
Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\Helper.psm1 -Verbose:$false

# Localized messages
data LocalizedData
    # culture="en-US"
    ConvertFrom-StringData @'
InvalidScopeIDMessage = DHCP server scopeID {0} is not valid. Supply a valid scopeID and try again
CheckScopeIDMessage = Checking DHCP server options for scopeID {0} ...
AddingScopeIDMessage = Adding DHCP server options for scopeID {0} ...
SetScopeIDMessage = DHCP server options is set for scopeID {0}.
FoundScopeIDMessage = Found DHCP server options for scopeID {0} and they should be {1}
NotFoundScopeIDMessage = Can not find DHCP server options for scopeID {0} and they should be {1}
CheckPropertyMessage = Checking {0} option ...
NotDesiredPropertyMessage = {0} is not correct. Expected {1}, actual {2}
DesiredPropertyMessage = {0} option is correct.
SettingPropertyMessage = Setting {0} option ...
SetPropertyMessage = {0} option is set to {1}.


function Get-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [String]$AddressFamily = 'IPv4'

#region Input Validation

    # Check for DhcpServer module/role
    Assert-Module -moduleName DHCPServer
    # Convert the ScopeID to be a valid IPAddress
    $ScopeID = (Get-ValidIpAddress -ipString $ScopeID -AddressFamily $AddressFamily -parameterName 'ScopeID').ToString()

    # Test if the ScopeID is valid
    $null = Get-DhcpServerv4Scope -ScopeId $ScopeID -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable err
        $errorMsg = $($LocalizedData.InvalidScopeIdMessage) -f $ScopeID
        New-TerminatingError -errorId ScopeIdNotFound -errorMessage $errorMsg -errorCategory InvalidOperation

#endregion Input Validation

    $ensure = 'Absent'
        $dhcpOption = Get-DhcpServerv4OptionValue -ScopeID $ScopeID
            $dnsDomain = (($dhcpOption | ? Name -like 'DNS Domain Name').value)[0]
            $ensure = 'Present'
            $dnsServerIP = ($dhcpOption | ? Name -like 'DNS Servers').value

        ScopeID = $ScopeID
        DnsDomain = $dnsDomain
        AddressFamily = 'IPv4'
        Ensure = $ensure
        DnsServerIPAddress = $dnsServerIP

function Set-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        [String]$AddressFamily = 'IPv4',

        [String]$Ensure = 'Present'

#region Input Validation
    # Array of valid IP Address
    [String[]]$validDnSServer = @()

    # Convert the ScopeID to be a valid IPAddress
    $ScopeID = (Get-ValidIpAddress -ipString $ScopeID -AddressFamily $AddressFamily -parameterName 'ScopeID').ToString()

    # Convert the input to be valid IPAddress
    foreach ($dnsServerIp in $DnsServerIPAddress)
        $validDnSServer += (Get-ValidIpAddress -ipString $dnsServerIp -AddressFamily $AddressFamily -parameterName 'DnsServerIPAddress').ToString()
    $DnsServerIPAddress = $validDnSServer

#endregion Input Validation

    # Remove $AddressFamily and $debug from PSBoundParameters and pass it to validate-properties helper function
    If($PSBoundParameters['Debug'])      {$null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Debug')}
    If($PSBoundParameters['AddressFamily']){$null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('AddressFamily')}

    Validate-ResourceProperties @PSBoundParameters -Apply

function Test-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        [String]$AddressFamily = 'IPv4',

        [String]$Ensure = 'Present'

#region Input Validation

    # Array of valid IP Address
    [String[]]$validDnSServer = @()

    # Check for DhcpServer module/role
    Assert-Module -moduleName DHCPServer

    # Convert the ScopeID to be a valid IPAddress
    $ScopeID = (Get-ValidIpAddress -ipString $ScopeID -AddressFamily $AddressFamily -parameterName 'ScopeID').ToString()

    # Convert the input to be valid IPAddress
    foreach ($dnsServerIp in $DnsServerIPAddress)
        $validDnSServer += (Get-ValidIpAddress -ipString $dnsServerIp -AddressFamily $AddressFamily -parameterName 'DnsServerIPAddress').ToString()
    $DnsServerIPAddress = $validDnSServer

    # Test if the ScopeID is valid
    $null = Get-DhcpServerv4Scope -ScopeId $ScopeID -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable err
        $errorMsg = $($LocalizedData.InvalidScopeIdMessage) -f $ScopeID
        New-TerminatingError -errorId ScopeIdNotFound -errorMessage $errorMsg -errorCategory InvalidOperation

#endregion Input Validation

    # Remove $AddressFamily and $debug from PSBoundParameters and pass it to validateProperties helper function
    If($PSBoundParameters['Debug'])      {$null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Debug')}
    If($PSBoundParameters['AddressFamily']){$null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('AddressFamily')}

