
#Gets the existing Remote PowerShell session to Exchange, if it exists
function GetExistingExchangeSession
    return (Get-PSSession -Name "DSCExchangeSession" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)

#Establishes a Exchange remote powershell session to the local server. Reuses the session if it already exists.
function GetRemoteExchangeSession


        $SetupProcessName = "ExSetup*"

    #Check if Exchange Setup is running. If so, we need to throw an exception, as a running Exchange DSC resource will block Exchange Setup from working properly.
    if (Get-IsSetupRunning -SetupProcessName $SetupProcessName)
        throw "Exchange Setup is currently running. Preventing creation of new Remote PowerShell session to Exchange."

    #See if the session already exists
    $Session = GetExistingExchangeSession

    #Attempt to reuse the session if we found one
    if ($null -ne $Session)
        if ($Session.State -eq "Opened")
            Write-Verbose "Reusing existing Remote Powershell Session to Exchange"
        else #Session is in an unexpected state. Remove it so we can rebuild it
            $Session = $null

    #Either the session didn't exist, or it was broken and we nulled it out. Create a new one
    if ($null -eq $Session)
        #First make sure we are on a valid server version, and that Exchange is fully installed
        if (!(Get-IsSetupComplete -Verbose:$VerbosePreference))
            throw 'A supported version of Exchange is either not present, or not fully installed on this machine.'

        Write-Verbose "Creating new Remote Powershell session to Exchange"

        #Get local server FQDN
        $machineDomain = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain.ToLower()
        $serverName = $env:computername.ToLower()
        $serverFQDN = $serverName + "." + $machineDomain

        #Override chatty banner, because chatty
        New-Alias Get-ExBanner Out-Null
        New-Alias Get-Tip Out-Null

        #Load built in Exchange functions, and create session
        $exbin = Join-Path -Path ((Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\Setup).MsiInstallPath) -ChildPath "bin"
        $remoteExchange = Join-Path -Path "$($exbin)" -ChildPath "RemoteExchange.ps1"
        . $remoteExchange
        $Session = _NewExchangeRunspace -fqdn $serverFQDN -credential $Credential -UseWIA $false -AllowRedirection $false

        #Remove the aliases we created earlier
        Remove-Item Alias:Get-ExBanner
        Remove-Item Alias:Get-Tip

        if ($null -ne $Session)
            $Session.Name = "DSCExchangeSession"

    #If the session is still null here, things went wrong. Throw exception
    if ($null -eq $Session)
        throw "Failed to establish remote Powershell session to FQDN: $($serverFQDN)"
    else #Import the session globally
        #Temporarily set Verbose to SilentlyContinue so the Session and Module import isn't noisy
        $oldVerbose = $VerbosePreference
        $VerbosePreference = "SilentlyContinue"

        if ($CommandsToLoad.Count -gt 0)
            $moduleInfo = Import-PSSession $Session -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -DisableNameChecking -AllowClobber -CommandName $CommandsToLoad -Verbose:0
            $moduleInfo = Import-PSSession $Session -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -DisableNameChecking -AllowClobber -Verbose:0

        Import-Module $moduleInfo -Global -DisableNameChecking

        #Set Verbose back
        $VerbosePreference = $oldVerbose

#Removes any Remote Sessions that have been setup by us
function RemoveExistingRemoteSession

    $sessions = GetExistingExchangeSession

    if ($null -ne $sessions)
        Write-Verbose "Removing existing remote Powershell sessions"

        GetExistingExchangeSession | Remove-PSSession

#Checks whether a supported version of Exchange is at least partially installed by looking for Exchange's product GUID
function Get-IsExchangePresent
    $version = Get-ExchangeVersion

    if ($version -in '2013','2016','2019')
        return $true
        return $false

#Gets the installed Exchange Version, and returns the number as a string.
#Returns N/A if the version cannot be found, and will optionally throw an exception
#if ThrowIfUnknownVersion was set to $true.
function Get-ExchangeVersion
    param ([bool]$ThrowIfUnknownVersion = $false)

    $version = "N/A"

    $uninstall20162019Key = Get-Item 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{CD981244-E9B8-405A-9026-6AEB9DCEF1F1}' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if ($null -ne $uninstall20162019Key)
        if ($uninstall20162019Key.GetValue('VersionMajor') -eq 15 -and $uninstall20162019Key.GetValue('VersionMinor') -eq 2)
            $version = '2019'
            $version = '2016'
    elseif ($null -ne (Get-Item 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{4934D1EA-BE46-48B1-8847-F1AF20E892C1}' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
        $version = '2013'
    elseif ($ThrowIfUnknownVersion)
        throw "Failed to discover a known Exchange Version"

    return $version

#Checks whether Setup fully completed
function Get-IsSetupComplete

    $exchangePresent = Get-IsExchangePresent
    $setupPartiallyCompleted = Get-IsSetupPartiallyCompleted -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

    if ($exchangePresent -eq $true -and $setupPartiallyCompleted -eq $false)
        Write-Verbose -Message 'Exchange is present and setup is detected as being fully complete.'

        $isSetupComplete = $true
        Write-Verbose -Message "Exchange setup detected as not being fully complete. Exchange Present: $exchangePresent. Setup Partially Complete: $setupPartiallyCompleted."

        $isSetupComplete = $false

    return $isSetupComplete

#Checks whether any Setup watermark keys exist which means that a previous installation of setup had already started but not completed
function Get-IsSetupPartiallyCompleted

    Write-Verbose -Message 'Checking if setup is partially complete'

    $isPartiallyCompleted = $false

    #Now check if setup actually completed successfully
    [System.String[]]$roleKeys = "CafeRole","ClientAccessRole","FrontendTransportRole","HubTransportRole","MailboxRole","UnifiedMessagingRole"

    foreach ($key in $roleKeys)
        $values = $null
        $values = Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\$key" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        if ($null -ne $values)
            Write-Verbose -Message "Checking values at key 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\$key'"

            if ($null -ne $values.UnpackedVersion)
                #If ConfiguredVersion is missing, or Action or Watermark or present, setup needs to be resumed
                if ($null -eq $values.ConfiguredVersion)
                    Write-Warning -Message "Registry value missing. Setup considered partially complete. Location: 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\$key\ConfiguredVersion'."

                    $isPartiallyCompleted = $true

                if ($null -ne $values.Action)
                    Write-Warning -Message "Registry value present. Setup considered partially complete. Location: 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\$key\Action'. Value: '$($values.Action)'."

                    $isPartiallyCompleted = $true

                if ($null -ne $values.Watermark)
                    Write-Warning -Message "Registry value present. Setup considered partially complete. Location: 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\$key\Watermark'. Value: '$($values.Watermark)'."

                    $isPartiallyCompleted = $true
                Write-Verbose -Message "Value not present 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\$key\UnpackedVersion'. Skipping remaining value checks for key."

    return $isPartiallyCompleted

#Checks for the exact status of Exchange setup and returns the results in a Hashtable
function Get-InstallStatus

    Write-Verbose -Message 'Checking Exchange Install Status'

    $shouldStartInstall = $false

    $shouldInstallLanguagePack = Get-ShouldInstallLanguagePack -Arguments $Arguments
    $setupRunning = Get-IsSetupRunning
    $setupComplete = Get-IsSetupComplete -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
    $exchangePresent = Get-IsExchangePresent

    if ($setupRunning -or $setupComplete)
        if($shouldInstallLanguagePack -and $setupComplete)
            $shouldStartInstall = $true
            #Do nothing. Either Install is already running, or it's already finished successfully
    elseif (!$setupComplete)
        $shouldStartInstall = $true

    Write-Verbose -Message "Finished Checking Exchange Install Status. ShouldInstallLanguagePack: $shouldInstallLanguagePack. SetupRunning: $setupRunning. SetupComplete: $setupComplete. ExchangePresent: $exchangePresent. ShouldStartInstall: $shouldStartInstall."

    $returnValue = @{
        ShouldInstallLanguagePack = $shouldInstallLanguagePack
        SetupRunning = $setupRunning
        SetupComplete = $setupComplete
        ExchangePresent = $exchangePresent
        ShouldStartInstall = $shouldStartInstall


#Check for missing registry keys that may cause Exchange setup to try to restart WinRM mid setup , which will in turn cause the DSC resource to fail
#If any required keys are missing, configure WinRM, then force a reboot
function Set-WSManConfigStatus
    # Suppressing this rule because $global:DSCMachineStatus is used to trigger a reboot.
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidGlobalVars', '')]
        Suppressing this rule because $global:DSCMachineStatus is only set,
        never used (by design of Desired State Configuration).

