
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("xRobocopy")]
class MSFT_xRobocopy : OMI_BaseResource
    [Key, Description("Source Directory, Drive or UNC path.")] String Source;
    [Key, Description("Destination Dir, Drive or UNC path.")] String Destination;
    [Write, Description("File(s) to copy (names/wildcards: default is all files).")] String Files;
    [Write, Description("Number of Retries on failed copies: default 1 million.")] UInt32 Retry;
    [Write, Description("Wait time between retries: default is 30 seconds.")] UInt32 Wait;
    [Write, Description("Copy subdirectories, including Empty ones.")] Boolean SubdirectoriesIncludingEmpty;
    [Write, Description("Copy files in restartable mode.")] Boolean Restartable;
    [Write, Description("Do multi-threaded copies with n threads (default 8). N must be at least 1 and not greater than 128. This option is incompatible with the /IPG and /EFSRAW options. Redirect output using /LOG option for better performance.")] Boolean MultiThreaded;
    [Write, Description("Exclude Files matching given names/paths/wildcards.")] String ExcludeFiles;
    [Write, Description("Output status to LOG file.")] String LogOutput;
    [Write, Description("Determine whether to overwrite log file or append.")] Boolean AppendLog;
    [Write, Description("Robocopy has MANY configuration options. Too many to present them all as DSC parameters effectively. Use this option to set additional parameters. Each parameter should be a separate array member. This array will be combined with main argument array. For a list of options run Robocopy /??? in a shell window.")] String AdditionalArgs[];
    [Read, ValueMap{"Present", "Absent"}, Values{"Present", "Absent"}, Description("Will indicate whether Destination is in sync with Source")] String Ensure;