
$DSCModuleName      = 'xNetworking'
$DSCResourceName    = 'MSFT_xFirewall'
$RelativeModulePath = "DSCResources\$DSCResourceName\$DSCResourceName.psm1"

#region HEADER
# Temp Working Folder - always gets remove on completion
$WorkingFolder = Join-Path -Path $env:Temp -ChildPath $DSCResourceName

# Copy to Program Files for WMF 4.0 Compatability as it can only find resources in a few known places.
$moduleRoot = "${env:ProgramFiles}\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\$DSCModuleName"

# If this module already exists in the Modules folder, make a copy of it in
# the temporary folder so that it isn't accidentally used in this test.
if(-not (Test-Path -Path $moduleRoot))
    $null = New-Item -Path $moduleRoot -ItemType Directory
    # Copy the existing folder out to the temp directory to hold until the end of the run
    # Delete the folder to remove the old files.
    $tempLocation = Join-Path -Path $env:Temp -ChildPath $DSCModuleName
    Copy-Item -Path $moduleRoot -Destination $tempLocation -Recurse -Force
    Remove-Item -Path $moduleRoot -Recurse -Force
    $null = New-Item -Path $moduleRoot -ItemType Directory

# Copy the module to be tested into the Module Root
Copy-Item -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\..\* -Destination $moduleRoot -Recurse -Force -Exclude '.git'

# Import the Module
$Splat = @{
    Path = $moduleRoot
    ChildPath = $RelativeModulePath
    Resolve = $true
    ErrorAction = 'Stop'
$DSCModuleFile = Get-Item -Path (Join-Path @Splat)

# Remove all copies of the module from memory so an old one is not used.
if (Get-Module -Name $DSCModuleFile.BaseName -All)
    Get-Module -Name $DSCModuleFile.BaseName -All | Remove-Module

# Import the Module to test.
Import-Module -Name $DSCModuleFile.FullName -Force

  This is to fix a problem in AppVoyer where we have multiple copies of the resource
  in two different folders. This should probably be adjusted to be smarter about how
  it finds the resources.

if (($env:PSModulePath).Split(';') -ccontains $pwd.Path)
    $script:tempPath = $env:PSModulePath
    $env:PSModulePath = ($env:PSModulePath -split ';' | Where-Object {$_ -ne $pwd.path}) -join ';'

# Preserve and set the execution policy so that the DSC MOF can be created
$executionPolicy = Get-ExecutionPolicy
if ($executionPolicy -ne 'Unrestricted')
    Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force
    $rollbackExecution = $true

# Begin Testing

    #region Pester Tests

    InModuleScope $DSCResourceName {

        #region Pester Test Initialization
        # Get the rule that will be used for testing
        $FirewallRuleName = (Get-NetFirewallRule | `
            Sort-Object Name | `
            Where-Object {$_.DisplayGroup -ne $null} | `
            Select-Object -first 1).Name
        $FirewallRule = Get-FirewallRule -Name $FirewallRuleName
        $Properties = Get-FirewallRuleProperty -FirewallRule $FirewallRule

        #region Function Get-TargetResource
        Describe 'Get-TargetResource' {
            Context 'Absent should return correctly' {
                Mock Get-NetFirewallRule

                It 'Should return absent' {
                    $result = Get-TargetResource -Name 'FirewallRule'
                    $result.Name | Should Be 'FirewallRule'
                    $result.Ensure | Should Be 'Absent'

            Context 'Present should return correctly' {
                $result = Get-TargetResource -Name $FirewallRule.Name

                # Looping these tests
                foreach ($parameter in $ParameterList)
                    $ParameterSource = (Invoke-Expression -Command "`$($($parameter.source))")
                    $ParameterNew = (Invoke-Expression -Command "`$result.$($parameter.name)")
                    It "should have the correct $($parameter.Name)" {
                        $ParameterSource | Should Be $ParameterNew

