
# The configuration data section specifies which certificate and thumbprint to use for encrypting the password
$ConfigData = @{
    AllNodes = @(
            CertificateFile = "C:\Certificates\DSCnode1.cer" 
            Thumbprint = "E36D15C59BDBABB8525E48568844DD7079C1C3DD"


Configuration AllowRemoteDesktopAdminConnections
            [PsCredential] $Credential 

    Import-DscResource -Module xRemoteDesktopAdmin, xNetworking

    Node ('DSCnode1')
        xRemoteDesktopAdmin RemoteDesktopSettings
           Ensure = 'Present'
           UserAuthentication = 'Secure'

        xFirewall AllowRDP
            Name = 'DSC - Remote Desktop Admin Connections'
            DisplayGroup = "Remote Desktop"
            Ensure = 'Present'
            State = 'Enabled'
            Access = 'Allow'
            Profile = 'Domain'

        Group RDPGroup
           Ensure = 'Present'
           GroupName = "Remote Desktop Users"
           Members = 'Contoso\RDP_User'
           Credential = $Credential

             CertificateId = $node.Thumbprint 

# Set your working directory for the output of the MOF file
$workingdir = 'C:\RDP\MOF'

# Create MOF with configuration data
AllowRemoteDesktopAdminConnections -ConfigurationData $ConfigData -OutputPath $workingdir

# Use Set-DscLocalConfigurationManager to apply the *.meta.mof
Set-DscLocalConfigurationManager -ComputerName 'DSCnode1' $workingdir -Verbose

# Apply the configuration
Start-DscConfiguration -ComputerName 'DSCnode1' -wait -force -verbose -path $workingdir