
$moduleRoot = Split-Path `
    -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path `

#region LocalizedData
$Culture = 'en-us'
if (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath $PSUICulture))
    $Culture = $PSUICulture
Import-LocalizedData `
    -BindingVariable LocalizedData `
    -Filename MSFT_xOfflineDomainJoin.psd1 `
    -BaseDirectory $moduleRoot `
    -UICulture $Culture

function Get-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
        ) -join '')

    # It is not possible to read the ODJ file that was used to join a domain
    # So it has to always be returned as blank.
    $returnValue = @{
        IsSingleInstance = 'Yes'
        RequestFile = ''

    #Output the target resource
} # Get-TargetResource

function Set-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    Write-Verbose -Message ( @( "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
        ) -join '')

    # Check the ODJ Request file exists
    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $RequestFile))
        $errorId = 'RequestFileNotFoundError'
        $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound
        $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.RequestFileNotFoundError) `
            -f $RequestFile
        $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.ArgumentException `
            -ArgumentList $errorMessage
        $errorRecord = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord `
            -ArgumentList $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null

    } # if

    # Don't need to check if the domain is already joined because
    # Set-TargetResource wouldn't fire unless it wasn't.
    Join-Domain -RequestFile $RequestFile
} # Set-TargetResource

function Test-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    # Flag to signal whether settings are correct
    [Boolean] $desiredConfigurationMatch = $true

    Write-Verbose -Message ( @("$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
        ) -join '')

    # Check the ODJ Request file exists
    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $RequestFile))
        $errorId = 'RequestFileNotFoundError'
        $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound
        $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.RequestFileNotFoundError) `
            -f $RequestFile
        $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.ArgumentException `
            -ArgumentList $errorMessage
        $errorRecord = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord `
            -ArgumentList $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null

    } # if

    $CurrentDomainName = Get-DomainName

        # Domain is already joined.
        Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
            "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
            $($LocalizedData.DomainAlreadyJoinedMessage) `
                -f $CurrentDomainName `
            ) -join '' )
        # Domain is not joined, so change is required.
        Write-Verbose -Message ( @("$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
            ) -join '')

        $desiredConfigurationMatch = $false
    } # if
    return $desiredConfigurationMatch
} # Test-TargetResource

Uses DJoin.exe to join a Domain using a ODJ Request File.

function Join-Domain {

    Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
        "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
        $($LocalizedData.AttemptingDomainJoinMessage) `
            -f $RequestFile `
        ) -join '' )

    $Result = & djoin.exe @(
    if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0)
       # Notify DSC that a reboot is required.
        $global:DSCMachineStatus = 1
        Write-Verbose -Message $Result

        $errorId = 'DjoinError'
        $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ObjectNotFound
        $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.DjoinError) `
            -f $LASTEXITCODE
        $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.ArgumentException `
            -ArgumentList $errorMessage
        $errorRecord = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord `
            -ArgumentList $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null

    } # if

    Write-Verbose -Message ( @(
        "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand): "
        $($LocalizedData.DomainJoinedMessage) `
            -f $RequestFile `
        ) -join '' )
} # function Join-Domain

Returns the name of the Domain the computer is joined to or
$null if not domain joined.

function Get-DomainName

    # Use CIM to detect the domain name so that this will work on Nano Server.
    $ComputerSystem = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_computersystem -Namespace root\cimv2
    if ($ComputerSystem.Workgroup)
        return $null
} # function Get-DomainName

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource