom)
    $Restcall = @{
                 messages =    ([Object[]]($Messages = [ordered]@{
                        text = ($Text)
                        fields = ([Object[]]$Fields)
                } | convertto-json -Depth 4

    $Resturl = ("http://" + $vLIServer + ":9000/api/v1/messages/ingest/" + $vLIAgentID)
        $Response = Invoke-RestMethod $Resturl -Method Post -Body $Restcall -ContentType 'application/json' -ErrorAction stop
        Write-Host "REST Call to Log Insight server successful"
        Write-Host $Response
        Write-Host "REST Call failed to Log Insight server"
        Write-Host $error[0]
        Write-Host $Resturl