

if (!$PSScriptRoot) # $PSScriptRoot is not defined in 2.0
    $PSScriptRoot = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)

$ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'
Set-StrictMode -Version latest

$RepoRoot = (Resolve-Path $PSScriptRoot\..\..).Path

$ModuleName = 'MSFT_xVMHyperV'
Import-Module (Join-Path $RepoRoot "DSCResources\$ModuleName\$ModuleName.psm1") -Force;

Describe 'xVMHyper-V' {
    InModuleScope $ModuleName {

        # Create empty functions to be able to mock the missing Hyper-V cmdlets
        # CmdletBinding required on Get-VM to support $ErrorActionPreference
        function Get-VM { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] $Name) }
        # Generation parameter is required for the mocking -ParameterFilter to work
        function New-VM { param ( $Generation) }
        function Set-VM { param ( $Name, $AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled ) }
        function Stop-VM { }
        function Remove-VM { }
        function Get-VMNetworkAdapter { }
        function Set-VMNetworkAdapter { }
        function Add-VMNetworkAdapter { }
        function Connect-VMNetworkAdapter { param ( $SwitchName ) }
        function Get-VMFirmware { }
        function Set-VMFirmware { }
        function Get-VMIntegrationService { param ([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $VM, $Name)}
        function Enable-VMIntegrationService { param ([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $VM, $Name)}
        function Disable-VMIntegrationService { param ([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] $VM, $name)}
        function Get-VHD { param ( $Path ) }
        function Set-VMMemory { }

        $stubVhdxDisk = New-Item -Path 'TestDrive:\TestVM.vhdx' -ItemType File;
        $studVhdxDiskSnapshot = New-Item -Path "TestDrive:\TestVM_D0145678-1576-4435-AB18-9F000C1C17D0.avhdx"  -ItemType File;
        $stubVhdDisk = New-Item -Path 'TestDrive:\TestVM.vhd' -ItemType File;
        $StubVMConfig = New-Item -Path 'TestDrive:\TestVM.xml' -ItemType File;
        $stubNIC1 = @{ SwitchName = 'Test Switch 1'; MacAddress = 'AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF'; IpAddresses = @('',''); };
        $stubNIC2 = @{ SwitchName = 'Test Switch 2'; MacAddress = 'AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FE'; IpAddresses = @(''); };
        $stubVM = @{
            HardDrives = @(
                @{ Path = $stubVhdxDisk.FullName; }
                @{ Path = $stubVhdDisk.FullName; }
            #State = 'Running';
            Path = $StubVMConfig.FullPath;
            Generation = 1;
            SecureBoot = $true;
            MemoryStartup = 512MB;
            MinimumMemory = 128MB;
            MaximumMemory = 4096MB;
            ProcessorCount = 1;
            ID = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString();
            CPUUsage = 10;
            MemoryAssigned = 512MB;
            Uptime = New-TimeSpan -Hours 12;
            CreationTime = (Get-Date).AddHours(-12);
            DynamicMemoryEnabled = $true;
            NetworkAdapters = @($stubNIC1,$stubNIC2);
            Notes = '';
        $stubGuestServiceInterfaceId = 'Microsoft:{0}\6C09BB55-D683-4DA0-8931-C9BF705F6480' -f $stubVM.ID

        Mock -CommandName Get-VM -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'RunningVM' } -MockWith {
            $runningVM = $stubVM.Clone();
            $runningVM['State'] = 'Running';
            return [PSCustomObject] $runningVM;
        Mock -CommandName Get-VM -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'StoppedVM' } -MockWith {
            $stoppedVM = $stubVM.Clone();
            $stoppedVM['State'] = 'Off';
            return [PSCustomObject] $stoppedVM;
        Mock -CommandName Get-VM -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'PausedVM' } -MockWith {
            $pausedVM = $stubVM.Clone();
            $pausedVM['State'] = 'Paused';
            return [PSCustomObject] $pausedVM;
        Mock -CommandName Get-VM -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'NonexistentVM' } -MockWith {
            Write-Error 'VM not found.';
        Mock -CommandName Get-VM -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'DuplicateVM' } -MockWith {
            return @([PSCustomObject] $stubVM, [PSCustomObject] $stubVM);
        Mock -CommandName Get-VM -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'Generation1Vhd' } -MockWith {
            $vhdVM = $stubVM.Clone();
            $vhdVM['HardDrives'] = @( @{ Path = $stubVhdDisk.FullName } );
            return [PSCustomObject] $vhdVM;
        Mock -CommandName Get-VM -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'Generation2VM' } -MockWith {
            $gen2VM = $stubVM.Clone();
            $gen2VM['Generation'] = 2;
            return [PSCustomObject] $gen2VM;
        Mock -CommandName Get-VM -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'VMWithAutomaticCheckpoints'} -MockWith {
            $AutomaticCheckPointVM = $stubVM.Clone();
            $AutomaticCheckPointVM['AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled'] = $true;
            return [PSCustomObject] $AutomaticCheckPointVM;
        Mock -CommandName Get-VM -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'VMWithoutAutomaticCheckpoints'} -MockWith {
            $NoAutomaticCheckPointVM = $stubVM.Clone()
            $NoAutomaticCheckPointVM['AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled'] = $false
            return [PSCustomObject] $NoAutomaticCheckPointVM
        Mock -CommandName Get-VM -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'VMAutomaticCheckpointsUnsupported'} -MockWith {
            $AutomaticCheckPointUnsupportedVM = $stubVM.Clone()
            return [PSCustomObject] $AutomaticCheckPointUnsupportedVM
        Mock -CommandName Get-VMIntegrationService -MockWith {return [pscustomobject]@{Enabled=$false;Id=$stubGuestServiceInterfaceId}}
        Mock -CommandName Get-Module -ParameterFilter { ($Name -eq 'Hyper-V') -and ($ListAvailable -eq $true) } -MockWith { return $true; }
        Mock -CommandName Get-VhdHierarchy -ParameterFilter { $VhdPath.EndsWith('.vhd') } -MockWith {
            # Return single Vhd chain for .vhds
            return @($stubVhdDisk.FullName);
        Mock -CommandName Get-VhdHierarchy -ParameterFilter { $VhdPath.EndsWith('.vhdx') } -MockWith {
            # Return snapshot hierarchy for .vhdxs
            return @($stubVhdxDiskSnapshot.FullName, $stubVhdxDisk.FullName);
        Context 'Validates Get-TargetResource Method' {

            It 'Returns a hashtable' {
                $targetResource = Get-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' -VhdPath $stubVhdxDisk.FullName;
                $targetResource -is [System.Collections.Hashtable] | Should Be $true;

            It 'Throws when multiple VMs are present' {
                { Get-TargetResource -Name 'DuplicateVM' -VhdPath $stubVhdxDisk.FullName } | Should Throw;

            It 'Does not call Get-VMFirmware if a generation 1 VM' {
                Mock -CommandName Get-VMFirmware -MockWith { throw; }
                $null = Get-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' -VhdPath $stubVhdxDisk.FullName;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-VMFirmware -Scope It -Exactly 0;

            It 'Calls Get-VMFirmware if a generation 2 VM' {
                Mock -CommandName Get-VMFirmware -MockWith { return $true; }
                $null = Get-TargetResource -Name 'Generation2VM' -VhdPath $stubVhdxDisk.FullName;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Get-VMFirmware -Scope It -Exactly 1;

            It 'Hash table contains key EnableGuestService' {
                $targetResource = Get-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' -VhdPath $stubVhdxDisk.FullName;
                $targetResource.ContainsKey('EnableGuestService') | Should Be $true;
            It 'Hash table contains key AutomaticCheckpointEnabled' {
                $targetResource = Get-TargetResource -Name 'VMWithAutomaticCheckpoints' -VhdPath $stubVhdxDisk.FullName;
                $targetResource.ContainsKey('AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled') | Should Be $true;
            It 'Throws when Hyper-V Tools are not installed' {
                # This test needs to be the last in the Context otherwise all subsequent Get-Module checks will fail
                Mock -CommandName Get-Module -ParameterFilter { ($Name -eq 'Hyper-V') -and ($ListAvailable -eq $true) } -MockWith { }
                { Get-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' @testParams } | Should Throw;
        } #end context Validates Get-TargetResource Method

        Context 'Validates Test-TargetResource Method' {
            $testParams = @{
                VhdPath = $stubVhdxDisk.FullName;

            It 'Returns a boolean' {
                $targetResource =  Test-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' @testParams;
                $targetResource -is [System.Boolean] | Should Be $true;

            It 'Returns $true when VM is present and "Ensure" = "Present"' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' @testParams | Should Be $true;

            It 'Returns $false when VM is not present and "Ensure" = "Present"' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'NonexistentVM' @testParams | Should Be $false;

            It 'Returns $true when VM is not present and "Ensure" = "Absent"' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'NonexistentVM' -Ensure Absent @testParams | Should Be $true;

            It 'Returns $false when VM is present and "Ensure" = "Absent"' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' -Ensure Absent @testParams | Should Be $false;

            It 'Returns $true when VM is in the "Running" state and no state is explicitly specified' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' @testParams | Should Be $true;

            It 'Returns $true when VM is in the "Stopped" state and no state is explicitly specified' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'StoppedVM' @testParams | Should Be $true;

            It 'Returns $true when VM is in the "Paused" state and no state is explicitly specified' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'PausedVM' @testParams | Should Be $true;

            It 'Returns $true when VM is in the "Running" state and requested "State" = "Running"' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' @testParams | Should Be $true;

            It 'Returns $true when VM is in the "Off" state and requested "State" = "Off"' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'StoppedVM' -State Off @testParams | Should Be $true;

            It 'Returns $true when VM is in the "Paused" state and requested "State" = Paused"' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'PausedVM' -State Paused @testParams | Should Be $true;

            It 'Returns $false when VM is in the "Running" state and requested "State" = "Off"' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' -State Off @testParams | Should Be $false;

            It 'Returns $false when VM is in the "Off" state and requested "State" = "Runnning"' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'StoppedVM' -State Running @testParams | Should Be $false;

            It 'Returns $true when VM .vhd file is specified with a generation 1 VM' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'Generation1Vhd' -VhdPath $stubVhdDisk -Generation 1 -Verbose | Should Be $true;

            It 'Returns $true when VM .vhdx file is specified with a generation 1 VM' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'StoppedVM' -VhdPath $stubVhdxDisk -Generation 1 | Should Be $true;

            It 'Returns $true when VM .vhdx file is specified with a generation 2 VM' {
                Mock -CommandName Test-VMSecureBoot -MockWith { return $true; }
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'Generation2VM' -Generation 2 @testParams | Should Be $true;

            It 'Throws when a VM .vhd file is specified with a generation 2 VM' {
                { Test-TargetResource -Name 'Gen2VM' -VhdPath $stubVhdDisk -Generation 2 } | Should Throw;

            It 'Returns $true when multiple NICs are assigned in the correct order' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' @testParams -SwitchName @($stubNIC1.SwitchName,$stubNIC2.SwitchName) | Should Be $true;

            It 'Returns $false when multiple NICs are not assigned/assigned in the wrong order' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' @testParams -SwitchName @($stubNIC2.SwitchName,$stubNIC1.SwitchName) | Should Be $false;

            It 'Returns $true when multiple MAC addresses are assigned in the correct order' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' @testParams -MACAddress @($stubNIC1.MACAddress,$stubNIC2.MACAddress) | Should Be $true;

            It 'Returns $false when multiple MAC addresses not assigned/assigned in the wrong order' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' @testParams -MACAddress @($stubNIC1.MACAddress,$stubNIC2.MACAddress) | Should Be $true;

            It 'Returns $true regardless of "SecureBoot" setting on a generation 1 VM' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' -SecureBoot $true @testParams | Should Be $true;
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' -SecureBoot $false @testParams | Should Be $true;

            It 'Returns $true when SecureBoot is On and requested "SecureBoot" = "$true"' {
                Mock -CommandName Test-VMSecureBoot -MockWith { return $true; }
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'Generation2VM' -Generation 2 @testParams | Should Be $true;

            It 'Returns $false when SecureBoot is On and requested "SecureBoot" = "$false"' {
                Mock -CommandName Test-VMSecureBoot -MockWith { return $true; }
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'Generation2VM' -SecureBoot $false -Generation 2 @testParams | Should be $false;

            It 'Returns $true when VM has snapshot chain' {
                Mock -CommandName Get-VhdHierarchy -MockWith { Write-Host $VhdPath; return @($studVhdxDiskSnapshot, $stubVhdxDisk); }
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'Generation2VM' -VhdPath $stubVhdxDisk -Verbose | Should Be $true;

            It 'Returns $false when EnableGuestService is off and requested "EnableGuestService" = "$true"' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' -EnableGuestService $true @testParams | Should be $false;

            It 'Returns $true when EnableGuestService is off and "EnableGuestService" is not requested"' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM'  @testParams | Should be $true;

            Mock -CommandName Get-Command -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'Set-VM' -and $Module -eq 'Hyper-V'} -MockWith {
                    parameters = @{
                        # Does not contains parameter AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled
            It 'Throws when AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled is configured but not supported' {
                { Test-TargetResource -Name 'VMAutomaticCheckpoinstUnsupported' -AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled $true @testParams } | Should Throw;

            Mock -CommandName Get-Command -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'Set-VM' -and $Module -eq 'Hyper-V'} -MockWith {
                    parameters = @{
                        'AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled' = ''
            It 'Returns $true when AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled is on and requested "AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled" is not requested' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'VMWithAutomaticCheckpoints' @testParams | Should be $true;
            It 'Returns $true when AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled is on and requested "AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled" = "$true"' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'VMWithAutomaticCheckpoints' -AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled $true @testParams | Should be $true;
            It 'Returns $true when AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled is off and requested "AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled" = "$false"' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'VMWithoutAutomaticCheckpoints' -AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled $false @testParams | Should be $true;
            It 'Returns $false when AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled is off and requested "AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled" = "$true"' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'VMWithoutAutomaticCheckpoints' -AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled $true @testParams | Should be $false;
            It 'Returns $false when AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled is on and requested "AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled" = "$false"' {
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'VMWithAutomaticCheckpoints' -AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled $false @testParams | Should be $false;

            It 'Returns $true when EnableGuestService is on and requested "EnableGuestService" = "$true"' {
                Mock -CommandName Get-VMIntegrationService -MockWith {return [pscustomobject]@{Enabled=$true;Id=$stubGuestServiceInterfaceId}}
                Test-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' -EnableGuestService $true @testParams | Should be $true;

            It 'Throws when Hyper-V Tools are not installed' {
                # This test needs to be the last in the Context otherwise all subsequent Get-Module checks will fail
                Mock -CommandName Get-Module -ParameterFilter { ($Name -eq 'Hyper-V') -and ($ListAvailable -eq $true) } -MockWith { }
                { Test-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' @testParams } | Should Throw;

        } #end context Validates Test-TargetResource Method

        Context 'Validates Set-TargetResource Method' {
            $testParams = @{
                VhdPath = $stubVhdxDisk.FullName;

            Mock -CommandName Get-VM -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'NewVM' } -MockWith { }
            Mock -CommandName New-VM -MockWith {
                $newVM = $stubVM.Clone();
                $newVM['State'] = 'Off';
                $newVM['Generation'] = $Generation;
                return $newVM;
            Mock -CommandName Set-VM -MockWith { return $true; }
            Mock -CommandName Stop-VM -MockWith { return $true; } # requires output to be able to pipe something into Remove-VM
            Mock -CommandName Remove-VM -MockWith { return $true; }
            Mock -CommandName Set-VMNetworkAdapter -MockWith { return $true; }
            Mock -CommandName Get-VMNetworkAdapter -MockWith { return $stubVM.NetworkAdapters.IpAddresses; }
            Mock -CommandName Set-VMState -MockWith { return $true; }
            Mock -CommandName Set-VMMemory -MockWith { }

            It 'Removes an existing VM when "Ensure" = "Absent"' {
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' -Ensure Absent @testParams;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Remove-VM -Scope It;

            It 'Creates and starts a VM VM with disabled dynamic memory that does not exist when "Ensure" = "Present" and "State" = "Running"' {
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'NewVM' -State Running @testParams;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-VM -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VM -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMState -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It;

            It 'Creates but does not start a VM with disabled dynamic memory that does not exist when "Ensure" = "Present"' {
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'NewVM' @testParams;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-VM -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VM -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMState -Exactly -Times 0 -Scope It;

            It 'Creates but does not start a VM with disabled dynamic memory when only StartupMemory is specified' {
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'NewVM' @testParams -StartupMemory 4GB;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-VM -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VM -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMState -Exactly -Times 0 -Scope It;

            It 'Creates but does not start a VM with disabled dynamic memory when identical values for startup, minimum and maximum memory are specified' {
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'NewVM' @testParams -StartupMemory 4GB -MinimumMemory 4GB -MaximumMemory 4GB;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-VM -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VM -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMMemory -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMState -Exactly -Times 0 -Scope It

            It 'Creates but does not start a VM with enabled dynamic memory because a MinimumMemory value is specified' {
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'NewVM' @testParams -MinimumMemory 512MB
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-VM -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VM -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMMemory -Exactly -Times 0 -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMState -Exactly -Times 0 -Scope It

            It 'Creates but does not start a VM with enabled dynamic memory because a MaximumMemory value is specified' {
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'NewVM' @testParams -MaximumMemory 16GB
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-VM -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VM -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMMemory -Exactly -Times 0 -Scope It
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMState -Exactly -Times 0 -Scope It

            It 'Does not change VM state when VM "State" = "Running" and requested "State" = "Running"' {
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' -State Running @testParams;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMState -Exactly -Times 0 -Scope It;

            It 'Does not change VM state when VM "State" = "Off" and requested "State" = "Off"' {
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'StoppedVM' -State Off @testParams;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMState -Exactly -Times 0 -Scope It;

            It 'Changes VM state when existing VM "State" = "Off" and requested "State" = "Running"' {
                 Set-TargetResource -Name 'StoppedVM' -State Running @testParams;
                 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMState -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It;

            It 'Changes VM state when existing VM "State" = "Running" and requested "State" = "Off"' {
                 Set-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' -State Off @testParams;
                 Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMState -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It;

            It 'Creates a generation 1 VM by default/when not explicitly specified' {
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'NewVM' @testParams;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-VM -ParameterFilter { $Generation -eq 1 } -Scope It;

            It 'Creates a generation 1 VM when explicitly specified' {
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'NewVM' -Generation 1 @testParams;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-VM -ParameterFilter { $Generation -eq 1 } -Scope It;

            It 'Creates a generation 2 VM when explicitly specified' {
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'NewVM' -Generation 2 @testParams;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName New-VM -ParameterFilter { $Generation -eq 2 } -Scope It;

            It 'Calls "Add-VMNetworkAdapter" for each NIC when creating a new VM' {
                Mock -CommandName Add-VMNetworkAdapter -MockWith { }
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'NewVM' @testParams -SwitchName 'Switch1','Switch2';
                # The first NIC is assigned during the VM creation
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Add-VMNetworkAdapter -Exactly 1 -Scope It;

            It 'Calls "Connect-VMNetworkAdapter" for each existing NIC when updating an existing VM' {
                Mock -CommandName Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -MockWith { }
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'StoppedVM' @testParams -SwitchName 'Switch1','Switch2';
                # The first NIC is assigned during the VM creation
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -Exactly 2 -Scope It;

            It 'Calls "Add-VMNetworkAdapter" for each missing NIC when updating an existing VM' {
                Mock -CommandName Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -MockWith { }
                Mock -CommandName Add-VMNetworkAdapter -MockWith { }
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'StoppedVM' @testParams -SwitchName 'Switch1','Switch2','Switch3';
                # The first NIC is assigned during the VM creation
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -Exactly 2 -Scope It;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Add-VMNetworkAdapter -Exactly 1 -Scope It;

            It 'Does not change switch assignments if no switch assignments are specified' {
                Mock -CommandName Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -MockWith { }
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'StoppedVM' @testParams;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -Exactly 0 -Scope It;

            It 'Does not change NIC assignments if the switch assisgnments are correct' {
                Mock -CommandName Set-VMNetworkAdapter -MockWith { }
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'StoppedVM' @testParams -SwitchName $stubNIC1.SwitchName,$stubNIC2.SwitchName;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMNetworkAdapter -Exactly 0 -Scope It;

            It 'Errors when updating MAC addresses on a running VM and "RestartIfNeeded" = "$false"' {
                { Set-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' @testParams -MACAddress 'AABBCCDDEEFE','AABBCCDDEEFF' -ErrorAction Stop } | Should Throw;

            It 'Does not change MAC addresses if no MAC addresses assignments are specified' {
                Mock -CommandName Set-VMNetworkAdapter -ParameterFilter { $StaticMacAddress -ne $null } -MockWith { }
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'StoppedVM' @testParams;
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMNetworkAdapter -ParameterFilter { $StaticMacAddress -ne $null } -Exactly 0 -Scope It;

            It 'Calls "Set-VMNetworkAdapter" for each MAC address on a stopped VM' {
                Mock -CommandName Set-VMNetworkAdapter -MockWith { }
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'StoppedVM' @testParams -MACAddress 'AABBCCDDEEFE','AABBCCDDEEFF';
                # The first NIC is assigned during the VM creation
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMNetworkAdapter -Exactly 2 -Scope It;

            It 'Does not change Secure Boot call "Set-VMProperty" when creating a generation 1 VM' {
                Mock Set-VMProperty -MockWith { }
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' @testParams;
                Assert-MockCalled Set-VMProperty -ParameterFilter { $VMCommand -eq 'Set-VMFirmware' } -Exactly 0 -Scope It;

            It 'Does call "Set-VMProperty" when creating a generation 2 VM' {
                Mock Test-VMSecureBoot -MockWith { return $true; }
                Mock Set-VMProperty -MockWith { }
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' -Generation 2 -SecureBoot $false @testParams;
                Assert-MockCalled Set-VMProperty -ParameterFilter { $VMCommand -eq 'Set-VMFirmware' } -Exactly 1 -Scope It;

            It 'Does not change Secure Boot for generation 1 VM' {
                Mock Test-VMSecureBoot -MockWith { return $true; }
                Mock Set-VMProperty -MockWith { }
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'StoppedVM' -SecureBoot $true @testParams;
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'StoppedVM' -SecureBoot $false @testParams;
                Assert-MockCalled Set-VMProperty -ParameterFilter { $VMCommand -eq 'Set-VMFirmware' } -Exactly 0 -Scope It;

            It 'Does not change Secure Boot for generation 2 VM with VM "SecureBoot" match' {
                Mock Test-VMSecureBoot -MockWith { return $true; }
                Mock Set-VMProperty -MockWith { }
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'StoppedVM' -SecureBoot $true -Generation 2 @testParams;
                Assert-MockCalled Set-VMProperty -ParameterFilter { $VMCommand -eq 'Set-VMFirmware' } -Exactly 0 -Scope It;

            It 'Does change Secure Boot for generation 2 VM with VM "SecureBoot" mismatch' {
                Mock Test-VMSecureBoot -MockWith { return $false; }
                Mock Set-VMProperty -MockWith { }
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'StoppedVM' -SecureBoot $true -Generation 2 @testParams;
                Assert-MockCalled Set-VMProperty -ParameterFilter { $VMCommand -eq 'Set-VMFirmware' } -Exactly 1 -Scope It;

            It 'Does call "Enable-VMIntegrationService" when "EnableGuestService" = "$true"' {
                Mock -CommandName Enable-VMIntegrationService -MockWith { }
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' -EnableGuestService $true @testParams
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Enable-VMIntegrationService -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It

            It 'Does call "Disable-VMIntegrationService" when "Guest Service Interface" = "Enabled" and "EnableGuestService" = "$false" specified' {
                Mock -CommandName Disable-VMIntegrationService -MockWith { }
                Mock -CommandName Get-VMIntegrationService -MockWith {return [pscustomobject]@{Enabled=$true;Id=$stubGuestServiceInterfaceId}}
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' -EnableGuestService $false @testParams
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Disable-VMIntegrationService -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It

            Mock -CommandName Get-Command -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'Set-VM' -and $Module -eq 'Hyper-V'} -MockWith {
                    parameters = @{
                        # Does not contain parameter AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled
            It 'Throws when AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled is configured but not supported' {
                { Set-TargetResource -Name 'VMAutomaticCheckpointsUnsupported' -AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled $true @testParams } | Should Throw;
            It 'Does not call "Set-VM" when "AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled" is unsupported and unspecified' {
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'VMAutomaticCheckpointsUnsupported' @testParams
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VM -Exactly -Times 0 -Scope It

            Mock -CommandName Get-Command -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq 'Set-VM' -and $Module -eq 'Hyper-V'} -MockWith {
                    parameters = @{
                        'AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled' = ''
            $AutomaticCheckpointsEnabledTestCases = @(
                    VMName = 'VMWithAutomaticCheckpoints'
                    SetAutomaticCheckpointsEnabled = $true
                    Assert = 'Does not call "Set-VM"'
                    Times = 0
                    VMName = 'VMWithoutAutomaticCheckpoints'
                    SetAutomaticCheckpointsEnabled = $false
                    Assert = 'Does not call "Set-VM"'
                    Times = 0
                    VMName = 'VMWithAutomaticCheckpoints'
                    SetAutomaticCheckpointsEnabled = $false
                    Assert = 'Does call "Set-VM"'
                    Times = 1
                    VMName = 'VMWithoutAutomaticCheckpoints'
                    SetAutomaticCheckpointsEnabled = $true
                    Assert = 'Does call "Set-VM"'
                    Times = 1
            It '<Assert> on VM <VMName> when "AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled" is set to "<SetAutomaticCheckpointsEnabled>"' -TestCases $AutomaticCheckpointsEnabledTestCases {
                Set-TargetResource -Name $VMName -AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled $SetAutomaticCheckpointsEnabled @testParams
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VM -ParameterFilter {$Name -eq $VMName -and $AutomaticCheckpointsEnabled -eq $SetAutomaticCheckpointsEnabled} -Exactly -Times $Times -Scope It
            It 'Disables dynamic memory of RuningVM if only StartupMemory specified' {
                Mock Set-VMProperty -MockWith { }
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' -StartupMemory 4GB @testParams
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMProperty -ParameterFilter {
                    $VMCommand -eq 'Set-VM' -and
                    ($ChangeProperty.StaticMemory -eq $true) -and
                    ($ChangeProperty.DynamicMemory -eq $false)
                    }  -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It

            It 'Disables dynamic memory of RuningVM if StartupMemory, MinimumMemory and MaximumMemory are specified with the same values' {
                Mock Set-VMProperty -MockWith { }
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' -StartupMemory 4GB -MinimumMemory 4GB -MaximumMemory 4GB @testParams
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMProperty -ParameterFilter {
                    $VMCommand -eq 'Set-VM' -and
                    ($ChangeProperty.StaticMemory -eq $true) -and
                    ($ChangeProperty.DynamicMemory -eq $false)
                    }  -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It

            It 'Enables dynamic memory of RuningVM if MinimumMemory is specified ' {
                Mock Set-VMProperty -MockWith { }
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' -MinimumMemory 4GB @testParams
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMProperty -ParameterFilter {
                    $VMCommand -eq 'Set-VM' -and
                    ($ChangeProperty.StaticMemory -eq $false) -and
                    ($ChangeProperty.DynamicMemory -eq $true)
                    }  -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It

            It 'Enables dynamic memory of RuningVM if MaximumMemory is specified ' {
                Mock Set-VMProperty -MockWith { }
                Set-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' -MaximumMemory 4GB @testParams
                Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Set-VMProperty -ParameterFilter {
                    $VMCommand -eq 'Set-VM' -and
                    ($ChangeProperty.StaticMemory -eq $false) -and
                    ($ChangeProperty.DynamicMemory -eq $true)
                    }  -Exactly -Times 1 -Scope It

            It 'Throws when Hyper-V Tools are not installed' {
                Mock -CommandName Get-Module -ParameterFilter { ($Name -eq 'Hyper-V') -and ($ListAvailable -eq $true) } -MockWith { }
                { Set-TargetResource -Name 'RunningVM' @testParams } | Should Throw;
        } #end context Validates Set-TargetResource Method

        Context 'Validates Test-VMSecureBoot Method' {

            It 'Returns $true when "SecureBoot" = "On"' {
                Mock -CommandName Get-VM -MockWith { }
                Mock -CommandName Get-VMFirmware -MockWith { return [PSCustomObject] @{ SecureBoot = 'On' }; }
                Test-VMSecureBoot -Name 'TestVM' | Should Be $true;

            It 'Returns $false when "SecureBoot" = "Off"' {
                Mock -CommandName Get-VM -MockWith { }
                Mock -CommandName Get-VMFirmware -MockWith { return [PSCustomObject] @{ SecureBoot = 'Off' }; }
                Test-VMSecureBoot -Name 'TestVM' | Should Be $false;

        } #end context Validates Test-VMSecureBoot Method

        Context 'Validates Get-VhdHierarchy Method' {

            It 'Does not throw with null parent path (#52)' {

                # Must use a different file extension to ensure existing mocks Get-VhdHierarchy or not called
                $fakeVhdPath = 'BaseVhd.avhdx';
                Mock -CommandName Get-VHD -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $fakeVhdPath } -MockWith {
                    return [PSCustomObject] @{
                        Path = $fakeVhdPath;
                        ParentPath = $null;

                { Get-VhdHierarchy -VhdPath $fakeVhdPath } | Should Not Throw;

        } #end context validates Get-VhdHierarchy

    } #end inmodulescope
} #end describe xVMHyper-V