
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms,presentationframework, presentationcore

Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
public class vds {
public static extern bool InvertRect(IntPtr hDC, [In] ref RECT lprc);
public static extern IntPtr GetDC(IntPtr hWnd);
public static extern void keybd_event(byte bVk, byte bScan, uint dwFlags, UIntPtr dwExtraInfo);
public static extern IntPtr WindowFromPoint(System.Drawing.Point p);
// Now working in pwsh 7 thanks to advice from seeminglyscience#2404 on Discord
public static extern IntPtr GetParent(IntPtr hWnd);
public static extern int SendMessage(int hWnd, int hMsg, int wParam, int lParam);
public static extern bool ShowWindow(int hWnd, WindowState nCmdShow);
public enum WindowState
        SW_HIDE = 0,
        SW_SHOW_NORMAL = 1,
        SW_SHOW_MINIMIZED = 2,
        SW_MAXIMIZE = 3,
        SW_SHOW_MAXIMIZED = 3,
        SW_SHOW_NO_ACTIVE = 4,
        SW_SHOW = 5,
        SW_MINIMIZE = 6,
        SW_SHOW_MIN_NO_ACTIVE = 7,
        SW_SHOW_NA = 8,
        SW_RESTORE = 9,
        SW_SHOW_DEFAULT = 10,
        SW_FORCE_MINIMIZE = 11
public static extern bool MoveWindow(int hWnd, int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, bool bRepaint);
public static extern bool GetWindowRect(int hWnd, out RECT lpRect);
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint="FindWindow")]
internal static extern int FWBC(string lpClassName, int ZeroOnly);
public static int FindWindowByClass(string lpClassName) {
return FWBC(lpClassName, 0);}
[DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint="FindWindow")]
internal static extern int FWBT(int ZeroOnly, string lpTitle);
public static int FindWindowByTitle(string lpTitle) {
return FWBT(0, lpTitle);}
public static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();
public static extern IntPtr GetWindow(int hWnd, uint uCmd);
     public static extern int GetWindowTextLength(int hWnd);
public static extern IntPtr GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, System.Text.StringBuilder text, int count);
public static extern IntPtr GetClassName(IntPtr hWnd, System.Text.StringBuilder text, int count);
    public static extern bool SetWindowPos(int hWnd, int hWndInsertAfter, int X, int Y, int cx, int cy, uint uFlags);
[DllImport ("user32.dll")]
public static extern bool SetParent(int ChWnd, int hWnd);
public static extern int SetWindowLong(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex, int dwNewLong);
public static extern bool SetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, string lpString);
//Adapted from script by StephenP
extern static uint SendInput(uint nInputs, INPUT[] pInputs, int cbSize);
public struct INPUT
        public int type; // 0 = INPUT_MOUSE,
                                // 1 = INPUT_KEYBOARD
                                // 2 = INPUT_HARDWARE
        public MOUSEINPUT mi;
public struct MOUSEINPUT
        public int dx ;
        public int dy ;
        public int mouseData ;
        public int dwFlags;
        public int time;
        public IntPtr dwExtraInfo;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_MOVED = 0x0001 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN = 0x0002 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP = 0x0004 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN = 0x0008 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP = 0x0010 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN = 0x0020 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP = 0x0040 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL = 0x0080 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_XDOWN = 0x0100 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_XUP = 0x0200 ;
const int MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE = 0x8000 ;
const int screen_length = 0x10000 ;
public static void LeftClickAtPoint(int x, int y, int width, int height)
    //Move the mouse
    INPUT[] input = new INPUT[3];
    input[0].mi.dx = x*(65535/width);
    input[0].mi.dy = y*(65535/height);
    //Left mouse button down
    input[1].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN;
    //Left mouse button up
    input[2].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP;
    SendInput(3, input, Marshal.SizeOf(input[0]));
public static void RightClickAtPoint(int x, int y, int width, int height)
    //Move the mouse
    INPUT[] input = new INPUT[3];
    input[0].mi.dx = x*(65535/width);
    input[0].mi.dy = y*(65535/height);
    //Left mouse button down
    input[1].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN;
    //Left mouse button up
    input[2].mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP;
    SendInput(3, input, Marshal.SizeOf(input[0]));
//End CC-SA
[DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern int SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hwnd);
 public struct RECT
    public int Left;
    public int Top;
    public int Right;
    public int Bottom;
  -ReferencedAssemblies System.Windows.Forms,System.Drawing,System.Drawing.Primitives,System.Net.Primitives,System.ComponentModel.Primitives,Microsoft.Win32.Primitives

        Function: FlashWindow
        Author: Boe Prox
        Adapted to VDS: 20190212
        License: Microsoft Limited Public License

if ((get-host).version.major -eq 7) {
    if ((get-host).version.minor -eq 0) {
Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
public class vdsForm:Form {
public static extern bool RegisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id, int fsModifiers, int vk);
public static extern bool UnregisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id);
    protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) {
        base.WndProc(ref m);
        if (m.Msg == 0x0312) {
            int id = m.WParam.ToInt32();
            foreach (Control item in this.Controls) {
                if (item.Name == "hotkey") {
                    item.Text = id.ToString();
 -ReferencedAssemblies System.Windows.Forms,System.Drawing,System.Drawing.Primitives,System.Net.Primitives,System.ComponentModel.Primitives,Microsoft.Win32.Primitives
Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
public class vdsForm:Form {
public static extern bool RegisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id, int fsModifiers, int vk);
public static extern bool UnregisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id);
    protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) {
        base.WndProc(ref m);
        if (m.Msg == 0x0312) {
            int id = m.WParam.ToInt32();
            foreach (Control item in this.Controls) {
                if (item.Name == "hotkey") {
                    item.Text = id.ToString();
 -ReferencedAssemblies System.Windows.Forms,System.Drawing,System.Drawing.Primitives,System.Net.Primitives,System.ComponentModel.Primitives,Microsoft.Win32.Primitives,System.Windows.Forms.Primitives    
else {
Add-Type @"
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
public class vdsForm:Form {
public static extern bool RegisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id, int fsModifiers, int vk);
public static extern bool UnregisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id);
    protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) {
        base.WndProc(ref m);
        if (m.Msg == 0x0312) {
            int id = m.WParam.ToInt32();
            foreach (Control item in this.Controls) {
                if (item.Name == "hotkey") {
                    item.Text = id.ToString();
 -ReferencedAssemblies System.Windows.Forms,System.Drawing

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class Window
    public struct FLASHWINFO
        public UInt32 cbSize;
        public IntPtr hwnd;
        public UInt32 dwFlags;
        public UInt32 uCount;
        public UInt32 dwTimeout;
    //Stop flashing. The system restores the window to its original state.
    const UInt32 FLASHW_STOP = 0;
    //Flash the window caption.
    const UInt32 FLASHW_CAPTION = 1;
    //Flash the taskbar button.
    const UInt32 FLASHW_TRAY = 2;
    //Flash both the window caption and taskbar button.
    //This is equivalent to setting the FLASHW_CAPTION | FLASHW_TRAY flags.
    const UInt32 FLASHW_ALL = 3;
    //Flash continuously, until the FLASHW_STOP flag is set.
    const UInt32 FLASHW_TIMER = 4;
    //Flash continuously until the window comes to the foreground.
    const UInt32 FLASHW_TIMERNOFG = 12;
    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
    static extern bool FlashWindowEx(ref FLASHWINFO pwfi);
    public static bool FlashWindow(IntPtr handle, UInt32 timeout, UInt32 count)
        IntPtr hWnd = handle;
        FLASHWINFO fInfo = new FLASHWINFO();
        fInfo.cbSize = Convert.ToUInt32(Marshal.SizeOf(fInfo));
        fInfo.hwnd = hWnd;
        fInfo.dwFlags = FLASHW_ALL | FLASHW_TIMERNOFG;
        fInfo.uCount = count;
        fInfo.dwTimeout = timeout;
        return FlashWindowEx(ref fInfo);

$vscreen = [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::VirtualScreen.height
if ((get-host).version.major -eq 5) {
[xml]$xml = @"

$dum = (New-Object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $xml)
$win = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load($dum)

$screen = [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::VirtualScreen.height

$global:ctscale = ($screen/$vscreen)

$global:xmen = $false
$global:excelinit = $false
$global:fieldsep = "|"
$global:database = new-object System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection
set-alias run invoke-expression

function abs($a) {
     Returns the abslute value of a number.
    $number = -5
    if ($(abs $number) -gt 4)
    {console "It's greater than 4"}

    return [math]::abs($a)

function alt($a) {
    return "%$a"
     Sends the ALT key plus string. Only useful with 'window send'.
    window send $(winexists notepad) $(alt "F")


function asc($a) {
     Returns the ascii code number related to character $a.
     $(asc 'm')

    return [byte][char]$a

function ask($a,$b) {
    $ask = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($a,$b,'YesNo','Info')
    return $ask
     Opens a dialog window to ask the user a question.
    if ($(ask "Is this the question?" "This is the title") -eq "Yes")
    {info "This is the question"}
    {info "This is not the question"}


function beep {

function both($a, $b) {
    if (($a) -and ($b)) {
        return $true 
    else {
        return $false
     Checks if both values are $true
    if ($(both 1 2)){console "Both 1 and 2 exists"}

function chr ($a) {
    $a = $a | Out-String
    return [char][byte]$a
     Returns the ascii code to character
    $(chr 34)


function clipboard ($a,$b) {
    switch ($a) {
        append {
            Set-Clipboard -Append $b
        clear {
            echo $null | clip
        set {
            Set-Clipboard -Value $b
    Performs clipboard operations
    Paramters: append, clear or set
    clipboard set $clip

function clipbrd {
    return Get-Clipboard -Format Text
     Returns the text in the clipboard
    window send $(winexists notepad) $(clipbrd)


function color ($a,$b,$c,$d) {
    switch ($a.toLower()) {
        name {return [System.Drawing.Color]::FromName($b)}
        rgb {return  [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb($b,$c,$d)}
     Returns color by name or rgb


function colordlg {
    $colorDialog = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ColorDialog
    $colorDialog.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
    if (($global:colordlg -eq $null) -or ($global:colordlg -eq "object")) {
        return $colorDialog
    else {
            return $colorDialog.color.name
     Produces a color selection dialog.
     If 'option colordlg normal' has been set, this will return the friendly color name, otherwise it returns the entire colorDialog object.
     If 'option colordlg normal' is set, it may be unset using 'option colordlg object'.
     $color = $(colordlg); console $color.color.R; console $color.color.G; console $color.color.B

function console ($a,$b){
     switch ($a) {
         read {
             return read-host -prompt $b
         write {
             write-host $b
         default {
             write-host $a
     Performs console write or read operations
     $read = $(console read)


 function count ($a) {
    return $a.items.count
     Returns the count of items in an object, usually a listbox.
     $c = $(count $listbox1)

function cr {
    return chr(13)
     A carriage return, this is usually followed by a line feed.
     info "Return a new line $(cr) here."


function csv ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f)
    switch ($a)
            if ($e){
                while ($i -lt $e) {
                $build += ($i+1),($i+2)
                $i = $i+2
            else {
                while ($i -lt 256) {
                $build += ($i+1),($i+2)
                $i = $i+2

            $csv = Import-Csv $b -header $build.ForEach({ $_ })
            $i = 0
            $csv | %{
            $i = $i+1
                if ($i -eq $d){
                return $_.$c
        write {
            if ($f){
                while ($i -lt $f) {
                $build += ($i+1),($i+2)
                $i = $i+2
            else {
                while ($i -lt 256) {
                $build += ($i+1),($i+2)
                $i = $i+2

            $csv = Import-Csv $b -header $build.ForEach({ $_ })
            $i = 0
            $csv | %{
            $i = $i+1
                if ($i -eq $d){
                $_.$c = $e
                return $csv
        count {
            if ($c){
                while ($i -lt $c) {
                $build += ($i+1),($i+2)
                $i = $i+2
            else {
                while ($i -lt 256) {
                $build += ($i+1),($i+2)
                $i = $i+2

            $csv = Import-Csv $b -header $build.ForEach({ $_ })
            return $csv.count       
        save {
        $b | export-csv $c -NoTypeInformation
        $Content = Get-content $c | select-object -skip 1
        $Content | out-file $c -Encoding utf8       
     Manipulate CSV files
      #There are 300 columns. Read cell A1
      $csv = $(csv read c:\temp\temp.csv 1 1 300)
      #There are less than 255 columns. Read cell B2
      $csv = $(csv read c:\temp\temp.csv 2 2)
      #There are 300 columns. Write to cell A1, return the whole CSV back.
      $csv = $(csv write c:\temp\temp.csv 1 1 NotMyCow 300)
      #There are less than 255 columns. Write cell B2, return the whole CSV back.
      $csv = $(csv write c:\temp\temp.csv 2 2 Beans)
      #Get the row count of a CSV
      $csv = $(csv count c:\temp\temp.csv)
      #Save CSV file
      csv save $csv c:\temp\temp.csv


function ctrl($a) {
    return "^$a"
     Sends the CTRL key plus string. Only useful with 'window send'.
    window send $(winexists notepad) $(ctrl "s")


 function curdir {
    return $(trim (Get-Location | Select-Object -expandproperty Path | Out-String))
     Returns the current directory as string
    $c = $(curdir)
    directory change c:\windows
    rem do some stuff
    directory change $c


 function database($a,$b) {
     switch ($a) {
         Open {
             $database.connectionstring = "DSN="+$b
         Close {
         Execute {
             $command = New-object System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand($b,$database)
             $getdata = new-object System.Data.Dataset
             (new-object System.Data.odbc.Odbcdataadapter($command)).Fill($getdata)
             return $getdata.tables
     Performs ODBC database operations, open requires the connection name, close closes the connection, execute is a sql command that returns data tables.
     $q = $(database execute 'select * from table where name like $string')
 function date($a)
 return [System.Convert]::ToDateTime($a)
     Converts string to date (for math operations)
    write-host $(date '7/17/2020 8:52:33 pm').AddDays(-1)
 function datetime {
    return Get-Date
     Returns the current date and time.


