
$script:DSCModuleName = 'xFailOverCluster'
$script:DSCResourceName = 'MSFT_xClusterNetwork'

#region Header

# Unit Test Template Version: 1.2.0
$script:moduleRoot = Split-Path -Parent (Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot)
if ( (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests'))) -or `
    (-not (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'DSCResource.Tests\TestHelper.psm1'))) )
    & git @('clone', 'https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResource.Tests.git', (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath '\DSCResource.Tests\'))

Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath (Join-Path -Path 'DSCResource.Tests' -ChildPath 'TestHelper.psm1')) -Force

$TestEnvironment = Initialize-TestEnvironment `
    -DSCModuleName $script:DSCModuleName `
    -DSCResourceName $script:DSCResourceName `
    -TestType Unit

#endregion Header

function Invoke-TestSetup
    Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $script:moduleRoot -ChildPath 'Tests') -ChildPath 'Unit') -ChildPath 'Stubs') -ChildPath 'FailoverClusters.stubs.psm1') -Global -Force

function Invoke-TestCleanup
    Restore-TestEnvironment -TestEnvironment $TestEnvironment

# Begin Testing

    InModuleScope $script:DSCResourceName {
        $mockPresentClusterNetworkName = 'Client1'
        $mockPresentClusterNetworkAddress = ''
        $mockPresentClusterNetworkAddressMask = ''
        $mockPresentClusterNetworkRole = [System.UInt32] 1
        $mockPresentClusterNetworkRole2 = [PSCustomObject] @{ value__ = 1 }
        $mockPresentClusterNetworkMetric = '70240'

        $mockAbsentClusterNetworkName = 'Client2'
        $mockAbsentClusterNetworkAddress = ''
        $mockAbsentClusterNetworkAddressMask = ''
        $mockAbsentClusterNetworkRole = [System.UInt32] 3
        $mockAbsentClusterNetworkMetric = '10'

        $mockGetClusterNetwork = {
            [PSCustomObject] @{
                Cluster     = 'CLUSTER01'
                Name        = $mockPresentClusterNetworkName
                Address     = $mockPresentClusterNetworkAddress
                AddressMask = $mockPresentClusterNetworkAddressMask
                Role        = $mockPresentClusterNetworkRole
                Metric      = $mockPresentClusterNetworkMetric
            } | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name Update -Value {
                $script:mockNumerOfTimesMockedMethodUpdateWasCalled += 1
            } -PassThru

        $mockGetClusterNetwork2 = {
            [PSCustomObject] @{
                Cluster     = 'CLUSTER01'
                Name        = $mockPresentClusterNetworkName
                Address     = $mockPresentClusterNetworkAddress
                AddressMask = $mockPresentClusterNetworkAddressMask
                Role        = $mockPresentClusterNetworkRole2
                Metric      = $mockPresentClusterNetworkMetric
            } | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name Update -Value {
                $script:mockNumerOfTimesMockedMethodUpdateWasCalled += 1
            } -PassThru

        $mockTestParameters_PresentNetwork = @{
            Address     = $mockPresentClusterNetworkAddress
            AddressMask = $mockPresentClusterNetworkAddressMask
            Name        = $mockPresentClusterNetworkName
            Role        = $mockPresentClusterNetworkRole
            Metric      = $mockPresentClusterNetworkMetric

        $mockTestParameters_PresentNetwork_WrongValues = @{
            Address     = $mockPresentClusterNetworkAddress
            AddressMask = $mockPresentClusterNetworkAddressMask
            Name        = $mockAbsentClusterNetworkName
            Role        = $mockAbsentClusterNetworkRole
            Metric      = $mockAbsentClusterNetworkMetric

        Describe 'xClusterNetwork\Get-TargetResource' {
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-ClusterNetwork' -MockWith $mockGetClusterNetwork

            Context 'When the system is not in the desired state' {
                BeforeAll {
                    $mockTestParameters = $mockTestParameters_PresentNetwork_WrongValues.Clone()

                It 'Should return the correct type' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource @mockTestParameters
                    $getTargetResourceResult | Should -BeOfType [System.Collections.Hashtable]

                It 'Should return the same values passed as parameters' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource @mockTestParameters
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Address      | Should -Be $mockTestParameters.Address
                    $getTargetResourceResult.AddressMask  | Should -Be $mockTestParameters.AddressMask

                It 'Should not return the the correct values for the cluster network' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource @mockTestParameters
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Name         | Should -Not -Be $mockAbsentClusterNetworkName
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Role         | Should -Not -Be $mockAbsentClusterNetworkRole
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Metric       | Should -Not -Be $mockAbsentClusterNetworkMetric

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-ClusterNetwork -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It

                It 'Should not return the the correct values for the cluster network role on WS2016' {
                    Mock -CommandName 'Get-ClusterNetwork' -MockWith $mockGetClusterNetwork2

                    $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource @mockTestParameters
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Name         | Should -Not -Be $mockAbsentClusterNetworkName
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Role         | Should -Not -Be $mockAbsentClusterNetworkRole
                    $getTargetResourceResult.Metric       | Should -Not -Be $mockAbsentClusterNetworkMetric

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-ClusterNetwork -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It

            Context 'When the system is in the desired state' {
                BeforeAll {
                    $mockTestParameters = $mockTestParameters_PresentNetwork.Clone()

                It 'Should return the correct type' {
                    $getTargetResourceResult = Get-TargetResource @mockTestParameters
                    $getTargetResourceResult | Should -BeOfType [System.Collections.Hashtable]

