
# Localized messages
data LocalizedData
    # culture="en-US"
    ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
    VerboseGetTargetCheckingTarget = Checking for the existance of key "{0}" in ConfigSection "{1}" located at "{2}"
    VerboseGetTargetAttributeCheck = Checking if key "{0}" is an Attribute
    VerboseGetTargetKeyNotFound = Key "{0}" has not been found.
    VerboseGetTargetKeyFound = Key "{0}" has been found
    VerboseSetTargetCheckingKey = Checking for existance of key "{0}"
    VerboseSetTargetAddItem = Key "{0}" does not exist, adding key
    VerboseSetTargetEditItem = Key "{0}" exists, editing key
    VerboseSetTargetRemoveItem = Key "{0}" exists, removing key
    VerboseTestTargetCheckingTarget = Checking for the existance of key "{0}" in ConfigSection "{1}" located at "{2}"
    VerboseTestTargetKeyNotFound = Key "{0}" has not been found.
    VerboseTestTargetKeyWasFound = Key "{0}" has been found.


        Gets the value of the specified key in the config file

function Get-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [System.String] $WebsitePath,

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [System.String] $ConfigSection,

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String] $Key

    Write-Verbose `
        -Message ($LocalizedData.VerboseGetTargetCheckingTarget -f $Key, $ConfigSection, $WebsitePath )

    $existingValue = Get-ItemValue `
                        -Key $Key `
                        -IsAttribute $false `
                        -WebsitePath $WebsitePath `
                        -ConfigSection $ConfigSection

    if ( $null -eq $existingValue )
        Write-Verbose `
            -Message ($LocalizedData.VerboseGetTargetAttributeCheck -f $Key )

        $existingValue = Get-ItemValue `
                            -Key $Key `
                            -IsAttribute $true `
                            -WebsitePath $WebsitePath `
                            -ConfigSection $ConfigSection

    if ( $existingValue.Length -eq 0 )
        Write-Verbose `
            -Message ($LocalizedData.VerboseGetTargetKeyNotFound -f $Key )

         return @{
             Ensure = 'Absent'
             Key = $Key
             Value = $existingValue

    Write-Verbose `
        -Message ($LocalizedData.VerboseGetTargetKeyFound -f $Key )

    return @{
        Ensure = 'Present'
        Key = $Key
        Value = $existingValue

        Sets the value of the specified key in the config file

function Set-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [System.String] $WebsitePath,

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [System.String] $ConfigSection,

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String] $Key,

        [System.String] $Ensure = 'Present',

        [String] $Value,

        [System.Boolean] $IsAttribute

    if ($Ensure -eq 'Present')
        Write-Verbose `
            -Message ($LocalizedData.VerboseSetTargetCheckingKey -f $Key )

        $existingValue = Get-ItemValue `
                            -Key $Key `
                            -IsAttribute $IsAttribute `
                            -WebsitePath $WebsitePath `
                            -ConfigSection $ConfigSection

        if ( (-not $IsAttribute -and ($null -eq $existingValue) ) `
                -or ( $IsAttribute -and ($existingValue.Length -eq 0) ) )
            Write-Verbose `
                -Message ($LocalizedData.VerboseSetTargetAddItem -f $Key )

            Add-Item `
                -Key $Key `
                -Value $Value `
                -IsAttribute $IsAttribute `
                -WebsitePath $WebsitePath `
                -ConfigSection $ConfigSection
            $propertyName = 'value'

            if ( $IsAttribute )
                $propertyName = $Key

            Write-Verbose `
                -Message ($LocalizedData.VerboseSetTargetEditItem -f $Key )

            Edit-Item `
                -PropertyName $propertyName `
                -OldValue $existingValue `
                -NewValue $Value `
                -IsAttribute $IsAttribute `
                -WebsitePath $WebsitePath `
                -ConfigSection $ConfigSection
        Write-Verbose `
            -Message ($LocalizedData.VerboseSetTargetRemoveItem -f $Key )

        Remove-Item `
            -Key $Key `
            -IsAttribute $IsAttribute `
            -WebsitePath $WebsitePath `
            -ConfigSection $ConfigSection

        Tests the value of the specified key in the config file

function Test-TargetResource
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [System.String] $WebsitePath,

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [System.String] $ConfigSection,

