
# culture='en-US'
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    GetDomain = Getting Domain '{0}'.
    DomainNotFoundRetrying = Domain '{0}' not found. Will retry again after {1} seconds.
    DomainNotFoundRebooting = Domain '{0}' not found after {1} attempts with {2} sec interval. Rebooting. Reboot attempt number {3} of {4}.
    DomainNotFoundAfterReboot = Domain '{0}' NOT found after {1} Reboot attempts.
    DomainNotFoundAfterRetry = Domain '{0}' NOT found after {1} attempts.
    DomainInDesiredState = Domain '{0}' is in the desired state.
    DomainNotInDesiredState = Domain '{0}' is not in the desired state.
    CheckDomain = Checking for domain '{0}' ...
    FoundDomain = Found domain '{0}'.
    DomainNotFound = Domain '{0}' not found.