        #region Function Test-TargetResource
        Describe 'Test-TargetResource' {
            Context 'Ensure is Absent and the Firewall is not Present' {
                Mock Get-FirewallRule

                It 'should return $true' {
                    $result = Test-TargetResource -Name 'FirewallRule' -Ensure 'Absent'
                    $result | Should Be $true
            Context 'Ensure is Absent and the Firewall is Present' {
                Mock Test-RuleProperties

                It 'should return $false' {
                    $result = Test-TargetResource -Name $FirewallRule.Name -Ensure 'Absent'
                    $result | Should Be $false
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall is Present and properties match' {
                Mock Test-RuleProperties -MockWith { return $true }

                It 'should return $true' {
                    $result = Test-TargetResource -Name $FirewallRule.Name
                    $result | Should Be $true
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall is Present and properties are different' {
                Mock Test-RuleProperties -MockWith { return $false }

                It 'should return $false' {
                    $result = Test-TargetResource -Name $FirewallRule.Name
                    $result | Should Be $false
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall is Absent' {
                Mock Get-FirewallRule
                It 'should return $false' {
                    $result = Test-TargetResource -Name $FirewallRule.Name
                    $result | Should Be $false

        #region Function Set-TargetResource
        Describe 'Set-TargetResource' {
            # To speed up all these tests create Mocks so that these functions are not repeatedly called
            Mock Get-FirewallRule -MockWith { $FirewallRule }
            Mock Get-FirewallRuleProperty -MockWith { $Properties }

            Context 'Ensure is Absent and Firewall Exist' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Remove-NetFirewallRule
                    $result = Set-TargetResource -Name $FirewallRule.Name -Ensure 'Absent'

                    Assert-MockCalled Remove-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Absent and the Firewall Does Not Exist' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Get-FirewallRule
                    Mock Remove-NetFirewallRule
                    $result = Set-TargetResource -Name $FirewallRule.Name -Ensure 'Absent'

                    Assert-MockCalled Remove-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 0
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Not Exist' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Get-FirewallRule
                    Mock New-NetFirewallRule
                    $result = Set-TargetResource -Name $FirewallRule.Name -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled New-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Get-FirewallRule -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different DisplayName' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -DisplayName 'Different' `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different Group' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock New-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Remove-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -DisplayName $FirewallRule.DisplayName `
                        -Group 'Different' `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled New-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Remove-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different Enabled' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    if( $FirewallRule.Enabled -eq 'True' ) {
                        $NewEnabled = 'False'
                        $NewEnabled = 'True'
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -Enabled $NewEnabled `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different Action' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    if ( $FirewallRule.Action -eq 'Allow') {
                        $NewAction = 'Block'
                        $NewAction = 'Allow'
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -Action $NewAction `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different Profile' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    if ( $FirewallRule.Profile -ccontains 'Domain') {
                        $NewProfile = @('Public','Private')
                        $NewProfile = @('Domain','Public')
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -Profile $NewProfile `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different Direction' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    if ( $FirewallRule.Direction -eq 'Inbound') {
                        $NewDirection = 'Outbound'
                        $NewDirection = 'Inbound'
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -Direction $NewDirection `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different RemotePort' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -RemotePort 9999 `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different LocalPort' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -LocalPort 9999 `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different Protocol' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    if ( $FirewallRule.Protocol -eq 'TCP') {
                        $NewProtocol = 'UDP'
                        $NewProtocol = 'TCP'
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -Protocol $NewProtocol `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different Description' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -Description 'Different' `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different Program' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -Program 'Different' `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different Service' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -Service 'Different' `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different Authentication' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    if ( $properties.SecurityFilters.Authentication -eq 'Required') {
                        $NewAuthentication = 'NotRequired'
                        $NewAuthentication = 'Required'
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -Authentication $NewAuthentication `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different Encryption' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    if ( $properties.SecurityFilters.Encryption -eq 'Required') {
                        $NewEncryption = 'NotRequired'
                        $NewEncryption = 'Required'
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -Encryption $NewEncryption `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different InterfaceAlias' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -InterfaceAlias 'Different' `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different InterfaceType' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    if ( $properties.InterfaceTypeFilters.InterfaceType -eq 'Wired') {
                        $NewInterfaceType = 'Wireless'
                        $NewInterfaceType = 'Wired'
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -InterfaceType $NewInterfaceType `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different LocalAddress' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -LocalAddress @('','') `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different LocalUser' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -LocalUser 'O:LSD:(D;;CC;;;S-1-15-3-4)(A;;CC;;;S-1-5-21-3337988176-3917481366-464002247-1001)' `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different Package' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -Package 'S-1-15-2-3676279713-3632409675-756843784-3388909659-2454753834-4233625902-1413163418' `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different Platform' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -Platform @('6.1') `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1

