
# Localized MSFT_xArchive.strings.psd1

ConvertFrom-StringData @'
InvalidChecksumArgsMessage = Specifying a Checksum without requesting content validation (the Validate parameter) is not meaningful
InvalidDestinationDirectory = The specified destination directory {0} does not exist or is not a directory
InvalidSourcePath = The specified source file {0} does not exist or is not a file
InvalidNetSourcePath = The specified source file {0} is not a valid net source path
ErrorOpeningExistingFile = An error occurred while opening the file {0} on disk. Please examine the inner exception for details
ErrorOpeningArchiveFile = An error occurred while opening the archive file {0}. Please examine the inner exception for details
ItemExistsButIsWrongType = The named item ({0}) exists but is not the expected type, and Force was not specified
ItemExistsButIsIncorrect = The destination file {0} has been determined not to match the source, but Force has not been specified. Cannot continue
ErrorCopyingToOutstream = An error was encountered while copying the archived file to {0}
PackageUninstalled = The archive at {0} was removed from destination {1}
PackageInstalled = The archive at {0} was unpacked to destination {1}
ConfigurationStarted = The configuration of MSFT_xArchive is starting
ConfigurationFinished = The configuration of MSFT_xArchive has completed
MakeDirectory = Make directory {0}
RemoveFileAndRecreateAsDirectory = Remove existing file {0} and replace it with a directory of the same name
RemoveFile = Remove file {0}
RemoveDirectory = Remove directory {0}
UnzipFile = Unzip archived file to {0}
DestMissingOrIncorrectTypeReason = The destination file {0} was missing or was not a file
DestHasIncorrectHashvalue = The destination file {0} exists but its checksum did not match the origin file
DestShouldNotBeThereReason = The destination file {0} exists but should not
UsingKeyToRetrieveHashValue = Using {0} to retrieve hash value
NoCacheValueFound = No cache value found
CacheValueFoundReturning = Cache value found, returning {0}
CacheCorrupt = Cache found, but failed to loaded. Ignoring Cache.
Usingtmpkeytosavehashvalue = Using {0} {1} to save hash value
AboutToCacheValueInputObject = About to cache value {0}
InUpdateCache = In Update-Cache
AddingEntryFullNameAsACacheEntry = Adding {0} as a cache entry
UpdatingCacheObject = Updating CacheObject
PlacedNewCacheEntry = Placed new cache entry
NormalizeChecksumReturningChecksum = Normalize-Checksum returning {0}
PathPathIsAlreadyAccessiableNoMountNeeded. = Path {0} is already accessible. No mount needed.
PathPathIsNotAValidateNetPath = Path {0} is not a validate net path.
CreatePsDriveWithPathPath = create psdrive with Path {0}...
CannotAccessPathPathWithGivenCredential = Cannot access Path {0} with given Credential
AboutToValidateStandardArguments = About to validate standard arguments
GoingForCacheEntries = Going for cache entries
TheCacheWasUpToDateUsingCacheToSatisfyRequests = The cache was up to date, using cache to satisfy requests
AboutToOpenTheZipFile = About to open the zip file
CacheUpdatedWithEntries = Cache updated with {0} entries
Processing = Processing {0}
InTestTargetResourceDestExistsNotUsingChecksumsContinuing = In Test-TargetResource: {0} exists, not using checksums, continuing
NotPerformingChecksumTheFileOnDiskHasTheSameWritetTimeAsTheLastTimeWeVerifiedItsContents = Not performing checksum, the file on disk has the same write time as the last time we verified its contents
DestExistsAndTheHashMatchesEven = {0} exists and the hash matches even though the LastModifiedTime did not. Updating cache
InTestTargetResourceDestExistsAndTheSelectedTimestampChecksumMatched = In Test-TargetResource: {0} exists and the selected timestamp {1} matched
RemovePSDriveonRootPsDriveRoot = Remove PSDrive on Root {0}
RemovingDir = Removing {0}
HashesOfExistingAndZipFilesMatchRemoving = Hashes of existing and zip files match, removing
HashDidNotMatchFileHasBeenModifiedSinceItWasExtractedLeaving = Hash did not match, file has been modified since it was extracted. Leaving
InSetTargetResourceExistsSelectedTimestampMatched = In Set-TargetResource: {0} exists and the selected timestamp {1} matched, removing
InSetTargetResourceExistsdTheSelectedTimestampNotMatchG = In Set-TargetResource: {0} exists and the selected timestamp {1} did not match, leaving
ExistingAppearsToBeAnEmptyDirectoryRemovingIt = {0} appears to be an empty directory. Removing it
LastWriteTimeMtchesWhatWeHaveRecordNotReexaminingChecksum = LastWriteTime of {0} matches what we have on record, not re-examining {1}
FoundFAtDestWhereGoingToPlaceOneAndHashMatchedContinuing = Found a file at {0} where we were going to place one and hash matched. Continuing
FoundFileAtDestWhereWeWereGoingToPlaceOneAndHashDidntMatchItWillBeOverwritten = Found a file at $dest where we were going to place one and hash did not match. It will be overwritten
FoundFileAtDestWhereWeWereGoingToPlaceOneAndDoesNotMatchtTheSourceButForceWasNotSpecifiedErroring = Found a file at {0} where we were going to place one and does not match the source, but Force was not specified. Erroring
InSetTargetResourceDestExistsAndTheSelectedTimestamp$ChecksumDidNotMatchForceWasSpecifiedWeWillOverwrite = In Set-TargetResource: {0} exists and the selected timestamp {1} did not match. Force was specified, we will overwrite
FoundAFileAtDestAndTimestampChecksumDoesNotMatchTheSourceButForceWasNotSpecifiedErroring = Found a file at {0} and timestamp {1} does not match the source, but Force was not specified. Erroring
FoundADirectoryAtDestWhereAFileShouldBeRemoving = Found a directory at {0} where a file should be. Removing
FoundDirectoryAtDestWhereAFileShouldBeAndForceWasNotSpecifiedErroring = Found a directory at {0} where a file should be and Force was not specified. Erroring.
WritingToFileDest = Writing to file {0}
RemovePSDriveonRootDriveRoot = Remove PSDrive on Root {0}
UpdatingCache = Updating cache
FolderDirDoesNotExist = Folder {0} does not exist
ExaminingDirectoryToSeeIfItShouldBeRemoved = Examining {0} to see if it should be removed
InSetTargetResourceDestExistsAndTheSelectedTimestampChecksumMatchedWillLeaveIt = In Set-TargetResource: {0} exists and the selected timestamp {1} matched, will leave it