
# culture="en-US"
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrievingOU = Retrieving OU '{0}'.
    UpdatingOU = Updating OU '{0}'.
    DeletingOU = Deleting OU '{0}'.
    CreatingOU = Creating OU '{0}'.
    RestoringOU = Attempting to restore the organizational unit object {0} from the recycle bin.
    OUInDesiredState = OU '{0}' exists and is in the desired state.
    OUNotInDesiredState = OU '{0}' exists but is not in the desired state.
    OUExistsButShouldNot = OU '{0}' exists when it should not exist.
    OUDoesNotExistButShould = OU '{0}' does not exist when it should exist.
    OUDoesNotExistAndShouldNot = OU '{0}' does not exist and is in the desired state.