            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different RemoteAddress' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -RemoteAddress @('','') `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different RemoteMachine' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -RemoteMachine 'O:LSD:(D;;CC;;;S-1-5-21-1915925333-479612515-2636650677-1621)(A;;CC;;;S-1-5-21-1915925333-479612515-2636650677-1620)' `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1
            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist but has a different RemoteUser' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $false}
                    $result = Set-TargetResource `
                        -Name $FirewallRule.Name `
                        -RemoteUser 'O:LSD:(D;;CC;;;S-1-15-3-4)(A;;CC;;;S-1-5-21-3337988176-3917481366-464002247-1001)' `
                        -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 1
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1

            Context 'Ensure is Present and the Firewall Does Exist and is the same' {
                It "should call expected mocks on firewall rule $($FirewallRule.Name)" {
                    Mock Set-NetFirewallRule
                    Mock Test-RuleProperties {return $true}
                    $result = Set-TargetResource -Name $FirewallRule.Name -Ensure 'Present'

                    Assert-MockCalled Set-NetFirewallRule -Exactly 0
                    Assert-MockCalled Test-RuleProperties -Exactly 1

        #region Function Test-RuleProperties
        Describe 'Test-RuleProperties' {
            # Make an object that can be splatted onto the function
            $Splat = @{
                Name = $FirewallRule.Name
                DisplayGroup = $FirewallRule.DisplayGroup
                Group = $FirewallRule.Group
                Enabled = $FirewallRule.Enabled
                Profile = $FirewallRule.Profile
                Direction = $FirewallRule.Direction
                Action = $FirewallRule.Action
                RemotePort = $Properties.PortFilters.RemotePort
                LocalPort = $Properties.PortFilters.LocalPort
                Protocol = $Properties.PortFilters.Protocol
                Description = $FirewallRule.Description
                Program = $Properties.ApplicationFilters.Program
                Service = $Properties.ServiceFilters.Service
                Authentication = $properties.SecurityFilters.Authentication
                Encryption = $properties.SecurityFilters.Encryption
                InterfaceAlias = $properties.InterfaceFilters.InterfaceAlias
                InterfaceType = $properties.InterfaceTypeFilters.InterfaceType
                LocalAddress = $properties.AddressFilters.LocalAddress
                LocalUser = $properties.SecurityFilters.LocalUser
                Package = $properties.ApplicationFilters.Package
                Platform = $firewallRule.Platform
                RemoteAddress = $properties.AddressFilters.RemoteAddress
                RemoteMachine = $properties.SecurityFilters.RemoteMachine
                RemoteUser = $properties.SecurityFilters.RemoteUser

            # To speed up all these tests create Mocks so that these functions are not repeatedly called
            Mock Get-FirewallRule -MockWith { $FirewallRule }
            Mock Get-FirewallRuleProperty -MockWith { $Properties }

