
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    GettingOfflineDomainJoinMessage=Getting the Offline Domain Join State.
    ApplyingOfflineDomainJoinMessage=Applying the Offline Domain Join State.
    AttemptingDomainJoinMessage=Attempting domain join using ODJ Request file '{0}'.
    DomainJoinedMessage=Domain joined using ODJ Request file '{0}'. Reboot will be required.
    CheckingOfflineDomainJoinMessage=Checking the Offline Domain Join State.
    DomainAlreadyJoinedMessage=The computer is already joined to a domain '{0}'. Change not required.
    DomainNotJoinedMessage=The computer is not joined to a domain. Change required.
    RequestFileNotFoundError=The ODJ Request file '{0}' does not exist.
    DjoinError=Error {0} occured requesting the Offline Domain Join.