
    Tests if the current machine is a Nano server.

function Test-IsNanoServer
    param ()

    return $PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ieq 'Core'

        Creates and throws an invalid argument exception
    .PARAMETER Message
        The message explaining why this error is being thrown
    .PARAMETER ArgumentName
        The name of the invalid argument that is causing this error to be thrown

function New-InvalidArgumentException
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $argumentException = New-Object -TypeName 'ArgumentException' -ArgumentList @( $Message, $ArgumentName )
    $errorRecord = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord' -ArgumentList @( $argumentException, $ArgumentName, 'InvalidArgument', $null)

    throw $errorRecord

        Creates and throws an invalid operation exception
    .PARAMETER Message
        The message explaining why this error is being thrown
    .PARAMETER ErrorRecord
        The error record containing the exception that is causing this terminating error

function New-InvalidOperationException


    if ($null -eq $Message)
        $invalidOperationException = New-Object -TypeName 'InvalidOperationException'
    elseif ($null -eq $ErrorRecord)
        $invalidOperationException = New-Object -TypeName 'InvalidOperationException' -ArgumentList @( $Message )
        $invalidOperationException = New-Object -TypeName 'InvalidOperationException' -ArgumentList @( $Message, $ErrorRecord.Exception)

    $errorRecordToThrow = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord' -ArgumentList @( $invalidOperationException.ToString(), 'MachineStateIncorrect', 'InvalidOperation' ,$null)
    throw $errorRecordToThrow

Export-ModuleMember -Function `
    Test-IsNanoServer, `
    Throw-InvalidArgumentException, `