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [String] $Key,

        [String] $Value,

        [System.String] $Ensure = 'Present',

        [System.Boolean] $IsAttribute

    if ( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IsAttribute') )
        $IsAttribute = $false

   Write-Verbose `
        -Message ($LocalizedData.VerboseTestTargetCheckingTarget -f $Key, $ConfigSection, $WebsitePath )

    $existingValue = Get-ItemValue `
                        -Key $Key `
                        -IsAttribute $IsAttribute `
                        -WebsitePath $WebsitePath `
                        -ConfigSection $ConfigSection

    if ( $Ensure -eq 'Present' )
        if ( ( $null -eq $existingValue ) -or ( $existingValue -ne $Value ) `
                -or ($existingValue.Length -eq 0) )
            Write-Verbose `
                -Message ($LocalizedData.VerboseTestTargetKeyNotFound -f $Key )
            return $false
        if ( ( $null -ne $existingValue ) -or ( $existingValue.Length -ne 0 ) )
             Write-Verbose `
                -Message ($LocalizedData.VerboseTestTargetKeyNotFound -f $Key )

            return $false

    Write-Verbose `
            -Message ($LocalizedData.VerboseTestTargetKeyWasFound -f $Key)

    return $true

# region Helper Functions

function Add-Item
        [string] $Key,

        [string] $Value,

        [Boolean] $isAttribute,

        [string] $WebsitePath,

        [string] $ConfigSection

    $itemCollection = @{
        Key   = $Key;
        Value = $Value;

    if ( -not $isAttribute )
        Add-WebConfigurationProperty `
            -Filter $ConfigSection `
            -Name '.' `
            -Value $itemCollection `
            -PSPath $WebsitePath
        Set-WebConfigurationProperty `
            -Filter $ConfigSection `
            -PSPath $WebsitePath `
            -Name $Key `
            -Value $Value `
            -WarningAction Stop

function Edit-Item
        [string] $PropertyName,

        [string] $OldValue,

        [string] $NewValue,

        [Boolean] $IsAttribute,

        [string] $WebsitePath,

        [string] $ConfigSection

    if ( -not $IsAttribute )
        $filter = "$ConfigSection/add[@$PropertyName=`'$OldValue`']"

        Set-WebConfigurationProperty -Filter $filter `
            -PSPath $WebsitePath `
            -Name $PropertyName `
            -Value $NewValue `
            -WarningAction Stop
        Set-WebConfigurationProperty `
            -Filter $ConfigSection `
            -PSPath $WebsitePath `
            -Name $PropertyName `
            -Value $NewValue `
            -WarningAction Stop

function Remove-Item
        [string] $Key,

        [Boolean] $IsAttribute,

        [string] $WebsitePath,

        [string] $ConfigSection

    if ( -not $isAttribute )
        $filter = "$ConfigSection/add[@key=`'$key`']"
        Clear-WebConfiguration `
            -Filter $filter `
            -PSPath $WebsitePath `
            -WarningAction Stop
        $filter = "$ConfigSection/@$key"

            This is a workaround to ensure if appSettings has no collection
            and we try to delete the only attribute, the entire node is not deleted.
            if we try removing the only attribute even if there is one collection item,
            the node is preserved.

        Add-Item `
            -Key 'dummyKey' `
            -Value 'dummyValue' `
            -IsAttribute $false `
            -WebsitePath $WebsitePath `
            -ConfigSection $ConfigSection

        Clear-WebConfiguration `
            -Filter $filter `
            -PSPath $WebsitePath `
            -WarningAction Stop

        Remove-Item `
            -Key 'dummyKey' `
            -IsAttribute $false `
            -WebsitePath $WebsitePath `
            -ConfigSection $ConfigSection

function Get-ItemValue
        [string] $Key,

        [Boolean] $isAttribute,

        [string] $WebsitePath,

        # If this is null $value.Value will be null
        [string] $ConfigSection

    if (-not $isAttribute)
        $filter = "$ConfigSection/add[@key=`'$key`']"
        $value = Get-WebConfigurationProperty `
                    -Filter $filter `
                    -Name 'value' `
                    -PSPath $WebsitePath
        $value = Get-WebConfigurationProperty `
                    -Filter $ConfigSection `
                    -Name "$Key" `
                    -PSPath $WebsitePath

    return $value.Value

# endregion

Export-ModuleMember -Function *-TargetResource