    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '', Scope='Function', Target='DSCMachineStatus')]

    $needReboot = $false

    $wsmanKey = Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if ($null -ne $wsmanKey)
        if ($null -eq $wsmanKey.UpdatedConfig)
            $needReboot = $true

            Write-Verbose "Value 'UpdatedConfig' missing from registry key HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN. Running: winrm i restore winrm/config"

            Set-Location "$($env:windir)\System32\inetsrv"
            winrm i restore winrm/config | Out-Null

            Write-Verbose -Message 'Machine needs to be rebooted before Exchange setup can proceed'

            $global:DSCMachineStatus = 1
        throw 'Unable to find registry key: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WSMAN'

    return $needReboot

function Get-ShouldInstallLanguagePack

    if($Arguments -match '(?<=/AddUMLanguagePack:)(([a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2},?)+)(?=\s)')
        $Cultures = $Matches[0]
        Write-Verbose "AddUMLanguagePack parameters detected: $Cultures"
        $Cultures = $Cultures -split ','

        foreach($Culture in $Cultures)
            if((IsUMLanguagePackInstalled -Culture $Culture) -eq $false)
                Write-Verbose "UM Language Pack: $Culture is not installed"
                return $true
    return $false

#Checks whether setup is running by looking for if the ExSetup.exe process currently exists
function Get-IsSetupRunning
    param([System.String]$SetupProcessName = "ExSetup*")

    return ($null -ne (Get-Process -Name $SetupProcessName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))

#Checks if two strings are equal, or are both either null or empty
function CompareStrings
    param([System.String]$String1, [System.String]$String2, [switch]$IgnoreCase)

    if (([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($String1) -and [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($String2)))
        return $true
        if ($IgnoreCase -eq $true)
            return ($String1 -like $String2)
            return ($String1 -clike $String2)

#Checks if two bools are equal, or are both either null or false
function CompareBools($Bool1, $Bool2)
    if($Bool1 -ne $Bool2)
        if (!(($null -eq $Bool1 -and $Bool2 -eq $false) -or ($null -eq $Bool2 -and $Bool1 -eq $false)))
            return $false

    return $true

#Takes a string which should be in timespan format, and compares it to an actual EnhancedTimeSpan object. Returns true if they are equal
function CompareTimespanWithString
    param([Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan]$TimeSpan, [System.String]$String)

        $converted = [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.EnhancedTimeSpan]::Parse($String)

        return ($TimeSpan.Equals($converted))
        throw "String '$($String)' is not in a valid format for an EnhancedTimeSpan"

    return $false

#Takes a string which should be in ByteQuantifiedSize format, and compares it to an actual ByteQuantifiedSize object. Returns true if they are equal
function CompareByteQuantifiedSizeWithString
    param([Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ByteQuantifiedSize]$ByteQuantifiedSize, [System.String]$String)

        $converted = [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ByteQuantifiedSize]::Parse($String)

        return ($ByteQuantifiedSize.Equals($converted))
        throw "String '$($String)' is not in a valid format for a ByteQuantifiedSize"

#Takes a string which should be in Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Unlimited format, and compares with an actual Unlimited object. Returns true if they are equal.
function CompareUnlimitedWithString
    param($Unlimited, [System.String]$String)

    if ($Unlimited.IsUnlimited)
        return (CompareStrings -String1 "Unlimited" -String2 $String -IgnoreCase)
    elseif ((CompareStrings -String1 "Unlimited" -String2 $String -IgnoreCase) -and !$Unlimited.IsUnlimited)
        return $false
    elseif (($Unlimited.Value -is [System.Int32]) -and !$Unlimited.IsUnlimited)
        return (CompareStrings -String1 $Unlimited -String2 $String -IgnoreCase)
        return (CompareByteQuantifiedSizeWithString -ByteQuantifiedSize $Unlimited -String $String)

