set-alias wpf presentation $win = wpf create "Admin Calculator" calc 0 0 148 229 # calc becomes $calc, a wpf grid element inside of the $win window. $win.WindowStyle = 3 $ComboBox1 = wpf add $calc combobox 5 5 120 20 $TextBox1 = wpf add $calc textbox 5 5 100 20 $TextBox1.TextAlignment = 'Right' $ButtonCE = wpf add $calc Button 30 5 30 30 "CE" $ButtonBSP = wpf add $calc Button 30 35 30 30 "<x" $ButtonXSQ = wpf add $calc Button 30 65 30 30 "x sq" $ButtonDiv = wpf add $calc Button 30 95 30 30 "/" $Button7 = wpf add $calc Button 60 5 30 30 "7" $Button8 = wpf add $calc Button 60 35 30 30 "8" $Button9 = wpf add $calc Button 60 65 30 30 "9" $ButtonMult = wpf add $calc Button 60 95 30 30 "*" $Button4 = wpf add $calc Button 90 5 30 30 "4" $Button5 = wpf add $calc Button 90 35 30 30 "5" $Button6 = wpf add $calc Button 90 65 30 30 "6" $ButtonMinus = wpf add $calc Button 90 95 30 30 "-" $Button1 = wpf add $calc Button 120 5 30 30 "1" $Button2 = wpf add $calc Button 120 35 30 30 "2" $Button3 = wpf add $calc Button 120 65 30 30 "3" $ButtonPlus = wpf add $calc Button 120 95 30 30 "+" $ButtonRv = wpf add $calc Button 150 5 30 30 "+/-" $Button0 = wpf add $calc Button 150 35 30 30 "0" $ButtonDot = wpf add $calc Button 150 65 30 30 "." $ButtonEq = wpf add $calc Button 150 95 30 30 "=" #This example is written mostly in PowerShell syntax. For a mostly DialogScript syntax comparison example, see calc.ds1 $timer = timer 1000 $timer.add_Tick({window ontop $(winexists "Admin Calculator") dialog disable $timer}) $ButtonEq.add_Click({ $match = $(match $ComboBox1 $textbox1.text) if ($match -gt -1) {# do nothing } else { list add $ComboBox1 $textbox1.text } $textbox1.text = $(invoke-expression $textbox1.text);dialog focus $textbox1;window send $(winexists "Admin Calculator") $(ctrl $(key right);) }) $ComboBox1.add_SelectionChanged({$textbox1.text = $combobox1.selecteditem}) $Button0.add_Click({$textbox1.text = $textbox1.text+'0';dialog focus $ButtonEq}) $Button1.add_Click({$textbox1.text = $textbox1.text+'1';dialog focus $ButtonEq}) $Button2.add_Click({$textbox1.text = $textbox1.text+'2';dialog focus $ButtonEq}) $Button3.add_Click({$textbox1.text = $textbox1.text+'3';dialog focus $ButtonEq}) $Button4.add_Click({$textbox1.text = $textbox1.text+'4';dialog focus $ButtonEq}) $Button5.add_Click({$textbox1.text = $textbox1.text+'5';dialog focus $ButtonEq}) $Button6.add_Click({$textbox1.text = $textbox1.text+'6';dialog focus $ButtonEq}) $Button7.add_Click({$textbox1.text = $textbox1.text+'7';dialog focus $ButtonEq}) $Button8.add_Click({$textbox1.text = $textbox1.text+'8';dialog focus $ButtonEq}) $Button9.add_Click({$textbox1.text = $textbox1.text+'9';dialog focus $ButtonEq}) $ButtonDot.add_Click({$textbox1.text = $textbox1.text+'.';dialog focus $ButtonEq}) $ButtonCE.add_Click({$textbox1.text = '';dialog focus $ButtonEq}) $ButtonBSP.add_Click({$textbox1.text = $(substr $textbox1.text 0 $(pred $(len $textbox1.text)));dialog focus $ButtonEq}) $ButtonXSQ.add_Click({$textbox1.text = $(invoke-expression $textbox1.text);$textbox1.text = $(invoke-expression ($textbox1.text+'*'+$textbox1.text));dialog focus $ButtonEq}) $ButtonDiv.add_Click({$textbox1.text = $textbox1.text+'/';dialog focus $ButtonEq}) $ButtonMult.add_Click({$textbox1.text = $textbox1.text+'*';dialog focus $ButtonEq}) $ButtonMinus.add_Click({$textbox1.text = $textbox1.text+'-';dialog focus $ButtonEq}) $ButtonPlus.add_Click({$textbox1.text = $textbox1.text+'+';dialog focus $ButtonEq}) $ButtonRv.add_Click({$textbox1.text = $(invoke-expression $textbox1.text);if ($(equal $(substr $textbox1.text 0 1) '-')){$textbox1.text = $(substr $textbox1.text 1 ($(len $textbox1.text)))}else{$textbox1.text = '-'+$textbox1.text};dialog focus $ButtonEq}) $ButtonPlus.add_Click({$textbox1.text = $textbox1.text+'.';dialog focus $ButtonEq}) dialog showmodal $win #For fun, calculate 'notepad' # $(winexists notepad) # window send $(winexists notepad) "Hello World" |