
# culture="en-US"
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    ExistingDomainMemberError = Computer is already a domain member. Cannot create a new '{0}' domain?
    InvalidCredentialError = Domain '{0}' is available, but invalid credentials were supplied.
    QueryDomainWithLocalCredential = Computer is a domain member; querying domain '{0}' using local credential ...
    QueryDomainWithCredential = Computer is a workgroup member; querying for domain '{0}' using supplied credential ...
    DomainFound = Active Directory domain '{0}' found.
    DomainNotFound = Active Directory domain '{0}' cannot be found.
    CreatingChildDomain = Creating domain '{0}' as a child of domain '{1}' ...
    CreatedChildDomain = Child domain '{0}' created.
    CreatingForest = Creating AD forest '{0}' ...
    CreatedForest = AD forest '{0}' created.
    ResourcePropertyValueIncorrect = Property '{0}' value is incorrect; expected '{1}', actual '{2}'.
    ResourceInDesiredState = Resource '{0}' is in the desired state.
    ResourceNotInDesiredState = Resource '{0}' is NOT in the desired state.
    RetryingGetADDomain = Attempt {0} of {1} to call Get-ADDomain failed, retrying in {2} seconds.
    UnhandledError = Unhandled error occured, detail here: {0}
    FaultExceptionAndDomainShouldExist = ServiceModel FaultException detected and domain should exist, performing retry...