
    Provides a mechanism to configure and manage environment variables for a
    machine or process.
    Key - String
    The name of the environment variable for which you want to ensure a specific state.
    Write - String
    The desired value for the environment variable. The default value is an empty string which either indicates that the variable should be removed entirely or that the value does not matter when testing its existence. Multiple entries can be entered and separated by semicolons.
    Write - String
    Allowed values: Present, Absent
    Specifies if the environment variable should exist.
    Write - Boolean
    Indicates whether or not the environment variable is a path variable. If the variable being configured is a path variable, the value provided will be appended to or removed from the existing value, otherwise the existing value will be replaced by the new value. When configured as a Path variable, multiple entries separated by semicolons are ensured to be either present or absent without affecting other Path entries.
    Write - StringArray
    Allowed values: Process, Machine
    Indicates the target where the environment variable should be set.
#Requires -Module xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
        Configuration that creates or modifies an environment variable containing
        If the environment variable does not exist, the environment variable is
        created, and the paths will added as values.
        If the environment variable already exist, an either of the new path
        values do not exist in the environment variable, they will be appended
        without modifying any preexisting values. If either of the paths already
        exist as a value in in the environment variable, that path will be
        skipped (it is not added twice).
        The name of the environment variable to create or modify.
    .PARAMETER Value
        The paths to add to the environment variable as a comma-separated list,
        e.g. 'C:\test123;C:\test456;C:\test789'.
    .PARAMETER Target
        The scope to set the environment variable. Can be set to either the
        'Machine', the 'Process' or both. Default value is 'Machine'.
        { Process | Machine }
        xEnvironment_AddMultiplePaths_Config -Name 'TestPath' -Value 'C:\test123;C:\test456;C:\test789' -Target @('Process', 'Machine')
        Compiles a configuration that creates the environment variable
        'TestPath' with the paths 'C:\test123', 'C:\test456' and 'C:\test789'
        in both the scopes 'Machine' and 'Process'.
        $configurationParameters = @{
            Name = 'TestPath'
            Value = 'C:\test123;C:\test456;C:\test789'
            Target = @('Process', 'Machine')
        Start-AzureRmAutomationDscCompilationJob -ResourceGroupName '<resource-group>' -AutomationAccountName '<automation-account>' -ConfigurationName 'xEnvironment_AddMultiplePathsConfig' -Parameters $configurationParameters
        Compiles a configuration in Azure Automation that creates the environment
        variable 'TestPath' with the paths 'C:\test123', 'C:\test456'
        and 'C:\test789' in both the scopes 'Machine' and 'Process'.
        Replace the <resource-group> and <automation-account> with correct values.
Configuration xEnvironment_AddMultiplePaths_Config
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Process', 'Machine')]
        $Target = 'Machine'
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
    Node localhost
        xEnvironment AddMultiplePaths
            Name = $Name
            Value = $Value
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Path = $true
            Target = $Target
#Requires -Module xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
        Configuration that creates or modifies an environment variable.
        If the environment variable does not exist, the environment variable is
        created, and the value will be added.
        If the environment variable already exist, and the value differs, then
        the value will be changed.
        The name of the environment variable to create or modify.
    .PARAMETER Value
        The value to set on the environment variable.
    .PARAMETER Target
        The scope to set the environment variable. Can be set to either the
        'Machine', the 'Process' or both. Default value is 'Machine'.
        { Process | Machine }
        xEnvironment_CreateNonPathVariable_Config -Name 'TestVariable' -Value 'TestValue' -Target @('Process', 'Machine')
        Compiles a configuration that creates the environment variable
        'TestVariable' and sets the value to 'TestValue' both on the machine
        scope and within the process scope.
