
#Requires -Version 3.0

#-- Helper for valentia --#

# go
Move location to valentia folder
You can specify branch path in configuration.
If you changed from default, then change validation set for BranchPath for intellisence.
Author: guitarrapc
Created: 13/Jul/2013
just move to root deployment path.
go application
change location to BranchPath c:\deployment\application (in default configuration.)

function Set-ValentiaLocation
        [Parameter(Position = 0, mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Select branch deploy folder to change directory.")]

        $prevLocation = (Get-Location).Path
        $newlocation = Join-Path $valentia.RootPath ([ValentiaBranchPath]::$BranchPath)

        # Move to BrachPath if exist
        ("moving to new location as '{0}' : '{1}'" -f $BranchPath, $newlocation) | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
        if (Test-Path $newlocation)
            Set-Location -Path $newlocation
            throw "Path not found exception! Make sure {0} is exist." -f $newlocation

        ("moved Location : '{0}', previous Location : '{1}'" -f (Get-Location).Path, $prevLocation) | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
        if ((Get-Location).Path -ne $prevLocation)
            ("Location change to '{0}'" -f (Get-Location).Path) | Write-ValentiaVerboseDebug
            Write-Warning "Location not changed."