function decrypt ($a, $b){
    if ($b){
        [byte[]]$b = $b.split(" ")
        $secure = $a | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $b
        $user = "inconsequential"
        $credObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $user, $secure
        return ($credObject.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
        $secure = $a | ConvertTo-SecureString 
        $user = "inconsequential"
        $credObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $user, $secure
        return ($credObject.GetNetworkCredential().Password)
    Decrypt an encrypted secret.
    $encrypt = 'Hello'
    $b = $(encrypt $encrypt 'Aes')
    $vals = $b.Split($(fieldsep))
    info $(decrypt $vals[0] $vals[1])


 function dialog($a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f,$g,$h) {
    function AddControl2 ($mControl){ 
        $mReturnControl = $null 
        $ctrol = $mControl.Type | Out-String 
        $ctrol = $ctrol.trim()
        switch($ctrol) {
            "StatusStrip" {
                $mReturnControl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$ctrol
                $mReturnControl.Name = $mControl.Name
                Return $mReturnControl
                $oolbuttons = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip
                $oolbuttons.imagescalingsize = new-object System.Drawing.Size([int]($ctscale * 16),[int]($ctscale * 16))
                $oolbuttons.Name = $mControl.Name
                $oolbuttons.Text = $mControl.Name
                foreach ($mProperty in $mControl.Properties){
                    foreach ($split in $mProperty.Value.split(",")) {
                        if ($split -ne "-") {
                            $item = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton
                            $isplit = $split.split("|")
                            $item.name = $isplit[0]
                            if ($(substr $isplit[1] 0 2) -eq 'ht') {
                                $item.image = $(streamimage $isplit[1])
                            else {
                                $item.image = $(fileimage $isplit[1])
                        $item.text = $isplit[2]
                            $item.Add_Click({&toolstripitemclick $this})
                        else {
                            $item = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator
                            $item.name = $split
                            $item.text = $split                 
                    $oolbuttons.Items.Add($item) | Out-Null                    
                 # $b.Controls.Add($toolbuttons)
                return $oolbuttons
                if ($ctrol -eq "MenuStrip"){
                    $global:designribbonctrl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$ctrol
                    $designribbonctrl.imagescalingsize = new-object System.Drawing.Size([int]($ctscale * 16),[int]($ctscale * 16))
                    $enutitle = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
                    $enutitle.Name = $mControl.Name
                    $enutitle.Text = $mControl.Name
                    $global:designribbonctrl.Items.add($enutitle) | Out-Null
                    foreach ($mProperty in $mControl.Properties){
                        foreach ($split in $mProperty.Value.split(",")) {
                            if ($split -ne "-") {
                                $innersplit = $split.split("|")
                                $split = $innersplit[0]
                                $item = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
                                if ($innersplit[2]) {
                                    if ($(substr $innersplit[2] 0 2) -eq 'ht') {
                                        $item.image = $(streamimage $innersplit[2])
                                    else {
                                    $item.image = $(fileimage $innersplit[2])
                                if ($innersplit[1]) {
                                    $item.ShortCutKeys = $innersplit[1]
                                    $item.ShowShortCutKeys = $true
                                $item.name = $split
                                $item.text = $split
                                    &menuitemclick $this
                            else {
                                $item = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator
                                $item.name = $split
                                $item.text = $split                 
                            $enutitle.DropDownItems.Add($item) | Out-Null
                    return $global:designribbonctrl
                    $mReturnControl = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$ctrol
                    $mReturnControl.Name = $mControl.Name
                    foreach ($mProperty in $mControl.Properties){
                        switch ($mProperty.Name){ 
                # 'Top' {$mReturnControl.Top=$mProperty.Value}
                # 'Left' {$mReturnControl.Left=$mProperty.Value}
                            'Width' {$mSizeX=$mProperty.Value} 
                            'Height' {$mSizeY=$mProperty.Value} 
                # 'Text' {$mReturnControl.Text=$mProperty.Value}
                            'AccessibilityObject' {}
                            'CanFocus' {}
                            'CanSelect' {}
                            'CompanyName' {}
                            'Container' {}
                            'ContainsFocus' {}
                            'Controls' {}
                            'Created' {}
                            'DataBindings' {}
                            'DeviceDpi' {}
                            'DisplayRectangle' {}
                            'Disposing' {}
                            'Focused' {}
                            'Handle' {}
                            'HasChildren' {}
                            'InvokeRequired' {}
                            'IsDisposed' {}
                            'IsHandleCreated' {}
                            'IsMirrored' {}
                            'LayoutEngine' {}
                            'PreferredHeight' {}
                            'PreferredSize' {}
                            'ProductName' {}
                            'ProductVersion' {}
                            'RecreatingHandle' {}
                            'Right' {}
                            'AccessibleName' {}
                            'AccessibleDefaultActionDescription' {}
                            'AccessibleDescription' {}
                            'AccessibleRole' {}
                            'ImeMode' {}
                            'IsAccessible' {}
                            'Location' {}
                            'Name' {}
                            'Parent' {}
                            'Region' {}
                            'Site' {}
                            'WindowTarget' {}
                                $prop = $mProperty.Name
                                $val = $mProperty.Value
                                if ($mProperty.value -ne $null){
                                    $mReturnControl.$prop = $val
                    $mReturnControl.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($mSizeX,$mSizeY) 
                    $mReturnControl.Top = $mReturnControl.Top * $ctscale
                    $mReturnControl.Left = $mReturnControl.Left * $ctscale
                    $mReturnControl.Height = $mReturnControl.Height * $ctscale
                    $mReturnControl.Width = $mReturnControl.Width * $ctscale
                    Return $mReturnControl
     switch ($a) {
         add {
             switch ($c) {
                 default {
                     if ($c -eq $null) {
                         $Control = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$b
                     else {
                         $Control = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.$c
                     if ($d -is [int]) {
                         $Control.Top = $d * $ctscale
                         $Control.Left = $e * $ctscale
                         $Control.Width = $f * $ctscale
                         $Control.Height = $g * $ctscale
                         $Control.Text = $h
                     if ($c -ne $null) {
                     return $Control
                 items {
                 statusstrip {
                     $statusstrip = new-object System.Windows.Forms.StatusStrip
                     $ToolStripStatusLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripStatusLabel
                     return $statusstrip
                 menustrip { 
                     if ($global:xmen -ne $true) {
                         $global:menuribbon = new-object System.Windows.Forms.MenuStrip
                         $menuribbon.imagescalingsize = new-object System.Drawing.Size([int]($ctscale * 16),[int]($ctscale * 16))
                         $global:xmen = $true
                     $xmenutitle = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
                     $xmenutitle.Name = $d
                     $xmenutitle.Text = $d
                     $global:menuribbon.Items.add($xmenutitle) | Out-Null
                     foreach ($split in $e.split(",")) {
                         if ($split -ne "-") {
                             $innersplit = $split.split("|")
                             $split = $innersplit[0]
                             $item = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
                             if ($innersplit[2]) {
                                if ($(substr $innersplit[2] 0 2) -eq 'ht') {
                                    $item.image = $(streamimage $innersplit[2])
                                else {
                                $item.image = $(fileimage $innersplit[2])
                             if ($innersplit[1]) {
                                 $item.ShortCutKeys = $innersplit[1]
                                 $item.ShowShortCutKeys = $true
                             $item.name = $split
                             $item.text = $split
                                     &menuitemclick $this
                         else {
                             $item = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator
                             $item.name = $split
                             $item.text = $split                 
                         $xmenutitle.DropDownItems.Add($item) | Out-Null     
                     return $xmenutitle                  
                 taskicon {
                    $taskicon = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon
                    $taskicon.Text = $e
                    $taskicon.Icon = $d
                    $taskicon.Visible = $true
                    return $taskicon
                 toolstrip {
                     $toolbuttons = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip
                     $toolbuttons.imagescalingsize = new-object System.Drawing.Size([int]($ctscale * 16),[int]($ctscale * 16))
                     $toolbuttons.Height = $toolbuttons.Height * $ctscale
                     foreach ($split in $d.split(",")) {
                         if ($split -ne "-") {
                             $item = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton
                             $isplit = $split.split("|")
                             $item.name = $isplit[0]
                            if ($(substr $isplit[1] 0 2) -eq 'ht') {
                                $item.image = $(streamimage $isplit[1])
                            else {
                                $item.image = $(fileimage $isplit[1])
                             $item.text = $isplit[2]
                             $item.Add_Click({&toolstripitemclick $this})
                         else {
                             $item = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator
                             $item.name = $split
                             $item.text = $split                 
                         $toolbuttons.Items.Add($item) | Out-Null                    
                          return $toolbuttons
         image {
                if ($(substr $c 0 2) -eq 'ht') {
                    $b.image = $(streamimage $c)
                else {
                    $b.image = $(fileimage $c)
        backgroundimage { 
                if ($(substr $c 0 2) -eq 'ht') {
                    $b.backgroundimage = $(streamimage $c)
                else {
                    $b.backgroundimage = $(fileimage $c)
         clear {
             $b.Text = ""
         clearsel {
         close {
         create {
             $Form = [vdsForm] @{
             ClientSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Point 0,0}
             $Form.Text = $b
             $Form.Top = $c * $ctscale
              $Form.Left = $d * $ctscale
             $Form.Width = $e * $ctscale
             $Form.Height = $f * $ctscale
             return $Form
         cursor {
             $b.Cursor = $c
         } #https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.windows.forms.cursors.appstarting?view=netframework-4.7.2

         disable {
             $b.enabled = $false
         element {
            $q = $b.controls | where{$_.name -eq $c}
            return $q
         enable {
             $b.enabled = $true
         focus {
         hide {
             $b.visible = $false
         load {
            if (file $b){ 
            $form = dialog create # $c $d $e $f $g
            $mFormObj = Import-Clixml $b
            Foreach ($mElement in $mFormObj){ 
                $form.controls.add((AddControl2 $mElement)) 
            inifile open $b

