
# Suppressed as per PSSA Rule Severity guidelines for unit/integration tests:
# https://github.com/PowerShell/DscResources/blob/master/PSSARuleSeverities.md
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
param ()

#region localizeddata
if (Test-Path "${PSScriptRoot}\${PSUICulture}")
    Import-LocalizedData `
        -BindingVariable LocalizedData `
        -Filename MSFT_xServiceResource.strings.psd1 `
        -BaseDirectory "${PSScriptRoot}\${PSUICulture}"
    #fallback to en-US
    Import-LocalizedData `
        -BindingVariable LocalizedData `
        -Filename MSFT_xServiceResource.strings.psd1 `
        -BaseDirectory "${PSScriptRoot}\en-US"

    Get the current status of a service.
    .PARAMETER name
    Indicates the service name. Note that sometimes this is different from the display name.
    You can get a list of the services and their current state with the Get-Service cmdlet.

function Get-TargetResource
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    if (Test-ServiceExist -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
        $service = Get-ServiceResource -Name $Name
        $serviceWmi = Get-Win32ServiceObject -Name $Name

        $builtInAccount = $null

        if ($serviceWmi.StartName -ieq "LocalSystem")
            $builtInAccount ="LocalSystem"
        elseif ($serviceWmi.StartName -ieq "NT Authority\NetworkService")
            $builtInAccount = "NetworkService"
        elseif ($serviceWmi.StartName -ieq "NT Authority\LocalService")
            $builtInAccount = "LocalService"

        $dependencies = @()

        foreach ($serviceDependedOn in $service.ServicesDependedOn)
            $dependencies += $serviceDependedOn.Name.ToString()
        return @{
            Name            = $service.Name
            StartupType     = ConvertTo-StartupTypeString -StartMode $serviceWmi.StartMode
            BuiltInAccount  = $builtInAccount
            State           = $service.Status.ToString()
            Path            = $serviceWmi.PathName
            DisplayName     = $service.DisplayName
            Description     = $serviceWmi.Description
            DesktopInteract = $serviceWmi.DesktopInteract
            Dependencies    = $dependencies
            Ensure          = 'Present'
        return @{
            Name            = $service.Name
            Ensure          = 'Absent'
} # function Get-TargetResource

    Tests if a service needs to be created, changed or removed.
    .PARAMETER name
    Indicates the service name. Note that sometimes this is different from the display name.
    You can get a list ofthe services and their current state with the Get-Service cmdlet. Key.
    .PARAMETER Ensure
    Ensures that the service is present or absent. Optional. Defaults to Present.
    The path to the service executable file. Optional.
    .PARAMETER StartupType
    Indicates the startup type for the service. Optional.
    .PARAMETER BuiltInAccount
    Indicates the sign-in account to use for the service. Optional.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    The credential to run the service under. Optional.
    .PARAMETER DesktopInteract
    The service can create or communicate with a window on the desktop. Must be false for services
    not running as LocalSystem. Optional. Defaults to False.
    .PARAMETER State
    Indicates the state you want to ensure for the service. Optional. Defaults to Running.
    .PARAMETER DisplayName
    The display name of the service. Optional.
    .PARAMETER Description
    The description of the service. Optional.
    .PARAMETER Dependencies
    An array of strings indicating the names of the dependencies of the service. Optional.
    .PARAMETER StartupTimeout
    The time to wait for the service to start in milliseconds. Optional.
    .PARAMETER TerminateTimeout
    The time to wait for the service to stop in milliseconds. Optional.

function Test-TargetResource
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [ValidateSet("Automatic", "Manual", "Disabled")]

        [ValidateSet("LocalSystem", "LocalService", "NetworkService")]



        [ValidateSet("Running", "Stopped")]
        $State = "Running",

        [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")]
        $Ensure = "Present",





        $StartupTimeout = 30000,

        $TerminateTimeout = 30000

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('StartupType'))
        # Throw an exception if the requested StartupType will conflict with the current state
        Test-StartupType -Name $Name -StartupType $StartupType -State $State
    } # if

    $serviceExists = Test-ServiceExist -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if ($Ensure -eq 'Absent')
        return -not $serviceExists
    } # if

    if (-not $serviceExists)
        return $false
    } # if

    $service = Get-ServiceResource -Name $Name
    $serviceWmi = Get-Win32ServiceObject -Name $Name

    # Check the binary path
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Path") `
        -and -not (Compare-ServicePath -Name $Name -Path $Path))
        Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.TestBinaryPathMismatch `
            -f $serviceWmi.Name, $serviceWmi.PathName, $Path)
        return $false
    } # if

    # Check the optional parameters
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DisplayName') `
        -and ($DisplayName -ne $serviceWmi.DisplayName))
        Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.ParameterMismatch `
            -f 'DisplayName',$serviceWmi.DisplayName,$DisplayName)
        return $false
    } # if

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Description') `
        -and ($Description -ne $serviceWmi.Description))
        Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.ParameterMismatch `
            -f 'Description',$serviceWmi.Description,$Description)
        return $false
    } # if

    # update the service dependencies if required
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Dependencies') `
        -and (@(Compare-Object `
            -ReferenceObject $service.ServicesDependedOn `
            -DifferenceObject $Dependencies).Count -gt 0))
        Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.ParameterMismatch `
            -f 'Dependencies',($service.ServicesDependedOn -join ','),($Dependencies -join ','))
        return $false
    } # if

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("StartupType") `
        -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("BuiltInAccount") `
        -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Credential") `
        -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DesktopInteract"))
        $getUserNameAndPasswordArgs = @{}

            $null = $getUserNameAndPasswordArgs.Add("BuiltInAccount",$BuiltInAccount)
        } # if

            $null = $getUserNameAndPasswordArgs.Add("Credential",$Credential)
        } # if

        $userName,$password = Get-UserNameAndPassword @getUserNameAndPasswordArgs
        if($null -ne $userName  `
            -and -not (Test-UserName -ServiceWmi $serviceWmi -Username $userName))
            Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.TestUserNameMismatch `
                -f $serviceWmi.Name,$serviceWmi.StartName,$userName)
            return $false
        } # if

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DesktopInteract") `
            -and $serviceWmi.DesktopInteract -ne $DesktopInteract)
            Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.TestDesktopInteractMismatch `
                -f $serviceWmi.Name,$serviceWmi.DesktopInteract,$DesktopInteract)
            return $false
        } # if

        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("StartupType") `
            -and $serviceWmi.StartMode -ine (ConvertTo-StartModeString -StartupType $StartupType))
            Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.TestStartupTypeMismatch `
                -f $serviceWmi.Name,$serviceWmi.StartMode,$StartupType)
            return $false
        } # if
    } # if

    if ($State -ne $service.Status)
        Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.TestStateMismatch `
            -f $serviceWmi.Name, $service.Status, $State)
        return $false
    } # if

    return $true
} # function Test-TargetResource

    Creates, updates or removes a service.
    .PARAMETER name
    Indicates the service name. Note that sometimes this is different from the display name.
    You can get a list ofthe services and their current state with the Get-Service cmdlet. Key.
    .PARAMETER Ensure
    Ensures that the service is present or absent. Optional. Defaults to Present.
    The path to the service executable file. Optional.
    .PARAMETER StartupType
    Indicates the startup type for the service. Optional.
    .PARAMETER BuiltInAccount
    Indicates the sign-in account to use for the service. Optional.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    The credential to run the service under. Optional.
    .PARAMETER DesktopInteract
    The service can create or communicate with a window on the desktop. Must be false for services
    not running as LocalSystem. Optional. Defaults to False.
    .PARAMETER State
    Indicates the state you want to ensure for the service. Optional. Defaults to Running.
    .PARAMETER DisplayName
    The display name of the service. Optional.
    .PARAMETER Description
    The description of the service. Optional.
    .PARAMETER Dependencies
    An array of strings indicating the names of the dependencies of the service. Optional.
    .PARAMETER StartupTimeout
    The time to wait for the service to start in milliseconds. Optional.
    .PARAMETER TerminateTimeout
    The time to wait for the service to stop in milliseconds. Optional.

function Set-TargetResource
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [ValidateSet("Automatic", "Manual", "Disabled")]

        [ValidateSet("LocalSystem", "LocalService", "NetworkService")]



        [ValidateSet("Running", "Stopped")]
        $State = "Running",

        [ValidateSet("Present", "Absent")]
        $Ensure = "Present",





        $StartupTimeout = 30000,

        $TerminateTimeout = 30000

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('StartupType'))
        # Throw an exception if the requested StartupType will conflict with the current state
        Test-StartupType -Name $Name -StartupType $StartupType -State $State
    } # if

    $serviceExists = Test-ServiceExist -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    if (($Ensure -eq "Absent") -and $serviceExists)
        # The service exists but needs to be deleted
        Stop-ServiceResource -Name $Name -TerminateTimeout $TerminateTimeout
        Remove-Service -Name $Name -TerminateTimeout $TerminateTimeout
    } # if

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Path") -and $serviceExists)
        if (-not (Compare-ServicePath -Name $Name -Path $Path))
            # Update the path - this is not yet supported, but could be
            Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.ServiceExecutablePathChangeNotSupported)
        } # if
    elseif ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Path") -and -not $serviceExists)
        $argumentsToNewService = @{}
        $argumentsToNewService.Add("Name", $Name)
        $argumentsToNewService.Add("BinaryPathName", $Path)

