
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    ControllerFound = Found controller '{0}' attached to VM '{1}'.
    ControllerNotFound = Controller '{0}' missing from VM '{1}'
    ComparingParameter = Comparing '{0}'. Expected '{1}', actual '{2}'.
    AddingController = Adding controller number '{0}'.
    CheckingExistingDisks = Checking for existing disks on controller '{0}'.
    RemovingController = Removing controller '{0}' from VM '{1}'.
    RemovingDiskWarning = Removing disk '{0}' from the controller '{1}'.
    CannotUpdateVmOnlineError = Cannot update a running VM unless 'RestartIfNeeded' is set to true.
    CannotAddScsiControllerError = Cannot add controller number '{0}'. Ensure that all intermediate controllers are present on the system.
    CannotRemoveScsiControllerError = Cannot remove controller number '{0}'. Ensure that you are removing the last controller to ensure that controller numbers are not reordered.