
function Test-Credential {
    param (

    if ($Credential)
        $user = $Credential.UserName
        $password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password

        Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement 
        $directoryServicesMachineContext = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext([System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Machine)
        $credentialsAreValid = $directoryServicesMachineContext.ValidateCredentials($user, $password)
        $directoryServicesMachineContext = $null
        if(-not $credentialsAreValid)
            throw "Invalid credentials."

 # Powershell mock module for Servermanager that creates a pseudo cmdlet for Add-WindowsFeature, Remove-WindowsFeature and Get-WindowsFeature
 # Each of these cmdlets will manipulate a global object (defined at the end of this module), instead of performing their original actions.

function Add-WindowsFeature



        [parameter(Position = 0)]








    #Test-Credential $Credential

    $changeMade = $false
    $featureResult = @()
    $exitCode = "NoChangeNeeded"

    if (-not $script:mockWindowsFeatures[$Name].Installed)
        $script:mockWindowsFeatures[$Name].Installed = $true
        $changeMade = $true
        $featureResult += $Name

    if ($IncludeAllSubFeature)
        foreach ($subfeature in $script:mockWindowsFeatures[$Name].Subfeatures)
            if (-not $script:mockWindowsFeatures[$subfeature].Installed)
                $script:mockWindowsFeatures[$subfeature].Installed = $true
                $changeMade = $true
                $featureResult += $subfeature

    if ($changeMade)
        $exitCode = "Success"

    $windowsFeature = @{
        Success = $true
        RestartNeeded = 'no'
        FeatureResult = $featureResult
        ExitCode = $exitCode

    $windowsFeatureObject = New-Object PSObject -Property $windowsFeature
    $windowsFeatureObject.PSTypeNames[0] = "Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Commands.FeatureOperationResult"
    return $windowsFeatureObject

function Get-WindowsFeature


        [parameter(Position = 1)]




    #Test-Credential $Credential

    $windowsFeature = $script:mockWindowsFeatures[$Name]
    $windowsFeatureObject = New-Object PSObject -Property $windowsFeature
    $windowsFeatureObject.PSTypeNames[0] = "Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Commands.Feature"
    return $windowsFeatureObject

function Remove-WindowsFeature
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'RunningComputer', SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'VhdPath')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'RunningComputer')]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'VhdPath')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'RunningComputer')]





    #Test-Credential $Credential

    $changeMade = $false
    $featureResult = @()
    $exitCode = "NoChangeNeeded"

    if ($script:mockWindowsFeatures[$Name].Installed)
        $script:mockWindowsFeatures[$Name].Installed = $false
        $changeMade = $true
        $featureResult += $Name

    foreach ($subfeature in $script:mockWindowsFeatures[$Name].Subfeatures)
        if ($script:mockWindowsFeatures[$subfeature].Installed)
            $script:mockWindowsFeatures[$subfeature].Installed = $false
            $changeMade = $true
            $featureResult += $subfeature
    if ($changeMade)

    $windowsFeature = @{
        Success = $true
        RestartNeeded = 'no'
        FeatureResult = $featureResult
        ExitCode = $exitCode

    $windowsFeatureObject =New-Object PSObject -Property $windowsFeature
    $windowsFeatureObject.PSTypeNames[0] = "Microsoft.Windows.ServerManager.Commands.FeatureOperationResult"
    return $windowsFeatureObject       

# The following mock windows feature objects are structured the same as the output from Get-WindowsFeature.
$script:mockWindowsFeatures = @{
    Test1 = @{ 
        Name                      = "Test1"
        DisplayName               = "Test Feature 1"
        Description               = "Test Feature with 3 subfeatures"
        Installed                 = $false 
        InstallState              = "Available" 
        FeatureType               = "Role Service"
        Path                      = "Test1"
        Depth                     = 1
        DependsOn                 = @()
        Parent                    = ""
        ServerComponentDescriptor = "ServerComponent_Test_Cert_Authority"
        Subfeatures               = @("SubTest1","SubTest2","SubTest3")
        SystemService             = @()
        Notification              = @()
        BestPracticesModelId      = $null
        EventQuery                = $null
        PostConfigurationNeeded   = $false
        AdditionalInfo            = @("MajorVersion", "MinorVersion", "NumericId", "InstallName")

    SubTest1 = @{ 
        Name                      = "SubTest1"
        DisplayName               = "Sub Test Feature 1"
        Description               = "Sub Test Feature with parent as test1"
        Installed                 = $false
        InstallState              = "Available"
        FeatureType               = "Role Service"
        Path                      = "Test1\SubTest1"
        Depth                     = 2
        DependsOn                 = @()
        Parent                    = "Test1"
        ServerComponentDescriptor = $null
        Subfeatures               = @()
        SystemService             = @()
        Notification              = @()
        BestPracticesModelId      = $null
        EventQuery                = $null
        PostConfigurationNeeded   = $false
        AdditionalInfo            = @("MajorVersion", "MinorVersion", "NumericId", "InstallName")

    SubTest2 = @{ 
        Name                      = "SubTest2"
        DisplayName               = "Sub Test Feature 2"
        Description               = "Sub Test Feature with parent as test1"
        Installed                 = $false
        InstallState              = "Available"
        FeatureType               = "Role Service"
        Path                      = "Test1\SubTest2"
        Depth                     = 2
        DependsOn                 = @()
        Parent                    = "Test1"
        ServerComponentDescriptor = $null
        Subfeatures               = @()
        SystemService             = @()
        Notification              = @()
        BestPracticesModelId      = $null
        EventQuery                = $null
        PostConfigurationNeeded   = $false
        AdditionalInfo            = @("MajorVersion", "MinorVersion", "NumericId", "InstallName")

    SubTest3 = @{
        Name                      = "SubTest3"
        DisplayName               = "Sub Test Feature 3"
        Description               = "Sub Test Feature with parent as test1"
        Installed                 = $false
        InstallState              = "Available"
        FeatureType               = "Role Service"
        Path                      = "Test\SubTest3"
        Depth                     = 2
        DependsOn                 = @()
        Parent                    = "Test1"
        ServerComponentDescriptor = $null
        Subfeatures               = @()
        SystemService             = @()
        Notification              = @()
        BestPracticesModelId      = $null
        EventQuery                = $null
        PostConfigurationNeeded   = $false
        AdditionalInfo            = @("MajorVersion", "MinorVersion", "NumericId", "InstallName")