#Takes an ADObjectId, gets a mailbox from it, and checks if it's EmailAddresses property contains the given string.
#The Get-Mailbox cmdlet must be loaded for this function to succeed.
function CompareADObjectIdWithEmailAddressString
    param([Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Directory.ADObjectId]$ADObjectId, [System.String]$String)

    if ($null -ne (Get-Command Get-Mailbox -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
        $mailbox = $ADObjectId | Get-Mailbox -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

        return ($mailbox.EmailAddresses.Contains($String))
        Write-Error "CompareADObjectIdWithEmailAddressString requires the Get-Mailbox cmdlert"

        return $false

#Takes a string containing a given separator, and breaks it into a string array
function StringToArray
    param([System.String]$StringIn, [char]$Separator)

    [System.String[]]$array = $StringIn.Split($Separator)

    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $array.Length; $i++)
        $array[$i] = $array[$i].Trim()

    return $array

#Takes an array of strings and converts all elements to lowercase
function StringArrayToLower

    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Array.Count; $i++)
        if (!([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Array[$i])))
            $Array[$i] = $Array[$i].ToLower()

    return $Array

#Checks whether two arrays have the same contents, where element order doesn't matter
function Compare-ArrayContent
    param([System.String[]]$Array1, [System.String[]]$Array2, [switch]$IgnoreCase)

    $hasSameContents = $true

    if ($Array1.Length -ne $Array2.Length)
        $hasSameContents = $false
    elseif ($Array1.Count -gt 0 -and $Array2.Count -gt 0)
        if ($IgnoreCase -eq $true)
            $Array1 = StringArrayToLower -Array $Array1
            $Array2 = StringArrayToLower -Array $Array2

        foreach ($str in $Array1)
            if (!($Array2.Contains($str)))
                $hasSameContents = $false

    return $hasSameContents

#Checks whether Array2 contains all elements of Array1 (Array2 may be larger than Array1)
function Array2ContainsArray1Contents
    param([System.String[]]$Array1, [System.String[]]$Array2, [switch]$IgnoreCase)

    $hasContents = $true

    if ($Array1.Length -eq 0) #Do nothing, as Array2 at a minimum contains nothing
    elseif ($Array2.Length -eq 0) #Array2 is empty and Array1 is not. Return false
        $hasContents = $false
        if ($IgnoreCase -eq $true)
            $Array1 = StringArrayToLower -Array $Array1
            $Array2 = StringArrayToLower -Array $Array2

        foreach ($str in $Array1)
            if (!($Array2.Contains($str)))
                $hasContents = $false

    return $hasContents

#Takes $PSBoundParameters from another function and adds in the keys and values from the given Hashtable
function AddParameters
    param($PSBoundParametersIn, [Hashtable]$ParamsToAdd)

    foreach ($key in $ParamsToAdd.Keys)
        if (!($PSBoundParametersIn.ContainsKey($key))) #Key doesn't exist, so add it with value
            $PSBoundParametersIn.Add($key, $ParamsToAdd[$key]) | Out-Null
        else #Key already exists, so just replace the value
            $PSBoundParametersIn[$key] = $ParamsToAdd[$key]

#Takes $PSBoundParameters from another function. If ParamsToRemove is specified, it will remove each param.
#If ParamsToKeep is specified, everything but those params will be removed. If both ParamsToRemove and ParamsToKeep
#are specified, only ParamsToKeep will be used.
function RemoveParameters
    param($PSBoundParametersIn, [System.String[]]$ParamsToKeep, [System.String[]]$ParamsToRemove)

    if ($ParamsToKeep.Count -gt 0)
        [System.String[]]$ParamsToRemove = @()

        $lowerParamsToKeep = StringArrayToLower -Array $ParamsToKeep

        foreach ($key in $PSBoundParametersIn.Keys)
            if (!($lowerParamsToKeep.Contains($key.ToLower())))
                $ParamsToRemove += $key

    if ($ParamsToRemove.Count -gt 0)
        foreach ($param in $ParamsToRemove)
            $PSBoundParametersIn.Remove($param) | Out-Null

        Inspects the input $PSBoundParametersIn hashtable, and removes any
        parameters that do not work with the version of Exchange on this
    .PARAMETER PSBoundParametersIn
        The $PSBoundParameters hashtable from the calling function.
    .PARAMETER ParamName
        The parameter to check for and remove if not applicable to this
        server version.
    .PARAMETER ParamExistsInVersion
        The parameter to check for and remove if not applicable to this
        server version.

