
class MSFT_xArchive : OMI_BaseResource
  [Description("Indicates whether to Ensure that the directory is Present or Absent (default Present)") : Amended] string Ensure;
  [Key,Description("The zip file to be extracted or removed") : Amended] string Path;
  [Key,Description("The directory to expand the zip file to") : Amended] string Destination;
  [Description("Indicates whether the modified date and a checksum (SHA-256 if one is not specified) should be use to validate whether an existing destination file matches the source file") : Amended] boolean Validate;
  [Description("Indicates how to compare destination in source files. If not specified, no comparison is made. Possible values: SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, CreatedDate, ModifiedDate. Used in Get, or in Set for Ensure=Absent or Ensure=Present with Overwrite") : Amended] string Checksum;
  [Description("Indicates whether to overwrite existing files if found.") : Amended] boolean Force;
  [Description("The credentials to be used to access archive from network share Path (if applicable)") : Amended] string Credential;