
    Creates a color set object. Foreground and background.

    Creates a pair foreground and background color which
    express a given console format color to use with
    Out-ColorFormat cmdlet.

PS> New-ConsoleColorSet -ForegroundColor Yellow
Returns an object which express a foreground color as Yellow

PS> New-ConsoleColorSet -BackgroundColor Black
Returns an object which express a background color as Black

PS> New-ConsoleColorSet -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black
Returns an object which express Yellow foreground and black background colors


function New-ConsoleColorSet {
        [System.ConsoleColor] $ForegroundColor,

        [System.ConsoleColor] $BackgroundColor

    $consoleColorSetTable = @{}
    if ($PsBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'ForegroundColor') {
        $consoleColorSetTable['ForegroundColor'] = $ForegroundColor

    if ($PsBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'BackgroundColor') {
        $consoleColorSetTable['BackgroundColor'] = $BackgroundColor

    $consoleColorSet = [PSCustomObject] $consoleColorSetTable
    $val = GetConfig('Module.ConsoleColorSetTypeName')
    $consoleColorSet.PSTypeNames.Insert(0, $val)
    Write-Output $consoleColorSet