
enum Ensure

   This resource manages the file in a specific path.
   [DscResource()] indicates the class is a DSC resource

class CreateSBETestFile
       This property is the fully qualified path to the file that is
       expected to be present or absent.

       The [DscProperty(Key)] attribute indicates the property is a
       key and its value uniquely identifies a resource instance.
       Defining this attribute also means the property is required
       and DSC will ensure a value is set before calling the resource.

       A DSC resource must define at least one key property.


        This property indicates if the settings should be present or absent
        on the system. For present, the resource ensures the file pointed
        to by $Path exists. For absent, it ensures the file point to by
        $Path does not exist.

        The [DscProperty(Mandatory)] attribute indicates the property is
        required and DSC will guarantee it is set.

        If Mandatory is not specified or if it is defined as
        Mandatory=$false, the value is not guaranteed to be set when DSC
        calls the resource. This is appropriate for optional properties.

    [Ensure] $Ensure

       This property defines the fully qualified path to a file that will
       be placed on the system if $Ensure = Present and $Path does not

       NOTE: This property is required because [DscProperty(Mandatory)] is

        This method is equivalent of the Set-TargetResource script function.
        It sets the resource to the desired state.

    [void] Set()
        $fileExists = $this.TestFilePath($this.Path)
        if ($this.ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            if (-not $fileExists)
            if ($fileExists)
                Write-Verbose -Message "Deleting the file $($this.Path)"
                Remove-Item -LiteralPath $this.Path -Force

        This method is equivalent of the Test-TargetResource script function.
        It should return True or False, showing whether the resource
        is in a desired state.

    [bool] Test()
        $present = $this.TestFilePath($this.Path)

        if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present)
            return $present
            return -not $present

        This method is equivalent of the Get-TargetResource script function.
        The implementation should use the keys to find appropriate resources.
        This method returns an instance of this class with the updated key

    [CreateSBETestFile] Get()
        $present = $this.TestFilePath($this.Path)

        if ($present)
            $file = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $this.Path
            $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present
            $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent

        return $this

        Helper method to check if the file exists and it is file

    [bool] TestFilePath([string] $location)
        $present = $true

        $item = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $location -ea Ignore
        if ($item -eq $null)
            $present = $false
        elseif ($item.PSProvider.Name -ne "FileSystem")
            throw "Path $($location) is not a file path."
        elseif ($item.PSIsContainer)
            throw "Path $($location) is a directory path."

        return $present

        Helper method to copy file from source to path

    [void] CreateFile()
        [System.IO.FileInfo] $destFileInfo = new-object System.IO.FileInfo($this.Path)
        if (-not $destFileInfo.Directory.Exists)
            Write-Verbose -Message "Creating directory $($destFileInfo.Directory.FullName)"

                Use CreateDirectory instead of New-Item to avoid code
                 to handle the non-terminating error


        if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $this.Path -PathType Container)
            throw "Path $($this.Path) is a directory path"

        if (-not $this.TestFilePath($this.Path))
                Write-Verbose -Message "Creating file $($this.Path)"
                "Test" | Out-File -FilePath $this.Path -Encoding "UTF8" -ErrorAction Stop
                throw "Failed to create $($this.Path)..."
        # DSC engine catches and reports any error that occurs
} # This module defines a class for a DSC "FileResource" provider.