if ($(iniread Form AcceptButton) -ne "") {
$form.AcceptButton                     = $(iniread Form AcceptButton)
if ($(iniread Form ActiveControl) -ne "") {
$form.ActiveControl                     = $(iniread Form ActiveControl)
if ($(iniread Form ActiveMdiChild) -ne "") {
$form.ActiveMdiChild                = $(iniread Form ActiveMdiChild)
if ($(iniread Form AllowDrop) -ne "") {
$form.AllowDrop                         = $(iniread Form AllowDrop)
if ($(iniread Form AllowTransparency) -ne "") {
$form.AllowTransparency                = $(iniread Form AllowTransparency)
if ($(iniread Form Anchor) -ne "") {
$form.Anchor                         = $(iniread Form Anchor)
if ($(iniread Form AutoScale) -ne "") {
$form.AutoScale                         = $(iniread Form AutoScale)
if ($(iniread Form AutoScaleBaseSize) -ne "") {
$form.AutoScaleBaseSize                = $(iniread Form AutoScaleBaseSize)
if ($(iniread Form AutoScaleDimensions) -ne "") {
$form.AutoScaleDimensions            = $(iniread Form AutoScaleDimensions)
if ($(iniread Form AutoScaleMode) -ne "") {
$form.AutoScaleMode                    = $(iniread Form AutoScaleMode)
if ($(iniread Form AutoScroll) -ne "") {
$form.AutoScroll                    = $(iniread Form AutoScroll)
if ($(iniread Form AutoScrollMargin) -ne "") {
$form.AutoScrollMargin                = $(iniread Form AutoScrollMargin)
if ($(iniread Form AutoScrollMinSize) -ne "") {
$form.AutoScrollMinSize                = $(iniread Form AutoScrollMinSize)
if ($(iniread Form AutoScrollOffset) -ne "") {
$form.AutoScrollOffset                = $(iniread Form AutoScrollOffset)
if ($(iniread Form AutoScrollPosition) -ne "") {
$form.AutoScrollPosition            = $(iniread Form AutoScrollPosition)
if ($(iniread Form AutoSize) -ne "") {
$form.AutoSize                        = $(iniread Form AutoSize)
if ($(iniread Form AutoSizeMode) -ne "") {
$form.AutoSizeMode                    = $(iniread Form AutoSizeMode)
if ($(iniread Form AutoValidate) -ne "") {
$form.AutoValidate                    = $(iniread Form AutoValidate)
if ($(iniread Form BackColor) -ne "") {
$form.BackColor                        = $(iniread Form BackColor)
if ($(iniread Form BackgroundImage) -ne "") {
$form.BackgroundImage                = $(iniread Form BackgroundImage)
if ($(iniread Form BackgroundImageLayout) -ne "") {
$form.BackgroundImageLayout            = $(iniread Form BackgroundImageLayout)
if ($(iniread Form BindingContext) -ne "") {
$form.BindingContext                = $(iniread Form BindingContext)
if ($(iniread Form Bottom) -ne "") {
$form.Bottom                        = $(iniread Form Bottom)
if ($(iniread Form Bounds) -ne "") {
$form.Bounds                        = $(iniread Form Bounds)
if ($(iniread Form CancelButton) -ne "") {
$form.CancelButton                    = $(iniread Form CancelButton)
if ($(iniread Form Capture) -ne "") {
$form.Capture                        = $(iniread Form Capture)
if ($(iniread Form CausesValidation) -ne "") {
$form.CausesValidation                = $(iniread Form CausesValidation)
if ($(iniread Form ClientRectangle) -ne "") {
$form.ClientRectangle                = $(iniread Form ClientRectangle)
if ($(iniread Form ClientSize) -ne "") {
$form.ClientSize                    = $(iniread Form ClientSize)
if ($(iniread Form ContextMenu) -ne "") {
$form.ContextMenu                    = $(iniread Form ContextMenu)
if ($(iniread Form ContextMenuStrip) -ne "") {
$form.ContextMenuStrip                = $(iniread Form ContextMenuStrip)
if ($(iniread Form ControlBox) -ne "") {
$form.ControlBox                    = $(iniread Form ControlBox)
if ($(iniread Form CurrentAutoScaleDimensions) -ne "") {
$form.CurrentAutoScaleDimensions    = $(iniread Form CurrentAutoScaleDimensions)
if ($(iniread Form Cursor) -ne "") {
$form.Cursor                        = $(iniread Form Cursor)
if ($(iniread Form DesktopBounds) -ne "") {
$form.DesktopBounds                    = $(iniread Form DesktopBounds)
if ($(iniread Form DesktopLocation) -ne "") {
$form.DesktopLocation                = $(iniread Form DesktopLocation)
if ($(iniread Form DialogResult) -ne "") {
$form.DialogResult                    = $(iniread Form DialogResult)
if ($(iniread Form Dock) -ne "") {
$form.Dock                            = $(iniread Form Dock)
if ($(iniread Form DockPadding) -ne "") {
$form.DockPadding                    = $(iniread Form DockPadding)
if ($(iniread Form Enabled) -ne "") {
$form.Enabled                        = $(iniread Form Enabled)
if ($(iniread Form Font) -ne "") {
$form.Font                            = $(iniread Form Font)
if ($(iniread Form ForeColor) -ne "") {
$form.ForeColor                        = $(iniread Form ForeColor)
if ($(iniread Form FormBorderStyle) -ne "") {
$form.FormBorderStyle                = $(iniread Form FormBorderStyle)
if ($(iniread Form Height) -ne "") {
$form.Height                        = (($(iniread Form Height) / 1) * $ctscale)
if ($(iniread Form HelpButton) -ne "") {
$form.HelpButton                    = $(iniread Form HelpButton)
if ($(iniread Form HorizontalScroll) -ne "") {
$form.HorizontalScroll                = $(iniread Form HorizontalScroll)
if ($(iniread Form Icon) -ne "") {
$form.Icon                            = $(iniread Form Icon)
if ($(iniread Form IsMdiChild) -ne "") {
$form.IsMdiChild                    = $(iniread Form IsMdiChild)
if ($(iniread Form IsMdiContainer) -ne "") {
$form.IsMdiContainer                = $(iniread Form IsMdiContainer)
if ($(iniread Form IsRestrictedWindow) -ne "") {
$form.IsRestrictedWindow            = $(iniread Form IsRestrictedWindow)
if ($(iniread Form KeyPreview) -ne "") {
$form.KeyPreview                    = $(iniread Form KeyPreview)
if ($(iniread Form Left) -ne "") {
$form.Left                            = (($(iniread Form Left) / 1) * $ctscale)
if ($(iniread Form MainMenuStrip) -ne "") {
$form.MainMenuStrip                    = $(iniread Form MainMenuStrip)
if ($(iniread Form Margin) -ne "") {
$form.Margin                        = $(iniread Form Margin)
if ($(iniread Form MaximizeBox) -ne "") {
$form.MaximizeBox                    = $(iniread Form MaximizeBox)
if ($(iniread Form MaximumSize) -ne "") {
$form.MaximumSize                    = $(iniread Form MaximumSize)
if ($(iniread Form MdiChildren) -ne "") {
$form.MdiChildren                    = $(iniread Form MdiChildren)
if ($(iniread Form MdiParent) -ne "") {
$form.MdiParent                        = $(iniread Form MdiParent)
if ($(iniread Form Menu) -ne "") {
$form.Menu                            = $(iniread Form Menu)
if ($(iniread Form MergedMenu) -ne "") {
$form.MergedMenu                    = $(iniread Form MergedMenu)
if ($(iniread Form MinimizeBox) -ne "") {
$form.MinimizeBox                    = $(iniread Form MinimizeBox)
if ($(iniread Form MinimumSize) -ne "") {
$form.MinimumSize                    = $(iniread Form MinimumSize)
if ($(iniread Form Modal) -ne "") {
$form.Modal                            = $(iniread Form Modal)
if ($(iniread Form Opacity) -ne "") {
$form.Opacity                        = $(iniread Form Opacity)
if ($(iniread Form OwnedForms) -ne "") {
$form.OwnedForms                    = $(iniread Form OwnedForms)
if ($(iniread Form Owner) -ne "") {
$form.Owner                            = $(iniread Form Owner)
if ($(iniread Form Padding) -ne "") {
$form.Padding                        = $(iniread Form Padding)
if ($(iniread Form ParentForm) -ne "") {
$form.ParentForm                    = $(iniread Form ParentForm)
if ($(iniread Form RestoreBounds) -ne "") {
$form.RestoreBounds                    = $(iniread Form RestoreBounds)
if ($(iniread Form RightToLeft) -ne "") {
$form.RightToLeft                    = $(iniread Form RightToLeft)
if ($(iniread Form RightToLeftLayout) -ne "") {
$form.RightToLeftLayout                = $(iniread Form RightToLeftLayout)
if ($(iniread Form ShowIcon) -ne "") {
$form.ShowIcon                        = $(iniread Form ShowIcon)
if ($(iniread Form ShowInTaskbar) -ne "") {
$form.ShowInTaskbar                    = $(iniread Form ShowInTaskbar)
if ($(iniread Form Size) -ne "") {
$form.Size                            = $(iniread Form Size)
if ($(iniread Form SizeGripStyle) -ne "") {
$form.SizeGripStyle                    = $(iniread Form SizeGripStyle)
if ($(iniread Form StartPosition) -ne "") {
$form.StartPosition                    = $(iniread Form StartPosition)
if ($(iniread Form TabIndex) -ne "") {
$form.TabIndex                        = $(iniread Form TabIndex)
if ($(iniread Form TabStop) -ne "") {
$form.TabStop                        = $(iniread Form TabStop)
if ($(iniread Form Tag) -ne "") {
$form.Tag                            = $(iniread Form Tag)
if ($(iniread Form Text) -ne "") {
$form.Text                            = $(iniread Form Text)
if ($(iniread Form Top) -ne "") {
$form.Top                            = (($(iniread Form Top) / 1) * $ctscale)
if ($(iniread Form TopLevel) -ne "") {
$form.TopLevel                        = $(iniread Form TopLevel)
if ($(iniread Form TopLevelControl) -ne "") {
$form.TopLevelControl                = $(iniread Form TopLevelControl)
if ($(iniread Form TopMost) -ne "") {
$form.TopMost                        = $(iniread Form TopMost)
if ($(iniread Form TransparencyKey) -ne "") {
$form.TransparencyKey                = $(iniread Form TransparencyKey)
if ($(iniread Form UseWaitCursor) -ne "") {
$form.UseWaitCursor                    = $(iniread Form UseWaitCursor)
if ($(iniread Form VerticalScroll) -ne "") {
$form.VerticalScroll                = $(iniread Form VerticalScroll)
if ($(iniread Form Visible) -ne "") {
$form.Visible                        = $(iniread Form Visible)
if ($(iniread Form Width) -ne "") {
$form.Width                            = (($(iniread Form Width) / 1) * $ctscale)
if ($(iniread Form WindowState) -ne "") {
$form.WindowState                    = $(iniread Form WindowState)
        return $form
         name {
             $b.Name = $c
         popup { 
                     $xpopup = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenuStrip
                     $xpopup.imagescalingsize = new-object System.Drawing.Size([int]($ctscale * 16),[int]($ctscale * 16))
                     foreach ($split in $c.split(",")) {
                         if ($split -ne "-")
                         {   $item = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem
                             $isplit = $split.split("|")
                             $item.name = $isplit[0] 
                            if ($isplit[1])
                                if ($(substr $isplit[1] 0 2) -eq 'ht') {
                                    $item.image = $(streamimage $isplit[1])
                                else {
                                    $item.image = $(fileimage $isplit[1])
                             $item.text = $isplit[0]
                             $item.Add_Click({&menuitemclick $this})
                         else {
                             $item = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripSeparator
                             $item.name = $split
                             $item.text = $split                 
                         $xpopup.Items.Add($item) | Out-Null                 
                         $b.ContextMenuStrip = $xpopup
                         return $xpopup
         properties {
             return $b | Get-Member
         } #Remains for backwards compatibility. Please use dlgprops
         property {
                if ($d -notmatch "color"){
                    if ($($c -match "color")) {
                        $s = $d.split(",")
                        if ($s[1]){
                            $d = $(color rgb $s[0] $s[1] $s[2])
                        else {
                        $d = $(color name $d)
                if ($d -notmatch "font"){
                    if ($c.toLower() -eq 'font') {
                            $s = $d.split(",")
                            $d = $(font $s[0] ($s[1]/1))
             $b.$c = $d
            # write-host $d.GetType();
         remove {    
         run {
              $global:apprunning = $true
              [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::Run($b) | Out-Null
              #Only useful when using vds.psm1 as a module to PowerShell in scenarios where the same form in a ps1 file must be called multiple times.
          set {
              $b.Text = $c
          setpos {
              $b.Top = $c * $ctscale
              $b.Left = $d * $ctscale
              $b.Width = $e * $ctscale
              $b.Height = $f * $ctscale
          settip {
              $t = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Tooltip
              $t.SetToolTip($b, $c)
          show {
              if ($global:apprunning -eq $true) {
                  $b.Show() | Out-Null
              else {
                  $global:apprunning = $true
                  [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::Run($b) | Out-Null
          showmodal {
              $b.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
          snap {
              switch ($c)
                  on {$b.MaximizeBox = $tue}
                  off {$b.MaximizeBox = $false}
              } # not working during runtime for switching back.
          title {
              $b.Text = $c
          }  #partial implementation - requires form as $b param
      Controls creation and manipulation of forms
      add (control) int:top int:left int:width int:height string:text
      create string:caption int:top int:left int:width int:height
      cursor (Arrow, Cross, Default, Hand, Help, HSplit, IBeam, No, NoMove2D, NoMoveHoriz, NoMoveVert, PanEast, PanNE, PanNorth, PanNW, PanSE, PanSouth, PanSW, PanWest, SizeAll, SizeNESW, SizeNS, SizeNWSE, SizeWE, UpArrow, VSplit, WaitCursor)
      $MyForm = dialog create MyForm 0 0 800 600
      $textbox1 = dialog add $MyForm $textbox 10 10 100 20
      $menu = dialog add $MyForm menustrip "&File" ('&New|Ctrl+N|'+$(curdir)+'\..\res\application.ico,&Open|Ctrl+O,&Save|Ctrl+S,Save &As,-,Page Set&up...,&Print|Ctrl+P,-,E&xit')
      $toolstrip1 = dialog add $form1 toolstrip "Buttonx1|c:\temp\verisign.bmp|Test,-,Buttonx2|c:\temp\verisign.bmps|Test"
      $statustrip = dialog add $MyForm statusstrip
      $button1 = dialog add $MyForm button 40 10 100 20 "Button1"
      dialog set $statusstrip "Status"
      dialog image button1 ($(curdir)+'\my.png')
      dialog clear $textbox1
      dialog clearsel $list1
      dialog close $MyForm
      dialog cursor $MyForm Arrow
      dialog enable $textbox1
      dialog disable $textbox1
      dialog focus $textbox1
      dialog hide $textbox1
      dialog name $textbox1 textbox1
      $popup = dialog popup $MyForm1 "Beans,Rice"
      dialog property $textbox1 text Text
      dialog remove $textbox1
      dialog setpos $textbox1 10 10 20 100
      dialog settip $textbox1 'Do not wait'
      dialog show $MyForm
      dialog showmodal $MyForm
      dialog snap $MyFrom
      dialog title $MyForm "New Caption"

function dialogshell($a)
    switch ($a){
        "ide" {
            if ((get-host).version.major -eq 7) {
                start-process -filepath pwsh.exe -argumentlist '-ep bypass','-windowstyle hidden','-sta',"-file $(chr 34)$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\examples\vds-ide.ps1$(chr 34)"
            else {
                start-process -filepath powershell.exe -argumentlist '-ep bypass','-windowstyle hidden','-sta',"-file $(chr 34)$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\examples\vds-ide.ps1$(chr 34)"
            If (-NOT ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) {    
                console "Please run powershell elevated to invoke this command."
            else {
                if ((get-host).version.major -eq 7) {
                    registry newkey  "HKLM:\Software\Classes\" .ds1
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\.ds1\" "(Default)" String "DialogShell.Script"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\" "DialogShell.Script"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\" "DefaultIcon"
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\DefaultIcon" "(Default)" String "$(chr 34)$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\res\terminal.ico$(chr 34)"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\" "Shell"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\Shell\" "Open"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\Shell\Open\" "Command"
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\Shell\Open\Command" "(Default)" String "pwsh.exe -windowstyle hidden -ep bypass -sta -file $(chr 34)$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\compile\dialogshell.ps1$(chr 34) $(chr 34)%1$(chr 34) -cpath"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\Shell\" "Edit"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\Shell\Edit\" "Command"
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\Shell\Edit\Command" "(Default)" String "pwsh.exe -windowstyle hidden -ep bypass -sta -file $(chr 34)$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\examples\vds-ide.ps1$(chr 34) $(chr 34)%1$(chr 34)"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\Shell\" "Debug"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\Shell\Debug\" "Command"
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\Shell\Debug\Command" "(Default)" String "pwsh.exe -ep bypass -sta -file $(chr 34)$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\compile\dialogshell.ps1$(chr 34) $(chr 34)%1$(chr 34) -cpath"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\" .dsproj
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\.dsproj\" "(Default)" String "DialogShell.Project"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\" "DialogShell.Project"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Project\" "DefaultIcon"
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Project\DefaultIcon" "(Default)" String "$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\res\icon.ico"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Project\" "Shell"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Project\Shell\" "Open"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Project\Shell\Open\" "Command"
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Project\Shell\Open\Command" "(Default)" String "pwsh.exe -windowstyle hidden -ep bypass -sta -file $(chr 34)$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\examples\vds-ide.ps1$(chr 34) $(chr 34)%1$(chr 34)"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\" .dsform
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\.dsform\" "(Default)" String "DialogShell.Form"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\" "DialogShell.Form"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Form\" "Shell"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Form\" "DefaultIcon"
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Form\DefaultIcon" "(Default)" String "$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\res\application.ico"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Form\Shell\" "Open"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Form\Shell\Open\" "Command"
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Form\Shell\Open\Command" "(Default)" String "pwsh.exe -windowstyle hidden -ep bypass -sta -file $(chr 34)$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\examples\designer.ps1$(chr 34) $(chr 34)%1$(chr 34)"
                    directory create "c:\programdata\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs\Visual DialogShell"
                    link ("C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Visual DialogShell\Visual DialogShell IDE.lnk") ("pwsh.exe") ("$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\examples") ("$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\res\icon.ico,0") ("-windowstyle hidden -ep bypass -sta -file $(chr 34)$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\examples\vds-ide.ps1$(chr 34)")
                    link ("C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Visual DialogShell\DialogShell Console.lnk") ("pwsh.exe") ("$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\compile") ("$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\res\terminal.ico,0") ("-ep bypass -sta -file $(chr 34)$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\compile\dialogshell.ps1$(chr 34)")
                else {
                    registry newkey  "HKLM:\Software\Classes\" .ds1
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\.ds1\" "(Default)" String "DialogShell.Script"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\" "DialogShell.Script"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\" "DefaultIcon"
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\DefaultIcon" "(Default)" String "$(chr 34)$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\res\terminal.ico$(chr 34)"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\" "Shell"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\Shell\" "Open"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\Shell\Open\" "Command"
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\Shell\Open\Command" "(Default)" String "powershell.exe -windowstyle hidden -ep bypass -sta -file $(chr 34)$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\compile\dialogshell.ps1$(chr 34) $(chr 34)%1$(chr 34) -cpath"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\Shell\" "Edit"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\Shell\Edit\" "Command"
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\Shell\Edit\Command" "(Default)" String "powershell.exe -windowstyle hidden -ep bypass -sta -file $(chr 34)$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\examples\vds-ide.ps1$(chr 34) $(chr 34)%1$(chr 34)"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\Shell\" "Debug"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\Shell\Debug\" "Command"
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script\Shell\Debug\Command" "(Default)" String "powershell.exe -ep bypass -sta -file $(chr 34)$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\compile\dialogshell.ps1$(chr 34) $(chr 34)%1$(chr 34) -cpath"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\" .dsproj
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\.dsproj\" "(Default)" String "DialogShell.Project"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\" "DialogShell.Project"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Project\" "DefaultIcon"
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Project\DefaultIcon" "(Default)" String "$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\res\icon.ico"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Project\" "Shell"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Project\Shell\" "Open"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Project\Shell\Open\" "Command"
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Project\Shell\Open\Command" "(Default)" String "powershell.exe -windowstyle hidden -ep bypass -sta -file $(chr 34)$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\examples\vds-ide.ps1$(chr 34) $(chr 34)%1$(chr 34)"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\" .dsform
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\.dsform\" "(Default)" String "DialogShell.Form"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\" "DialogShell.Form"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Form\" "Shell"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Form\" "DefaultIcon"
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Form\DefaultIcon" "(Default)" String "$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\res\application.ico"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Form\Shell\" "Open"
                    registry newkey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Form\Shell\Open\" "Command"
                    registry newitem "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Form\Shell\Open\Command" "(Default)" String "powershell.exe -windowstyle hidden -ep bypass -sta -file $(chr 34)$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\examples\designer.ps1$(chr 34) $(chr 34)%1$(chr 34)"
                    directory create "c:\programdata\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs\Visual DialogShell"
                    link ("C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Visual DialogShell\Visual DialogShell IDE.lnk") ("powershell.exe") ("$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\examples") ("$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\res\icon.ico,0") ("-windowstyle hidden -ep bypass -sta -file $(chr 34)$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\examples\vds-ide.ps1$(chr 34)")
                    link ("C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Visual DialogShell\DialogShell Console.lnk") ("powershell.exe") ("$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\compile") ("$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\res\terminal.ico,0") ("-ep bypass -sta -file $(chr 34)$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\compile\dialogshell.ps1$(chr 34)")                    
                directory create ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")+"\DialogShell")
                directory create ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")+"\DialogShell\plugins")
                directory create ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")+"\DialogShell\wizards")
                directory create ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")+"\DialogShell\examples")
                directory create ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")+"\DialogShell\examples\en-US")
                directory create ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")+"\DialogShell\res")
                directory create ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")+"\DialogShell\elements")
                file copy ("$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\res\*") ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")+"\DialogShell\res")
                file copy ("$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\plugins\*") ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")+"\DialogShell\plugins")
                file copy ("$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\wizards\*") ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")+"\DialogShell\wizards")
                file copy ("$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\elements\*") ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")+"\DialogShell\elements")
                file copy ("$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\examples\*") ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")+"\DialogShell\examples")
                file copy ("$(path $(Get-Module -ListAvailable vds).path)\examples\en-us\*") ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")+"\DialogShell\examples\en-us")
            if (-not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")) {    
                console "Please run powershell elevated to invoke this command."
            else {
                registry deletekey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\.ds1"
                registry deletekey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Script"
                registry deletekey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\.dsproj"
                registry deletekey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Project"
                registry deletekey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\.dsform"
                registry deletekey "HKLM:\Software\Classes\DialogShell.Form"
                directory delete "c:\programdata\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs\Visual DialogShell"

function differ($a,$b) {
    return $a - $b
    Returns the subtractrion result.
     $(differ 4 2)


function dirdlg($a,$b) {
$dirdlg = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
$dirdlg.description = $a
$dirdlg.rootfolder = $b
    if($dirdlg.ShowDialog() -eq "OK")   {
        $folder += $dirdlg.SelectedPath
        return $folder
    Allows use of dialog to browse for folder and returns the result as string.
    The first paramater is the text to display "Select main folder", the second paramater is the start folder.
    Permitted start folder locations are as follows: Desktop, Programs, MyDocuments, Personal, Favorites, Startup, Recent, SendTo, StartMenu, MyMusic, MyVideos, DesktopDirectory, MyComputer, NetworkShortcuts, Fonts, Templates, CommonStartMenu,
    CommonPrograms, CommonStartup, CommonDesktopDirectory, ApplicationData, PrinterShortcuts, LocalApplicationData, InternetCache, Cookies, History, CommonApplicationData, Windows, System, ProgramFiles, MyPictures, UserProfile, SystemX86,
    ProgramFilesX86, CommonProgramFiles, CommonProgramFilesX86, CommonTemplates, CommonDocuments, CommonAdminTools, AdminTools, CommonMusic, CommonPictures, CommonVideos, Resources, LocalizedResources, CommonOemLinks, CDBurning
     $mainfolder = $(dirdlg "Select Main Folder" "CDBurning")

} #partial implementation - root folder constrained to certain values by powershell.

function directory($a,$b,$c) {
    switch ($a) {
            Set-Location $b
            [Environment]::CurrentDirectory = $b
            New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $b
            Remove-Item -path $b -recurse -force
            Rename-Item -Path $b -NewName $c
    Performs directory operations: change, create, delete, rename
    directory change c:\

function div ($a,$b) {
    return $a / $b
    Returns the quotient of a dividend and a divisor.
     $(div 4 2)


function dlgname($a) {
    return $a.name
    Returns the name property of a dialog element
     $(name $textbox1)


function dlgpos ($a,$b) {
    switch ($b) {
        T {
            return $a.Top / $ctscale
        L {
            return $a.Left / $ctscale
        W {
            return $a.Width / $ctscale
        'H' {
            return $a.Height / $ctscale
    Returns the an element of a dialog position, T for top, L for left, W for width or H for height.
     $(dlgpos $textbox1 T)
} #partial implementation

function dlgprops ($a,$b,$c) {
    if ($b -eq $null) {
        return $a | Get-Member | Out-String
    else {
        return ($a | select -ExpandProperty $b | Out-String).Trim()
    Returns properties (1) or property (2 params) of a dialog element.
    console $(dlgprops $textbox1)
    $textbox1text = $(dlgprops $textbox1 text)


function dlgtext($a) {  
    return $a.Text
    Returns the text of a dialog element.
     $(dlgtext $textbox1)


function encrypt ($a,$b){
    $SecureString = $a | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
    if ($b){
            $AESKey = New-Object Byte[] 32
            $encrypt = $SecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString -Key $AESKey
            return $encrypt+$fieldsep+$AESKey
            return ($SecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString)
    Decrypt an encrypted secret.
    $encrypt = 'Hello'
    $b = $(encrypt $encrypt 'Aes')
    $vals = $b.Split($(fieldsep))
    info $(decrypt $vals[0] $vals[1])


function env($a) {
    $loc = Get-Location | select -ExpandProperty Path
    Set-Location Env:
    $return = Get-ChildItem Env:$a | select -ExpandProperty Value
    Set-Location $loc;return $return
    Returns an environmental variable.
     $windir = $(env windir)


function equal($a, $b) {
    if ($a -eq $b) {
        return $true 
    else {
        return $false
    Returns if two values are equal.
     if ($(equal 4 2))
     {console "Hey, four and two really are equal!"}


function error {
    return $LASTEXITCODE
    Returns the last error exit code.
     console $(error)


function esc {
    return $(chr 27)
    Returns the escape key, useful with window send.
     window send $(winexists "Save as...") $(esc)


function eternium($a,$b,$c,$d,$e){ 
$global:errpref = $ErrorActionPreference
        open {
            $global:ie = new-object -ComObject "InternetExplorer.Application"
            $global:ie.visible = $true
            eternium busy
        hide {
        $global:ie.visible = $false
        show {
        $global:ie.visible = $true
        busy {while($global:ie.Busy) { Start-Sleep -s 1 }
        navigate {
        if ($b){$global:ie.Navigate($b)
           eternium busy}           
           return $global:ie.LocationURL
        get {
                if ($b.toLower() -eq "innertext") {
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].innerText.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            return $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i]
                        $i = $i+1
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                elseif($b.toLower() -eq "innerhtml") {
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].innerhtml.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            return $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i]
                        $i = $i+1
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                elseif($b.toLower() -eq "outerhtml") {
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].outerhtml.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            return $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i]
                        $i = $i+1
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                elseif($b.toLower() -eq "outertext") {
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].outertext.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            return $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i]
                        $i = $i+1
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                else {
                        $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*') | % {
                        if ($_.getAttributeNode($b).Value -eq $c) {
                             return $_ 
            compatget {
                    if ($b.toLower() -eq "innertext") {
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].innerText.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            return $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i]
                        $i = $i+1
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                elseif($b.toLower() -eq "innerhtml") {
                $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].innerhtml.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            return $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i]
                        $i = $i+1
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                elseif($b.toLower() -eq "outerhtml") {
                $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].outerhtml.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            return $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i]
                        $i = $i+1
                     $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                elseif($b.toLower() -eq "outertext") {
                $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].outertext.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            return $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i]
                        $i = $i+1
                     $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                else {
                        $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*') | % {
                        if ($_.getAttributeNode($b).Value -eq $c) {
                             return $_ 

            set {
                if ($b.toLower() -eq "innertext") {
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].innerText.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].$d = $e
                        $i = $i+1
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                elseif($b.toLower() -eq "innerhtml") {
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].innerhtml.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].$d = $e
                        $i = $i+1
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                elseif($b.toLower() -eq "outerhtml") {
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].outerhtml.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].$d = $e
                        $i = $i+1
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                elseif($b.toLower() -eq "outertext") {
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].outertext.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].$d = $e
                        $i = $i+1
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                else {
                        $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*') | % {
                        if ($_.getAttributeNode($b).Value -eq $c) {
                             $_.$d = $e
            compatset {
                    if ($b.toLower() -eq "innertext") {
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].innerText.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].$d = $e
                        $i = $i+1
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                elseif($b.toLower() -eq "innerhtml") {
                $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].innerhtml.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].$d = $e
                        $i = $i+1
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                elseif($b.toLower() -eq "outerhtml") {
                $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].outerhtml.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].$d = $e
                        $i = $i+1
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                elseif($b.toLower() -eq "outertext") {
                $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].outertext.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                           $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].$d = $e
                        $i = $i+1
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                else {
                        $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*') | % {
                        if ($_.getAttributeNode($b).Value -eq $c) {
                             $_.$d = $e

        oldset {
                $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*') | % {
                    if ($_.getAttributeNode($b).Value -eq $c) {
                        $_.$d = $e
                $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*') | % {
                    if ($_.getAttributeNode($b).Value -eq $c) {
                         $_.$d = $e

            click {
                if ($b.toLower() -eq "innertext") {
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].innerText.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            eternium busy
                        $i = $i+1
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                elseif($b.toLower() -eq "innerhtml") {
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].innerhtml.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            eternium busy
                        $i = $i+1
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                elseif($b.toLower() -eq "outerhtml") {
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].outerhtml.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            eternium busy
                        $i = $i+1
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                elseif($b.toLower() -eq "outertext") {
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].outertext.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            eternium busy
                        $i = $i+1
                     $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                else {
                $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                        $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*') | % {
                        if ($_.getAttributeNode($b).Value -eq $c) {
                            eternium busy
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
            compatclick {
                    if ($b.toLower() -eq "innertext") {
                    $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].innerText.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            eternium busy
                        $i = $i+1
                     $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                elseif($b.toLower() -eq "innerhtml") {
                $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].innerhtml.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            eternium busy
                        $i = $i+1
                     $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                elseif($b.toLower() -eq "outerhtml") {
                $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].outerhtml.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            eternium busy
                        $i = $i+1
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                elseif($b.toLower() -eq "outertext") {
                $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
                    $i = 0
                    while ($i -le $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*').length()) {
                        $item = ($global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*')[$i].outertext.toString())
                        if ($item -eq $c){
                            eternium busy
                        $i = $i+1
                    $ErrorActionPreference = $global:errpref
                else {
                        $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*') | % {
                        if ($_.getAttributeNode($b).Value -eq $c) {
                            eternium busy

