
    Provides a mechanism to install and uninstall .msi packages.
    Key - String
    The identifying number used to find the package, usually a GUID.
    Required - String
    The path to the MSI file that should be installed or uninstalled.
    Write - String
    Allowed values: Present, Absent
    Specifies whether or not the MSI file should be installed or uninstalled.
.PARAMETER Arguments
    Write - String
    The arguments to be passed to the MSI package during installation or uninstallation.
.PARAMETER Credential
    Write - Instance
    The credential of a user account to be used to mount a UNC path if needed.
    Write - String
    The path to the log file to log the output from the MSI execution.
    Write - String
    The expected hash value of the MSI file at the given path.
.PARAMETER HashAlgorithm
    Write - String
    Allowed values: SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, MD5, RIPEMD160
    The algorithm used to generate the given hash value.
.PARAMETER SignerSubject
    Write - String
    The subject that should match the signer certificate of the digital signature of the MSI file.
.PARAMETER SignerThumbprint
    Write - String
    The certificate thumbprint that should match the signer certificate of the digital signature of the MSI file.
.PARAMETER ServerCertificateValidationCallback
    Write - String
    PowerShell code that should be used to validate SSL certificates for paths using HTTPS.
.PARAMETER IgnoreReboot
    Write - Boolean
    Ignore a pending reboot if requested by package installation.
.PARAMETER RunAsCredential
    Write - Instance
    The credential of a user account under which to run the installation or uninstallation of the MSI package.
    Read - String
    The display name of the MSI package.
.PARAMETER InstallSource
    Read - String
    The path to the MSI package.
.PARAMETER InstalledOn
    Read - String
    The date that the MSI package was installed on or serviced on, whichever is later.
    Read - UInt32
    The size of the MSI package in MB.
    Read - String
    The version number of the MSI package.
.PARAMETER PackageDescription
    Read - String
    The description of the MSI package.
.PARAMETER Publisher
    Read - String
    The publisher of the MSI package.
#Requires -Module xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
        Configuration that install an MSI file with the specified product
        identification number.
    .PARAMETER ProductId
        The product identification number in the format
        The URI path. Should start with an URI scheme, e.g. 'file://', 'http://',
        When using the file scheme, the MSI file with the given product
        identification number must already exist at the specified path.
        When using the http or https scheme, the MSI file with the given product
        identification number must already exist on the server.
        The product ID and path value in this file are provided for example
        purposes only and will need to be replaced with valid values.
        You can run the following command to get a list of all available MSI's on
        your system with the correct Path (LocalPackage) and product ID (IdentifyingNumber):
        Get-WmiObject Win32_Product | Format-Table IdentifyingNumber, Name, LocalPackage
        xMsiPackage_InstallPackage_Config -ProductId '{DEADBEEF-80C6-41E6-A1B9-8BDB8A05027F}' -Path 'file://Examples/example.msi'
        Compiles a configuration that installs the MSI package located at
        the path 'file://Examples/example.msi' having the product identification
        number as '{DEADBEEF-80C6-41E6-A1B9-8BDB8A05027F}'.
        xMsiPackage_InstallPackage_Config -ProductId '{DEADBEEF-80C6-41E6-A1B9-8BDB8A05027F}' -Path 'http://Examples/example.msi'
        Compiles a configuration that installs the MSI package located at
        the URL 'http://Examples/example.msi' having the product identification
        number as '{DEADBEEF-80C6-41E6-A1B9-8BDB8A05027F}'.
Configuration xMsiPackage_InstallPackage_Config
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
    Node localhost
        xMsiPackage MsiPackage1
            ProductId = $ProductId
            Path = $Path
            Ensure = 'Present'
#Requires -Module xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
        Uninstalls the MSI file with the product ID: '{DEADBEEF-80C6-41E6-A1B9-8BDB8A05027F}'
        at the path: 'file://Examples/example.msi'.
        The MSI file with the given product ID must already exist at the specified
        The product ID and path value in this file are provided for example
        purposes only and will need to be replaced with valid values.
        You can run the following command to get a list of all available MSI's
        on your system with the correct Path (LocalPackage) and product ID
        Get-WmiObject Win32_Product | Format-Table IdentifyingNumber, Name, LocalPackage
Configuration xMsiPackage_UninstallPackageFromFile_Config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
    Node localhost
        xMsiPackage UninstallMsiPackageFromFile
            ProductId = '{DEADBEEF-80C6-41E6-A1B9-8BDB8A05027F}'
            Path = 'file://Examples/example.msi'
            Ensure = 'Absent'
#Requires -Module xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
        Uninstalls the MSI file with the product ID: '{DEADBEEF-80C6-41E6-A1B9-8BDB8A05027F}'
        at the path: 'https://Examples/example.msi'.
        The MSI file with the given product ID must already exist on
        the server.
        The product ID and path value in this file are provided for
        example purposes only and will need to be replaced with valid values.
        You can run the following command to get a list of all available MSI's
        on your system with the correct Path (LocalPackage) and product ID
        Get-WmiObject Win32_Product | Format-Table IdentifyingNumber, Name, LocalPackage
Configuration xMsiPackage_UninstallPackageFromHttps_Config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
    Node localhost
        xMsiPackage UninstallMsiPackageFromHttps
            ProductId = '{DEADBEEF-80C6-41E6-A1B9-8BDB8A05027F}'
            Path = 'https://Examples/example.msi'
            Ensure = 'Absent'