
[Description("Provides a mechanism to manage registry keys and values on a target node.") : Amended,AMENDMENT, LOCALE("MS_409")]
class DSC_xRegistryResource : OMI_BaseResource
  [Key,Description("The path of the registry key to add, modify, or remove. This path must include the registry hive/drive.") : Amended] String Key;
  [Key,Description("The name of the registry value. To add or remove a registry key, specify this property as an empty string without specifying ValueType or ValueData. To modify or remove the default value of a registry key, specify this property as an empty string while also specifying ValueType or ValueData.") : Amended] String ValueName;
  [Description("The data the specified registry key value should have as a string or an array of strings (MultiString only).") : Amended] String ValueData[];
  [Description("The type the specified registry key value should have.") : Amended] String ValueType;
  [Description("Specifies whether or not the registry key or value should exist. To add or modify a registry key or value, set this property to Present. To remove a registry key or value, set the property to Absent.") : Amended] String Ensure;
  [Description("Specifies whether or not the specified DWord or QWord registry key data is provided in a hexadecimal format. Not valid for types other than DWord and QWord. The default value is $false.") : Amended] Boolean Hex;
  [Description("Specifies whether or not to overwrite the specified registry key value if it already has a value or whether or not to delete a registry key that has subkeys. The default value is $false.") : Amended] Boolean Force;