            New-Service @argumentsToNewService
            Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.TestStartupTypeMismatch `
                -f $argumentsToNewService["Name"], $_.Exception.Message)
            throw $_
        } # try
    elseif (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Path") -and -not $serviceExists)
        New-InvalidArgumentError `
            -ErrorId "ServiceDoesNotExistPathMissingError" `
            -ErrorMessage ($LocalizedData.ServiceDoesNotExistPathMissingError -f $Name)
    } # if

    # Update the parameters of the service
    $writeWritePropertiesArguments = @{
        Name = $Name

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Path'))
        $writeWritePropertiesArguments['Path'] = $Path
    } # if

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('StartupType'))
        $writeWritePropertiesArguments['StartupType'] = $StartupType
    } # if

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('BuiltInAccount'))
        $writeWritePropertiesArguments['BuiltInAccount'] = $BuiltInAccount
    } # if

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Credential'))
        $writeWritePropertiesArguments['Credential'] = $Credential
    } # if

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DesktopInteract'))
        $writeWritePropertiesArguments['DesktopInteract'] = $DesktopInteract
    } # if

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DisplayName'))
        $writeWritePropertiesArguments['DisplayName'] = $DisplayName
    } # if

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Description'))
        $writeWritePropertiesArguments['Description'] = $Description
    } # if

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Dependencies'))
        $writeWritePropertiesArguments['Dependencies'] = $Dependencies
    } # if

    $requiresRestart = Write-WriteProperty @writeWritePropertiesArguments

    if ($State -eq "Stopped")
        # Ensure service is stopped
        Stop-ServiceResource -Name $Name -TerminateTimeout $TerminateTimeout
    elseif ($State -eq "Running")
        # if the service needs to be restarted then go stop it first
        if ($requiresRestart)
            Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.ServiceNeedsRestartMessage -f
            Stop-ServiceResource -Name $Name -TerminateTimeout $TerminateTimeout
        } # if
        Start-ServiceResource $Name -StartupTimeout $StartupTimeout
    } # if
} # function Set-TargetResource

    Tests if the given StartupType with valid with the given State parameter for the service with the given name.
    The name of the service for which to check the StartupType and State
    (For error message only)
    .PARAMETER StartupType
    The StartupType to test.
    .PARAMETER State
    The State to test against.

function Test-StartupType
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("Automatic", "Manual", "Disabled")]

        [ValidateSet("Running", "Stopped")]
        $State = "Running"

    if ($State -eq "Stopped")
        if ($StartupType -eq "Automatic")
            # State = Stopped conflicts with Automatic or Delayed
            New-InvalidArgumentError `
                -ErrorId "CannotStopServiceSetToStartAutomatically" `
                -ErrorMessage ($LocalizedData.CannotStopServiceSetToStartAutomatically -f $Name)
        } # if
        if ($StartupType -eq "Disabled")
            # State = Running conflicts with Disabled
            New-InvalidArgumentError `
                -ErrorId "CannotStartAndDisable" `
                -ErrorMessage ($LocalizedData.CannotStartAndDisable -f $Name)
        } # if
    } # if
} # function Test-StartupType

    Converts the StartupType string to the correct StartMode string returned in the Win32
    service object.
    .PARAMETER StartupType
    The StartupType to convert.

function ConvertTo-StartModeString
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Automatic', 'Manual', 'Disabled')]
        [String] $StartupType

    if ($StartupType -eq 'Automatic')
        return 'Auto'
    }  # if

    return $StartupType
} # function ConvertTo-StartModeString

    Converts the StartupType string returned in a Win32_Service object to the format
    expected by this resource.
    .PARAMETER StartupType
    The StartupType string to convert.

function ConvertTo-StartupTypeString
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Auto', 'Manual', 'Disabled')]

    if ($StartMode -eq 'Auto')
        return "Automatic"
    } # if

    return $StartMode
} # function ConvertTo-StartupTypeString

    Retrieves the Win32_Service object for the service with the given name.
    The name of the service for which to get the Win32_Service object

function Get-Win32ServiceObject
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    return Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$Name'"
} # function Get-Win32ServiceObject

    Sets the StartupType property of the given service to the given value.
    .PARAMETER Win32ServiceObject
    The Win32_Service object for which to set the StartupType
    .PARAMETER StartupType
    The StartupType to set

function Set-ServiceStartMode
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet("Automatic", "Manual", "Disabled")]

    if ((ConvertTo-StartupTypeString -StartMode $Win32ServiceObject.StartMode) -ine $StartupType `
        -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Win32ServiceObject.Name, $LocalizedData.SetStartupTypeWhatIf))
        $changeServiceArguments = @{
            StartMode = $StartupType

