ConvertFrom-StringData @'
ResolveDomainName = Resolving the domain name '{0}'. (ADDC0001) DomainPresent = The domain '{0}' is present. Looking for domain controllers. (ADDC0002) FoundDomainController = Found the domain controller '{0}' in the domain '{1}'. (ADDC0003) AlreadyDomainController = The current node '{0}' is already a domain controller for the domain '{1}'. (ADDC0004) NotDomainController = The current node '{0}' is not a domain controller. (ADDC0006) IsDomainController = The current node '{0}' is a domain controller for the domain '{1}'. (ADDC0007) MissingDomain = Current node could not find the domain '{0}'. (ADDC0008) Promoting = Promoting the current node to be a domain controller for the domain '{1}'. (ADDC0009) Promoted = The current node '{0}' has been promoted to a domain controller for the domain '{1}'. (ADDC0010) AddGlobalCatalog = Adding Global Catalog to the domain controller. (ADDC0011) RemoveGlobalCatalog = Removing Global Catalog from the domain controller. (ADDC0012) MovingDomainController = Moving Domain Controller from site '{0}' to site '{1}'. (ADDC0013) FailedToFindSite = The site '{0}' could not be found in the domain '{1}'. (ADDC0014) TestingConfiguration = Determine the state of the domain controller on the current node '{0}' in the domain '{1}'. (ADDC0015) WrongSite = The domain controller is in the site '{0}', but expected it to be in the site '{1}'. (ADDC0016) ExpectedGlobalCatalogEnabled = The domain controller does not contain a Global Catalog, but it was expected to have a Global Catalog. ExpectedGlobalCatalogDisabled = The domain controller have a Global Catalog, but it was expected to not have a Global Catalog. ExpectedDomainController = Expected the node to be a domain controller, but did not get a domain controller object. (ADDC0017) '@ |