
#requires -version 6
Set-Alias -Name cal -Value Get-Calendar
function Get-Calendar {
        Display a calendar of the selected month.
        `Get-Calendar` (shortly `cal`) just helps to vizualize a month days.
    .PARAMETER Month
        Set a month number. The current month number is set by default.
        Set a year number. The current year number is set by default.
    .PARAMETER Invert
        Indicates that the week starts on Monday.
    .PARAMETER Vertical
        Indicates that an alternative layout should be used.
        System.Int32 - Month
        System.Int32 - Year
        Other parameters - System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
        PS C:\> Get-Calendar
        This prints the current month calendar.
        PS C:\> Get-Calendar -Month 10 -Invert
            October 2019
        Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
            1 2 3 4 5 6
         7 8 9 10 11 12 13
        14 15 16 17 18 19 20
        21 22 23 24 25 26 27
        28 29 30 31
        PS C:\> Get-Calendar -Vertical -Year 2021
           September 2021
        Su 5 12 19 26
        Mo 6 13 20 27
        Tu 7 14 21 28
        We 1 8 15 22 29
        Th 2 9 16 23 30
        Fr 3 10 17 24
        Sa 4 11 18 25

    [ValidateRange(1, 12)]
    [Int32]$Month = ($script:d = Get-Date).Month,

    [ValidateRange(1970, 3000)]
    [Int32]$Year = (.({Get-Date},{$d})[(Test-Path variable:d)]).Year,


  begin {
    $day = "$($d.Day)".PadLeft(2, [Char]32)
    $raw, $dfi = $host.UI.RawUI, (Get-Culture en-US).DateTimeFormat
    $arr, $cal = $dfi.ShortestDayNames, $dfi.Calendar

    $dow = [Int32]$cal.GetDayOfWeek("$Month.1.$Year")
    if ($Invert) {
      $arr = $arr[1..$arr.Length] + $arr[0]
      if (($dow = --$dow) -lt 0) { $dow += 7 }
  process {
    $cap = "`e[35;1m$($dfi.MonthNames[$Month - 1]) $Year`e[32;0m"
    $cap = "$([Char]32)" * [Math]::Round((34 - $cap.Length) / 2) + $cap

    if ($dow -ne 0) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $dow; $i++) {
      $arr += "$([Char]32)" * 2
    $arr += (1..$cal.GetDaysInMonth($Year, $Month)).ForEach{
      "$_".PadLeft(2, [Char]32)
  end {
      $i = 0
      $seq = (,7 * 6).ForEach{$_ * (++$i)}
      for ($i = 0; $i -lt 7; $i++) {
        if (($itm = $arr[,$i + $seq]) -contains $day) {
          $cur, $pos = $raw.CursorPosition, $itm
        $itm -join [Char]32
        $seq = $seq.ForEach{$_ + 1}
      for ($i = 0; $i -lt $arr.Length; $i += 6) {
        if (($itm = $arr[$i..($i + 6)]) -contains $day) {
          $cur, $pos = $raw.CursorPosition, $itm
        $itm -join [Char]32
    if ($Month -ne $d.Month -or $Year -ne $d.Year) { return }
    $cur.X = ($x = $pos.IndexOf($day)) * 2 + $x
    $raw.SetBufferContents($cur, $raw.NewBufferCellArray(
      $day, [ConsoleColor]::Black, [ConsoleColor]::White

Export-ModuleMember -Alias cal -Function Get-Calendar