        $configurationParameters = @{
            Name = 'TestVariable'
            Value = 'TestValue'
            Target = @('Process', 'Machine')
        Start-AzureRmAutomationDscCompilationJob -ResourceGroupName '<resource-group>' -AutomationAccountName '<automation-account>' -ConfigurationName 'xEnvironment_CreateNonPathVariableConfig' -Parameters $configurationParameters
        Compiles a configuration in Azure Automation that creates the environment
        variable 'TestVariable' and sets the value to 'TestValue' both on the
        machine scope and within the process scope.
        Replace the <resource-group> and <automation-account> with correct values.
Configuration xEnvironment_CreateNonPathVariable_Config
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Process', 'Machine')]
        $Target = 'Machine'
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
    Node localhost
        xEnvironment NewVariable
            Name = $Name
            Value = $Value
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Path = $false
            Target = $Target
#Requires -Module xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
        Configuration that removes one or more path values, if the values exist,
        from and environment variable containing paths. Other values of the
        environment variable will not be modified and will be left intact.
        The name of the environment variable to modify.
    .PARAMETER Value
        The paths to remove from the environment variable as a comma-separated
        list, e.g. 'C:\test123;C:\test456'.
    .PARAMETER Target
        The scope in which to modify the environment variable. Can be set to
        either the 'Machine', the 'Process' or both. Default value is 'Machine'.
        { Process | Machine }
        xEnvironment_RemoveMultiplePaths_Config -Name 'TestPath' -Value 'C:\test456;C:\test123' -Target @('Process', 'Machine')
        Compiles a configuration that removes the paths 'C:\test123' and
        'C:\test456', if the values exist, from the environment variable 'TestPath'
        in both the scopes 'Machine' and 'Process'.
        Other values of the environment variable 'TestPath' will not be modified,
        and will be left intact.
        $configurationParameters = @{
            Name = 'TestPath'
            Value = 'C:\test456;C:\test123'
            Target = @('Process', 'Machine')
        Start-AzureRmAutomationDscCompilationJob -ResourceGroupName '<resource-group>' -AutomationAccountName '<automation-account>' -ConfigurationName 'xEnvironment_RemoveMultiplePathsConfig' -Parameters $configurationParameters
        Compiles a configuration in Azure Automation that removes the paths
        'C:\test123' and 'C:\test456', if the values exist, from the environment
        variable 'TestPath' in both the scopes 'Machine' and 'Process'.
        Other values of the environment variable 'TestPath' will not be modified,
        and will be left intact.
        Replace the <resource-group> and <automation-account> with correct values.
Configuration xEnvironment_RemoveMultiplePaths_Config
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Process', 'Machine')]
        $Target = 'Machine'
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
    Node localhost
        xEnvironment RemoveMultiplePaths
            Name = $Name
            Value = $Value
            Ensure = 'Absent'
            Path = $true
            Target = $Target
#Requires -Module xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
        Configuration that removes an environment variable.
        The name of the environment variable to remove.
    .PARAMETER Target
        The scope in which to remove the environment variable. Can be set to
        either the 'Machine', the 'Process' or both. Default value is 'Machine'.
        { Process | Machine }
        xEnvironment_RemoveVariable_Config -Name 'TestVariable' -Target @('Process', 'Machine')
        Compiles a configuration that removes the environment variable
        'TestVariable' from both the machine and the process scope.
        $configurationParameters = @{
            Name = 'TestVariable'
            Target = @('Process', 'Machine')
        Start-AzureRmAutomationDscCompilationJob -ResourceGroupName '<resource-group>' -AutomationAccountName '<automation-account>' -ConfigurationName 'xEnvironment_RemoveVariableConfig' -Parameters $configurationParameters
        Compiles a configuration in Azure Automation that removes the environment
        variable 'TestVariable' from both the machine and the process scope.
        Replace the <resource-group> and <automation-account> with correct values.
Configuration xEnvironment_RemoveVariable_Config
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('Process', 'Machine')]
        $Target = 'Machine'
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName xPSDesiredStateConfiguration
    Node localhost
        xEnvironment NewVariable
            Name = $Name
            Ensure = 'Absent'
            Path = $false
            Target = $Target