        $changeResult = Invoke-CimMethod `
            -InputObject $Win32ServiceObject `
            -MethodName Change `
            -Arguments $changeServiceArguments

        if ($changeResult.ReturnValue -ne 0)
            $innerMessage = ($LocalizedData.MethodFailed `
                -f "Change", "Win32_Service", $changeResult.ReturnValue)
            $errorMessage = ($LocalizedData.ErrorChangingProperty `
                -f "StartupType", $innerMessage)
            New-InvalidArgumentError `
                -ErrorId "ChangeStartupTypeFailed" `
                -ErrorMessage $errorMessage
} # function Set-ServiceStartMode

    Writes all write properties if not already correctly set, logging errors and respecting whatif

function Write-WriteProperty
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


        [ValidateSet("Automatic", "Manual", "Disabled")]

        [ValidateSet("LocalSystem", "LocalService", "NetworkService")]






    $service = Get-Service -Name $Name
    $serviceWmi = Get-Win32ServiceObject -Name $Name
    $requiresRestart = $false

    # update binary path
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Path'))
        $writeBinaryArguments = @{
            ServiceWmi = $serviceWmi
            Path = $Path

        $requiresRestart = $requiresRestart -or (Write-BinaryProperty @writeBinaryArguments)
    } # if

    # update misc service properties
    $serviceprops = @{}

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DisplayName') `
        -and ($DisplayName -ne $serviceWmi.DisplayName))
        $serviceprops += @{ DisplayName = $DisplayName }
    } # if

    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Description') `
        -and ($Description -ne $serviceWmi.Description))
        $serviceprops += @{ Description = $Description }
    } # if
    if ($serviceprops.count -gt 0)
        $null = Set-Service `
            -Name $Name `
    } # if

    # update the service dependencies if required
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Dependencies') `
        -and (@(Compare-Object `
            -ReferenceObject $service.ServicesDependedOn `
            -DifferenceObject $Dependencies).Count -gt 0))
        $changeServiceArguments = @{ ServiceDependencies = $Dependencies }

        $changeResult = Invoke-CimMethod `
            -InputObject $serviceWmi `
            -MethodName Change `
            -Arguments $changeServiceArguments
        if ($changeResult.ReturnValue -ne 0)
            $innerMessage = ($LocalizedData.MethodFailed `
                -f "Change", "Win32_Service", $changeResult.ReturnValue)
            $errorMessage = ($LocalizedData.ErrorChangingProperty `
                -f "Dependencies", $innerMessage)
            New-InvalidArgumentError `
                -ErrorId "ChangeDependenciesFailed" `
                -ErrorMessage $errorMessage
        } # if
    } # if

    # update credentials
    if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("BuiltInAccount") `
        -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Credential") `
        -or $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DesktopInteract"))
        $writeCredentialPropertiesArguments = @{ "ServiceWmi" = $serviceWmi }

            $null = $writeCredentialPropertiesArguments.Add("BuiltInAccount",$BuiltInAccount)
        } # if

            $null = $writeCredentialPropertiesArguments.Add("Credential",$Credential)
        } # if

            $null = $writeCredentialPropertiesArguments.Add("DesktopInteract",$DesktopInteract)
        } # if

        Write-CredentialProperty @writeCredentialPropertiesArguments
    } # if

    # Update startup type
        Set-ServiceStartMode -Win32ServiceObject $serviceWmi -StartupType $StartupType
    } # if

    # Return restart status
    return $requiresRestart
} # function Write-WriteProperty

    Writes credential properties if not already correctly set, logging errors and respecting whatif

function Write-CredentialProperty

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [ValidateSet("LocalSystem", "LocalService", "NetworkService")]



    if(-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Credential") `
        -and -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("BuiltInAccount") `
        -and -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DesktopInteract"))
        # No change parameters actually passed - nothing to change
    } # if

    # These are the arguments to chnage on the service
    $changeArgs = @{}

    # Get the Username and Password to change to (if applicable)
    $getUserNameAndPasswordArgs = @{}

        $null = $getUserNameAndPasswordArgs.Add("BuiltInAccount",$BuiltInAccount)
    } # if

        $null = $getUserNameAndPasswordArgs.Add("Credential",$Credential)
    } # if

    if($getUserNameAndPasswordArgs.Count -gt 1)
        # Both credentials and buildinaccount were set - throw
        New-InvalidArgumentError `
            -ErrorId "OnlyCredentialOrBuiltInAccount" `
            -ErrorMessage ($LocalizedData.OnlyOneParameterCanBeSpecified `
                -f "Credential","BuiltInAccount")
    } # if

    $userName,$password = Get-UserNameAndPassword @getUserNameAndPasswordArgs

    # If the user account needs to be changed add it to the arguments
    if($null -ne $userName `
        -and -not (Test-UserName -ServiceWmi $ServiceWmi -Username $userName))
        # A specific user account was passed so set log on as a service policy
            Set-LogOnAsServicePolicy -Username $userName
        } # if

        $changeArgs += @{
            StartName = $userName
            StartPassword = $password
    } # if

    # The desktop interact flag was passed to set that value
    if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("DesktopInteract") `
        -and ($DesktopInteract -ne $ServiceWmi.DesktopInteract))
        $changeArgs.DesktopInteract = $DesktopInteract
    } # if

    if ($changeArgs.Count -gt 0)
        $ret = Invoke-CimMethod `
            -InputObject $ServiceWmi `
            -MethodName Change `
            -Arguments $changeArgs

        if($ret.ReturnValue -ne 0)
            $innerMessage = ($LocalizedData.MethodFailed `
                -f "Change","Win32_Service",$ret.ReturnValue)
            $errorMessage = ($LocalizedData.ErrorChangingProperty `
                -f "Credential",$innerMessage)
            New-InvalidArgumentError `
                -ErrorId "ChangeCredentialFailed" `
                -ErrorMessage $errorMessage
        } # if
    } # if
} # function Write-CredentialProperty

    Writes binary path if not already correctly set, logging errors.

function Write-BinaryProperty
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]


    if($ServiceWmi.PathName -eq $Path)
        return $false
    } # if

    $changeServiceArguments = @{ PathName = $Path }

    $changeResult = Invoke-CimMethod `
        -InputObject $serviceWmi `
        -MethodName Change `
        -Arguments $changeServiceArguments
    if ($changeResult.ReturnValue -ne 0)
        $innerMessage = ($LocalizedData.MethodFailed `
            -f "Change", "Win32_Service", $changeResult.ReturnValue)
        $errorMessage = ($LocalizedData.ErrorChangingProperty `
            -f "Binary Path", $innerMessage)
        New-InvalidArgumentError `
            -ErrorId "ChangeBinaryPathFailed" `
            -ErrorMessage $errorMessage
    } # if

    return $true
} # function Write-BinaryProperty

    Returns true if the service's StartName matches $UserName
    .PARAMETER ServiceWmi
    The Service object pulled from WMI for the service.
    .PARAMETER UserName
    The username of the user to compare the one in the WMI object with.

function Test-UserName


    return  (Resolve-UserName -UserName $ServiceWmi.StartName) -ieq $UserName
} # function Test-UserName

    Retrieves username and password out of the BuiltInAccount and Credential parameters
    .PARAMETER BuiltInAccount
    If passed the username will contain the resolved username for the built-in account.
    .PARAMETER Credential
    The Credential to extract the username from.
    A tuple containing: Username,Password

function Get-UserNameAndPassword
        [ValidateSet("LocalSystem", "LocalService", "NetworkService")]


        return (Resolve-UserName -UserName $BuiltInAccount.ToString()),$null

        return (Resolve-UserName -UserName $Credential.UserName),`

    return $null,$null
} # function Get-UserNameAndPassword

    Deletes a service
    The name of the service to delete.
    .PARAMETER TerminateTimeout
    The number of milliseconds to wait for the service to be removed.

function Remove-Service
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $TerminateTimeout = 30000

    # Delete the service
    & "sc.exe" "delete" "$Name"

    # Wait for the service to be deleted
    $serviceDeletedSuccessfully = $false
    $start = [DateTime]::Now

    While (-not $serviceDeletedSuccessfully `
        -and ([DateTime]::Now - $start).TotalMilliseconds -lt $TerminateTimeout)
        if(-not (Test-ServiceExist -Name $Name))
            # The service has been deleted OK
            $serviceDeletedSuccessfully = $true
        } # if

        # The service wasn't deleted so wait a second and try again (unless TerminateTimeout is hit)
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.TryDeleteAgain)
    } # while

    if ($serviceDeletedSuccessfully)
        # Service was deleted OK
        Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.ServiceDeletedSuccessfully -f $Name)
        # Service was not deleted
        New-InvalidArgumentError `
            -ErrorId "ErrorDeletingService" `
            -ErrorMessage ($LocalizedData.ErrorDeletingService -f $Name)
    } # if
} # function Remove-Service

    Starts a service if it is not already running.
    The name of the service to start.
    .PARAMETER StartupTimeout
    The amount of time to wait for the service to start.

function Start-ServiceResource
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $service = Get-ServiceResource -Name $Name

    if ($service.Status -eq [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Running)
        Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.ServiceAlreadyStarted -f $service.Name)
    } # if

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name, $LocalizedData.StartServiceWhatIf))
            $waitTimeSpan = New-Object `
                -TypeName TimeSpan `
                -ArgumentList ($StartupTimeout * 10000)
            $servicePath = (Get-CimInstance -Class win32_service |
                Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Name}).PathName
            $errorMessage = ($LocalizedData.ErrorStartingService -f `
                $service.Name, $servicePath, $_.Exception.Message)
            New-InvalidArgumentError `
                -ErrorId "ErrorStartingService" `
                -ErrorMessage $errorMessage
        } # try

        Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.ServiceStarted -f $service.Name)
    } # if
} # function Start-ServiceResource

    Stops a service if it is not already stopped.
    The name of the service to stop.
    .PARAMETER TerminateTimeout
    The amount of time to wait for the service to stop.

function Stop-ServiceResource
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $service = Get-ServiceResource -Name $Name

    if ($service.Status -eq [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Stopped)
        Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.ServiceAlreadyStopped -f $service.Name)

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name, $LocalizedData.StopServiceWhatIf))
            $waitTimeSpan = New-Object `
                -TypeName TimeSpan `
                -ArgumentList ($TerminateTimeout * 10000)
            Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.ErrorStoppingService `
                -f $service.Name, $_.Exception.Message)
            throw $_

        Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.ServiceStopped -f $service.Name)
} # function Stop-ServiceResource

    Converts the username returned in a Win32_service object to the format
    expected by this resource.
    .PARAMETER UserName
    The Username to convert.

function Resolve-UserName

    switch ($Username)
            return "NT Authority\NetworkService"
        } # 'NetworkService'
            return "NT Authority\LocalService"
        } # 'LocalService'
            return ".\LocalSystem"
        } # 'LocalSystem'
            if ($UserName.IndexOf("\") -eq -1)
                return ".\" + $UserName
            } # if
        } # default
    } # switch

    return $UserName
} # function Resolve-UserName

    Throws an argument error.
    .PARAMETER ErrorId
    The error id to assign to the custom exception.
    .PARAMETER ErrorMessage
    The error message to assign to the custom exception.

function New-InvalidArgumentError

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $exception = New-Object `
        -TypeName System.ArgumentException `
        -ArgumentList $ErrorMessage
    $errorRecord = New-Object `
        -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord `
        -ArgumentList $exception, $ErrorId, $errorCategory, $null
    throw $errorRecord
} # function New-InvalidArgumentError

    Tests if a service with the given name exists
    The name of the service to test for.

function Test-ServiceExist
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $service = Get-Service -Name $Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    return $null -ne $service
} # function Test-ServiceExist

    Compares a path to the existing service path.
    Returns true when the given path is same as the existing service path.
    The name of the existing service for which to check the path.
    The path to check against.

function Compare-ServicePath
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $existingServicePath = (Get-CimInstance -Class win32_service |
        Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Name}).PathName
    $stringCompareResult = [String]::Compare($Path, `
        $existingServicePath, `

    return $stringCompareResult -eq 0
} # function Compare-ServicePath

    Retrieves the service with the given name.
    The name of the service to retrieve

function Get-ServiceResource

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    $service = Get-Service -Name $Name -ErrorAction Ignore
    if ($null -eq $service)
        New-InvalidArgumentError `
            -ErrorId "ServiceNotFound" `
            -ErrorMessage ($LocalizedData.ServiceNotFound -f $Name)
    } # if

    return $service
} # function Get-ServiceResource

    Grants log on as service right to the given user

function Set-LogOnAsServicePolicy

        namespace LogOnAsServiceHelper
            using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
            using System;
            using System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution;
            using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
            using System.Security;
            public class NativeMethods
                #region constants
                // from ntlsa.h
                private const int POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES = 0x00000800;
                private const int POLICY_CREATE_ACCOUNT = 0x00000010;
                private const uint ACCOUNT_ADJUST_SYSTEM_ACCESS = 0x00000008;
                private const uint ACCOUNT_VIEW = 0x00000001;
                private const uint SECURITY_ACCESS_SERVICE_LOGON = 0x00000010;
                // from LsaUtils.h
                private const uint STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND = 0xC0000034;
                // from lmcons.h
                private const int UNLEN = 256;
                private const int DNLEN = 15;
                // Extra characteres for "\","@" etc.
                private const int EXTRA_LENGTH = 3;
                #endregion constants
                #region interop structures
                /// <summary>
                /// Used to open a policy, but not containing anything meaqningful
                /// </summary>
                private struct LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES
                    public UInt32 Length;
                    public IntPtr RootDirectory;
                    public IntPtr ObjectName;
                    public UInt32 Attributes;
                    public IntPtr SecurityDescriptor;
                    public IntPtr SecurityQualityOfService;
                    public void Initialize()
                        this.Length = 0;
                        this.RootDirectory = IntPtr.Zero;
                        this.ObjectName = IntPtr.Zero;
                        this.Attributes = 0;
                        this.SecurityDescriptor = IntPtr.Zero;
                        this.SecurityQualityOfService = IntPtr.Zero;
                /// <summary>
                /// LSA string
                /// </summary>
                [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
                private struct LSA_UNICODE_STRING
                    internal ushort Length;
                    internal ushort MaximumLength;
                    internal string Buffer;
                    internal void Set(string src)
                        this.Buffer = src;
                        this.Length = (ushort)(src.Length * sizeof(char));
                        this.MaximumLength = (ushort)(this.Length + sizeof(char));
                /// <summary>
                /// Structure used as the last parameter for LSALookupNames
                /// </summary>
                private struct LSA_TRANSLATED_SID2
                    public uint Use;
                    public IntPtr SID;
                    public int DomainIndex;
                    public uint Flags;
                #endregion interop structures
                #region safe handles
                /// <summary>
                /// Handle for LSA objects including Policy and Account
                /// </summary>
                private class LsaSafeHandle : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid
                    private static extern uint LsaClose(IntPtr ObjectHandle);
                    /// <summary>
                    /// Prevents a default instance of the LsaPolicySafeHAndle class from being created.
                    /// </summary>
                    private LsaSafeHandle(): base(true)
                    /// <summary>
                    /// Calls NativeMethods.CloseHandle(handle)
                    /// </summary>
                    /// <returns>the return of NativeMethods.CloseHandle(handle)</returns>
                    [ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.MayFail)]
                    protected override bool ReleaseHandle()
                        long returnValue = LsaSafeHandle.LsaClose(this.handle);
                        return returnValue != 0;
                /// <summary>
                /// Handle for IntPtrs returned from Lsa calls that have to be freed with
                /// LsaFreeMemory
                /// </summary>
                private class SafeLsaMemoryHandle : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid
                    internal static extern int LsaFreeMemory(IntPtr Buffer);
                    private SafeLsaMemoryHandle() : base(true) { }
                    private SafeLsaMemoryHandle(IntPtr handle)
                        : base(true)
                    private static SafeLsaMemoryHandle InvalidHandle
                        get { return new SafeLsaMemoryHandle(IntPtr.Zero); }
                    override protected bool ReleaseHandle()
                        return SafeLsaMemoryHandle.LsaFreeMemory(handle) == 0;
                    internal IntPtr Memory
                            return this.handle;
                #endregion safe handles
                #region interop function declarations
                /// <summary>
                /// Opens LSA Policy
                /// </summary>
                [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, PreserveSig = true)]
                private static extern uint LsaOpenPolicy(
                    IntPtr SystemName,
                    ref LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes,
                    uint DesiredAccess,
                    out LsaSafeHandle PolicyHandle
                /// <summary>
                /// Convert the name into a SID which is used in remaining calls
                /// </summary>
                [DllImport("advapi32", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute]
                private static extern uint LsaLookupNames2(
                    LsaSafeHandle PolicyHandle,
                    uint Flags,
                    uint Count,
                    LSA_UNICODE_STRING[] Names,
                    out SafeLsaMemoryHandle ReferencedDomains,
                    out SafeLsaMemoryHandle Sids
                /// <summary>
                /// Opens the LSA account corresponding to the user's SID
                /// </summary>
                [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, PreserveSig = true)]
                private static extern uint LsaOpenAccount(
                    LsaSafeHandle PolicyHandle,
                    IntPtr Sid,
                    uint Access,
                    out LsaSafeHandle AccountHandle);
                /// <summary>
                /// Creates an LSA account corresponding to the user's SID
                /// </summary>
                [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, PreserveSig = true)]
                private static extern uint LsaCreateAccount(
                    LsaSafeHandle PolicyHandle,
                    IntPtr Sid,
                    uint Access,
                    out LsaSafeHandle AccountHandle);
                /// <summary>
                /// Gets the LSA Account access
                /// </summary>
                [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, PreserveSig = true)]
                private static extern uint LsaGetSystemAccessAccount(
                    LsaSafeHandle AccountHandle,
                    out uint SystemAccess);
                /// <summary>
                /// Sets the LSA Account access
                /// </summary>
                [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, PreserveSig = true)]
                private static extern uint LsaSetSystemAccessAccount(
                    LsaSafeHandle AccountHandle,
                    uint SystemAccess);
                #endregion interop function declarations
                /// <summary>
                /// Sets the Log On As A Service Policy for <paramref name="userName"/>, if not already set.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="userName">the user name we want to allow logging on as a service</param>
                /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If the <paramref name="userName"/> is null or empty.</exception>
                /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">In the following cases:
                /// Failure opening the LSA Policy.
                /// The <paramref name="userName"/> is too large.
                /// Failure looking up the user name.
                /// Failure opening LSA account (other than account not found).
                /// Failure creating LSA account.
                /// Failure getting LSA account policy access.
                /// Failure setting LSA account policy access.
                /// </exception>
                public static void SetLogOnAsServicePolicy(string userName)
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
                        throw new ArgumentNullException("userName");
                    LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes = new LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES();
                    // All handles are delcared in advance so they can be closed on finally
                    LsaSafeHandle policyHandle = null;
                    SafeLsaMemoryHandle referencedDomains = null;
                    SafeLsaMemoryHandle sids = null;
                    LsaSafeHandle accountHandle = null;
                        uint status = LsaOpenPolicy(
                            ref objectAttributes,
                            POLICY_LOOKUP_NAMES | POLICY_CREATE_ACCOUNT,
                            out policyHandle);
                        if (status != 0)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("CannotOpenPolicyErrorMessage");
                        // Unicode strings have a maximum length of 32KB. We don't want to create
                        // LSA strings with more than that. User lengths are much smaller so this check
                        // ensures userName's length is useful
                        if (userName.Length > UNLEN + DNLEN + EXTRA_LENGTH)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("UserNameTooLongErrorMessage");
                        LSA_UNICODE_STRING lsaUserName = new LSA_UNICODE_STRING();
                        LSA_UNICODE_STRING[] names = new LSA_UNICODE_STRING[1];
                        status = LsaLookupNames2(
                            new LSA_UNICODE_STRING[] { lsaUserName },
                            out referencedDomains,
                            out sids);
                        if (status != 0)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("CannotLookupNamesErrorMessage");
                        LSA_TRANSLATED_SID2 sid = (LSA_TRANSLATED_SID2)Marshal.PtrToStructure(sids.Memory, typeof(LSA_TRANSLATED_SID2));
                        status = LsaOpenAccount(policyHandle,
                                            ACCOUNT_VIEW | ACCOUNT_ADJUST_SYSTEM_ACCESS,
                                            out accountHandle);
                        uint currentAccess = 0;
                        if (status == 0)
                            status = LsaGetSystemAccessAccount(accountHandle, out currentAccess);
                            if (status != 0)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("CannotGetAccountAccessErrorMessage");
                        else if (status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND)
                            status = LsaCreateAccount(
                                out accountHandle);
                            if (status != 0)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("CannotCreateAccountAccessErrorMessage");
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("CannotOpenAccountErrorMessage");
                        if ((currentAccess & SECURITY_ACCESS_SERVICE_LOGON) == 0)
                            status = LsaSetSystemAccessAccount(
                                currentAccess | SECURITY_ACCESS_SERVICE_LOGON);
                            if (status != 0)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("CannotSetAccountAccessErrorMessage");
                        if (policyHandle != null) { policyHandle.Close(); }
                        if (referencedDomains != null) { referencedDomains.Close(); }
                        if (sids != null) { sids.Close(); }
                        if (accountHandle != null) { accountHandle.Close(); }