        oldclick {
                $global:ie.document.getElementsByTagName('*') | % {
                    if ($_.getAttributeNode($b).Value -eq $c) {
                        eternium busy
                $global:ie.document.IHTMLDocument3_getElementsByTagName('*') | % {
                    if ($_.getAttributeNode($b).Value -eq $c) {
                         eternium busy
    Automates Internet Explorer.
    eternium open 'https://google.com'
    eternium navigate 'https://dialogshell.com'
    $currentpage = $(eternium navigate)
    $value = $(eternium get 'id' 'Text1').value
    $innertext = $(eternium get 'innerhtml' 'Hello<BR>There').innertext
    eternium set 'class' 'Text1' 'value' 'new value'
    eternium click 'name' 'button1'
        $value = $(eternium compatget 'id' 'Text1').value
        $innertext = $(eternium compatget 'innerhtml' 'Hello<BR>There').innertext
        eternium compatset 'class' 'Text1' 'value' 'new value'
        eternium compatclick 'name' 'button1'
    eternium hide
    eternium show

function event {
    return (Get-PSCallStack)[1].Command
    Returns the last command called. This probably needs reworked, use sparsly.
     $event = $(event)


function excel($a,$b,$c,$d)
    if ($global:excelinit -eq $false){
        $global:excelinit = $true
        $global:excelVDS = new-object -comobject excel.application
    switch ($a,$b){
        connect {
            return $global:excelinit
        new {
            return $global:excelVDS.Workbooks.add()
        show {
            $global:excelVDS.visible = $true
        hide {
            $global:excelVDS.visible = $false
        AddWorksheet {
        Open {
        Save {
        SaveAs {
        SelectSheet {
        SetCell {
            $global:excelVDS.ActiveSheet.Cells.Item($b,$c) = $d
        GetCell {
                return $global:excelVDS.ActiveSheet.Cells.Item($b,$c).value
        DeleteColumn {
        DeleteRow {
        InsertColumn {
        InsertRow {
        ColumnCount {
                return $global:excelVDS.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
        RowCount {
                return $global:excelVDS.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    Automates Microsoft Excel
     #begin automation
     $excel = excel connect
     #Create new workbook
     $workbook = excel new
     #Show Excel
     excel show
     #Hide Excel
     excel hide
     #Add worksheet
     excel AddWorksheet
     #Open Workbooks
     excel open c:\temp\excel.xlsx
     #Save workbook
     excel save
     #Workbook Save As
     excel saveas c:\temp\save-excel.xlsx
     #Select sheet
     excel SelectSheet Book2
     #Set cell value 'B2' 'value'
     excel SetCell 2 1 value
     #Get cell 'B2' value
     $cell = excel GetCell 2 1
     #Delete column 'C'
     excel DeleteColumn 3
     #Delete row 3
     excel DeleteRow 3
     #Insert Column before 'A'
     excel InsertColumn 1
     #Insert row between 1 and 2
     excel InsertRow 2
     #Get the used column count
     $cc = excel ColumnCount
     #Get the row count
     $rc = excel RowCount


function exit ($a) {
exit $a
    Exits with a specific code
    exit 21

} #partial implementation - does not work with gosubs, this is technically now the same as error

function exitwin($a) {
    switch ($a) {
        logoff {
        Invoke-RDUserLogoff -HostServer "localhost" -UnifiedSessionID 1
        } #This is probably wrong.
        shutdown {
        restart {
    Logoff, shutdown or restart
    exitwin restart


function expandproperty($a,$b){
return $(select-object -inputobject $a -expandproperty $b)
    Expands the property [property] of inputobject [inputobject]
     $major = $(expandproperty [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version major)
     #major being the property.


function ext($a) {
    $split = $a.Split('.')
    if ($split.count -gt 1)
    return $split[$split.count -1]
    returns the three character extension of a file name.
    $file = $(filedlg "Files|*.*")
    $ext = $(ext $file)
    info $ext


function fabs($a) {
    return [math]::abs($a)
    Returns the absolute value of a number.
    info $(fabs -10)


function fadd($a,$b) {
    return $a + $b
    Returns the sum of two values.
    info $(fadd 2 2)


function fatn($a,$b) {
    return [math]::atn($a / $b)
    Returns the arctangent of y over x.
    info $(fatn $y $x)


function fcos {
    Param ($a);
    return [math]::cos($a)
    Returns cosine.
    info $(cos $a)

function fdiv ($a,$b) {
    return $a / $b
    Returns the quotient of a division problem.
    info $(fdiv $a $b)


function fexp($a) {
    return [math]::exp($a)
    Returns exponent.
    info $(exp $a)


function fieldsep {
    return $fieldsep
    Returns the fieldsep specified by option fieldsep
    info $a.split($(fieldsep))[0]


function file($a,$b,$c,$d) {
    switch ($a) {
        copy {
            if ((substr $b 0 4) -eq 'http'){
                $file = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
            else {
                copy-item -path $b -destination $c -recurse
        move {
            Move-Item -path $b -destination $c
        delete {
            Remove-Item -path $b -force
        rename {
            Rename-Item -Path $b -NewName $c
        setdate {
            $b = Get-Item $b; $b.LastWriteTime = New-object DateTime $c
        setattr {
            switch ($c) {
                set {
                    $b =(Get-ChildItem $b -force)
                    $b.Attributes = $b.Attributes -bor ([System.IO.FileAttributes]$d).value__
                unset {
                    $b =(Get-ChildItem $b -force)
                    $b.Attributes = $b.Attributes -bxor ([System.IO.FileAttributes]$d).value__
        default {
            if (Test-Path -path $a) {
                return $true
            else {
                return $false
    copy, delete, rename, setdate or setattr
    file copy $file1 file2
    file delete $file1
    file rename $file1 $rename
    file setdate $(datetime)
    file setattr $file set Hidden


function filedlg($a,$b,$c) {
    if ($c -ne "save") {
        $filedlg = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
        $filedlg.initialDirectory = $b
        $filedlg.filter = $a
        $filedlg.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
        return $filedlg.FileName
    else {
        $filedlg = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog
        $filedlg.initialDirectory = $b
        $filedlg.filter = $a
        $filedlg.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
        return $filedlg.FileName
    Returns the results of a file selection dialog. An optional 'save' parameter is available to generate a file save dialog.
    $file = $(filedlg 'Text Files|*.txt' $(windir))

}#partial implementation - excluded multi. Needs fixed.

function fileimage ($a){
return [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile($a)
     Creates a image from a file.
    $PictureBox1.image = $(fileimage 'c:\temp\eternium.png')

function fint ($a) {
    return [int]$a
    Returns the value as integer.
    $(fint 19)


function fln ($a){
    return [math]::log($a)
    Returns logarithm
    $a = $(fln 64)


function flog ($a) {
    return [math]::log($a)
    Returns log
    console $(log 15)


function fmul($a,$b) {
    return $a * $b
    Returns the product of a multiplication problem.
    $a = $(fmul 4 4)


function focus($a) {
    return $a.ActiveControl
    Returns the active control of the parameter
    $a = $(focus $MyForm)

} #partial implementation - in this version, must specify the form as a parameter

function font($a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f) {
$font = ([System.Drawing.Font]::new($a, $b/1))
if ($c){
$font.$c = $d}
if ($e){
$font.$e = $f}
return $font
    Returns a font object
    $font = (font "Segoe UI Black" "16")


function fontdlg($a,$b) {
    $fontdlg = new-object windows.forms.fontdialog
    $fontdlg.showcolor = $true
    return $fontdlg
    Returns a font dialog, the properties of which must be parsed.
    $fontdlg = $(fontdlg)
    $RichEdit.SelectionFont = $fontdlg.font

} #partial implementation - does not preset font upon displaying the dialog.

function format($a,$b) {
    return $a | % {
    Formats a string according to specified paramater
    console $(format 8888888888 '###-###-####')


function frac($a) {
    $a = $a | Out-String 
    return  $a.split(".")[1]/1
    Returns the fractional portion of a number as integer.
    info $(frac 3.14)


function fsep($a) {
    return $fieldsep
    Returns the fieldsep specified by option fieldsep
    info $a.split($(fsep))[0]


function fsin ($a){
    return [math]::sin($a)
    Returns the math sine of a number
    console $(fsin 1)


function fsqt ($a){
    return [math]::sqt($a)
    Returns the square root of a number
    console $(fsqt 4)


function fsub ($a,$b) {
    return $a - $b
    Returns the difference of two numbers
    console $(fsub 2 2)


function greater($a, $b) {
    if (($a) -gt ($b)) 
        return $true
    else {
        return $false
    Returns true if one value is greater than another.
    console $(greater 4 2)


function gridview($a) { 
return $a | Out-Gridview
    Outputs result to a gridview dialog. Only valid on systems with Powershell ISE installed.
    gridview $(ls)


function hex($a){
    return $a | format-hex
    Returns hex
    console $(hex 15)


function hotkey($a,$b,$c,$d) {
[vdsForm]::RegisterHotKey($a.handle,$b,$c,$d) | out-null
    if ($global:hotkeyobject -ne $true) {
        $hotkey = dialog add $a label 0 0 0 0
        dialog name $hotkey hotkey
            if ($this.text -ne ""){
                hotkeyEvent $this.text
            $this.text = ""
    $global:hotkeyobject = $true
    Adds a hotkey to the form
    Registers a hotkey by ID to fire function hotkeyEvent by vkey function.
    hotkey $Form 1 $null (vkey home)
    hotkey $FastTextForm 1 ((vkey alt)+(vkey control)) (vkey v)
    function hotkeyEvent ($a) {
    switch ($a){
        1 {
        $FastTextForm.Text = "Visual DialogShell $(sysinfo dsver)"


 function htmlhelp ($a) {
    start-process -filepath hh.exe -argumentlist $a
    Jumps to a specfied location in a compiled html file
    htmlhelp mk:@MSITStore:C:\Users\Brandon\Documents\textpad.chm::/Help/new.htm


function index($a) {
    return $a.SelectedIndex
    Returns the selected index of a control
    $index = $(index $listbox1)


function info($a,$b) {
    [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($a,$b,'OK',64) | Out-Null
    Displays a message and a title
    info "Message" "Title"


 function inifile ($a,$b,$c,$d) {
    switch ($a) { 
        open {
            $global:inifile = $b
        write {
            $Items = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
            $content = get-content $global:inifile
            if ($content) {
            if ($Items.indexof("[$b]") -eq -1) {
                $Items | Out-File $global:inifile
            else {
                For ($i=$Items.indexof("[$b]")+1; $i -lt $Items.count; $i++) {
                if ($Items[$i].length -gt $c.length) {
                    if ($Items[$i].substring(0,$c.length) -eq $c -and ($tgate -ne $true)) {
                            $Items[$i] = "$c=$d"
                            $tgate = $true
                    if ($Items[$i].length -gt 0) {
                        if (($Items[$i].substring(0,1) -eq "[") -and ($tgate -ne $true)) {
                            $tgate = $true
                if ($Items.indexof("$c=$d") -eq -1) {
                $Items | Out-File $global:inifile -enc ascii
    Open and write to ini files
    inifile open $(evn windir)+'\win.ini'
    inifile write probably "don't do this"

 function iniread($a,$b) {
    $Items = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
    $content = get-content $global:inifile
    if ($content) {
    if ($Items.indexof("[$a]") -eq -1) {
        $return = ""
    else {
        $return = ""
        For ($i=$Items.indexof("[$a]")+1; $i -lt $Items.count; $i++) {
            if ($Items[$i].length -gt $b.length) {
                if ($Items[$i].substring(0,$b.length) -eq $b -and $gate -ne $true) {
                        $return = $Items[$i].split("=")[1]
                        $gate = $true
            if ($Items[$i].length -gt 0) {
                if (($Items[$i].substring(0,1) -eq "[") -and ($tgate -ne $true)) {
                    $gate = $true
    return $return
    Returns a read from a file specified by inifile open.
    console $(iniread content value)
 function innertext ($a,$b,$c,$d) {
    $split1 = $a -Split $b
    $split2 = ($split1[1] | out-string) -Split $c
    if ($d){
        return ($split1[0]+$b+$d+$c | out-string)
        return ($split2[0] | out-string).Trim()
    Returns the inner text of a body of text split by start text, and end text. If a fourth parameter is specified, returns the text with innertext replaced.
        $d = $(innertext 'abcdefg' 'bc' 'ef')


function input($a,$b,$c) {
    $input = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox($a,$b,$c)
    return $input
    Produces a input dialog and returns the value.
    $input = $(input "Verify Address" "Verify Details")
} #partial implementation - Missing optional password parameter

function item($a) {
    return $a.SelectedItems
    Returns the selected item from a list
    $item = $(item $listbox1)

function items($a) {
    return $a.SelectedItems
    Returns the selected items from a list
    $items = $(items $listbox1)