    Validate-ResourceProperties @PSBoundParameters

#region Helper function

# Internal function to validate dhcpOptions properties
function Validate-ResourceProperties



        [String]$Ensure = 'Present',


    $scopeIDMessage = $($LocalizedData.CheckScopeIDMessage) -f $ScopeID
    Write-Verbose -Message $scopeIDMessage
    $dhcpOption = Get-DhcpServerv4OptionValue -ScopeID $ScopeID

    # Found DHCPOption
        $foundScopeIdMessage = $($LocalizedData.FoundScopeIDMessage) -f $ScopeID, $Ensure
        Write-Verbose -Message $foundScopeIdMessage

        # If Options should be present, check other properties
        if($Ensure -eq 'Present')
            # Test the DNS Server IPs
            $checkPropertyMessage = $($LocalizedData.CheckPropertyMessage) -f 'Dns server ip'
            Write-Verbose -Message $checkPropertyMessage

            $dnsServerIP = ($dhcpOption | ? Name -like 'DNS Servers').value

            # If comparison return something, they are not equal
            if((-not $dnsServerIP) -or (Compare-Object $dnsServerIP $DnsServerIPAddress))
                $notDesiredPropertyMessage = $($LocalizedData.NotDesiredPropertyMessage) -f 'DNS server ip', $DnsServerIPAddress, $dnsServerIP
                Write-Verbose -Message $notDesiredPropertyMessage
                    $settingPropertyMessage = $($LocalizedData.SettingPropertyMessage) -f 'DNS server ip'
                    Write-Verbose -Message $settingPropertyMessage

                    Set-DhcpServerv4OptionValue -ScopeId $ScopeID -DnsServer $DnsServerIPAddress -Force
                    $setPropertyMessage = $($LocalizedData.SetPropertyMessage) -f 'DNS server ip',$DnsServerIPAddress
                    Write-Verbose -Message $setPropertyMessage
                } # end $Apply
                    return $false
            } # end Compare-object
                $desiredPropertyMessage = $($LocalizedData.DesiredPropertyMessage) -f 'DNS server ip'
                Write-Verbose -Message $desiredPropertyMessage

            # If DNS Domain is specified, test that
                $checkPropertyMessage = $($LocalizedData.CheckPropertyMessage) -f 'Dns domain name'
                Write-Verbose -Message $checkPropertyMessage

                $dnsDomainName = ($DhcpOption | ? Name -like 'DNS Domain Name').value
                if($dnsDomainName -ne $DnsDomain) 
                    $notDesiredPropertyMessage = $($LocalizedData.NotDesiredPropertyMessage) -f 'DNS domain name', $DnsDomain, $dnsDomainName
                    Write-Verbose -Message $notDesiredPropertyMessage

                        $settingPropertyMessage = $($LocalizedData.SettingPropertyMessage) -f 'DNS domain name'
                        Write-Verbose -Message $settingPropertyMessage

                        Set-DhcpServerv4OptionValue -ScopeId $ScopeID -DnsDomain $DnsDomain

                        $setPropertyMessage = $($LocalizedData.SetPropertyMessage) -f 'DNS domain name',$DnsDomain
                        Write-Verbose -Message $setPropertyMessage
                    } # end $Apply
                        return $false
                } # end $dnsDomainName -ne $DnsDomain
                    $desiredPropertyMessage = $($LocalizedData.DesiredPropertyMessage) -f 'DNS domain name'
                    Write-Verbose -Message $desiredPropertyMessage
            } # end $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DnsDomain')

            if(-not $Apply)
                return $true
        } # end $Ensure -eq 'Present'

        # If Options should be absent, return False or remove it
                Write-Verbose -Message "Removing DHCP Server options for $ScopeID..."
                foreach($option in $dhcpOption.OptionID)
                    Remove-DhcpServerv4OptionValue -ScopeId $ScopeID -OptionId $option
                Write-Verbose -Message 'DHCP Server options are removed'
            } # end if $Apply
            else {return $false}
        $notFoundScopeIdMessage = $($LocalizedData.NotFoundScopeIDMessage) -f $ScopeID, $Ensure
        Write-Verbose -Message $notFoundScopeIdMessage

            # If Options should be present, create those
            if($Ensure -eq 'Present')
                $addingScopeIdMessage = $($LocalizedData.AddingScopeIDMessage) -f $ScopeID
                Write-Verbose -Message $addingScopeIdMessage

                $parameters = @{ScopeID = $ScopeID; DnsServer = $DnsServerIPAddress}
                # If Dns domain is specified pass it
                if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DnsDomain')){$parameters['DnsDomain'] = $DnsDomain}

                Set-DhcpServerv4OptionValue @parameters -Force

                $setScopeIdMessage = $($LocalizedData.SetScopeIDMessage) -f $ScopeID
                Write-Verbose -Message $setScopeIdMessage
            } # end Ensure -eq 'Present
        } # end if $Apply
            # If Options should be present, return false else true
            return ($Ensure -eq 'Absent')
#endregion Helper function

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource