
Import-Module -Name "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\Modules\xRemoteDesktopSessionHostCommon.psm1"
if (!(Test-xRemoteDesktopSessionHostOsRequirement))
    throw "The minimum OS requirement was not met."
Import-Module RemoteDesktop

# The Get-TargetResource cmdlet.
function Get-TargetResource
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]







    $result = $null

    write-verbose "Getting RD Gateway configuration from broker '$ConnectionBroker'..."

    $config = Get-RDDeploymentGatewayConfiguration -ConnectionBroker $ConnectionBroker -ea SilentlyContinue

    if ($config)
        write-verbose "configuration retrieved successfully:"

        write-verbose ">> RD Gateway mode: $($config.GatewayMode)"

        $result =
            "ConnectionBroker" = $ConnectionBroker
            "GatewayMode"      = $config.Gatewaymode.ToString()   # Microsoft.RemoteDesktopServices.Management.GatewayUsage .ToString()

        if ($config.GatewayMode -eq 'Custom')
          # assert-expression ($config -is [Microsoft.RemoteDesktopServices.Management.CustomGatewaySettings])

            $result.GatewayExternalFqdn  = $config.GatewayExternalFqdn
            $result.LogonMethod          = $config.LogonMethod
            $result.UseCachedCredentials = $config.UseCachedCredentials
            $result.BypassLocal          = $config.BypassLocal

            write-verbose ">> GatewayExternalFqdn: $($result.GatewayExternalFqdn)"
            write-verbose ">> LogonMethod: $($result.LogonMethod)"
            write-verbose ">> UseCachedCredentials: $($result.UseCachedCredentials)"
            write-verbose ">> BypassLocal: $($result.BypassLocal)"
        write-verbose "Failed to retrieve RD Gateway configuration from broker '$ConnectionBroker'."


# The Set-TargetResource cmdlet.
function ValidateCustomModeParameters





    write-verbose "validating parameters..."

    $customModeParams = @{
        ExternalFqdn = $ExternalFqdn
        LogonMethod = $LogonMethod
        UseCachedCredentials = $UseCachedCredentials
        BypassLocal = $BypassLocal

    if ($mode -eq 'Custom')
        # ensure all 4 parameters were passed in, otherwise Set-RdDeploymentGatewayConfiguration will fail

        $nulls = $customModeParams.getenumerator() | Where-Object { $null -eq $_.value }

        if ($nulls.count -gt 0)
            $nulls | ForEach-Object { write-verbose ">> '$($_.Key)' parameter is empty" }

            write-warning "[PARAMETER VALIDATION FAILURE] i'm gonna throw, right now..."

            throw ("Requested gateway mode is 'Custom', you must pass in the following parameters: $($nulls.Key -join ', ').")
        # give warning about incorrect usage of the resource (do not fail)

        $parametersWithValues = $customModeParams.getenumerator() | Where-Object { $_.value }

        if ($parametersWithValues.count -gt 0)
            $parametersWithValues | ForEach-Object { write-verbose ">> '$($_.Key)' was specified, the value is: '$($_.Value)'" }

            write-warning ("[WARNING]: Requested gateway mode is '$mode', the following parametera can only be used with Gateway mode 'Custom': " +
                            "$($parametersWithValues.Key -join ', '). These parameters will be ignored in the call to Set-RdDeploymentGatewayConfiguration to avoid error!")

function Set-TargetResource
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]







    write-verbose "Starting RD Gateway configuration for the RD deployment at broker '$ConnectionBroker'..."

    # validate parameters
    ValidateCustomModeParameters $GatewayMode $ExternalFqdn $LogonMethod $UseCachedCredentials $BypassLocal

    if ($GatewayServer)
        write-verbose ">> RD Gateway server (parameter): $($GatewayServer.ToLower())"

        write-verbose "checking if the server is part of the deployment, getting list of servers..."

        $servers = Get-RDServer -ConnectionBroker $ConnectionBroker | Where-Object Roles -eq RDS-Gateway

        if ($servers)
            write-verbose "there is $($servers.Count) RD Gateway server(s) in the deployment:"
            write-verbose ">> RD Gateway servers list: $($servers.Server.ToLower() -join '; ')"

            if ($GatewayServer -in $servers.Server)
                write-verbose "RD Gateways server '$GatewayServer' is already part of the deployment."
                $bAddGatewayServer = $false
                write-verbose "RD Gateways server '$GatewayServer' is not yet in the deployment."
                $bAddGatewayServer = $true
            write-verbose "no RD Gateway servers in the deployment..."

            $bAddGatewayServer = $true

         if ($bAddGatewayServer)
            write-verbose "Adding RD Gateway server '$GatewayServer' to the deployment..."

            Add-RDServer -server $GatewayServer -role RDS-Gateway -gatewayexternalfqdn $ExternalFqdn -connectionbroker $connectionBroker

            write-verbose "Add-RDServer done."

    write-verbose "calling Set-RdDeploymentGatewayConfiguration cmdlet..."

    write-verbose ">> requested GatewayMode: $GatewayMode"

    if ($GatewayMode -eq 'Custom')
        write-verbose ">> GatewayExternalFqdn: '$ExternalFqdn'"
        write-verbose ">> LogonMethod: '$LogonMethod'"
        write-verbose ">> UseCachedCredentials: $UseCachedCredentials"
        write-verbose ">> BypassLocal: $BypassLocal"

        $setRdDeploymentGatewayConfigurationParams = @{
            ConnectionBroker = $ConnectionBroker
            GatewayMode = $GatewayMode
            GatewayExternalFqdn = $ExternalFqdn
            LogonMethod = $LogonMethod
            UseCachedCredentials = $UseCachedCredentials
            BypassLocal = $BypassLocal
            Force = $true
            ErrorAction = 'Stop'
        Set-RDDeploymentGatewayConfiguration @setRdDeploymentGatewayConfigurationParams
    else   # 'DoNotUse' or 'Automatic'
        Set-RdDeploymentGatewayConfiguration -ConnectionBroker $ConnectionBroker -gatewaymode $GatewayMode -force

    write-verbose "Set-RdDeploymentGatewayConfiguration done."

# The Test-TargetResource cmdlet.
function Test-TargetResource
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]







    $config = Get-TargetResource @PSBoundParameters

    if ($config)
        write-verbose "verifying RD Gateway usage name..."

        if ($config.GatewayMode -eq 'Custom' -and $config.GatewayMode -ieq $GatewayMode)
            $result = $config.BypassLocal -eq $BypassLocal -and
                $config.UseCachedCredentials -eq $UseCachedCredentials -and
                $config.LogonMethod -eq $LogonMethod -and
                $config.GatewayExternalFqdn -eq $ExternalFqdn
            $result =  ($config.GatewayMode -ieq $GatewayMode)
        write-verbose "Failed to retrieve RD Gateway configuration."
        $result = $false

    write-verbose "Test-TargetResource returning: $result"
    return $result

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource