
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RoleMissingError = Please ensure that '{0}' role is installed with its PowerShell module.
    MoreThanOneVMExistsError = More than one VM with the name '{0}' exists.
    PathDoesNotExistError = Path '{0}' does not exist.
    VhdPathDoesNotExistError = Vhd '{0}' does not exist.
    MinMemGreaterThanStartupMemError = MinimumMemory '{0}' should not be greater than StartupMemory '{1}'
    MinMemGreaterThanMaxMemError = MinimumMemory '{0}' should not be greater than MaximumMemory '{1}'
    StartUpMemGreaterThanMaxMemError = StartupMemory '{0}' should not be greater than MaximumMemory '{1}'.
    VhdUnsupportedOnGen2VMError = Generation 2 virtual machines do not support the .VHD virtual disk extension.
    CannotUpdatePropertiesOnlineError = Can not change properties for VM '{0}' in '{1}' state unless 'RestartIfNeeded' is set to true.
    AutomaticCheckpointsUnsupported = AutomaticCheckpoints are not supported on this host.
    AdjustingGreaterThanMemoryWarning = VM {0} '{1}' is greater than {2} '{3}'. Adjusting {0} to be '{3}'.
    AdjustingLessThanMemoryWarning = VM {0} '{1}' is less than {2} '{3}'. Adjusting {0} to be '{3}'.
    VMStateWillBeOffWarning = VM '{0}' state will be 'OFF' and not 'Paused'.
    CheckingVMExists = Checking if VM '{0}' exists ...
    VMExists = VM '{0}' exists.
    VMDoesNotExist = VM '{0}' does not exist.
    CreatingVM = Creating VM '{0}' ...
    VMCreated = VM '{0}' created.
    VMPropertyShouldBe = VM property '{0}' should be '{1}', actual '{2}'.
    VMPropertySet = VM property '{0}' is '{1}'.
    VMPropertiesUpdated = VM '{0}' properties have been updated.
    WaitingForVMIPAddress = Waiting for IP Address for VM '{0}' ...
    QueryingVM = Querying VM '{0}'.