                It 'Should return the same values passed as parameters' {
                    $Result = Get-TargetResource @mockTestParameters
                    $Result.Address      | Should -Be $mockTestParameters.Address
                    $Result.AddressMask  | Should -Be $mockTestParameters.AddressMask

                It 'Should return the the correct values for the cluster network' {
                    $Result = Get-TargetResource @mockTestParameters
                    $Result.Name         | Should -Be $mockPresentClusterNetworkName
                    $Result.Role         | Should -Be $mockPresentClusterNetworkRole
                    $Result.Metric       | Should -Be $mockPresentClusterNetworkMetric

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-ClusterNetwork -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It

                It 'Should return the the correct values for the cluster network role on WS2016' {
                    Mock -CommandName 'Get-ClusterNetwork' -MockWith $mockGetClusterNetwork2

                    $Result = Get-TargetResource @mockTestParameters
                    $Result.Name         | Should -Be $mockPresentClusterNetworkName
                    $Result.Role         | Should -Be $mockPresentClusterNetworkRole
                    $Result.Metric       | Should -Be $mockPresentClusterNetworkMetric

                    Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-ClusterNetwork -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It
        Describe 'xClusterNetwork\Test-TargetResource' {
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-ClusterNetwork' -MockWith $mockGetClusterNetwork

            Context 'When the system is not in the desired state' {
                Context 'When all supported properties is not in desired state' {
                    BeforeAll {
                        $mockTestParameters = $mockTestParameters_PresentNetwork_WrongValues

                    It 'Should return result as $false' {
                        $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource @mockTestParameters
                        $testTargetResourceResult | Should -Be $false

                Context 'When all Name property is not in desired state' {
                    BeforeAll {
                        $mockTestParameters = $mockTestParameters_PresentNetwork.Clone()
                        $mockTestParameters.Name = $mockAbsentClusterNetworkName

                    It 'Should return result as $false' {
                        $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource @mockTestParameters
                        $testTargetResourceResult | Should -Be $false

                Context 'When all Role property is not in desired state' {
                    BeforeAll {
                        $mockTestParameters = $mockTestParameters_PresentNetwork.Clone()
                        $mockTestParameters.Role = $mockAbsentClusterNetworkRole

                    It 'Should return result as $false' {
                        $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource @mockTestParameters
                        $testTargetResourceResult | Should -Be $false

                Context 'When all Metric property is not in desired state' {
                    BeforeAll {
                        $mockTestParameters = $mockTestParameters_PresentNetwork.Clone()
                        $mockTestParameters.Metric = $mockAbsentClusterNetworkMetric

                    It 'Should return result as $false' {
                        $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource @mockTestParameters
                        $testTargetResourceResult | Should -Be $false

            Context 'When the system is in the desired state' {
                BeforeAll {
                    $mockTestParameters = $mockTestParameters_PresentNetwork

                It 'Should return result as $true' {
                    $testTargetResourceResult = Test-TargetResource @mockTestParameters
                    $testTargetResourceResult | Should -Be $true

        Describe 'xClusterNetwork\Set-TargetResource' {
            Mock -CommandName 'Get-ClusterNetwork' -MockWith $mockGetClusterNetwork

            Context 'When the system is not in the desired state' {
                BeforeEach {
                    $script:mockNumerOfTimesMockedMethodUpdateWasCalled = 0

                Context 'When all supported properties is not in desired state' {
                    BeforeAll {
                        $mockTestParameters = $mockTestParameters_PresentNetwork_WrongValues

                    It 'Should call Update method correct number of times' {
                        { Set-TargetResource @mockTestParameters } | Should -Not -Throw
                        $script:mockNumerOfTimesMockedMethodUpdateWasCalled | Should -BeExactly 3

                Context 'When all Name property is not in desired state' {
                    BeforeAll {
                        $mockTestParameters = $mockTestParameters_PresentNetwork.Clone()
                        $mockTestParameters.Name = $mockAbsentClusterNetworkName

                    It 'Should call Update method correct number of times' {
                        { Set-TargetResource @mockTestParameters } | Should -Not -Throw
                        $script:mockNumerOfTimesMockedMethodUpdateWasCalled | Should -BeExactly 1

                Context 'When all Role property is not in desired state' {
                    BeforeAll {
                        $mockTestParameters = $mockTestParameters_PresentNetwork.Clone()
                        $mockTestParameters.Role = $mockAbsentClusterNetworkRole

                    It 'Should call Update method correct number of times' {
                        { Set-TargetResource @mockTestParameters } | Should -Not -Throw
                        $script:mockNumerOfTimesMockedMethodUpdateWasCalled | Should -BeExactly 1

                Context 'When all Metric property is not in desired state' {
                    BeforeAll {
                        $mockTestParameters = $mockTestParameters_PresentNetwork.Clone()
                        $mockTestParameters.Metric = $mockAbsentClusterNetworkMetric

                    It 'Should call Update method correct number of times' {
                        { Set-TargetResource @mockTestParameters } | Should -Not -Throw
                        $script:mockNumerOfTimesMockedMethodUpdateWasCalled | Should -BeExactly 1

            Context 'When the system is in the desired state' {
                BeforeAll {
                    $mockTestParameters = $mockTestParameters_PresentNetwork

                BeforeEach {
                    $script:mockNumerOfTimesMockedMethodUpdateWasCalled = 0

                It 'Should call Update method correct number of times' {
                    { Set-TargetResource @mockTestParameters } | Should -Not -Throw
                    $script:mockNumerOfTimesMockedMethodUpdateWasCalled | Should -BeExactly 0