} #untested

function key($a) {
    return $(chr $(asc "{"))+$a+$(chr $(asc "}"))
    Useful with window send, works with special keys. Esc, Enter, Up, Down etc.
    window send $(winexists notepad) $(key up)


function killtask ($a) {
    stop-process -name $a
    Ends a task
    killtask explorer.exe

 function len($a) {
    return $a.length
    Returns the length of a string
    $length = $(len $textbox1.text)


function lf {
    return chr(10)
    Returns a line feed
    $lf = $(lf)


function like ($a,$b) {
    return $a -like $b
    Returns the one item is like another
    $like = $(string $(like 'string' 'string'))


 function link ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f,$g) {
    $Shell = New-Object -ComObject ("WScript.Shell")
    $ShortCut = $Shell.CreateShortcut($a)
    $ShortCut.WorkingDirectory = $c
    if ($g -ne $null){
        $ShortCut.WindowStyle = ($g/1)
    else {
        $ShortCut.WindowStyle = 1
    $ShortCut.Hotkey = ""
    $ShortCut.IconLocation = $d
if ($f -eq $true) {
    $bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($a)
    $bytes[0x15] = $bytes[0x15] -bor 0x20
    [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($a, $bytes)
    Creates a shortcut
    link c:\vds\explorer.lnk c:\windows\explorer.exe c:\windows c:\windows\explorer.exe


 function list ($a,$b,$c,$d) {
    switch ($a) {
        add {
                $b.Items.Add($c) | Out-Null
        append {
        assign {
        clear {
        return New-Object System.Windows.Forms.listbox
        copy {
            Set-Clipboard $b.items
        delete {
        insert {
        paste {     
                $clip = Get-Clipboard
        put {
                $sel = $b.selectedIndex
        reverse {
            $rev = [array]$b.items
        seek {
            $b.selectedIndex = $c
        sort {
            $b.sorted = $true
        dropfiles {
            if ($c.Data.GetDataPresent([Windows.Forms.DataFormats]::FileDrop)) {
                foreach ($filename in $c.Data.GetData([Windows.Forms.DataFormats]::FileDrop)) {
                    list add $b $filename
        }# list dropfiles $listbox1 $_
         # declare: $listbox1.AllowDrop = $true
         # Use $listbox1.add_DragEnter
        filelist {
            switch ($d) {
                dir {
                    $items = Get-ChildItem -Path $c
                    foreach ($item in $items) {
                        if ($item.Attributes -eq "Directory") {
                            list add $b $item
                file {
                    $items = Get-ChildItem -Path $c
                    foreach ($item in $items) {
                        if ($item.Attributes -ne "Directory") {
                            list add $b $item
        fontlist {  
            $r = (New-Object System.Drawing.Text.InstalledFontCollection).Families
            foreach ($s in $r){
        loadfile {
            $content = get-content $c
        loadtext {
        modules {
            $process = Get-Process $c -module
            foreach ($module in $process) {
                $b.items.Add($module) | Out-Null
        regkeys {
            $keys = Get-ChildItem -Path $c
            foreach ($key in $keys) {
                $b.items.add($key) | Out-Null
        regvals {
            #$name = Get-Item -Path $c | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Property | Out-String
            $name = $(out-string -inputobject $(select-object -inputobject $(get-item -path $c) -expandproperty property))
        savefile {
        $b.items | Out-File $c
        tasklist {
            $proc = Get-Process | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ProcessName | Out-String
        winlist {
            $win = Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.MainWindowTitle -ne ""} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty MainWindowTitle | Out-String
    Performs list operations.
    list add $list1 "item"
    list append $list1 $string
    list assign $list1 $list2
    list clear $list1
    $list1 = list create
    list copy $list1
    list delete $list1
    list insert $list1 $item
    list paste $list1
    list put $list1 $item
    list reverse $list1
    list seek $list1 5
    list sort $list1
    list dropfiles $list1 $_
        (Inside of your script, you must $list1.AllowDrop = $true; the event is $list1.add_DragEnter)
    list filelist $list1 c:\ dir
    list filelist $list1 c:\ file
    list fontlist $combobox1
    list loadfile $list1 c:\windows\win.ini
    list loadtext $list1 $string
    list modules $list1 explorer.exe
    list regkeys $list1 hkcu:\software\dialogshell
    list regvals $list1 hkcu:\software\dialogshell
    list savefile $list1 c:\vds\test.txt
    list tasklist $list1
    list winlist $list1

 function loaddll ($a){
    if ($(substr $a 0 2) -eq 'ht') {
        $s = iwr $a
        return [Reflection.Assembly]::Load($s.content) | out-null
    else {
        [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($a) | Out-Null
     Loads a dynamic link library
    loaddll c:\temp\dotnet.dll
    loaddll https://mydomain.com/dotnet.dll
function lower($a) {
    return $a.ToLower()
    Returns the lower case string of a string
    $lower = $(lower $string)


function match($a,$b,$c) {
    if ($c -eq $null){
        $c = -1
    else {
        $c = $c
    try{$return = $a.FindString($b,$c)}
    catch{$return = $a.Items.IndexOf($b)}
        return $return
    The index of the next match in a list, with an optional start point.
    $match = $(match $listbox1 $string 3)


function mod($a,$b) {
    return $a % $b
    Returns the modulo of dividend and divisor
    $mod = $(mod 60 30)


 function modifyfonts ($a, $b) {
    switch ($a) {
        add {
            $shellapp =  New-Object -ComoObject Shell.Application
            $Fonts =  $shellapp.NameSpace(0x14)
        remove {
            $name = Get-Item -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Property | Out-String
            #$name = $(out-string $(select-object $(get-item -path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts') -expandproperty property))
            $keys = $name.Split([char][byte]10)
            foreach ($key in $keys) {
                $key = $key.Trim()
                if ($(substr $key 0 ($b.length)) -eq $b) {
                    $file = Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts' -Name $key | Select -ExpandProperty $key
                    $file = $file.trim() 
                    Remove-ItemProperty -path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts' -Name $key 
    Adds or removes a font
    modifyfonts add $file
    modifyfonts remove $font-name


 function module ($a,$b,$c) {
    switch ($a){
        import {
            $Content = (get-content $b)
            $Content = resource asciidecode $Content
            return (string $Content)
        export {
            $Content = (get-content $b)
            $exportstring = resource asciiencode $Content
            $exportstring | Out-File $c -enc ascii
    Exports or imports base64 encoded modules
    module export c:\vds\trunk\sum.psm1 c:\vds\trunk\sum.dll
    module import c:\vds\trunk\sum.dll | run


function mousedown {
    return [System.Windows.Forms.UserControl]::MouseButtons | Out-String
    Returns the mousebutton that is pressed.
    $mousedown = $(mousedown)


function mousepos($a) {
    switch ($a) {
        x {
            return [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X
        y {
            return [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.Y
        xy {
        $x = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X | Out-String
        $y = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.Y | Out-String
        return $x.Trim()+$fieldsep+$y.Trim()
        yx {
        $x = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X | Out-String
        $y = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.Y | Out-String
        return $y.Trim()+$fieldsep+$x.Trim()
        default {
        $x = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.X | Out-String
        $y = [System.Windows.Forms.Cursor]::Position.Y | Out-String
        return $x.Trim()+$fieldsep+$y.Trim()
    Returns the mouse position as string with options being x, y, xy or yx. Defaults to xy.
    $mousepos = $(mousepos xy)


function msgbox($a,$b,$c,$d) {
    $msgbox = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($a,$b,$c,$d)
    return $msgbox
    Generates a messagebox according to provided paramaters.
    [param1 Message]
    [param2 Title]
    [param3 buttons, YesNo YesNoCancel OKCancel or OK]
    [param4 Icon, can be 0 (none) ,16 (Hand) ,32 (Question) ,48 (Warning) or 64 (Information)]
    $msgbox = $(msgbox 'Do we agree?' 'Question' 'YesNoCancel' 64)

function name($a) {
    return [io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($a)
    Returns the file name without extension
    $name = $(name $file)


function next($a) {
    if ($a.items.count -gt $a.selectedIndex + 1) {
        $a.selectedIndex = $a.selectedIndex + 1
        return $a.selectedItems
    else {
    return $false
    Progresses a list to the next item.
    $next = $(next $listbox1)


function not($a){
    if ($a -eq $false) {
        return $true
    else {
    return $false}
    Returns true if false
    if ($(not $(null $value)))
    {console "It ain't nothing"}


function null($a) {
    if ($a -eq $null) {
        return $true
    else {
        return $false
    Returns true if null
    if ($(not $(null $value)))
    {console "It ain't nothing"}


function numeric($a) {
    return $a -is [int]
    Returns true if numeric
    console $(numeric $isnumber)


function ok {
    return $?
    Returns true if OK.
    console $(ok)


function option ($a, $b, $c, $d) {
    switch ($a) {
        colordlg {
            switch ($b) {
                object {$global:colordlg = "object"}
                normal {$global:colordlg = "normal"}

        fieldsep {
            $global:fieldsep = $b
    Declares an application option, currently colordlg and fieldsep
    option colordlg object
    option fieldsep ":"


function parse ($a) {
    return $a.split($global:fieldsep)
    parses a string by fieldsep
    $parse = $(parse $string)
    info $parse[0]


function path($a) {
    return Split-Path -Path $a
    Returns the path of a file
    console $(path $file)


 function pineapples {
    start https://dialogshell.com/vds/help/index.php/Talk:Pineapples
    Open a page to discuss pineapples


function play ($a, $b) {
    $PlayWav=New-Object System.Media.SoundPlayer
    if ($b -eq "wait") {
    else {
    Plays a sound
    play my.wav wait
    play my.wav


function pos($a,$b) {
    $regEx = [regex]$a
    $pos = $regEx.Match($b)
    if ($pos.Success){ 
        return $pos.Index
    else {
        return false
    Returns the position of [param1] in [param2]
    console $(pos b brandon)

} #partial implementation - missing 'exact'

function pred($a) {
    return $a - 1
    Returns the predecessor of number
    list seek $listbox1 $(pred $(index $listbox1))


function presentation($a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f,$g,$h,$i){
    switch ($a){
        create {

        $xaml = @"
                    Title="$b" Height="$g" Width="$f">
                    <Grid Name="$c">

            $MainWindow = (presentation $xaml)
            return $MainWindow
        add {
            $control = new-object System.Windows.Controls.$c
            $control.Content = "$h"
            $b.Children.Insert($b.Children.Count, $control)
            $control.VerticalAlignment = "Top"
            $control.HorizontalAlignment = "Left"
            $control.Margin = "$e,$d,0,0"
            $control.Height = "$g"
            $control.Width = "$f"
            return $control
        insert {
        $control = new-object System.Windows.Controls.$c
        $b.Children.Insert($b.Children.Count, $control)
        return $control
        findname {
        return $b.FindName($c)
        valign { $b.VerticalAlignment = $c
        align { $b.HorizontalAlignment = $c
        content { $b.Content = $c}
        margin {$b.Margin = $c}
        height {$b.Height = $c}
        width {$b.Width = $c}
        navigationwindow {
        $Xaml = @"
            <NavigationWindow xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" Name = "NavWindow" Width = "600" Height = "400" WindowStartupLocation = "CenterScreen" ResizeMode = "CanMinimize" ></NavigationWindow>

$wind = presentation page $Xaml
if ($b)
{$wind.Content = (presentation page $b)}
return $wind
        page {
            $b = $b -replace 'd:DesignHeight="\d*?"', '' -replace 'x:Class=".*?"', '' -replace 'mc:Ignorable="d"', '' -replace 'd:DesignWidth="\d*?"', '' 
            [xml]$b = $b
            $presentation = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load((new-object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $b))
            $b.SelectNodes("//*[@Name]") | %{
                Set-Variable -Name $_.Name.ToString() -Value $presentation.FindName($_.Name) -Scope global
        return $presentation
        window {
            $b = $b -replace "x:N", 'N' -replace 'd:DesignHeight="\d*?"', '' -replace 'x:Class=".*?"', '' -replace 'mc:Ignorable="d"', '' -replace 'd:DesignWidth="\d*?"', '' 
            [xml]$b = $b
            $presentation = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load((new-object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $b))
            $b.SelectNodes("//*[@Name]") | %{
                Set-Variable -Name $_.Name.ToString() -Value $presentation.FindName($_.Name) -Scope global
        return $presentation
        explicit {
        [xml]$a = $a
            $presentation = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load((new-object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $a))
            return $presentation
        strict {
            [xml]$a = $a
            $presentation = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load((new-object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $a))
            $a.SelectNodes("//*[@Name]") | %{
                Set-Variable -Name $_.Name.ToString() -Value $presentation.FindName($_.Name) -Scope global
        return $presentation
        default {
            $a = $a -replace "x:N", 'N' -replace 'd:DesignHeight="\d*?"', '' -replace 'x:Class=".*?"', '' -replace 'mc:Ignorable="d"', '' -replace 'd:DesignWidth="\d*?"', '' 
            [xml]$a = $a
            $presentation = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load((new-object System.Xml.XmlNodeReader $a))
            $a.SelectNodes("//*[@Name]") | %{
                Set-Variable -Name $_.Name.ToString() -Value $presentation.FindName($_.Name) -Scope global
        return $presentation
    Creates a Windows Foundation Presentation window or page form and elements within.
     $presentation = presentation create "Admin Calculator" calc 0 0 148 229
        #dynamically create window on the fly, like a winform
     $ButtonCE = presentation add $calc Button 30 5 30 30 "CE"
     $ButtonCE = presentation insert $calc Button
        #insert into existing grid
    $calc = presentation findname $presentation calc
        #return the presentation object with the name specfied from the presentation object specfied
     presentation valign $button1 "Top"
     presentation align $button1 "center"
     presentation content $page2
        #where page2 is a wpf page
    presentation margin $button1 10
    presentation height $button1 40
    presentation width $button1 120
    presentation navigationwindow $page2
        #where page2 is a presentation page
        #parses names and filters XAML.
    $pres = presentation page $page2
    $presentation = presentation window $page1
        #parses names and filters XAML.
    $presentation = presentation explicit $page1
        #Doesn't parse names, and XAML must be powershell ready.
    $presentation = presentation strict $page1
        #Parses names, but assumes XAML is powershell ready.
    $presentation = presentation $page1
        #see presentation window.


function prod($a) {
    return $a + 1
    Returns the prodecessor of number
    list seek $listbox1 $(prod $(index $listbox1))


function property ($a,$b,$c) {
    if ($c) {
        $a.$b = $c
    else {
    return $a.$b
    Sets a property
    property $text text "text"


function query($a,$b) {
    $query = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($a,$b,"OKCancel",32)
    return $query
    Generates an OK Cancel dialog and returns the result.
    $question = $(query "Is it Monday?" "Select Day")


function random($a,$b) {
    if ($b) {
        return Get-Random -Minimum $a -Maximum $b
    else {
        get-random -SetSeed $a
    Generates a random number, or sets the random seed.
    random 123456 #seed
    $roll = $(random 1 100) #random number


function regexists($a,$b) {
    $return = Get-ItemProperty -Path $a -Name $b
    if ($return) {
    return $true
    else {
    return $false
    Returns true if the registry path exists
    console $(regexists hkcu:\software\dialogshell)


function registry ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e) {
    switch ($a) {
        copykey {
            Copy-Item -Path $b -Destination $c
        deletekey {
            Remove-Item -Path $b -Recurse
        movekey {
            Copy-Item -Path $b -Destination $c
            Remove-Item -Path $b -Recurse
        renamekey {
            Rename-Item -Path $b -NewName $c
        newkey {
            New-Item -Path $b -Name $c
        newitem {
            New-ItemProperty -Path $b -Name $c -PropertyType $d -Value $e
        modifyitem {
            Set-ItemProperty -Path $b -Name $c -Value $d
        renameitem {    
            Rename-ItemProperty -Path $b -Name $c -NewName $d
        deleteitem {    
            Remove-ItemProperty -Path $b -Name $c
    Performs registry operations
    registry copykey hkcu:\software\dialogshell hklm:\software\dialogshell
    registry deletekey hkcu:\software\dialogshell
    registry movekey hkcu:\software\dialogshell hklm:\software\dialogshell
    registry renamekey hkcu:\software\dialogshell visualdialogshell
    registry newitem


function regread($a,$b) {
    return Get-ItemProperty -Path $a -Name $b | Select -ExpandProperty $b
    Returns the value of a registry entry
    $regread = $(regread hkcu:\software\dialogshell window)

} #partial implementation - path names are slightly different, $a is path with a : in it, $b is property. No default return.

function regtype($a,$b) {
    switch ((Get-ItemProperty -Path $a -Name $b).$b.gettype().Name){ 
        "String" {
            return "REG_SZ"
        "Int32" {
        return "REG_DWORD"
        "Int64" {
        return "REG_QWORD"
        "String[]" {
        return "REG_MULTI_SZ"
        "Byte[]" {
        return "REG_BINARY"
        default {
        return "Unknown type"
    Returns the type of value from a registry entry
    $regtype = $(regtype hkcu:\software\dialogshell window)

} #partial implementation

function rem {
    rem This will not be executed.

} #This is done.
function resource ($a,$b,$c) {
    switch ($a)
        load {
            return [Byte[]](resource decode (get-content $b))
            $import = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($b)
            return [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($import)
        encode {
            return [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($b)
            $export = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($b)
            $enc = [system.Text.Encoding]::ASCII
            return [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($enc.GetBytes($b))
            $decode = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($b)
            return [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($decode)
        decode {
        return [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($b)
        #although this works, it returns a system object, which is not usable. We need raw. Not sure how to fix.
    $resource = resource load .\resource.res
        #imports and decodes a base64 encoded file
    $resource = resource import .\resource.ico
        #import a resource directly from file, imports to base64
    resource export $resource .\resource.res
        #Exports a resource to a base64 encoded file
    $encode = resource asciiencode "this string"
    $decode = resource asciidecode "dGhpcyBzdHJpbmc="
    $decode = resource decode $resrouce #not working yet I think


function retcode() {
    Returns the last exit code
    console $(retcode)


function savedlg($a,$b,$c){
    $filedlg = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog
    $filedlg.initialDirectory = $b
    $filedlg.filter = $a
    $filedlg.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
    return $filedlg.FileName 
    Returns the results of a file selection dialog.
    $save = $(saveedlg 'Text Files|*.txt' $(windir))

function screeninfo($a) {
    switch ($a) {
    width {[System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::VirtualScreen.width}
    scale {return $ctscale}

function selected($a) {
    return CountRows($a.SelectedItems)
    Returns the number of list items selected
    $selected = $(selected $listbox1)


function selenium ($a,$b,$c,$d) {
    switch ($a){
        reference {
            $env:PATH += ";$b"
            Add-Type -Path ($b + 'WebDriver.dll')
            $ChromeOptions = New-Object OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeOptions
            $ChromeOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("useAutomationExtension", $false)
            $global:selenium = New-Object OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeDriver($ChromeOptions)
        open {
        get {
            if ($c -ne $null){
                return $global:selenium.FindElementsByXPath("//*[contains(@$b, '$c')]")
            else {
                return $global:selenium.FindElementsByXPath($b)
        set {
            if ($d -ne $null) {
                $global:selenium.FindElementsByXPath("//*[contains(@$b, '$c')]").SendKeys($d)
            else {
        click {
            if ($c -ne $null) {
                $global:selenium.FindElementsByXPath("//*[contains(@$b, '$c')]").Click()
            else {
        stop {
            Get-Process -Name chromedriver -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Requires webdriver.dll and chromedriver.exe for qa of google chrome
    selenium reference 'c:\temp\psl\'
    selenium open 'http://google.com'
    $value = $(selenium get 'id' 'Text1')
    selenium set 'id' 'Text1' 'new value'
    selenium click 'id' 'button1'
    selenium stop


function sendmsg($a,$b,$c,$d) {
    [vds]::SendMessage($a, $b, $c, $d)
    See SendMessage Win32 API
    $currentrow = $(sendmsg $(winexists $RichEdit) 0x00c1 $RichEdit.SelectionStart 0)


function server ($a,$b,$c){
    switch ($a) {
        start {
            $vdsServer = New-Object Net.HttpListener
            $server = $b + ':' + $c + '/'
            return $vdsServer
        watch {
            $event = $b.GetContext()
            return $event
        context {
            return $b.Request.Url.LocalPath
        return {
            $buffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($c)
            $b.Response.ContentLength64 = (len $buffer)
            $b.Response.OutputStream.Write($buffer, 0, (len $buffer))
        stop {
    Controls web server transactions
    $vdsServer = server start http://localhost:2323
    $event = (server watch $vdsServer)
    if(equal (server context $event) "/")
    server return $event $return
    server stop $vdsServer


function shell($a,$b) {
        $shell = new-object -com shell.application
        $f = $shell.NameSpace($(path $b))
        $file = $f.ParseName(($(name $b))+'.'+($(ext $b)))
        $file.Verbs() | %{if($_.Name -eq $a) { $_.DoIt() }}
    Peforms a shell operation on a file
    shell "&Print" c:\windows\win.ini


function shift($a) {
return "+$a"
     Sends the SHIFT key plus string. Only useful with 'window send'.
    window send $(winexists notepad) $(shift "s")


function shortname {
    If ($(Get-Item $Path).PSIsContainer -eq $true) {
        $SFSO = New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject
        $short = $SFSO.GetFolder($($Path)).ShortPath
    Else {
        $SFSO = New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject
        $short = $SFSO.GetFile($($Path)).ShortPath
    return $short
     Returns the 8.3 shortname of a file
    $shortname = $(shortname $file)


function stop {
    Exits the script and ends the program.


function strdel($a,$b,$c) {
    return ($a.substring(0,$b)+$(substr $a $c $a.length))
     Returns the string without start index to end index.
    $string = $(strdel $string 8 16)


function streamimage ($a){
    $s = iwr $a
    $r = New-Object IO.MemoryStream($s.content, 0, $s.content.Length)
    $r.Write($s.content, 0, $s.content.Length)
    return [System.Drawing.Image]::FromStream($r, $true)
     Creates a image from a web url stream
    $PictureBox1.image = $(streamimage 'https://dialogshell.com/eternium.png')

function string($a) {
return ($a | Out-String).trim()
#Proper form for dialogshell philosophy if splitting hairs: return $(trim $(Out-String -inputobject $a)) . Were it written before the trim function, ($(Out-String -inputobject $a)).Trim() . I don't feel we as a community should care, and this code is written and produces the expected output - so the point is moot. No one should touch this.

#Powershell proper form, which I really don't care about. It's ineffeicient and hard to remember. Feel free to write in this form, just don't expect me to.

function string {
        [string] $InputString)
        ($InputString | Out-String).Trim()

#You'll notice proper powershell didn't include a return keyword, this is actually correct. I include the return keyword to discern a VDS function from a VDS command when I'm looking at the Powershell function without proper context.
#Expect me to be annoyed if you ask for help with a VDS function, and there is no return keyword, because I'll think I'm helping with a VDS command.
#Some keywords have both command and function form, like console. You'll notice the VDS function form of the keyword has a return statement.
     Converts a value to string.
    $string = $(string $value)


function substr($a,$b,$c) {
    return $a.substring($b,($c-$b))
     Gets the value of a string between a start index and a end index
    $string = $(substr $string 3 6)


function succ($a) {
    return $a + 1
     Adds one to a value.
    $increase = $(succ $number)


function sum($a,$b) {
    return $a + $b
     Adds two values.
    $total = $(sum $num1 $num2)

} #partial implementation - only accepts two params

function dsr(){
    return $args[0]

function sysinfo($a) {
    switch ($a) {
        freemem {
            return (Get-CIMInstance Win32_OperatingSystem | Select FreePhysicalMemory).FreePhysicalMemory
        pixperin {
        return $(regread 'hkcu:\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics' 'AppliedDpi')
        screenheight {
            foreach ($screen in [system.windows.forms.screen]::AllScreens) {
                if ($screen.primary) {
                    return $screen.Bounds.Height
        screenwidth {
            foreach ($screen in [system.windows.forms.screen]::AllScreens) {
                if ($screen.primary) {
                    return $screen.Bounds.Width
        winver {
            $major = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version | Select-Object -expandproperty Major | Out-String
            $minor = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version | Select-Object -expandproperty Minor | Out-String
            $build = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version | Select-Object -expandproperty Build | Out-String
            $revision = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version | Select-Object -expandproperty Revision | Out-String
            return $major.Trim()+'.'+$minor.Trim()+'.'+$build.Trim()+'.'+$revision.Trim()
        win32 {
            return ([IntPtr]::size * 8)
        psver {
            $major = $psversiontable.psversion.major | Out-String
            $minor = $psversiontable.psversion.minor | Out-String
            $build = $psversiontable.psversion.build | Out-String
            $revision = $psversiontable.psversion.revision | Out-String
            return $major.Trim()+'.'+$minor.Trim()+'.'+$build.Trim()+'.'+$revision.Trim() 
        dsver {
        return ''
        winboot {
            $return = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_operatingsystem | fl lastbootuptime | Out-String
            $return = $return.split('e')[1].Trim()
            $return = $(substr $return 2 $(len $return))
            return $return
        screenrect {
            $z = '0'
            $sw = $(sysinfo screenwidth) | Out-String
            $sh = $(sysinfo screenheight) | Out-String
            return $z+$fieldsep+$z+$fieldsep+$sw.Trim()+$fieldsep+$sh.Trim()
        language {
            return GET-WinSystemLocale |Select-Object -expandproperty DisplayName
        scale {
            return $ctscale
     Returns information about the system according to parameter.
     Available parameters: freemem, pixperin, screenwidth, winver, win32, psver, dsver, winboot, screenrect, language
    $syinfo = $(sysinfo screenrect)


function tab {
    return "`t" 
    Returns the tab character, useful with window send
    window send $(winexists notepad) $(tab)


function taskbar ($a) {
    $hWnd = [vds]::FindWindowByClass("Shell_TrayWnd")
    switch ($a) {
        show {
            [vds]::ShowWindow($hWnd, "SW_SHOW_DEFAULT")
        hide {
            [vds]::ShowWindow($hWnd, "SW_HIDE")
    Shows or hides the taskbar
    taskbar show
    taskbar hide


function text ($a) {
    return [array]$a.items | Out-String
    Returns the entire text of a list
    $text = $(text $listbox1)


function the ($a,$b,$c) { #supports option "of" for $b
    if ($(null $c)) {
        return $b.$a
    else {
    return $c.$a
    Language element, represents the property of object.
    foreach($row in $(the Rows of $mElemetnsGrid)){}


function timer($a) {
    $timer = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Timer
    $timer.Interval = $a
    $timer.Enabled = $true
    return $timer
    Creates a timer which has a tick event at a specified interval.
    $timer = timer 1000

function title ($a,$b) {
    $a.text = $b
    Sets the title of a dialog window
    title $MyForm "New Title"


function trace ($a) {
    switch ($a) {
            on {
                Set-PSDebug -Trace 1
            off {
                Set-PSDebug -Trace 0
    Debugs output to the console window, valid switches are on and off.
    trace on


function trim ($a) {
    return $a.Trim()
    Returns the trim of a string
    $trimStr = $(trim $string)


function unequal($a, $b) {
    if ($a -eq $b) {
        return $false
    else {
        return $true
    Returns true if two values are not equal
    $testEq = $(unequal $val1 $val2)


function unzip($a,$b)
    Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $a -DestinationPath $b -force
    Decompresses a folder to folder
    unzip c:\temp\window.zip c:\temp\window


function upper($a) {
    return $a.ToUpper()
    Returns the string in uppercase
    $upperonly = $(upper $string)


function val($a) {
    return $a
    Does nothing. Returns what's sent.
    $val = $(val 42)


