
lmu (Windows and Unix options)
 -c <serverName[:port]> #Initialize license on a license client for an existing license server, portdefaults to 2380 {W}
 -f <skfFilename> #Configure license using a .skf file {W,U}
 # License this client (where lmu is running) as a license client to existing license server Tiger on the default port:
    lmu -cTiger -nc
 # Make current PC called Bear (where lmu is running) a license server on a non-standard port
    lmu -cBear -ns -po5555
 # Install keys from a .skf file where lmu is running (not sure we can install a skf on a remote PC)
    lmu -f SD1234567890.skf
 #Probably won't need below options on first iteration
 -nc #Network client installation (used with -c or -r) {W}
 -ns #Network server installation (used with -c or -r) {W}
 -po <port> #Specify a port other than the default 2380 {W}
 -r #Reinitialize license (used with -ns and -po) {W}
 -r <serverName[:port]> #Reinitialize license on a license client for server and optionally port (used with -nc) {W}