
.VERSION 0.0.2
.GUID 3b581edb-5d90-4fa1-ba15-4f2377275463
.AUTHOR asherto, 1ckov
.TAGS PowerShell Windows winget win get install installer fix script
[Version 0.0.1] - Initial Release
[Version 0.0.2] - Implemented function to get the latest version of Winget and its license.

    Downloads the latest version of Winget, its dependencies, and installs everything. PATH variable is adjusted after installation. Reboot required after installation.
    Downloads the latest version of Winget, its dependencies, and installs everything. PATH variable is adjusted after installation. Reboot required after installation.
    Version : 0.0.2
    Created by : asheroto
    Project Site:

function getNewestLink($match) {
    $uri = ""
    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeofDay)] Getting information from $uri"
    $get = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $uri -Method Get -ErrorAction stop
    Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeofDay)] getting latest release"
    $data = $get[0].assets | Where-Object name -Match $match
    return $data.browser_download_url

$wingetUrl = getNewestLink("msixbundle")
$wingetLicenseUrl = getNewestLink("License1.xml")

function section($text) {
        Prints a section divider for easy reading of the output.
        Prints a section divider for easy reading of the output.

    Write-Output "###################################"
    Write-Output "# $text"
    Write-Output "###################################"

# Add AppxPackage and silently continue on error
function AAP($pkg) {
        Adds an AppxPackage to the system.
        Adds an AppxPackage to the system.

    Add-AppxPackage $pkg -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# Download XAML nupkg and extract appx file
section("Downloading Xaml nupkg file... (19000000ish bytes)")
$url = ""
$nupkgFolder = "Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7.1.nupkg"
$zipFile = ""
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $zipFile
section("Extracting appx file from nupkg file...")
Expand-Archive $zipFile

# Determine architecture
if ([Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) {
    section("64-bit OS detected")

    # Install x64 VCLibs
    section("Downloading & installing x64 VCLibs... (21000000ish bytes)")

    # Install x64 XAML
    section("Installing x64 XAML...")
} else {
    section("32-bit OS detected")

    # Install x86 VCLibs
    section("Downloading & installing x86 VCLibs... (21000000ish bytes)")

    # Install x86 XAML
    section("Installing x86 XAML...")

# Finally, install winget
section("Downloading winget... (21000000ish bytes)")
$wingetPath = "winget.msixbundle"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $wingetUrl -OutFile $wingetPath
$wingetLicensePath = "license1.xml"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $wingetLicenseUrl -OutFile $wingetLicensePath
section("Installing winget...")
Add-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -PackagePath $wingetPath -LicensePath $wingetLicensePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# Adding WindowsApps directory to PATH variable for current user
section("Adding WindowsApps directory to PATH variable for current user...")
$path = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "User")
$path = $path + ";" + [IO.Path]::Combine([Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("LOCALAPPDATA"), "Microsoft", "WindowsApps")
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", $path, "User")

# Cleanup
section("Cleaning up...")
Remove-Item $zipFile
Remove-Item $nupkgFolder -Recurse
Remove-Item $wingetPath
Remove-Item $wingetLicensePath

# Finished
section("Installation complete!")
section("Please restart your computer to complete the installation.")