
# culture="en-US"
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    GetForest = Getting forest suffix information from {0}.
    ForestUpnSuffixNotInDesiredState = User Principal Name Suffix for forest '{0}' not in the desired state.
    ForestSpnSuffixNotInDesiredState = Service Principal Name Suffix for forest '{0}' not in the desired state.
    AddSpnSuffix = Adding Service Principal Name Suffix: {0}.
    RemoveSpnSuffix = Removing Service Principal Name Suffix: {0}.
    ReplaceSpnSuffix = Replacing Service Principal Name Suffix with: {0}.
    AddUpnSuffix = Adding User Principal Name Suffix: {0}.
    RemoveUpnSuffix = Removing User Principal Name Suffix: {0}.
    ReplaceUpnSuffix = Replacing User Principal Name Suffix with: {0}.