        $null = [LogOnAsServiceHelper.NativeMethods]
        $logOnAsServiceText = $logOnAsServiceText.Replace("CannotOpenPolicyErrorMessage",`
        $logOnAsServiceText = $logOnAsServiceText.Replace("UserNameTooLongErrorMessage",`
        $logOnAsServiceText = $logOnAsServiceText.Replace("CannotLookupNamesErrorMessage",`
        $logOnAsServiceText = $logOnAsServiceText.Replace("CannotOpenAccountErrorMessage",`
        $logOnAsServiceText = $logOnAsServiceText.Replace("CannotCreateAccountAccessErrorMessage",`
        $logOnAsServiceText = $logOnAsServiceText.Replace("CannotGetAccountAccessErrorMessage",`
        $logOnAsServiceText = $logOnAsServiceText.Replace("CannotSetAccountAccessErrorMessage",`
        $null = Add-Type $logOnAsServiceText -PassThru -Debug:$false
    } # try

        $UserName = $UserName.Substring(2)
    } # if

        $message = ($LocalizedData.ErrorSettingLogOnAsServiceRightsForUser `
            -f $UserName,$_.Exception.Message)
        New-InvalidArgumentError -ErrorId "ErrorSettingLogOnAsServiceRightsForUser" -ErrorMessage $message
    } # try
} # function Set-LogOnAsServicePolicy

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource