
# Localized resources for en-US.

ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    SettingExclusionRange = Setting DHCP server exclusion range with StartRange "{0}" EndRange "{1}" for ScopeId "{2}".
    TestingExclusionRange = Testing DHCP server exclusion scopeId '{0}'.
    RemovingExclusionRange = Removing DHCP server exclusion StartRange "{0}" EndRange "{1}" for ScopeId "{2}".
    InvalidStartAndEndRange = StartRange must be less than EndRange.
    NotInDesiredState = DHCP server scope "{0}" is NOT in desired state. Expected "{1}", actual "{2}".
    InDesiredState = DHCP server scope "{0}" is in desired state.
    RetrievingExclusion = Getting the current state of the scope id '{0}'.
    FoundExclusion = Found exclusion with StartRange "{0}" and EndRange "{1}".
    ExclusionNotFound = Exclusion with StartRange "{0}" and EndRange "{1}" not found.