            Context 'testing with a rule with no property differences' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                It 'should return True' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $True
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different name' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                $CompareRule.Name = 'Different'
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different displayname' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                $CompareRule.DisplayName = 'Different'
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different group' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                $CompareRule.Group = 'Different'
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different enabled' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                if( $CompareRule.Enabled -eq 'True' ) {
                    $CompareRule.Enabled = 'False'
                    $CompareRule.Enabled = 'True'
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different action' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                if ($CompareRule.Action -eq 'Allow') {
                    $CompareRule.Action = 'Block'
                    $CompareRule.Action = 'Allow'
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different profile' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                if ( $CompareRule.Profile -ccontains 'Domain') {
                    $CompareRule.Profile = @('Public','Private')
                    $CompareRule.Profile = @('Domain','Public')
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different direction' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                if ($CompareRule.Direction -eq 'Inbound') {
                    $CompareRule.Direction = 'Outbound'
                    $CompareRule.Direction = 'Inbound'
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different remote port' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                $CompareRule.RemotePort = 1
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different local port' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                $CompareRule.LocalPort = 1
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different protocol' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                if ( $CompareRule.Protocol -eq 'TCP') {
                    $CompareRule.Protocol = 'UDP'
                    $CompareRule.Protocol = 'TCP'
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different description' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                $CompareRule.Description = 'Different'
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different program' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                $CompareRule.Program = 'Different'
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different service' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                $CompareRule.Service = 'Different'
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different Authentication' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                if ( $CompareRule.Authentication -eq 'Required') {
                    $CompareRule.Authentication = 'NotRequired'
                    $CompareRule.Authentication = 'Required'
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different Encryption' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                if ( $CompareRule.Encryption -eq 'Required') {
                    $CompareRule.Encryption = 'NotRequired'
                    $CompareRule.Encryption = 'Required'
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different InterfaceAlias' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                $CompareRule.InterfaceAlias = 'Different'
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different InterfaceType' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                if ( $CompareRule.InterfaceType -eq 'Wired') {
                    $CompareRule.InterfaceType = 'Wireless'
                    $CompareRule.InterfaceType = 'Wired'
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different LocalAddress' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                $CompareRule.LocalAddress = @('','')
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different LocalUser' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                $CompareRule.LocalUser = 'O:LSD:(D;;CC;;;S-1-15-3-4)(A;;CC;;;S-1-5-21-3337988176-3917481366-464002247-1001)'
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different Package' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                $CompareRule.Package = 'S-1-15-2-3676279713-3632409675-756843784-3388909659-2454753834-4233625902-1413163418'
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different Platform' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                $CompareRule.Platform = @('6.2')
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different RemoteAddress' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                $CompareRule.RemoteAddress = @('','')
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different RemoteMachine' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                $CompareRule.RemoteMachine = 'O:LSD:(D;;CC;;;S-1-5-21-1915925333-479612515-2636650677-1621)(A;;CC;;;S-1-5-21-1915925333-479612515-2636650677-1620)'
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False
            Context 'testing with a rule with a different RemoteUser' {
                $CompareRule = $Splat.Clone()
                $CompareRule.RemoteUser = 'O:LSD:(D;;CC;;;S-1-15-3-4)(A;;CC;;;S-1-5-21-3337988176-3917481366-464002247-1001)'
                It 'should return False' {
                    $Result = Test-RuleProperties -FirewallRule $FirewallRule @CompareRule
                    $Result | Should be $False


        #region Function Get-FirewallRule
        Describe ' Get-FirewallRule' {
            $FirewallRule = Get-NetFirewallRule | Select-Object -First 1
            $FirewallRules = Get-NetFirewallRule | Select-Object -First 2

            Context 'testing with firewall that exists' {
                It 'should return a firewall rule when name is passed' {
                    $Result = Get-FirewallRule -Name $FirewallRule.Name
                    $Result | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
            Context 'testing with firewall that does not exist' {
                It 'should not return anything' {
                    $Result = Get-FirewallRule -Name 'Does not exist'
                    $Result | Should BeNullOrEmpty
            Context 'testing with firewall that somehow occurs more than once' {
                Mock Get-NetFirewallRule -MockWith { $FirewallRules }

                $errorId = 'RuleNotUnique'
                $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidOperation
                $errorMessage = $($LocalizedData.RuleNotUniqueError) -f 2,$FirewallRule.Name
                $exception = New-Object -TypeName System.InvalidOperationException `
                    -ArgumentList $errorMessage
                $errorRecord = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord `
                    -ArgumentList $exception, $errorId, $errorCategory, $null

                It 'should throw RuleNotUnique exception' {
                    { $Result = Get-FirewallRule -Name $FirewallRule.Name } | Should Throw $errorRecord

        #region Function Get-FirewallRuleProperty
        Describe 'Get-FirewallRuleProperty' {
            Context 'All Properties' {
                $result = Get-FirewallRuleProperty -FirewallRule $FirewallRule
                It 'Should return the right address filter' {
                    $expected = Get-NetFirewallAddressFilter -AssociatedNetFirewallRule $FirewallRule

                    $($result.AddressFilters | Out-String -Stream) |
                        Should Be $($expected | Out-String -Stream)

                It 'Should return the right application filter' {
                    $expected = Get-NetFirewallApplicationFilter -AssociatedNetFirewallRule $FirewallRule

                    $($result.ApplicationFilters | Out-String -Stream) |
                        Should Be $($expected | Out-String -Stream)

                It 'Should return the right interface filter' {
                    $expected = Get-NetFirewallInterfaceFilter -AssociatedNetFirewallRule $FirewallRule

                    $($result.InterfaceFilters | Out-String -Stream) |
                        Should Be $($expected | Out-String -Stream)

                It 'Should return the right interface type filter' {
                    $expected = Get-NetFirewallInterfaceTypeFilter -AssociatedNetFirewallRule $FirewallRule
                    $($result.InterfaceTypeFilters | Out-String -Stream) |
                        Should Be $($expected | Out-String -Stream)

                It 'Should return the right port filter' {
                    $expected = Get-NetFirewallPortFilter -AssociatedNetFirewallRule $FirewallRule
                    $($result.PortFilters | Out-String -Stream) |
                        Should Be $($expected | Out-String -Stream)

                It 'Should return the right Profile' {
                    $expected = Get-NetFirewallProfile -AssociatedNetFirewallRule $FirewallRule
                    $($result.Profile | Out-String -Stream) |
                        Should Be $($expected | Out-String -Stream)

                It 'Should return the right Profile' {
                    $expected = Get-NetFirewallProfile -AssociatedNetFirewallRule $FirewallRule
                    $($result.Profile | Out-String -Stream) |
                        Should Be $($expected | Out-String -Stream)

                It 'Should return the right Security Filters' {
                    $expected = Get-NetFirewallSecurityFilter -AssociatedNetFirewallRule $FirewallRule
                    $($result.SecurityFilters | Out-String -Stream) |
                        Should Be $($expected | Out-String -Stream)

                It 'Should return the right Service Filters' {
                    $expected = Get-NetFirewallServiceFilter -AssociatedNetFirewallRule $FirewallRule
                    $($result.ServiceFilters | Out-String -Stream) |
                        Should Be $($expected | Out-String -Stream)


    #region FOOTER
    # Set PSModulePath back to previous settings
    $env:PSModulePath = $script:tempPath;

    # Restore the Execution Policy
    if ($rollbackExecution)
        Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy $executionPolicy -Force

    # Cleanup Working Folder
    if (Test-Path -Path $WorkingFolder)
        Remove-Item -Path $WorkingFolder -Recurse -Force

    # Clean up after the test completes.
    Remove-Item -Path $moduleRoot -Recurse -Force

    # Restore previous versions, if it exists.
    if ($tempLocation)
        $null = New-Item -Path $moduleRoot -ItemType Directory
        Copy-Item -Path $tempLocation -Destination "${env:ProgramFiles}\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" -Recurse -Force
        Remove-Item -Path $tempLocation -Recurse -Force

    # Other Cleanup Code Goes Here...