function Remove-NotApplicableParamsForVersion




    if ($PSBoundParametersIn.ContainsKey($ParamName))
        $serverVersion = Get-ExchangeVersion

        if ($serverVersion -notin $ParamExistsInVersion)
            Write-Warning "$($ParamName) is not a valid parameter for $($ResourceName) in Exchange $($serverVersion). Skipping usage."
            RemoveParameters -PSBoundParametersIn $PSBoundParametersIn -ParamsToRemove $ParamName

function SetEmptyStringParamsToNull

    [System.String[]] $emptyStringKeys = @()

    #First find all parameters that are a string, and are an empty string ("")
    foreach ($key in $PSBoundParametersIn.Keys)
        if ($null -ne $PSBoundParametersIn[$key] -and $PSBoundParametersIn[$key].GetType().Name -eq "String" -and $PSBoundParametersIn[$key] -eq "")
            $emptyStringKeys += $key

    #Now that we have the keys, set their values to null
    foreach ($key in $emptyStringKeys)
        $PSBoundParametersIn[$key] = $null

function VerifySetting
    param([System.String]$Name, [System.String]$Type, $ExpectedValue, $ActualValue, $PSBoundParametersIn)

    $returnValue = $true

    if ($PSBoundParametersIn.ContainsKey($Name))
        if ($Type -like "String")
            if ((CompareStrings -String1 $ExpectedValue -String2 $ActualValue -IgnoreCase) -eq $false)
                $returnValue = $false
        elseif ($Type -like "Boolean")
            if ((CompareBools -Bool1 $ExpectedValue -Bool2 $ActualValue) -eq $false)
                $returnValue = $false
        elseif ($Type -like "Array")
            if ((Compare-ArrayContent -Array1 $ExpectedValue -Array2 $ActualValue -IgnoreCase) -eq $false)
                $returnValue = $false
        elseif ($Type -like "Int")
            if ($ExpectedValue -ne $ActualValue)
                $returnValue = $false
        elseif ($Type -like "Unlimited")
            if ((CompareUnlimitedWithString -Unlimited $ActualValue -String $ExpectedValue) -eq $false)
                $returnValue = $false
        elseif ($Type -like "Timespan")
            if ((CompareTimespanWithString -TimeSpan $ActualValue -String $ExpectedValue) -eq $false)
                $returnValue = $false
        elseif ($Type -like "ADObjectID")
            if ((CompareADObjectIdWithEmailAddressString -ADObjectId $ActualValue -String $ExpectedValue) -eq $false)
                $returnValue = $false
        elseif ($Type -like "ByteQuantifiedSize")
            if ((CompareByteQuantifiedSizeWithString -ByteQuantifiedSize $ActualValue -String $ExpectedValue) -eq $false)
                $returnValue = $false
        elseif ($Type -like "IPAddress")
            if ((CompareIPAddresseWithString -IPAddress $ActualValue -String $ExpectedValue) -eq $false)
                $returnValue = $false
        elseif ($Type -like "IPAddresses")
            if ((CompareIPAddressesWithArray -IPAddresses $ActualValue -Array $ExpectedValue) -eq $false)
                $returnValue = $false
        elseif ($Type -like "SMTPAddress")
            if ((CompareSmtpAdressWithString -SmtpAddress $ActualValue -String $ExpectedValue) -eq $false)
                $returnValue = $false
        elseif ($Type -like "PSCredential")
            if ((Compare-PSCredential -Cred1 $ActualValue -Cred2 $ExpectedValue ) -eq $false)
                $returnValue = $false
        elseif ($Type -like "ExtendedProtection")
            if ((StringArrayToLower $ExpectedValue).Contains('none'))
                if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ActualValue))
                    $returnValue = $false
                if ((Compare-ArrayContent -Array1 $ExpectedValue -Array2 $ActualValue -IgnoreCase) -eq $false)
                    $returnValue = $false
            throw "Type not found: $($Type)"

    if ($returnValue -eq $false)
        ReportBadSetting -SettingName $Name -ExpectedValue $ExpectedValue -ActualValue $ActualValue -Verbose:$VerbosePreference

    return $returnValue

function ReportBadSetting
    param($SettingName, $ExpectedValue, $ActualValue)

