
    Manages files or directories in a VHD.
    You can use it to copy files/folders to the VHD, remove files/folders
    from a VHD, and change attributes of a file in a VHD (e.g. change a
    file attribute to 'ReadOnly' or 'Hidden'). This resource is particularly
    useful when bootstrapping DSC Configurations into a VM.
    ## Requirements
    * The Hyper-V Role has to be installed on the machine.
    * The Hyper-V PowerShell module has to be installed on the machine.
    Key - String
    Path to the VHD
.PARAMETER FileDirectory
    Required - InstanceArray
    The FileDirectory objects to copy to the VHD
    Write - String
    Allowed values: ModifiedDate, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512
    The FileDirectory objects to copy to the VHD