function vkey($a){
        None{return 0}
        Alt{return 1}
        Control{return 2}
        Shift{return 4}
        WinKey{return 8}
        LBUTTON{return 0x01}
        RBUTTON{return 0x02}
        CANCEL{return 0x03}
        MBUTTON{return 0x04}
        XBUTTON1{return 0x05}
        XBUTTON2{return 0x06}
        BACK{return 0x08}
        TAB{return 0x09}
        CLEAR{return 0x0C}
        RETURN{return 0x0D}
        SHIFT{return 0x10}
        CONTROL{return 0x11}
        MENU{return 0x12}
        PAUSE{return 0x13}
        CAPITAL{return 0x14}
        KANA{return 0x15}
        HANGUEL{return 0x15}
        HANGUL{return 0x15}
        IME_ON{return 0x16}
        JUNJA{return 0x17}
        FINAL{return 0x18}
        HANJA{return 0x19}
        KANJI{return 0x19}
        IME_OFF{return 0x1A}
        ESCAPE{return 0x1B}
        CONVERT{return 0x1C}
        NONCONVERT{return 0x1D}
        ACCEPT{return 0x1E}
        MODECHANGE{return 0x1F}
        SPACE{return 0x20}
        PRIOR{return 0x21}
        NEXT{return 0x22}
        END{return 0x23}
        HOME{return 0x24}
        LEFT{return 0x25}
        UP{return 0x26}
        RIGHT{return 0x27}
        DOWN{return 0x28}
        SELECT{return 0x29}
        PRINT{return 0x2A}
        EXECUTE{return 0x2B}
        SNAPSHOT{return 0x2C}
        INSERT{return 0x2D}
        DELETE{return 0x2E}
        HELP{return 0x2F}
        0{return 0x31}
        1{return 0x32}
        3{return 0x34}
        4{return 0x35}
        6{return 0x36}
        7{return 0x37}
        8{return 0x38}
        9{return 0x39}
        A{return 0x41}
        B{return 0x42}
        C{return 0x43}
        D{return 0x44}
        E{return 0x45}
        F{return 0x46}
        G{return 0x47}
        H{return 0x48}
        I{return 0x49}
        J{return 0x4A}
        K{return 0x4B}
        L{return 0x4C}
        M{return 0x4D}
        N{return 0x4E}
        O{return 0x4F}
        P{return 0x50}
        Q{return 0x51}
        R{return 0x52}
        S{return 0x53}
        T{return 0x54}
        U{return 0x55}
        V{return 0x56}
        W{return 0x57}
        X{return 0x58}
        Y{return 0x59}
        Z{return 0x5A}
        LWIN{return 0x5B}
        RWIN{return 0x5C}
        APPS{return 0x5D}
        SLEEP{return 0x5F}
        NUMPAD0{return 0x60}
        NUMPAD1{return 0x61}
        NUMPAD2{return 0x62}
        NUMPAD3{return 0x63}
        NUMPAD4{return 0x64}
        NUMPAD5{return 0x65}
        NUMPAD6{return 0x66}
        NUMPAD7{return 0x67}
        NUMPAD8{return 0x68}
        NUMPAD9{return 0x69}
        MULTIPLY{return 0x6A}
        ADD{return 0x6B}
        SEPARATOR{return 0x6C}
        SUBTRACT{return 0x6D}
        DECIMAL{return 0x6E}
        DIVIDE{return 0x6F}
        F1{return 0x70}
        F2{return 0x71}
        F3{return 0x72}
        F4{return 0x73}
        F5{return 0x74}
        F6{return 0x75}
        F7{return 0x76}
        F8{return 0x77}
        F9{return 0x78}
        F10{return 0x79}
        F11{return 0x7A}
        F12{return 0x7B}
        F13{return 0x7C}
        F14{return 0x7D}
        F15{return 0x7E}
        F16{return 0x7F}
        F17{return 0x80}
        F18{return 0x81}
        F19{return 0x82}
        F20{return 0x83}
        F21{return 0x84}
        F22{return 0x85}
        F23{return 0x86}
        F24{return 0x87}
        NUMLOCK{return 0x90}
        SCROLL{return 0x91}
        LSHIFT{return 0xA0}
        RSHIFT{return 0xA1}
        LCONTROL{return 0xA2}
        RCONTROL{return 0xA3}
        LMENU{return 0xA4}
        RMENU{return 0xA5}
        BROWSER_BACK{return 0xA6}
        BROWSER_FORWARD{return 0xA7}
        BROWSER_REFRESH{return 0xA8}
        BROWSER_STOP{return 0xA9}
        BROWSER_SEARCH{return 0xAA}
        BROWSER_FAVORITES{return 0xAB}
        BROWSER_HOME{return 0xAC}
        VOLUME_MUTE{return 0xAD}
        VOLUME_DOWN{return 0xAE}
        VOLUME_UP{return 0xAF}
        MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK{return 0xB0}
        MEDIA_PREV_TRACK{return 0xB1}
        MEDIA_STOP{return 0xB2}
        MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE{return 0xB3}
        LAUNCH_MAIL{return 0xB4}
        LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT{return 0xB5}
        LAUNCH_APP1{return 0xB6}
        LAUNCH_APP2{return 0xB7}
        OEM_1{return 0xBA}
        OEM_PLUS{return 0xBB}
        OEM_COMMA{return 0xBC}
        OEM_MINUS{return 0xBD}
        OEM_PERIOD{return 0xBE}
        OEM_2{return 0xBF}
        OEM_3{return 0xC0}
        OEM_4{return 0xDB}
        OEM_5{return 0xDC}
        OEM_6{return 0xDD}
        OEM_7{return 0xDE}
        OEM_8{return 0xDF}
        OEM_102{return 0xE2}
        PROCESSKEY{return 0xE5}
        PACKET{return 0xE7}
        ATTN{return 0xF6}
        CRSEL{return 0xF7}
        EXSEL{return 0xF8}
        EREOF{return 0xF9}
        PLAY{return 0xFA}
        ZOOM{return 0xFB}
        NONAME{return 0xFC}
        PA1{return 0xFD}
        OEM_CLEAR{return 0xFE}
    Only useful with Hotkey function as a parameter.
    Virtual Key


function volinfo($a,$b) {
    switch ($b) {
        F {
            return get-volume $a | Select-Object -expandproperty SizeRemaining
        N { 
            return get-volume $a | Select-Object -expandproperty FriendlyName
        S {
            return get-volume $a | Select-Object -expandproperty Size
        T {
            return get-volume $a | Select-Object -expandproperty DriveType
        Y {
            return get-volume $a | Select-Object -expandproperty FileSystemType
        Z {
            return get-partition -driveletter $a | Get-Disk | Select-Object -expandproperty SerialNumber
    Does nothing. Returns what's sent.
    $val = $(val 42)

function wait ($a) {
    if ($a -eq $null) {
        $a = 1
    start-sleep -m (($a/1) * 1000) | Out-Null
    Pauses script execution in seconds, which may be fractional.
    wait .1 # 1/10th of 1 second


function warn ($a,$b) {
    Displays a warning message with title to the end user
    warn "Cannot complete action err $err" "Processing error..."


function webExec($a)
    invoke-expression (iwr -uri $a -UseDefaultCredentials)
    CAUTION: Executes code directly from URI seemlessly. WARNING: Review code first. RISK: Be very careful. LIABILITY: I'm not.
    webExec https://raw.githubusercontent.com/brandoncomputer/vds/master/vds.psm1

function winactive($a) {
    return [vds]::GetForegroundWindow()
    Returns the active window handle
    $activewin = $(winactive)


function winatpoint($a,$b) {
    $p = new-object system.drawing.point($a,$b)
    $return = [vds]::WindowFromPoint($p)
    return $return;
    Returns the window handle at x y
    $windowatxy = $(winatpoint 32 64)


function winchild($a){
return [vds]::GetWindow($a, 5)
    Returns the first child in a window.
    $child = $(winchild 345689)


function winclass($a) {
    $stringbuilt = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder 256
    $that = [vds]::GetClassName($a, $stringbuilt, 256)
    return $($stringbuilt.ToString())
    Returns the window class by handle
    $class = $(winclass $(winexists "Untitled - Notepad"))


function windir($a,$b) {
    if ($a -like "s"){
        return [System.Environment]::SystemDirectory
    else {
    return $(env windir)
    Returns the windows directory
    $windows = $(windir)


function window ($a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f) {
    switch ($a) {
        activate {
        click {
            window activate $b
            $x = $c + ($(winpos $b L))
            $y = $d + ($(winpos $b T))
            [vds]::LeftClickAtPoint($x,$y,[System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::PrimaryScreen.bounds.width,[System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::PrimaryScreen.bounds.height) | out-null
        close {
            $(sendmsg $b 0x0112 0xF060 0)
        flash {
        fuse {
        hide {
            [vds]::ShowWindow($b, "SW_HIDE")
        iconize {
            [vds]::ShowWindow($b, "SW_MINIMIZE")
        maximize {
            [vds]::ShowWindow($b, "SW_MAXIMIZE")
        position {
        rclick {
            window activate $b
            $x = $c + ($(winpos $b L))
            $y = $d + ($(winpos $b T))
            [vds]::RightClickAtPoint($x,$y,[System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::PrimaryScreen.bounds.width,[System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::PrimaryScreen.bounds.height) | out-null
        normal {
            [vds]::ShowWindow($b, "SW_SHOW_NORMAL")
        ontop {
            [vds]::SetWindowPos($b, -1, $(winpos $b T), $(winpos $b L), $(winpos $b W), $(winpos $b H), 0x0040) | out-null
        notontop {
            [vds]::SetWindowPos($b, -2, $(winpos $b T), $(winpos $b L), $(winpos $b W), $(winpos $b H), 0x0040) | out-null
        send {
            window activate $b
            $wshell = New-Object -ComObject wscript.shell
        settext {
    Performs operations on displayed windows per parameter
    window activate $(winexists notepad)
    window click $(winexists notepad) 15 15
    window close $(winxists notepad)
    window flash $(winexists notepad)
    window fuse $(winexists notepad) $(winexists $MyForm)
    window hide $(winexists notepad)
    window iconize $(winexists notepad)
    window maximize $(winexists notepad)
    window position $(winexists notepad) 15 15 200 200
    window rclick $(winexists notepad) 15 15
    window normal $(winexists notepad)
    window ontop $(winexists notepad)
    window send $(winexists notepad) "Notepad window"


function winexists($a) {
    $class = [vds]::FindWindowByClass($a)
    if ($class) {
        return $class/1
    else {
        $title = [vds]::FindWindowByTitle($a)
        if ($title){
            return $title/1
        else {
            if ($a.handle) {
                return $a.handle
    Returns the handle of a window by class, title or $object
    $notepadopen = $(winexists notepad)


function winparent($a){
return [vds]::GetParent($a)
    Returns the parent handle of a handle.
    $parent = $(winparent 345689)


function winpos($a,$b) {
    $Rect = New-Object RECT
    [vds]::GetWindowRect($a,[ref]$Rect) | Out-Null
    switch ($b)
        T {
            return $Rect.Top
        L {
            return $Rect.Left
        W {
            return $Rect.Right - $Rect.Left
        'H' {
        return $Rect.Bottom - $Rect.Top
    Returns a position element of a window by paramater
    Available parameters: T, L, W, H (Top, Left, Width, Height)
    $wintop = $(winpos $(winactive) T)


function keyPress($a,$b){
    wait $b
    Presses and holds a vkey for a set amount of time.
    keyPress vkey(Q) 5


function invertWindow($a) {
    $Rect = New-Object RECT
    $Rect.Top = 0
    $Rect.Left = 0
    $Rect.Right = (($(winpos $a W)) + ($(winpos $a L)))
    $Rect.Bottom = (($(winpos $a H)) + ($(winpos $a T)))

    Inverts the colors of a window until the next redraw.
    invertwindow $(winexists 'windows powershell')


function winsibling($a){
return [vds]::GetWindow($a, 2)
    Returns the sibling of a window.
    $thirdBrother = $(winsibling $(winsibling $(winsibling $(winchild 345689))))


function wintext($a) {
    $strbld = [vds]::GetWindowTextLength($a)
    $stringbuilt = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder $strbld+1
    $that = [vds]::GetWindowText($a, $stringbuilt, $strbld+1)
    return $($stringbuilt.ToString())
    Returns the text of a window
    $Stext = $(wintext $(winactive))


function xml($a,$b,$c,$d,$e){
    $nodeindex = 0
    switch ($a){
        insert{        #xml insert $doc.xml.Section 'brandname' 'BE=bottom,status=2'
                $nodeindexest = $b.$c[$nodeindex - 1].Clone()
                foreach ($split in $d.Split(",")) {
                        $innersplit = $split.split("=")
                        $i1 = $innersplit[0]
                        $i2 = $innersplit[1]
                        $nodeindexest.$i1 = $i2
                $b.InsertAfter($nodeindexest,$b.$c[$nodeindex - 1])
                $nodeindexest = $b.$c.Clone()
                foreach ($split in $d.Split(",")) {
                        $innersplit = $split.split("=")
                        $i1 = $innersplit[0]
                        $i2 = $innersplit[1]
                        $nodeindexest.$i1 = $i2
                $b.InsertBefore($nodeindexest,$b.$c[$nodeindex - 1])
                $ver = ""
                foreach ($split in $c.Split(",")) {
                    $innersplit = $split.split("=")
                    if ($ver -eq ""){
                        $i1 = $innersplit[0]
                        $i2 = $innersplit[1]
                        $ver = $_.$i1 -eq $i2
                    else {
                        $i1 = $innersplit[0]
                        $i2 = $innersplit[1]
                        $ver = $ver -and $_.$i1 -eq $i2
                if ($ver) {$_.ParentNode.RemoveChild($_)}

            $doit = $true
                foreach ($split in $c.Split(",")) {
                    $innersplit = $split.split("=")
                        $i1 = $innersplit[0]
                        $i2 = $innersplit[1]
                        if ($b.$i1 -eq $i2 -and $doit -eq $true)
                        {$doit = $true}else{$doit = $false} 
                if ($doit -eq $true){$b.ParentNode.RemoveChild($b)}
                    $doit = $true
                    foreach ($split in $c.Split(",")) {
                        $innersplit = $split.split("=")
                        $i1 = $innersplit[0]
                        $i2 = $innersplit[1]
                        if ($_.$i1 -eq $i2 -and $doit -eq $true)
                        {$doit = $true}else{$doit = $false} 
                if ($doit -eq $true){$_.$d = $e}

            $doit = $true
                foreach ($split in $c.Split(",")) {
                    $innersplit = $split.split("=")
                        $i1 = $innersplit[0]
                        $i2 = $innersplit[1]
                        if ($b.$i1 -eq $i2 -and $doit -eq $true)
                        {$doit = $true}else{$doit = $false} 
                if ($doit -eq $true){$b.$d = $e}
            $t = ""
                $x = 0

                    $x = $x+1

                $t = 0..($x -1)
                $x = 0
                    $t[$x] = $_.$c
                    $x = $x+1
                return $t
                return $b.$c
            $n = 0
            foreach($p in $b){
            $t = 0..[int](($n / 2)-1)
            $i = 0
            foreach ($y in $t){
                $t[$i] = $b[$i]
            return $t
    Performs xml operations: insert, remove, modify, get, true(get)
    True is present due to double return on get function, and it trues it up.
    xml insert $doc.xml.Section 'brandname' 'BE=bottom,status=2'
    xml modify $doc.xml.section.brandname 'BE=hi,status=1' 'BE' 'Bye'
    xml remove $doc.xml.section.brandname 'BE=hi,status=1'
    xml true $(xml get $doc.xml.section.brandname BE)

function zero($a) {
    if ($a -eq 0) {
        return $true
    else {
    return $false
    Returns $true if a value is zero
    $test = $(zero $num)


function zip($a,$b,$c)
    switch ($a){
        compress-archive -path $b -update -destinationpath $c
        compress-archive -path $a -destinationpath $b
    Compresses a folder or updates a compressed folder.
    zip c:\temp\window c:\temp\window.zip
    zip update c:\temp\window c:\window.zip