    Write-Verbose "Invalid setting '$($SettingName)'. Expected value: '$($ExpectedValue)'. Actual value: '$($ActualValue)'"

function LogFunctionEntry

    $callingFunction = (Get-PSCallStack)[1].FunctionName

    if ($Parameters.Count -gt 0)
        $parametersString = ""

        foreach ($key in $Parameters.Keys)
            $value = $Parameters[$key]

            if ($parametersString -ne "")
                $parametersString += ", "

            $parametersString += "$($key) = '$($value)'"

        Write-Verbose "Entering function '$($callingFunction)'. Notable parameters: $($parametersString)"
        Write-Verbose "Entering function '$($callingFunction)'."

function StartScheduledTask
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]





        $MaxWaitMinutes = 0,

        $TaskPriority = 4

    $tName = "$([guid]::NewGuid().ToString())"

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("TaskName"))
        $tName = "$($TaskName) $($tName)"

    $action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "$($Path)" -Argument "$($Arguments)"

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("WorkingDirectory"))
        $action.WorkingDirectory = $WorkingDirectory

    Write-Verbose "Created Scheduled Task with name: $($tName)"
    Write-Verbose "Task Action: $($Path) $($Arguments)"

    #Use 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM' as the run as account unless a specific Credential was provided
    $credParams = @{User = "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM"}

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Credential"))
        $credParams["User"] = $Credential.UserName
        $credParams.Add("Password", $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)

    $task = Register-ScheduledTask @credParams -TaskName "$($tName)" -Action $action -RunLevel Highest -ErrorVariable errRegister -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if (0 -lt $errRegister.Count)
        throw $errRegister[0]
    elseif ($null -ne $task -and $task.State -eq "Ready")
        #Set a time limit on the task
        $taskSettings = $task.Settings
        $taskSettings.ExecutionTimeLimit = "PT$($MaxWaitMinutes)M"
        $taskSettings.Priority = $TaskPriority
        Set-ScheduledTask @credParams -TaskName "$($task.TaskName)" -Settings $taskSettings

        Write-Verbose "Starting task at: $([DateTime]::Now)"

        $task | Start-ScheduledTask
        throw "Failed to register Scheduled Task"

function CheckForCmdletParameter
    param([System.String]$CmdletName, [System.String]$ParameterName)

    [bool]$hasParameter = $false

    $command = Get-Command -Name "$($CmdletName)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if ($null -ne $command -and $null -ne $command.Parameters)
        if ($command.Parameters.ContainsKey($ParameterName))
            $hasParameter = $true

    return $hasParameter

        Returns the most recent error in the $Global:Error Variable

function Get-PreviousError
    # Suppressing this rule to allow use of the built-in Global:Error variable
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidGlobalVars', '')]

    $previousError = $null

    if ($Global:Error.Count -gt 0)
        $previousError = $Global:Error[0]

    return $previousError

        Compares the most recent error in the $Global:Error variable to the input
        $PreviousError variable. If they are not the same, throws an exception.
    .PARAMETER CmdletBeingRun
        The name of the cmdlet that was run immediately prior to calling
        this function.
    .PARAMETER PreviousError
        The previous known error variable to compare against the most recent
        error that has occurred.

function Assert-NoNewError
    # Suppressing this rule to allow use of the built-in Global:Error variable
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidGlobalVars', '')]


    #Throw an exception if errors were encountered
    if ($Global:Error.Count -gt 0 -and $PreviousError -ne $Global:Error[0])
        throw "Failed to run $CmdletBeingRun with: $($Global:Error[0])"

function RestartAppPoolIfExists

    $state = Get-WebAppPoolState -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if ($null -ne $state)
        Restart-WebAppPool -Name $Name
        Write-Verbose "Application pool with name '$($Name)' does not exist. Skipping application pool restart."

#Checks if the UM language pack for the specified culture is installed
function IsUMLanguagePackInstalled

    return [bool](Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\UnifiedMessagingRole\LanguagePacks').$Culture

#Compares a single IPAddress with a string
function CompareIPAddresseWithString
    param([System.Net.IPAddress]$IPAddress, [System.String]$String)
    if (($null -eq $IPAddress -and !([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($String))) -or ($null -ne $IPAddress -and [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($String)))
        $returnValue = $false
    elseif ($null -eq $IPAddress -and [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($String))
        $returnValue = $true
        $returnValue =($IPAddress.Equals([System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($string)))

    if ($returnValue -eq $false)
        ReportBadSetting -SettingName $IPAddress -ExpectedValue $ExpectedValue -ActualValue $IPAddress -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
    return $returnValue

#Compares a SMTP address with a string
function CompareSmtpAdressWithString
    if (($null -eq $SmtpAddress) -and ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($String)))
        Write-Verbose "Expected and actual value is empty, therefore equal!"
        return $true
    elseif (($null -eq $SmtpAddress) -and -not ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($String)))
        return $false
    elseif ($SmtpAddress.Gettype() -eq [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.SmtpAddress])
        if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($String))
            return $false
        Write-Verbose "No type of [Microsoft.Exchange.Data.SmtpAddress]!"
        return $false

#Compares IPAddresses with an array
function CompareIPAddressesWithArray
    param($IPAddresses, [Array]$Array)
    if (([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($IPAddresses)) -and ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Array)))
        $returnValue = $true
    elseif ((([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($IPAddresses)) -and !(([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Array)))) -or (!(([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($IPAddresses))) -and ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Array))))
        $returnValue = $false
        Compare-ArrayContent -Array1 $IPAddresses -Array2 $Array
    if ($returnValue -eq $false)
        ReportBadSetting -SettingName $IPAddresses -ExpectedValue $ExpectedValue -ActualValue $IPAddress -Verbose:$VerbosePreference
    return $returnValue

#Compares two give PSCredential
function Compare-PSCredential
    param (

Begin {
    $returnValue = $false
    if ($null -ne $Cred1) {
        $Cred1User = $Cred1.UserName
        $Cred1Password = $Cred1.GetNetworkCredential().Password
    if ($null -ne $Cred2) {
        $Cred2User = $Cred2.UserName
        $Cred2Password = $Cred2.GetNetworkCredential().Password
Process {
    if (($Cred1User -ceq $Cred2User) -and ($Cred1Password -ceq $Cred2Password)){
        Write-Verbose "Credentials match"
        $returnValue = $true
        Write-Verbose "Credentials don't match"
        Write-Verbose "Cred1:$($Cred1User) Cred2:$($Cred2User)"
        Write-Verbose "Cred1:$($Cred1Password) Cred2:$($Cred2Password)"
End {
    return $returnValue

#helper function to check SPN for Dotless name
function Test-ExtendedProtectionSPNList


        #initialize variable
        [System.Boolean]$IsDotless = $false
        [System.Boolean]$returnValue = $true
        [System.Boolean]$InvalidFlags = $false

        #check for invalid ExtendedProtectionFlags
        if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Flags))
            if ((StringArrayToLower $Flags).Contains("none") -and ($Flags.Count -gt 1))
                Write-Verbose "Invalid combination of ExtendedProtectionFlags detected!"
                $InvalidFlags = $true
                $returnValue = $false

        #check for invalid formatted and Dotless SPNs
        if ((-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SPNList)) -and (-not $InvalidFlags))
            #check for Dotless SPN
            foreach ($S in $SPNList)
                $Name = $S.Split('/')[1]
                if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name))
                    Write-Verbose "Invalid SPN:$($S)"
                    if (-not $Name.Contains('.'))
                        Write-Verbose -Message "Found Dotless SPN:$($Name)"
                        $IsDotless = $true
        #check if AllowDotless is set in Flags
                Write-Verbose "AllowDotless SPN found, but Flags is NULL!"
                $returnValue = $false
                if( -not (StringArrayToLower $Flags).Contains("allowdotlessspn"))
                    Write-Verbose "AllowDotless is not found in Flags!"
                    $returnValue = $false

        Checks if the current Exchange Server version is contained within the
        $SupportedVersions parameter. If it is not, throws an exception.
    .PARAMETER ObjectOrOperationName
        The name of object type or operation name that is about to be utilized
        if the call to this function does not throw an exception.
    .PARAMETER SupportedVersions
        The allowed Exchange Server versions that the object or operation is
        allowed to be utilized on.

function Assert-IsSupportedWithExchangeVersion


    $serverVersion = Get-ExchangeVersion

    if ($serverVersion -notin $SupportedVersions)
        throw "$ObjectOrOperationName is not supported in Exchange Server $serverVersion"

Export-ModuleMember -Function *