
# Localized resources for xWindowsPackageCab

ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    RetrievingPackage = Retrieving information for the package {0}
    PackageEnsureState = The package {0} is currently {1}
    SourcePathDoesNotExist = Could not find the source file at path {0}
    SetTargetResourceStarting = Starting configuration of the WindowsPackageCab resource {0}
    SetTargetResourceFinished = Finished configuration of WindowsPackageCab resource {0}
    AddingPackage = Adding a package from the source at path {0}
    RemovingPackage = Removing package from the source at path {0}
    EnsureStatesMatch = Ensure states match for package {0}
    EnsureStatesDoNotMatch = Ensure states do not match for package {0}