
$Global:DSCModuleName      = 'xDhcpServer'
$Global:DSCResourceName    = 'MSFT_xDhcpServerScope'

#region HEADER
[String] $moduleRoot = Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $Script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path))
if ( (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests'))) -or `
     (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1'))) )
    & git @('clone','https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResource.Tests.git',(Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath '\DSCResource.Tests\'))
    & git @('-C',(Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath '\DSCResource.Tests\'),'pull')
Import-Module (Join-Path -Path $moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1') -Force
$TestEnvironment = Initialize-TestEnvironment `
    -DSCModuleName $Global:DSCModuleName `
    -DSCResourceName $Global:DSCResourceName `
    -TestType Unit 

# Begin Testing
    #region Pester Tests

    # The InModuleScope command allows you to perform white-box unit testing on the internal
    # (non-exported) code of a Script Module.
    InModuleScope $Global:DSCResourceName {

        #region Pester Test Initialization
        # TODO: Optopnal Load Mock for use in Pester tests here...

        $testScopeName = 'Test Scope';
        $testScopeID = '';
        $testIPStartRange = '';
        $testIPEndRange = '';
        $testSubnetMask = '';
        $testState = 'Active';
        $testLeaseDuration = New-TimeSpan -Days 8;
        $testParams = @{
            Name = $testScopeName;
            IPStartRange = $testIPStartRange;
            IPEndRange = $testIPEndRange;
            SubnetMask = $testSubnetMask;
        $fakeDhcpServerv4Scope = [PSCustomObject] @{
            ScopeID = $testScopeID;
            Name = $testScopeName;
            StartRange = $testIPStartRange;
            EndRange = $testIPEndRange;
            SubnetMask = $testSubnetMask;
            LeaseDuration = $testLeaseDuration;
            State = $testState;
            AddressFamily = 'IPv4';

        #region Function Get-TargetResource
        Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Get-TargetResource" {

            Mock Assert-Module -ParameterFilter { $ModuleName -eq 'DHCPServer' } { }

            It 'Calls "Assert-Module" to ensure "DHCPServer" module is available' {
                Mock Get-DhcpServerv4Scope { return $fakeDhcpServerv4Scope; }
                $result = Get-TargetResource @testParams;
                Assert-MockCalled Assert-Module -ParameterFilter { $ModuleName -eq 'DHCPServer' } -Scope It;
            It 'Returns a "System.Collections.Hashtable" object type' {
                Mock Get-DhcpServerv4Scope { return $fakeDhcpServerv4Scope; }
                $result = Get-TargetResource @testParams;
                $result -is [System.Collections.Hashtable] | Should Be $true;
        #endregion Function Get-TargetResource

        #region Function Test-TargetResource
        Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Test-TargetResource" {
            Mock Assert-Module -ParameterFilter { $ModuleName -eq 'DHCPServer' } { }

            It 'Returns a "System.Boolean" object type' {
                Mock Get-DhcpServerv4Scope { return $fakeDhcpServerv4Scope; }
                $result = Test-TargetResource @testParams;
                $result -is [System.Boolean] | Should Be $true;
            It 'Passes when all parameters are correct' {
                Mock Get-DhcpServerv4Scope { return $fakeDhcpServerv4Scope; }
                $result = Test-TargetResource @testParams;
                $result | Should Be $true;
            It 'Passes when optional "LeaseDuration" parameter is correct' {
                Mock Get-DhcpServerv4Scope { return $fakeDhcpServerv4Scope; }
                $result = Test-TargetResource @testParams -LeaseDuration $testLeaseDuration.ToString();
                $result | Should Be $true;
            It 'Passes when optional "State" parameter is correct' {
                Mock Get-DhcpServerv4Scope { return $fakeDhcpServerv4Scope; }
                $result = Test-TargetResource @testParams -State 'Active';
                $result | Should Be $true;
            It 'Passes when "Ensure" = "Absent" and scope does not exist' {
                Mock Get-DhcpServerv4Scope { }
                $result = Test-TargetResource @testParams -Ensure 'Absent';
                $result | Should Be $true;
            It 'Fails when "Name" parameter is incorrect' {
                Mock Get-DhcpServerv4Scope { return $fakeDhcpServerv4Scope; }
                $testNameParams = $testParams.Clone();
                $testNameParams['Name'] = 'IncorrectName';
                $result = Test-TargetResource @testNameParams;
                $result | Should Be $false;
            It 'Fails when "IPStartRange" parameter is incorrect' {
                Mock Get-DhcpServerv4Scope { return $fakeDhcpServerv4Scope; }
                $testIPStartRangeParams = $testParams.Clone();
                $testIPStartRangeParams['IPStartRange'] = '';
                $result = Test-TargetResource @testIPStartRangeParams;
                $result | Should Be $false;
            It 'Fails when "IPEndRange" parameter is incorrect' {
                Mock Get-DhcpServerv4Scope { return $fakeDhcpServerv4Scope; }
                $testIPEndRangeParams = $testParams.Clone();
                $testIPEndRangeParams['IPEndRange'] = '';
                $result = Test-TargetResource @testIPEndRangeParams;
                $result | Should Be $false;
            It 'Fails when "SubnetMask" parameter is incorrect' {
                Mock Get-DhcpServerv4Scope { return $fakeDhcpServerv4Scope; }
                $testSubnetMaskParams = $testParams.Clone();
                $testSubnetMaskParams['SubnetMask'] = '';
                $result = Test-TargetResource @testSubnetMaskParams;
                $result | Should Be $false;
            It 'Fails when optional "LeaseDuration" parameter is incorrect' {
                Mock Get-DhcpServerv4Scope { return $fakeDhcpServerv4Scope; }
                $result = Test-TargetResource @testParams -LeaseDuration '08:00:00';
                $result | Should Be $false;
            It 'Fails when optional "State" parameter is incorrect' {
                Mock Get-DhcpServerv4Scope { return $fakeDhcpServerv4Scope; }
                $result = Test-TargetResource @testParams -State 'Inactive';
                $result | Should Be $false;
            It 'Fails when "Ensure" = "Absent" and scope does exist' {
                Mock Get-DhcpServerv4Scope { return $fakeDhcpServerv4Scope; }
                $result = Test-TargetResource @testParams -Ensure 'Absent';
                $result | Should Be $false;

        #region Function Set-TargetResource
        Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Set-TargetResource" {
            Mock Assert-Module -ParameterFilter { $ModuleName -eq 'DHCPServer' } { }
            It 'Calls "Add-DhcpServerv4Scope" when "Ensure" = "Present" and scope does not exist' {
                Mock Get-DhcpServerv4Scope { }
                Mock Add-DhcpServerv4Scope { }
                Set-TargetResource @testParams;
                Assert-MockCalled Add-DhcpServerv4Scope -Scope It;
            It 'Calls "Remove-DhcpServerv4Scope" when "Ensure" = "Absent" and scope does exist' {
                Mock Get-DhcpServerv4Scope { return $fakeDhcpServerv4Scope; }
                Mock Remove-DhcpServerv4Scope { }
                Set-TargetResource @testParams -Ensure 'Absent';
                Assert-MockCalled Remove-DhcpServerv4Scope -Scope It;
            It 'Calls "Set-DhcpServerv4Scope" when "Ensure" = "Present" and scope does exist' {
                Mock Get-DhcpServerv4Scope { return $fakeDhcpServerv4Scope; }
                Mock Set-DhcpServerv4Scope { }
                Set-TargetResource @testParams -LeaseDuration '08:00:00';
                Assert-MockCalled Set-DhcpServerv4Scope -Scope It;
            It 'Calls "Remove-DhcpServerv4Scope" when "Ensure" = "Present", scope does exist but "SubnetMask" is incorrect' {
                Mock Get-DhcpServerv4Scope { return $fakeDhcpServerv4Scope; }
                Mock Remove-DhcpServerv4Scope { }
                Mock Set-DhcpServerv4Scope { }
                $testSubnetMaskParams = $testParams.Clone();
                $testSubnetMaskParams['SubnetMask'] = '';
                Set-TargetResource @testSubnetMaskParams;
                Assert-MockCalled Remove-DhcpServerv4Scope -Scope It;

        #region Function Set-TargetResource
        Describe "$($Global:DSCResourceName)\Validate-ResourceProperties" {
            # TODO: Complete Tests...

    #region FOOTER
    Restore-TestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $TestEnvironment

    # TODO: Other Optional Cleanup Code Goes Here...